For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 201

It is precisely because she can see that she has no special bad intentions that Xuancao is still willing to make friends with them.

The next day, Xuancao officially moved to her own room. The aunt came here specially and took her to buy vegetables, meat, and then warmed her kang. This time, he specially invited Mr. Hou. Anyway, he has a reputation for helping Xuancao cure the disease. If he is not invited, Xuancao will really not be a human being.

Mr. Hou came. As soon as she saw Mr. Hou, Run Niu immediately put it around Mr. Hou, and she didn't even listen to her aunt. Looking at Run Niu's appearance, Mr. Hou smiled and said, "The little daughter always wants to look like a little daughter, but she is also naive and cute."

"Oh, don't say that. She is very disfigured now. This has entered her ears, and I'm afraid it will make her more and more indulgent!" The aunt said with a satisfied smile on her face. Looking at them like this, Xuancao smiled and then said, "Yes, I heard that Mr. Hou, you also came here later. Speaking of which, the two of us are also predestined."

"No, I just came here because of refuge, and it's just a panicked dog." Mr. Hou said, with some self-deprecating in his tone. Xuancao didn't expect that Mr. Hou would say such a thing to herself, and she was stunned. Looking at her like this, Mr. Hou smiled and then didn't continue the topic.

But Xuancao is a little concerned about this. What is he implying?

A meal was quite happy, just because Mr. Hou was here, and everyone's center seemed to have suddenly shifted from Xuancao to Mr. Hou. Mr. Hou is also a beautiful man, and his words are excellent. Moreover, Xuancao felt that he seemed to be deliberately performing something in front of herself.

Seeing his appearance, although Xuancao was puzzled, it was difficult to ask directly. I'm afraid she was sentimental.

Because of my own house, the communication between Xuancao and Clarity is much more convenient. Mingxi said to Xuancao, "It's a little strange here. It doesn't seem to be the same as our original place."

Xuancao listened to this, hesitated, and then said, "I remember someone said at the beginning that the people who did not come out after a long time in the magic mirror finally disappeared. Do you think they are not missing, but abandoned into such a world?"

"If it is according to what the master thinks, it is also possible, but what kind of world is this world? It seems that there are immortals and monsters, but no one has heard of cultivation!" He said clearly, with some doubts in his tone.

"Moreover, the aura here is relatively thinner than where we used to stay. I am here with less aura recovered." He said clearly, with some complaints in his mouth. Xuancao knew clearly why there was such a complaint, because he found that he didn't even have a growing aura!

Looking at this clear appearance, Xuancao felt a little guilty: "I'm really sorry to have you here."

"What are you talking about? The master must not say such words again in the future. I follow my master, and naturally I will follow him wherever he goes!" As soon as he heard Xuancao say that, he hurried to comfort her. Hearing the clear words, Xuancao smiled bitterly twice, and there was a trace of uneasiness in her heart.

This is almost completely different from the place I used to stay. She was a little puzzled whether she had traveled again. But clearly followed him, and he also told himself that he was just sealed. So, it's impossible for me to travel again, but what kind of situation is it now?

Thinking about it, she couldn't figure it out, but felt that she had a headache. She simply didn't want it at all and just focused on practicing. After all, according to clear words, if she practices hard, as long as her cultivation reaches the valley again, her previous seal will disappear and she can directly break through the barrier of the valley.

Xuancao lived in the village like this. A year passed quickly, and she was also familiar with the rest of the village. Mr. Hou was still wandering in front of her at first, but later, he came less. On the contrary, the aunt sent some of the things she planted in her family from time to time. Seeing that Xuancao did nothing, she seemed a little worried: "I know that the girl used to be a woman in everyone at home, but look, you don't do anything here. No matter how much money you have, sooner or later It will run out!"

Looking at my aunt like this, Xuancao smiled and said, "I want to do it, but I'm afraid I'm not doing well."

"You are a girl, and it's not easy to go out to farm or something. It's better to grow some vegetables at home, at least when you eat them. Then, raise some livestock, which can be chewed more or less.

The aunt said, looking at the Xuanca in front of her. Xuancao can feel her kindness and know that she is kind. She doesn't know when she will be able to upgrade her cultivation to the valley period again. Now she is just three levels of practice.

Moreover, this was completed with the help of Clarity, and now Clarity is also working hard to help her improve her cultivation.

However, because the aura here is too scarce, the effect is so slow. After all, Xuancao was said to be a good spiritual root by the master at the beginning! In fact, Xuancao is still very anxious now that she can't get in touch with Xiaoya. If Xiaoya helps, she doesn't have to worry about the aura problem.

However, Xuancao still listened to her aunt's words. After all, she was indeed a little eye-catching. But she also changed her clothes and said that she had sold them and wore ordinary cloth clothes. Basically, I only use that jade hairpin on my body, and the dress is not much different from the rest of the village. But there is still a little bit!

Her temperament is there, and she doesn't look like a girl from the countryside. Therefore, the aunt still likes to put Run Niu by her side, saying that she wants to teach Run Niu more. Run Niu has been six years old for a year, and she looks more and more sensible.

So, Xuancao led Run Niu to open half an acre of land behind her house and planted some vegetables. He deliberately dug an acre pond in front of his house, which was quite large. He planted some lotus roots, put some small fish, and deliberately built a wooden bridge on the pond.

To her, the aunt only said that she was ridiculous and liked to toss around!

Xuancao listened to the aunt's words and just said with a smile, "I'm not like those men. I can go to the mountains and catch some fish back. It's better to raise it directly at the door. At that time, it will be sold as fresh fish. Maybe someone will get better!"

"The ideas of the people in your city are different from those in ours. Isn't it just some fish? If you want to eat it, tell me directly. I'll ask your eldest brother to catch some for you. Why is it so troublesome!"

The aunt said that Xuancao calculated the cost of labor and bridge, and her eyebrows twitched with heartache. Looking at the aunt like this, Xuancao can't argue more. After all, everyone thinks differently, and she does this not only to eat fish, but also thinks it will look better.

The second year has passed, but Xuancao has only reached the fifth level of the air practice period. This progress is really slow. Mingxi is not in a hurry, but very gratified by Xuancao's progress: "Here, it's good to have such a progress, but if you want to build the foundation, you can't practice step by step like this!"

"How about that?" Xuancao frowned slightly. She remembered that she used to build the foundation directly by Lingbao... Thinking of this, she remembered that she only saw Xiaoya after building the foundation. Is it the same this time?

"If there is no genius treasure, it's too slow. Moreover, I think it should not be difficult for the owner to build a foundation. After all, you have built a foundation before. Although your cultivation has been sealed, I have never heard of anyone building a foundation several times. Clearly said, shaking his head.