Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 4 Superman?

When I was a child, I read comics and saw such a clip.

The protagonist in the comic drew a circle on the wall with a pen and rushed towards the wall. Then something magical happened. Instead of being hit back by being hit by the wall, the protagonist directly rushed into the circle on the wall and finally jumped out of another place with a circle.

When I saw this scene, I was full of envy for the protagonist in the comic.

If you have such a pen, it will be easier to go to school in the future.

But later, as I grew older, I realized that it was fictionalized by comics and was impossible to achieve.

Although I have some regrets in my heart, I also feel that this is what I should do. If such a thing really exists, then the most promising profession in the world should be a thief.

At that time, I didn't expect that one day I could experience the same thing as the protagonist in the comic.

After stepping into the rippled grass like a lake in front of me, I felt that my feet had passed through some kind of obstacle. At the same time, a cool feeling slowly passed from the foot to my whole body. And when I crossed the grass, I found that I had entered a pink tone, neatly arranged room.

It's amazing!

Looking back behind me, I found that a two-meter-high black hole behind me was shrinking rapidly. After a moment, the black hole disappeared into the air with a "bang".

"Master He Luo, please sit down."

Just as I was shocked by the magical space transfer, a faint voice sounded in my ear.

Looking up, I found that Sister Cheng had moved a chair in front of me.

"Oh." After sitting on the chair, I couldn't help asking Sister Cheng, "Sister Cheng, how did you do that just now?"

I have actually studied space transfer.

Now the most mainstream saying is that you can split your body into components through an instrument, then analyze it, and then use the material molecules there to reorganize your body at the other end.

However, even if the body can be reorganized, it is still impossible to reorganize thinking, memory and IQ. Therefore, in my opinion, this space transfer can only be compiled and cannot be achieved at all.

But I experienced space travel by myself just now, so why doesn't it make me curious?

"It's very simple." Sister Cheng poured a cup of tea for me with a blank face, and then explained, "As long as the space of the room and the space of the grass pile are folded through the space conversion device, the space can be transferred through the overlapping points."


Seeing my puzzled appearance, Sister Cheng picked up a piece of white paper from the desk and drew two dots on both ends of the white paper.

"Do you see these two points? Is there a distance between them?" Seeing me nod, the senior folded the white paper to make the two points on the white paper overlap. So, is there no distance between the two points now?

Seeing that I nodded thoughtfully, the senior sister continued, "The grass and the room are two points on white paper, and the function of the space conversion device is the same as what I just did, folding the distance between the grass and the two points of the room through some medium, so that the two points become zero distance. "

Finally, Sister Cheng added, "Master He Luo, this is just a simple space application technology. As the princess's husband, you can completely ignore this knowledge."

Well, to be honest, I really don't understand at all. What folding, what medium, doesn't sound like something I might know.

But this matter is not the point now.

The point is...

"Well, sister, is it me who is talking about the princess's husband? And why did the senior sister call me young master?

Although I have subconsciously avoided the princess husband mentioned by my senior sister, I can no longer be silent after being mentioned by my senior sister many times.

"Of course you are the person I'm talking about." Hearing my question, Sister Cheng raised her beautiful eyebrows and said rudely, "Otherwise, do you think I will call you young master?" Speaking of which, what do you mean by asking me? Haven't you made an eternal agreement with our princess? Do you still want to regret it now?

"Uh, uh..."

It's really hard to believe that the senior sister in front of me is Cheng Qingyi, who is known as the goddess of gentleness in school. This is a whole queen!

In front of the queen-like momentum of my senior sister, I couldn't help but lower my head, but after hesitated for a moment, I still asked, "What is the eternal agreement you mentioned?" I've never heard of it."

"What! You said you didn't know!" The senior sister's face became green in an instant, and her eyes stared at me fiercely. You actually..."

"Mix-woo..." As soon as the senior sister wanted to say something, the little guy who had been lying on ** suddenly jumped in front of me and shouted eagerly at the senior sister.

"Hm?" After listening to the little guy's words, the senior sister first looked at me suspiciously, then took the little guy to the bedside and communicated with the little guy in a language I had never heard of.

After a while, the senior sister came over from the bedside.

