For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 38 Transaction

To be honest, Xuancao doesn't like old people pretending to be cute there, but when You Qianxue did that, Xuancao didn't feel anything wrong. Maybe it's because she has prejudice in her heart that she looks like this.

"What's the matter? Do you lack the Valley of Spirits?"

"Well, my nephew complained several times that he couldn't receive any good Linggu. You happen to have no spiritual stone, but you have a spiritual valley. He is now holding the purchased spiritual stone, but there is no spiritual valley to go back to cross the intersection. At that time, it will also be a hammer. Well, I'll contact you. In this case, you two can buy it alone and sell it alone. How nice it is!"

Looking at You Qianxue's appearance, Xuancao thought about it, then nodded and said with a smile, "In this case, will it bother you?"

"How come? It's also a favor for him. You don't know how difficult it is to buy the spiritual valley here. After all, we are at sea. Secretly tell you that our green mountain was actually moved directly from the land by our ancestors. And a large part of this island was filled by him. Otherwise, how can a naturally formed island have such a high mountain, and there will not be so much flat land. However, this place still needs to be divided into parts. We live on that mountain. Originally, there were not many flat land, let alone open spiritual fields.

Most of the spiritual fields still need to grow medicine or something, so naturally there will be much less. Therefore, every time we buy it directly outside. If you buy it on land, it will take a lot of effort just to go there. I want to buy it around, but it is much more difficult. Now that you have it, that's the best. You two wait a minute. I'll send him a message and ask him to come over once.

You Qianxue said a lot at once, and regardless of whether Xuancao reflected it or not, she directly released a communication symbol. Soon, the letter flew out directly. Seeing You Qianxue's enthusiastic appearance, Xuancao had an indescribable feeling in her heart, as if she was moved and felt a little funny. Yes, I think it's a little funny. She originally felt that selling Linggu casually was afraid of causing unnecessary peeps. But now there is such a good excuse to sell, and Yu Qianxue is her lucky star.

Thinking of this, Xuancao's expression on You Qianxue became hoter and hoter. You Qianxue felt it and frowned slightly and asked, "Why do you look at me like this? I'm furry."

"Because, I find that you are really my great savior. I haven't even thought about how to sell Linggu. You can help me find a good buyer. Do you think you are very good? Xuancao said and looked at the snow in front of her with a smile. You Qianxue was stunned when she heard this, and then suddenly laughed: "I didn't feel anything, but after listening to your words, I suddenly felt that I was really good." After saying that, he patted Xuancao on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, it's just a little thing. Don't worry about it."

Looking at You Qianxue's action, Xuancao felt more and more funny, but she couldn't help it.

You Qianxue's nephew came slowly, and soon there was a knock on the door. Xuancao walked over and opened the door and saw a teenager in Qingshan style clothes. He could be said to be very young or a little Zhengtai. The simplest feature is that the chin is clean and there is no beard at all. Obviously, it's not the time to grow a beard.

He was stunned when he saw Xuancao coming to open the door. Then he asked doubtfully, "I received the news from my aunt, so I came here specially. Excuse me..."

"Ah, the little swallow is here, right?"

You Qianxue shouted inside, then ran over, looked at the man in front of him, and said with a smile, "You're here. I tell you, I've found a large number of people in Linggu for you. You two can talk about the deal." After listening to her words, the teenager looked a little embarrassed. He took a slight look at Xuancao and then said, "Auntie, as I said, my name is Gu Yan, not a little swallow."

"Anyway, there is not much difference, little swallow. The seller I mentioned is her. You can discuss the price or something."

You Qianxue ignored the ancient proverb and said directly.

After listening to her words, Gu Yan sighed and then said to Xuancao, "Hello, my name is Gu Yan."

"Hello, my name is Xuancao. Well, I heard that you need a batch of spiritual valleys? Xuancao said, looking at the ancient proverb in front of her, and she was a little curious. How could the acquisition of Linggu be handed over to such a young Zhengtai? After listening to Xuancao's words, Gu Yan nodded, then looked inside and found that Xue Yue was also in it, and immediately smiled, "Uncle."

Xue Yue listened to the ancient proverb calling himself, nodded, and then drank a cup of tea there. Seeing that Xue Yue didn't pay much attention to himself, Gu Yu's face was a little disappointed. Seeing the ancient proverb, Xuancao suddenly felt a little strange. Why is this child so unenthusiastic to You Qianxue, but relatively much more enthusiastic about Xue Yue?

She thought about it, and then looked at the ancient proverb in front of her. The ancient proverb seemed to have come out of the loss just now and smiled, and then asked, "Are we going to talk here? Why don't we sit down and talk about it?"

Xuancao listened to the ancient proverb, nodded and muttered to herself that this baby is still very good, at least she seems to have a lot of experience in business. Relatively speaking, I have less experience in talking about business. And most of them are cheated when talking about business. Thinking of this, she felt a little sad.

However, she quickly adjusted her mind, asked Gu Yu to sit down and pour a cup of tea for Gu Yu. Seeing the ancient proverb sitting down, You Qianxue also sat down.

"Although Qianxue told me that you need a lot of spiritual valleys, I'm not sure about the specific amount of spiritual valleys you need there. Can you tell me so that I can see if I have that much?

Xuancao said, looking at the ancient proverb in front of her. Hearing her words, the ancient proverb looked a little surprised: "Do you say that there are many spiritual valleys here? I think you only have an acre of spiritual field here. I'm afraid that no matter how large I want, you can't swallow it."

In the ancient proverb's words, there was a little contempt for Xuancao. Xuancao immediately frowned, but she soon figured it out. I guess the ancient proverb regards himself as the kind of person who grows a little by himself and can't finish it, so he has to sell it. Therefore, she quickly adjusted her mentality and then said to the ancient saying, "Although I don't plant much here, I have planted a lot before, so I have gained a lot. You can tell me the approximate quantity, and I can calculate the price with you, right?

"How capable can you do a big thing? What I just said should have been right with you. If you say the quantity is large, the price will naturally not be bad for you, but if the quantity is small, I guess I will consider it.

The ancient proverb didn't give in. Listening to the two of them talking, You Qianxue was a little impatient. He tried to interrupt several times, but was pressed back by Xue Yue. Seeing the ancient proverb, Xuancao sighed and said, "Well, I'll sell you three thousand catties."

"Three thousand catties is not much." The ancient proverb hesitated, and then said, "Well, I'll buy you ten spiritual stones for 100 catties. What do you think?"

Xuancao listened to this and quickly converted it, and found that 3,000 catties were only 300 spiritual stones. However, the living standard of these 300 spiritual stones here should be quite good. You can also try to find some array materials, so that you can arrange a array here. Otherwise, it seems too insecure here. I just decorated the room by myself. If a few Liang Shangjun came in to patronize me, I'm afraid that the previous layout of my room would be useless.

So Xuancao nodded and said, "Well, give me a storage bag, and I'll help you pack it."

"Hmm." The ancient proverb nodded. Obviously, he was also a relatively simple person and quickly took down an empty storage bag from his belt. Xuancao took the empty storage bag into the room, poured 3,000 catties of spiritual valley, and then went out to give it to the ancient proverb.