For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 26 Beautiful Red

After listening to Xuancao's words, the female ghost king nodded: "Ok, Xuancao, you can follow me later."


Xuancao nodded to show that she knew.

Looking at Xuancao's clever appearance, the female ghost king suddenly laughed and pinched it on her face: "No wonder this stinky man defends you like this, and he really looks clever and sensible."

"Okay, don't bully her!" Prince Hua said with some dissatisfaction.

"Oh, since you don't trust me like this, just come with me." The female ghost king said and blinked at Prince Hua, which was a little **. But Prince Hua didn't look at her, but just looked at Xuancao, with a worried face.

The female ghost king suddenly became unhappy. She snorted coldly, and then pulled Xuancao and said, "Let's go. Don't pay attention to this person. It looks like she cares about you so much, but in fact it's not at all!" After saying that, he directly pulled Xuancao away. Xuanca was pulled by her like this. Although she was not used to it, there was no other way.

Watching the two of them leave, Prince Hua could only sigh.

Xuancao was taken to her sedan chair by the female ghost king. The sedan chair was carried by several long people, but there were four-legged things underneath. Xuancao looked at the man curiously, and the female ghost king was a little proud: "Well, there is no such person there."

Xuancao nodded and asked curiously, "Who are they? Why do they look so strange?"

"It's not too strange, but it's strange that you don't have it. These are ghost horses. We usually carry sedan chairs like this here, and they are easy to use. The female ghost king said, with a little pride on her face. Looking at the female ghost king, Xuancao asked hesitantly, "I listen to your tone. Well, Uncle Hua came down from above. So, what about you, have you been here since you were a child?

"That's natural. I've been the ghost king here since I was born!" The female ghost king said, with a little complatic on her face. Looking at the female ghost king like this, Xuancao nodded secretly. For her, it must be a very proud thing here. Thinking of this, it suddenly occurred to her that since she was born here, she must be very familiar with it.

"Then I, when can I get out of here!"

Xuancao said and looked at the female ghost king in front of her. When the female ghost king saw Xuancao like this, she hesitated and then said, "Actually, I don't know much about it. According to reason, there should be a chance to let you go out every two months. However, the exit may not be in the ghost field, so it is necessary to investigate it carefully. Don't worry, when I go back, I will find someone who specializes in calculating this to help you calculate it, and make sure you can go back then!"

As the ghost king said, she pinched her little face again, with some doubts on her face: "The temperature on your body seems to be different from mine."

Xuancao was shivered by her cold hands. After listening to her words, she couldn't say anything, so she could only smile dryly.

Seeing her like this, the female ghost king sighed and then looked at the street outside: "All the ghosts who come here rarely talk about what the world above is like. They seem to just want to forget the world above. Can you tell me what the world above is like?

"The world above?" Xuancao hesitated and then said, "The world above is different from here. The sky here seems to be always gray, and I don't feel the day or night. But in the world above, there will be sun, day and night. Moreover, in addition to black and gray, there are various colors of flowers and plants, and there is also a lot of food..."

When Xuancao said this, she suddenly had a strong impulse to go back. She bit her lip and lowered her head slightly. Looking at her like this, the female ghost king sighed and then said, "Listen to you, the world above seems to be beautiful."

"Not necessarily, because there will be people who will starve to death, die of illness, and some people will live a bad life. There will be a cold winter, rainstorm, and heat..." Xuancao said this and hesitated, because she didn't know if there would be no cold winter, rainstorm and heat here. After listening to her words, the female ghost king nodded and said that she knew: "No wonder there are people here who say that they are doing well and beautiful here."

After listening to the words of the female ghost king, Xuancao couldn't help laughing: "So, the world above is not necessarily better for many people than here."

"It's like this..." The female ghost king nodded as if she didn't understand. At this time, the sedan chair stopped and she went down first. Then, when I got to the bottom, I went down with Xuancao in my arms. When Xuancao endured the approach of the two people, there was a chill on her body with a smile on her face.

When the female ghost king saw her like this, she hesitated and asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"


Xuancao's subconscious answer.

"If you are not uncomfortable, why do you frown?"

Xuancao listened to the words of the Ghost King, smiled, and then said, "Maybe I'm not used to here. After all, I don't belong here, and I guess even if I die, I won't come here in the future."

"Oh, according to what you said, you should be a true practice."

"Well, that's right."

"If you fall into the devil's road, just like your uncle Hua, you may come here!"

"Uncle Hua is a demon!" Xuancao listened to her words and looked at the female ghost king in front of her with wide eyes. The female ghost king nodded: "That's natural. Otherwise, how could he become a prince in less than a hundred years here!" She said with a little pride in her tone.

Xuancao listened to the words of the female ghost king and had an unspeakable feeling in her heart.

At the beginning, what happened, why did Uncle Hua sacrifice his life to become a demon, and why would he be abandoned? Who is your mother and what does she look like?

A series of problems, but there is no result.

Obviously, according to Uncle Hua's words, or according to Xiaoya's own words. Xiaoya should have left it to her mother, but since her mother has the ability to keep such a thing, why is she still persecuted? What kind of people hurt her and scare her, and how powerful are those people!

These things didn't come to fruition, because she didn't know what was happening at that time. Moreover, Uncle Hua is not ready to tell himself what happened. The most important thing is that Uncle Hua obviously knows that he exists. So, why did he still know his existence after a long time?

Thinking of these things, Xuancao suddenly felt that her head seemed to be a little insufficient, and her head ached violently. Seeing Xuanca's pale face, the female ghost king next to her was a little happy: "Look, your white face is much more pleasing to you than you just looked."

The words of the female ghost king were heard in Xuancao's ears, which made Xuancao have an indescribable feeling. However, she could only smile at the female ghost king and couldn't say anything. After all, the female ghost king doesn't understand at all that Xuancao's current state is uncomfortable! After the two entered the mansion of the female ghost king, Xuancao found that the room of the female ghost king was red, with large areas of red, and the color and the white, gray and black colors Xuancao saw here were very different.

Seeing Xuancao's surprised eyes, the female ghost king was a little proud: "Look, it's beautiful here!"

Xuancao listened to the words of the ghost king and was a little strange: "Why do you say you like red so much?"

"Red is so beautiful. It is the color of blood. Blood is the source of human life and the best drink in the world. Why don't you like red?" The female ghost king said, slightly raised the corners of her mouth and asked cruel questions in an innocent tone.

"Bright, you know, the red here is stained with blood from people. Although, there are other ways to make it red. But I always feel that only the red blood flowing from the human body is the purest red, don't you think?