"I'm sorry, Master He Luo, this matter is my negligence. I didn't expect that the princess didn't even tell you such a thing. After a deep bow, the senior sister said with a serious face, "Since the princess hasn't told you anything, let me explain it to you."

"Hm, okay."

What else can I say besides this sentence?


Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!

To be honest, I really want to shout at the sky in order to shout out the depression in my heart.

But looking around the dark, I still gave up this seductive idea. It's getting late now. If there are any vicious dogs because of my shouting, it's not worth it.

So now I still walk home step by step with my tired body in a heavy mood.

Well, this is really an unforgettable day.

"Brother! Where have you been all day? Why did you come home so late? Don't you know what time it is?"

As soon as I entered the house, I saw my sister Kexin with an apron around her waist standing in front of me with her hands on her waist.

"Well, 11:30, what's wrong? Didn't I leave a note saying that I would come back later today?" Turning his head and looking at the clock hanging on the wall, I said to Kexin, "Speaking of which, what's wrong with your apron? It's really not good!"

"You..." He stared at me fiercely, threw the apron at his waist hatefully and ran back to his room quickly.

What the hell is going on? I didn't do anything, did I?

However, Kexin has always been a good girl, and things like losing things can only be done when she is particularly angry.

Well, is what I just said really too much? However, it's really outrageous to walk around in an apron at home...

"Haha, stupid son, make your sister angry as soon as you get home." As soon as I walked into the hall, my father, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled at me.

yeah? Dad? Why is he at home?

General speaking, parents should still have a candlelight dinner in the hotel at this time, right?

By the way, I don't know which hotel is so unlucky to entertain my parents who have been having a candlelight dinner from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m.

"Huh? Why did you come back?" Looking at my father lying on the sofa, I couldn't help curling my lips. He threw the apron he had just picked up on him.

"Hey, what's your attitude? For the birthday of your stupid son, I gave up my weekly journey to find my first love. Don't you know how to be moved? Putting his apron aside, Dad said to me with dissatisfaction.

"Cut, I don't believe you. You must have come back so early because of today... Wait, what did you just say? Today is my birthday?

"Yes, today is my dear baby's eighteenth birthday." Dad was about to speak when his mother came out of the kitchen with a cake and took his words. Come and have a cake."

After putting the cake on the table, my mother looked at the hall doubtfully. Oh, Kexin, she was excited to open the door for you just now.

"Well, maybe it's because what I said when I came home just now was too much, but I was angry and went back to my room." Scratching my head, I said to my parents shyly, "You eat first. I'll call her out."

"You child!" Mom was stunned when she heard me, and then said with a smile, "You have to apologize to Kexin. You know, she has been busy in the kitchen all day for your birthday."

So that's it. No wonder she was wearing an apron when she first saw Kexin.


After tapping on the door three times, I said softly to Kexin at the door, "Kuchin, this time it's wrong. I shouldn't have talked to you like that when I got home. I'm sorry."

After waiting for a long time and finding that there was still no movement in the door, I had to knock on the door again.

"That's Kexin, I really know it's wrong. You've been busy for me all afternoon, but I'm really sorry that I talked to you like that when I got home. I promise you that I will never talk to you like this in the future. Well, and for my birthday in the future, I will definitely come back early to spend it with you.

"It's a lie..."


"Kexin, what are you talking about?"

"I said you were lying. Last week, you said you would celebrate my birthday with me today, but today you played outside so late and came back." A low-hearted voice came from the crack of the door. It was the same on my last birthday, and it was the same last time. When can you have a good birthday with others?


Listening to Kexin's words, I found that it was indeed the case. Since I first met the little guy three years ago, I came home late on my birthday.

It seems that what Sister Cheng said to me today is true.

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly became heavy. Originally, there was still a big way to apologize to Kexin, but at this time, it was all stuck in my mouth and I couldn't say it.

"You... Do you really have a girlfriend? A moment later, the sound of mosquitoes came from the room. So, that's why I came back so late.


Even if I am very depressed now, I still feel ironic when I hear the question.

"Please, I came home late today because I have something to do. Where did you hear that I have a girlfriend?

"Today, didn't you confess to Cheng Qingyi in the third grade this morning?"

