For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 141 Approaching

When she opened her eyes, she felt that she had touched the edge of the breakthrough, but it was only a little worse. She thought about it and felt a little regretful. If you have broken through now, you can go back to your previous practice. In this way, you won't shrink your head and tail like this when dealing with those magic wolves! Thinking of this, she bit her lip, walked to the stone and replaced it. Stone took a look at Xuancao, nodded, and went back to meditate without saying anything.

Xuancao seems to have become a habit of killing those devil wolves. After a while, the wolves didn't seem to come in again... Seeing this scene, Xuancao immediately remembered. Last time, after dawn, it was the same! She thought and came to the entrance of the cave carefully. Sure enough, I saw the sunshine outside very bright. Looking at the dazzling sunshine, Xuancao sighed for the first time that it was good to have sunshine.

After watching the sunshine, she went into the cave to see Gao Yang. Gao Yang's face has basically returned to normal. She touched Gao Yang's head and felt that it was not hot. At this time, Stone came to her side, looked at Gao Yang and said, "Those magic wolves have retreated?"

Xuancao nodded and said, "Well, I looked outside. It's dawn now."

"You said, where did those magic wolves come from? I feel that I have killed a lot, but those magic wolves don't seem to be missing at all." Stone said, frowned slightly, and looked at Xuancao. Xuancao hesitated and then shook her head. In fact, she was thinking about whether those magic wolves were made by her master. However, if it is made by his master, what exactly will those magic wolves be? She thought for a while, but she couldn't figure it out, so she simply didn't want to.

Because the idea was too amazing, she didn't tell Stone and had to explain it. Shitou smiled twice and then said, "Well, I'll go out and find some food. You look at Gao Yang here." Xuancao nodded and watched the stone go out.

Not long after the stone went out, Gao Yang woke up. He was a little confused and seemed to be a little surprised where he was now. But he soon remembered that Xuancao's face was a little bad. Xuancao also didn't look at Gao Yang at all. She looked directly at the mouth of the cave and asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

Gao Yang listened to Xuancao's words, hesitated, and then nodded. Xuancao saw him like that, hooked the corners of her lips, and then handed him some wrinkles that began to leave behind. He looked at the porridge in surprise and asked doubtfully, "Do we have a pot now?"

"It's all there." Xuancao said, and then stood up. She wants to walk outside the cave. Anyway, with Gao Yang by her side, it is impossible for her to meditation at ease. If Gao Yang comes to hold himself hostage again, he will go crazy.

Looking at Xuancao going straight out, Gao Yang was stunned, but he didn't say anything, just lowered his head to eat porridge. He quickly finished eating, looked in the cave, and then went out. Seeing Gao Yang come out, Xuancao was a little puzzled and frowned and asked, "Why did you come out?"

"No, I just want to look outside." Gao Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. Obviously, it was because he had been in the cave for several days, so he was a little uncomfortable. Looking at Gao Yang's appearance, Xuancao raised the corners of her lips and wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything.

Stone will come back soon. He is probably afraid of encountering some spirit beasts when he goes far away. This time, he took not only a pheasant, but also a few eggs and two rabbits. Xuanca was a little surprised to see that the stone had hunted so many prey. She knows stones. Stones are generally outside, hunting only enough to eat, and will not deliberately hunt more food.

Looking at the look of Xuancao, Stone looked a little embarrassed and said with a smile, "Well, I guess I will eat more. I feel that I almost broke through, but there seems to be something else that can't keep up, so I haven't broken through. I'm wondering if it's because I eat too little..."

Hearing Shitou's words, Xuancao couldn't help laughing, and then nodded. She finally knew it.

He should be happy to see Gao Yang wake up, but what he said was: "Ah, you're not dead."

Gao Yang listened to Stone's words and raised his eyebrows: "That's natural. You're not dead. How can you let those wolves come in and eat me?"

Looking at the two of them, Xuancao couldn't help rubbing her eyebrows and then said, "Let's go in and get some food. I'll sit down when you're ready. I feel like I'm fast, but I'm still one step away."

"Well, tonight is our last night here. I hope we can both break through." Stone nodded and then followed her in. Gao Yang looked at the two of them and frowned slightly.

However, after seeing that both of them went in, Gao Yang quickly followed in.

Sure enough, Stone has always been hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, and the eggs he specially got back were for Gao Yang. Gao Yang looked at the stone doubtfully while eating eggs. Stone was a little embarrassed by him and looked at Gao Yang in front of him angrily: "What do I look like? Why do you always look at me!"

Gao Yang listened to this, smiled, and then stopped saying anything, but focused on eating the food in front of him. Looking at Gao Yang's appearance, Xuancao couldn't help sighing and felt a headache. She just practiced for a while and felt that her aura had recovered a lot, but she was not as good as last night, and she didn't know why. Looking at Xuancao's appearance, Stone frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Xuanca shook her head and didn't want to tell her distress.

The meal was quickly ready. The bowls and chopsticks were made of stone yesterday, and several people ate the meal quietly.

After eating, after cleaning up, Xuancao and Stone began to meditate in turn. Gao Yang seemed to know that Xuancao was guarding him. When he saw them meditate, he went straight back to his room.

The time soon came to the evening, and there were waves of wolves howling. The eyes of Xuancao and Stone suddenly lit up. I don't know why they are looking forward to the arrival of those wolves today. Probably because they found that their aura was hollowed out before practicing, the effect was much better.

The two took turns, while Gao Yang was looking outside. After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Can I help you with anything?"

Xuancao listened to Gao Yang's words, hesitated, and then shook her head and said, "You really don't have anything to help us now. Why don't you go back to bed and wait until you wake up tomorrow? I guess these wolves have also retreated. We can also go directly to Tianzhou.

Gao Yang listened to this, took a look at Xuancao, turned around and left. Seeing Gao Yang's appearance, Xuancao sighed and then continued to meditate.

Sure enough, at dawn, she and the stone broke through! Xuancao directly broke through to the fetal period, and so did Stone. Although it was said that they were both in the early stage of fetal life, the two were still very happy. After all, they have been stuck there for a long time, because their cultivation has been restored, so the two can be said to have slaughtered those wolves on one hand. Probably because at this time, those wolves had no chance to devour the bodies of their companions, so the corpses of those wolves were everywhere.

This time, the Wolf King did not come.

Xuancao is a little disappointed.

But at dawn, Xuancao found that the bodies of the wolves had turned into pieces of paper. Xuanca was surprised to see that scene. The stone also gathered around and looked at the pieces of paper. He couldn't help smiling bitterly: "I said, why did these magic wolves come to slaughter us for no reason, and there are still so many spiritual beasts in this forest..."

Hearing this, Xuancao bit her lip and said, "I will probably do this, probably only my brother."

"His idea must be good. He wants to force us to break through quickly." Stone said, shrugged his shoulders with a simple smile on his face: "Anyway, his goal has been achieved."