For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 18 Team

Xuancao nodded with understanding, patted You Qianxue, who looked very dissatisfied with a smile, and asked strangely, "It's so strange that there aren't many people here?"

"I don't know about this, but we just waited for a long time before you came." You Qianxue said and stared at Xue Yue. Xue Yue smiled bitterly. Although they were very dissatisfied with the son of the leader, they could not say the cards on his body at will. Otherwise, the leader would know that some words would come out of their mouths, and I'm afraid there would be no good result.

But obviously, at this time, You Qianxue didn't think so much at all. She just felt wronged, and Xue Yue actually insulted herself! Thinking of this, her face became worse and worse. Xuancao saw her like that, and she was also a girl. Naturally, she knew what the little girl thought, but some words were not what she could say. She looked around and suddenly smiled and said, "Look, someone is coming."

Four people came this time, and it can be seen that they should have a better relationship. Those people came over and were a little surprised to see them standing at the door and not going in: "Why are you standing at the door?"

"Because this is relatively dangerous, I'm afraid that several of us are not strong enough, so we want to wait for a few more people to go in together." Xuancao said with a smile. After listening to her words, the speaker nodded with some understanding: "Do you mean you want to be with us?"

Xuancao nodded.

After listening to her words, the man discussed with the people behind for a while, and then nodded to her: "It's okay, but after entering, you have to listen to us."

"Why!" You Qianxue was suddenly a little dissatisfied and asked with a frown.

"The reason is very simple. You are not as many as us!" The man said with a proud look on his face. Xuancao listened to the man's words and hesitated a little. Although she knew that if she wanted to form a team, there must be a leader, that person did not speak very well. Thinking about it, she turned her head to look at Xue Yue.

Xue Yue hesitated, then nodded and said, "Okay, we promise you."

"Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Qin Tian. He is my younger brother, Qin Yu. Those two are my good brothers. One is Liu Hao and the other is Wang Dun." Qin Tian said and stretched out his hand to Xue Yue.

Xue Yue nodded, then shook hands with him and said, "I'm Xue Yue, this is my Taoist couple You Qianxue, and that one is Xuancao."

"Very good, before we came out of that maze, then we were teammates! Wait a minute, I hope you can perform well and don't hold back!" After saying that, the man went straight inside. You Qianxue was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the man. She snorted coldly and stared at Xue Yue next to her. Xue Yue smiled bitterly, then held her in his arms and said, "Okay, don't make trouble. After all, there are few people here, and it's good to have a team."

"Okay, okay, I know. Let go of me quickly. There are still people watching."

You Qianxue, who was originally careless, was suddenly hugged by Xue Yue, and immediately flew a trace of red glow on her face and struggled embarrassed to say. After listening to her words, Xue Yue immediately let go of her, with a trace of red on her face. Looking at the two of them like this, Xuanca coughed and went in before them.

When I looked at this entrance from the outside, I couldn't see what it looked like inside. I could only see that it was dark inside, but after entering, I found that it was actually bright inside.

The mountain walls inside seem to be inlaid with night pearls, shining soft light one by one. Xuancao hesitated and wanted to touch the thing with her hand. But he was suddenly pulled by You Qianxue: "I still don't want it. What if you encounter any mechanism?"

Obviously, the people in front of him heard their words and immediately bursts of laughter: " Coward!"

There was a man who said, went straight to touch the night pearl on the wall, and poked hard, "Look, it's nothing!" As soon as he finished speaking, his body was suddenly tied up by something.

"..." Xuancao was shocked and subconsciously took two steps back.

"Qin Yu, Qin Yu..." Qin Tian shouted loudly, and then used a blade to cut the net on his body.

"Brother, brother, I feel uncomfortable..." Qin Yu said with difficulty in the net. At this time, suddenly a big shadow slowly swallowed from the side. After the shadow approached, Xuancao found that it was not something else, but a huge spider!

The spider slowly crawled towards Qin Yu. At this time, Qin Yu's net also began to shrink violently.

The struggle on Qin Yu's face became more obvious. Seeing Qin Yu like this, Qin Tian immediately set a fire to burn the spider. But the spider spit out a pool of white mucus, and the fire did not burn it at all.

"What are you doing there? Why don't you come and help my brother..."

Qin Tian said loudly. Xuancao listened to his words. At this time, she realized that she wanted to help him, but she was pulled down by You Qianxue behind. Xuancao looked at You Qianxue's disapproving look and sighed, "If we don't help them, what's the meaning of forming a team?"

Xuancao finished speaking, and then put a wall of fire. Because the spider spewed out another white thing, at this time, she released another wooden winding technique. A green vine came out directly and entangled the spider. The spider seemed to be very dissatisfied with this and began to struggle there.

At this time, Xue Yue also began to help break the cobweb with something. Later, it was broken by the direct fire blade. Qin Yu suddenly fell to the ground. His body was one by one. Obviously, he also suffered a lot when he was rescued just now.

At this time, Xuancao directly surrounded all the spiders with winding. Liu Hao in Qin Tian's place directly put ice thorns one after another and stabbed the spider to death.

"Thank you very much for this time." Qin Tian came over and said to Xuancao and Xue Yue. Xuancao smiled and said, "It's okay. Are we in the same team?"

"Well, it's all you. If you hadn't said that the pearl that night, I would have touched it!" Obviously, although Qin Tian appreciates it, it does not mean that his brother also appreciates it. After listening to Qin Yu's words, Qin Tian snorted coldly, "Well, don't say a few words. If you don't want to touch it yourself, can't others still tie you up!"

After saying that, he smiled apologetically at Xuancao.

Xuancao also smiled and then continued to walk forward. After this incident, they didn't dare to touch other things no matter how good they looked. There are many choices here. Xuancao walked and felt that she was lucky to follow the team. Otherwise, she would definitely have no choice by herself. She didn't feel it, but when she came in for two steps, she suddenly felt that she must have a choice barrier.

"It's time to choose the way again. You can choose this time."

Qin Tian stopped, looked at the fork in the road in front of him and said.

After listening to Qin Tian's words, Xuancao immediately looked at Xue Yue. Xue Yue hesitated and then said, "Brother Qin led the way very well..."

"Brother Xue, don't talk about it there. I know the way I lead by myself. If it's good, I'm afraid we would have gone out a long time ago. Now we can say that we are just spinning around here, not even touching spider monsters like just now, let alone treasures!"

Xuancao heard this and slandered in her heart. If you want to touch the monster, I'm afraid that you will touch the night pearl again! Although she thought so, she didn't say anything. Xue Yue hesitated and then looked at You Qianxue next to him. You Qianxue hesitated and said to the right with her slender fingers, "Anyway, I don't know how to go, so just go there."

"Why?" Qin Tian said, looking at the hole on the right strangely, as if to see the difference. But in Xuanca's opinion, there is no difference at all. It's basically the same.