"Oh, that..." Scratching my head, I said, "That's an accident. You don't even think about it. I haven't even seen Sister Cheng a few times. How can I suddenly confess to her? As you said, it is impossible for a stupid brother like me to find a good girl.

"Yes, it's impossible for a fool like you who doesn't understand a girl's mood to find a girlfriend!" While talking, the door in front of me has been quietly opened.

"What are you looking at!" Standing in front of the door, Ke said to me aggressively, "Why don't you go to the lobby to cut the cake? It will be the next day." After saying that, Kexin walked towards the hall with his head held high.

Damn it! Did you recover so soon? Girls are really difficult creatures to think about.

"Baby, come and eat cake."

"Here it comes." I walked quickly to the hall and saw my heart lying in my mother's arms with red cheeks. Er, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm just saying that Kexin will be a good daughter-in-law in the future."

"Mom~!" He twisted in his mother's arms, but left his mother with a red face.

"Okay, since the baby has arrived, let's eat the cake and light candles quickly." Seeing me coming, my father, sitting on the sofa, clapped his hands and took the knife on the table to cut it down.

"Hey, according to normal logic, you should light a candle before eating cake, right?" After blocking my father's hand, I whispered to him, "Also, didn't I tell you that I've grown up and don't call me baby anymore."

"Isn't that what your mother calls you? Why don't you persuade her?"

"I persuaded it, but it didn't work."

"Well, then I won't pay attention to you."

"Please, you are an adult, okay? How can you talk like a child?"

"I like it!"


I should have known that there is no point in arguing with Dad.

After eating the cake happily, I simply sorted out the hall and walked towards my room.

"Brother." Just as I was about to close the door, my heart stopped me. Here, this is your birthday present.

"Is this for me?" After receiving the package handed over by Kexin, I nodded to Kexin. Kexin, thank you today.

"It's nothing, as long as you are happy." After saying this in a low voice, Kexin on her cheeks ran to her room without looking back.


"Alas!" Looking at the pillow floating above my head, I sighed heavily.

Ten hours ago...

"As I said before, I am a resident of Sikelkule Star 1.65 million light-years away from the earth."

The senior sister said these amazing words with a blank face.


Because I have experienced too many incredible things today, and my senior sister has mentioned this matter, I don't have much reaction to this amazing word.

"Three years ago, a mineral planet near our planet suddenly underwent strange changes. In just three months, it changed from a star to a white dwarf."


What does this have to do with your coming to the earth! Although I really want to ask this, I'm afraid that Sister Cheng will say some stars, white dwarfs and other words that I don't understand at all, so I finally chose the low one.

"The reason why a star becomes a white dwarf is that it loses energy and cools down in a very short time." Shaking her head imperceptiblely, Sister Cheng explained: "The mineral planet near our planet has just developed beyond the helium stage. Within those three months, its development speed has increased by millions of times. In a short time, the planet developed to the iron stage. When a planet reaches the iron stage, the temperature of its core will be high enough to cause a nuclear reaction that produces a large number of neutrinos. And because neutrinos will not be absorbed by astral matter, once they form, they will fly in all directions at the speed of light and take away the energy together.

After a pause, Sister Cheng continued, "When the nuclear reaction occurred, the princess and I happened to do an interstellar trip near the mineral planet, and as a result, we were brought to the earth by those neutrinos flying in all directions."

To be honest, I don't know what the senior sister said before, but I know two or three times what she said later.

"Well, you mean that when you pass by the mineral planet, that planet happens to change from star to white dwarf, and the power generated by the change brings you to the earth?"

"Although it is not very correct, the basic meaning is almost the same."

"So, what does this have to do with me?"

"Because our spacecraft was pushed to the earth by irresistible forces, the spacecraft suffered irreparable damage when it flew to the earth's atmosphere."

Looking at the little guy lying in **, Sister Cheng continued, "Actually, we didn't want to come to the earth, but because there was no other choice at that time, the princess and I had to choose to enter the earth in the lifeboat in the spaceship."

"Wait." I suddenly realized a problem. Did you just say that you and the little guy boarded the lifeboat? Are there only two of you in the huge spaceship? Can you two control the spaceship? According to common sense, a spacecraft capable of interstellar navigation should be controlled by hundreds or even thousands of people, right?

