Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 1 Master your fate and look for bad luck

"Wow, this man is so lucky. Is it okay?"

"Mom, this brother is so lucky that he is not injured."

"I have lived for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen such a lucky person as this little brother. Is this little brother the legendary lucky star?"

My ears were full of endless discussions from passers-by, and I looked dullly at the front of the car less than a centimeter away from me. At this time, a figure was walking towards me quickly from the car.

"Little brother, you haven't been hurt, have you? I'm really sorry. There was something wrong with my brake system this morning. I just wanted to take it to the factory for repair, but I didn't expect such a big trouble. Uncle Hu, who came out of the car, looked at me with apologetically. After seeing the dullness on my face, he asked me with concern, "Is there anything wrong with you?" Do you want me to take you to the hospital?

"Ah, no, no need." I woke up after being so disturbed by Uncle Hu's cheeks. After waving my hands repeatedly, I quickly escaped from the scene of the car accident.

And behind me, the endless discussion continues.

Almost everyone looked at me with surprise, thinking that in their eyes, I was really a lucky person.

Yes, when I was about to be hit by a car rushing through a red light, a meteorite the size of a basket happened to fall from the sky, and then coincidentally hit the moving car.

Under the rapid impact of the meteorite, the strong forward power of the car was offset and stopped in front of me when it was about to hit me. What makes people more stunned is that none of the front fragments splashed by meteorites hit me with a dull face.

This is so lucky!

I'm afraid that the first thought that comes to most people's mind after hearing such a thing should be this.

But in my mind, another different voice keeps echoing.

Death... It's dead!

Generally speaking, as long as I encounter good things, I will definitely encounter worse things than this good thing within the next 24 hours.

Well, now I have escaped from death. So what will happen in front of me?

Is it more horrible than death?

Oh, my God, you might as well hit me like this!

Looking back at the front of the car that was sunken by a meteorite, my scalp couldn't help feeling numb.

Well, if you can, just hit a little bit.


Well, if I had known, I wouldn't have come to school today.

Looking at the school card of Xinghui High School in front of me, I sighed deeply. This may be the last time I see the school license plate.

"He Luo, why are you standing here?" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind me. Before I could turn around, a thick arm climbed to my shoulder, and then the sound continued.

"Aha, does your male soul finally wake up and begin to know the beauty of watching girls at the school gate?"

Less, come on! Do you think I'm the same sex man as you?

Although I am in a very gray mood now, even if I have a deep understanding of the phrase that I can't spit ivory in a dog's mouth, when I heard Colin's words, I couldn't help but raise the impulse to commit a crime.

I patted off the arm on my shoulder and turned my head to my right. There, a man with a long body and a handsome face like an ancient Roman statue was smiling brightly at me like the morning sun.

Damn it!

Although I had long been disappointed with God because of my strange fate, when I saw Colin's handsome face and the sunny smile on his face, my disappointment with God became stronger and stronger.

Why do people with eccentric personalities and thoughts like Colin have such a handsome face, and why can people like him show such a bright smile? Does God think that the number of women cheated in society is not enough?

The guy in front of me is called Colin, and he has been my friend since I was a child. From primary school to now, this guy and I have been classmates for at least ten years.

According to him, he and I are destined to be brothers for a lifetime.

But according to me, fate is there, but it's just evil fate.

"Didn't I tell you not to talk to me at school even if it's the end of the world!" He glanced at Colin fiercely and said unhappily.

"Haha, you are still so humorous." Colin put his hand back on my shoulder and gave me a bright smile. How, He Luo, did you gain anything this morning? Have you found the girl you like?

This guy is not listening to me at all!

Just as he opened his mouth and was about to speak, a melodious bell rang on the campus.

"Three minutes!" After saying this in unison with Colin, Colin and I rushed into the campus.

Our Xinghui High School is the largest of 13 high schools in Ivan City, covering an area of more than 1,000 mu, with the most perfect equipment and the best teachers. The vegetation coverage of the whole school has reached a staggering 63 percent, and rockery and fountains can be seen everywhere. The whole campus is shrouded in lush green, but there is a different wind.

Er, the above are all nonsense. What I really want to say is that because the school is too big, it takes at least 40 minutes to walk from the school gate to the teaching building at a normal speed. Although our sophomore teaching building is the closest to the gate, even so, it usually takes at least ten minutes from the gate to the teaching building.

