For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 177

Xuancao frowned slightly. She didn't like this feeling very much. At this time, Mingxi twisted his body: "Myss, I feel like something good is coming out."

"Good thing?" Xuancao lowered her head and looked at the clarity next to her. Mingxi nodded and shook his little head: "Yes, good thing."

"What's good to hear?"

Xuancao became a little interested and looked at the clear with a smile. Mingxi hesitated, and then shook his head and said, "I can't feel the specifics, but we should be able to see it later." Clearly, the things below are naturally to be displayed. So you can see it in a moment.

Xuancao thought about it and had some expectations for what appeared below.

What comes out below is actually an inner Dan...

The shopkeeper Zhou above smiled and held the inner elixir in his hand and said, "This is the inner elixir left by a high-level spirit beast. Whether it is alchemy or used for other things, it is a good material. I don't know if anyone is interested in this Neidan. If so, please show your price.

Xuancao looked at the inner elixir on it, took a look at the clarity next to it, frowned slightly and said, "Is this the good thing you said?"

"This should be a dragonfly's inner elixir. I really don't know where they got it." He said clearly, with some doubts in his tone. Hearing the clear words, Xuancao hesitated and asked, "Do you mean, is this useful to you?"

"Well, it's still useful." Mingxi nodded, and then hesitated. "But it's similar to your ginseng fruit. You don't have to buy this on purpose." Xuancao listened to this Hua, and then looked at the people below who kept shouting prices, so she decided to give up this auction decisively.

"I really didn't expect that there are still people who can slaughter Jiao now." He said clearly, with a trace of sarcasm in his tone. Hearing the clear Hua, Xuancao blinked her eyes strangely and asked, "Why, I think you have a lot of feelings for that Jiao."

"How can that kind of thing not even be the last dragon, but just a reptile." He said clearly, and his tone was very proud. Looking at the clarity coiled up on her wrist, Xuancao suddenly felt speechless. Do you look very dignified now?

However, she quickly put aside this idea, because although many of the things auctioned below are useless to her, listening to more is also a good way to learn. Looking at so many auction items passing by the above, she was a little anxious. Because her ginseng has not been displayed yet. What if so many people buy the things in front of them, and there won't be so many spiritual stones when it comes to their own ginseng?

Although she knows that her thoughts are absurd, people still can't help thinking like that. Suddenly, a new item appeared on the table, which completely attracted Xuancao's eyes. That's nothing else, but a colorful gauze. According to the introduction of the shopkeeper Zhou above, it is a defensive spiritual weapon. If this thing is worn on the body, it can resist most of the damage. Most importantly, it looks very beautiful and feels smooth. In particular, everything above seems to be so harmonious, as if it were naturally generated. The four words Tianyi Seamless are the most appropriate to describe this dress.

When the shopkeeper Zhou took out this dress, his face was also a little drunk. Obviously, she also liked this dress very much. Xuancao looked at the dress and squeezed the palm of her hand slightly. At this time, Mingxi said, "Do you like such clothes?"

Xuancao took a look at the clarity next to her, wrinkled her nose slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction, "What do you know? Such clothes are beautiful."

"It's pretty good." He answered clearly, but obviously there was some disapproval in his tone. Looking at that clearly, Xuancao hummed and ignored him at all. Just looking at the clothes on it, she decided to bid.

The reserve price of this dress is 100 intermediate spiritual stones, perhaps because many people come here with their female companions. Or, some people buy it to please their Taoist couples. Therefore, the price of this dress rose rapidly and soon reached 500 spiritual stones.

In fact, if the value of this dress is only from the perspective of defense, 300 intermediate spirit stones is almost the same. But from the aesthetic point of view, it is naturally more than that. Hearing that it had reached 500 intermediate spiritual stones, Xuancao hesitated, gritted her teeth and said, "700 yuan!" Soon, there was a new price outside. The people outside seem to be very strange. Who would buy such flashy clothes? Xuancao also felt that she was bleeding, but it was difficult for her daughter to buy a good heart. It was rare for her to like such a dress, so she naturally she couldn't give up.

Maybe it was because she added a lot at one time, so she didn't continue to bid for a while. So Xuanca finally got the dress as she wished. Soon, a new product came out below, and Xuancao also saw the clothes here.

That dress looks better than on the table, with a faint soft light on it. She gently stroked it with her hand, and the material was very good, just like water.

"Well, I'll put it here for the guests." The girl who was sent in smiled and said when she saw that Xuancao liked it so much. Xuancao nodded and looked at the girl, one of the two girls who began to guard the door.

Seeing that the clothes have been put in your house price and love you, Xuancao is much relieved. Anyway, I can't wear it now, but it doesn't mean that I can't wear it after I go out. There are some new auction items outside, and Xuancao took a fancy to one of the earrings...

The earring looks like a drop of water, and it is bright red, and looks like two flames. Xuanca looked at the earrings and felt very beautiful. Although she knew that she was not suitable for red, she had a feeling of being moved.

When he clearly saw the Xuancao, he hissed twice, but didn't say anything. Obviously, he is very disgraceful of Xuancao's behavior. Seeing him like that, Xuancao hesitated and restrained her desire. Although she did not have earrings, she also lacked some such self-defense aura or magic weapons. But this thing is obviously not suitable for me.

Thinking of this, Xuancao sighed and touched the clarity with her hand. Mingxi shook his head: "I thought you would buy it."

"How could it be..." Xuancao said hypocritically.

"I saw that your eyes were shining just now. Do you want it?" As he said clearly, there was a little disdain on his face. Looking at that clear look, Xuancao rubbed his little head with her hand to make you want to laugh at me like this!

He swings his head clearly and with difficulty, and then tries to escape his head from Xuancao's search. Looking at the clarity, Xuancao is satisfied...

At this time, there was a new auction item on it. It was a pink-blue pendant, which was very beautiful and looked like a peach heart. At the same time, the appraiser also told his appraisal results, which turned out to be a magic weapon.

This magic weapon is a magic weapon for self-defense. When the owner is in danger, it will directly teleport the owner to another place and treat the injury on the owner's body. However, although this thing is good, there is a limit on the number of times it can be used.

After their survey, they said that this thing has only been used three times at most. If you buy this, it is equivalent to three more lives! Obviously, as soon as this thing was put up, it immediately aroused everyone's peeping. At the beginning of the auction, there were many bidderers. Xuancao looked at that thing and felt that it was very in line with her aesthetics in terms of beauty. And the pink and blue one is more suitable for you. Moreover, the practical value is also very high...

Her heart began to move.