"Our spacecraft has intelligent machines to help control the spacecraft." Sister Cheng looked at me in surprise. Do you think that after technology reaches a certain level, people need to do things like flying a spaceship by themselves?


Reading YY novels kills people!

"Bear, didn't you say that the little guy is a princess? Then she should have a large group of special servicers. Why are there only two of you on the spaceship?"

"That's because the princess is cold-hearted and doesn't want other people to accompany her at all, so except for Wang, only I, who grew up with her, can accompany her."

When I said this, Sister Cheng looked at me with deep meaning. Speaking of which, the princess, who is called the flower of ice by the people, will make an eternal agreement with alien civilians. In my opinion, it is impossible for anything to happen to happen to you. From this point of view, Master He Luo, you really have extraordinary strength.

Well, this sentence should praise me. But why don't I feel happy at all...

"Because our spaceship is equipped with a single-model lifeboat, I can only enter the earth in a lifeboat with the princess." After a pause, Sister Cheng continued: "As a result, because of the influence of atmospheric turbulence when entering the earth, the princess and I finally separated when we were about to land on the ground. Then, by chance, you and the princess met.

"Well, but when I saw the little guy, I didn't see any lifeboats."

The first time I saw the little guy was on a rainy night. At that time, the house near the small park had not been built yet. The small park was dark and looked very inhuman. I don't know what's going on. With negative curiosity, I inexplicably entered the small park with red light. Then there, I saw the little guy screaming in the mud.

"No, you actually saw it. It's just that that memory was deleted by the princess. Sister Cheng looked at the hands on her knees and said, "In fact, the princess killed you when she first saw you."

"Ah... Ah?!"

"Mix." At this time, the little guy lying on ** suddenly shouted and jumped out of the window of the room.

"Don't worry, the princess is just embarrassed." After saying this expressionlessly, a smile appeared on Sister Cheng's face.

"Do you want to know why the princess killed you as soon as she saw you?"

"Well, why?"

"That's because when you see the princess, the princess is ** wearing her body." I don't know if it's my illusion. I always feel that when I say this, Sister Cheng's expression is funny. And the moment you saw the princess**, the princess subconsciously punched you gently.

"Well, then I died?"

Although I also thought this was weird, I still asked with strong curiosity.

"That's right." After nodding her head, Sister Cheng said with a smile, "Your human physical strength is at least 16 levels worse than ours. In our opinion, it's no easier than you to kill an ant.

This sentence... Why do I sound so harsh?

"Then why am I all right now?" I moved my hands and asked curiously.

"That's because the princess made an eternal agreement with you." Sister Cheng stared at me tightly and said word by word, "The royal family of Sikelkule has a strange power. As long as they make an eternal agreement with others, that person's body will be upgraded in an instant, and all the functions of the whole body will enter the optimal state in a short time. At that time, you just died and your body's function did not stop, so when you make another appointment, your body will automatically repair the injured place.

"Because my body was repaired, I came back to life?"

"It's not that simple, but I can't explain it to you in detail. I can only tell you, because you made an eternal agreement with the princess, and you survived."


"What is that eternal agreement?"

"Sorry, this is about the royal family. I can't say it." After a moment of hesitation, Sister Cheng said, "But I can tell you that your situation at that time was actually not serious. You can save your life with the medical equipment in the lifeboat. In fact, the princess can not use the agreement.

"Well, since I made an agreement with the little guy, according to you, my body should have been upgraded." After a moment of silence, I asked another question. But I don't feel anything changed.

"No, you have changed a lot." After getting up and pouring me a cup of tea, Sister Cheng continued, "Have you not found it yet? Since three years ago, you have begun to have inexplicably good luck."

Good luck? It's bad luck, right? After taking a sip of tea, I curled my lips helplessly. No matter what kind of good things, they will become bad in the end.

"No, it's good luck. The bad things that happened to you later were actually man-made by us.

"Puff!" Because of the sudden sentence of the senior sister, the tea in her mouth was sprayed out by me. What did you say? Did you make all the things that happened to me later?

"Yes." Nodding, Sister Cheng admitted, "Whether the money was stolen on the way home or the things in the house were stolen, we did it."


I said that after I pick up the money, I will lose ten times the amount I picked up. Such an accurate number doesn't look like God's will. I was wondering if God would stare at me all day, or how could I lose such accurate money?