And the bell rings, which means that there are still three minutes to start early reading!

No wonder the people who just passed by me are in a hurry. That's why.

"Wow, it's good to catch up." After suffering from the pain of anaerobic breathing, Colin and I finally ran into the classroom before the morning reading bell rang.

This Xinghui High School is good at everything, but the school rules are unbearable.

All students who are late for class, absent from class and leave early must sing to the whole school in the big square of the school on Saturday morning. And you can't sing other songs, you have to sing School Song.

That's right, that "the sun shines in the sky, the flowers smile at me, and the bird says it's early, why did you carry your schoolbag?"

Originally, some of my friends were still very envious of me for going to Xinghui High School, but when they learned the school rules of the school from me, their envy turned into sympathetic eyes without exception.

Alas, the mood when I saw their pitiful eyes was really hard to say.

"He Luo, what did you want to say to me when you were at the school gate just now?" Not long after sitting down, Colin, as a deskmate, poked his head and asked me.

"I..." After meditating for a moment, I smiled bitterly and said to Colin, "I'm lucky today."

As my evil friend for many years, Colin naturally knew my special fate long ago.

"Ah?" Seeing the bitter smile on my face, Colin's face showed a surprised expression. What's the matter?"

After telling Colin what happened in the morning, I sighed slightly. Hey, when I went out this morning, I felt that something good might happen today, but I didn't expect that I would encounter such a good thing this time.

"Hm..." With my right hand resting on my chin and meditating for a moment, Colin looked at my eyes with a strange light.

"So, do you want to do it?"

"Ah?" After listening to Colin's brainless words, I couldn't help but be stunned, and then what Colin once said to me rose to my mind. Er, didn't you say you were looking for a bad plan?

"Of course, anyway, if you encounter such a thing now, you might as well let go." Colin nodded.

After studying my fate for a while, Colin once proposed a plan to me. A plan he called "finding bad luck and mastering fate".

The whole plan is like this: since I will definitely have bad luck after encountering good luck, it is better to take the initiative and take the initiative to find bad luck to make myself bad enough. Well, it's like knowing clearly that you will lose money today, so you will lose money in advance when you go out, so you will naturally not lose money within the same day.

Well, to be honest, when I first heard about this plan, I was still very moved.

I don't know when the bad luck will happen compared with the bad luck created by themselves, ordinary people will choose the latter. After all, people always have an inexplicable fear of the unknown. It is naturally best to be able to control things in your own hands.

However, after careful consideration, I finally chose to abandon Colin's proposal.

Because this plan is based on the fact that you will not lose money after losing money in advance. But if this foundation does not exist, won't you lose money twice? Isn't it a waste of money?

Now when I hear Colin mention this suggestion, I suddenly have a new idea in my heart. As Colin said, anyway, I have now run into the great luck of escaping from death. If it can't be avoided, it's inevitable to die. It's better to let go. Wouldn't it be wonderful to survive because of this?

Thinking of this, I no longer hesitated and nodded to Colin.

"Then, do it!"

"What do you think of Sister Cheng Qingyi?" Seeing me nod, Colin proposed to me. Why don't we find it boring in her?

"Well, isn't this a little difficult? Maybe I'm going to be killed by her fans. Why don't we change it?"

Cheng Qingyi is the most popular senior in our school.

She not only has a face as exquisite as a classical beauty, but also has a super high IQ, and has always ranked first in the school year. More admonious than this, she has a pure heart like a saint. No matter what kind of person she treats, she is like a warm spring breeze. No matter how depressed your heart is, as long as you talk to her, the haze in your heart will gradually dissipate in her warm smile.

In a word, senior Cheng Qingyi is like a goddess in our school. If someone dares to have a bad idea about her, then the tide of worshippers will spit on that person to death.

Now Colin makes me find it boring on Sister Cheng Qingyi. Er, isn't this too... It's too difficult.

"Change?" Colin suddenly raised a tone, and the high voice seemed very abrupt in the classroom full of reading.

"Hip it up." After secretly pulling Colin, I discussed and said, "You also know Sister Cheng's popularity in our school. If you are not careful, I will really be trampled to death by her crazy fans."

"Do you know what's happened to you now?" Colin looked at me with an unkind face. You escaped from death not long ago! If you just choose some ordinary bad luck, it is absolutely impossible to offset such great luck as escaping from death. Therefore, looking for fun on Sister Cheng Qingyi is your only choice!"