The relationship is because I was designed!

"Within three years of the agreement, the aura around you will change due to the reason of the agreement." Silently poured another cup of tea for me. Sister Cheng said, "The changed aura will make you more and more lucky. In the end, even if you stay at home and do nothing, good things will still happen to you."

"Well, isn't that good? Why do you have to make bad luck?"

"It's not good." After saying this firmly, Sister Cheng continued, "These good luck is formed by the distorted aura, which should not have existed. If you accept these good luck, the aura around you will not return to normal in three years. Not only that, the aura around you will also compress the space around you. In less than a month, your body will be bursting at some point because of the constantly compressed aura.

Well, that's a terrible thing.

"Then I had the good luck of escaping from death this morning. How are you going to help me?" Speaking of this, I suddenly realized another problem. Speaking of which, isn't it just you and the little guy who came to the earth? When did a 'we' pop out?

"Today is the last day of three years. From today on, your good luck will all disappear. So we won't make trouble for you like before.

"On the contrary, we will make good things for you."

"Because from today, your luck will be all bad in three days."

"Just like this morning, you should have been hit by a car, but because of us, you escaped."

"And the reason why I promised you this morning is to add good luck to offset the bad luck that may occur today."

"As for the 'we' you asked, that is the human organization I met after landing on the earth."

"That is an organization established by your 16 major powers to establish relations with aliens. The official name of the organization is [Human External Affairs Special Administration]."

"As for why they contacted me and promised to help me, I'm sorry, I can't say that."

After saying a series of words, the senior sister pulled up her long hair between her temples.

"So, do you understand?"

"Big, probably."

After sorting out the chaotic thoughts, I continued, "Basically, I will encounter bad things in the next three days. And you will lead the Human Special Administrative Service to protect me.

"Although it is not very correct." Smiling at me, Sister Cheng continued, "But that's about the case."

"Bep beep!"

The harsh bell suddenly rang in the pink room.

The senior sister frowned slightly and then smiled at me with a sorry smile. Sorry, Master He Luo, that's all for today's conversation. Looking at the scenery outside the window, Sister Cheng said, "It's getting late now. It's time for you to go back."

"Why, how can it be so fast?" Looking out of the window, I found that the sky outside had completely darkened. Looking far away, you can still faintly see a trace of the remnant moon quietly hiding behind a dark cloud.

I took out my pocket watch from my arms and looked at it. It was 11 p.m. unconsciously!

No, we just talked a few words. How can it be evening so soon? Besides, if it's really eleven o'clock, then my stomach should be very hungry. Why do I have no feeling at all?

Tell the senior sister the doubts in your heart. The senior sister just put her index finger to her mouth and said softly, 'This is a secret.' Send me away.

Only at this time can I feel the reason why my senior sister is called a cute princess.

"However, I can tell you why you don't feel hungry." After a pause, the senior sister said, "That's because three years have passed, and you will initially gain the power of the princess."

"Power?!" Hearing this word, my adrenal gland secreted a lot of hormones in an instant. I have left all the messy things I heard today behind. Does it mean that from today on, I will have superhuman power? Can I fly freely in the sky?"

Although I am always called a stuffy gourd, in fact, I also have a hot heart. I also dreamed of flying in my underwear in front of tens of millions of people.

Now that this opportunity suddenly appears in front of me, how can I not be excited?

Thinking that I will gain the power to fly, and that I will have a good body and at least 100,000 horsepower, my body can't help trembling.

Well, speaking of which, what nickname should I give myself after I have the strength?

After being excited, I suddenly thought of this serious question.

As a friend of justice, I must find a good nickname for myself.


It's not good, it's too old-fashioned. It has been used up by people

Cosmic Thunderbolt Invincible Masked Man?

Well, isn't it too windy?

"You will indeed have different powers from ordinary people. You can indeed fly in the air. Just as I was thinking about my future nickname, the senior sister's light words made my heart rise high. But..."

Seriously, sometimes I really hate the word 'but'. Because this word is often used in the second half of the sentence to indicate a turning point.

For example, now, I hate this word very much. Because the emergence of this word shows that all this is not as good as I thought.

Sure enough, the senior's words made my heart fall into the ice cave in an instant.