Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 3 Mission, Guardian Beast and Spaceship

(PS: Well, 10,000-word large chapter... Everyone, collect it~)

Well, it's really hard enough...

Looking at the calendar hanging on the wall, I sighed heavily.

After staying in London for a month, my uncle and I returned to Ivan. But when I got home, I was surprised to find that my parents hadn't come back yet!

And just as I was worried about their whereabouts, a cross-ocean phone call came to my house.

"Baby, I have good news for you. Your mother accidentally won the grand prize when I was traveling, and it was 30 days around the world, so we will go home a month later. Don't worry about us. I have sent your living expenses to your card next month. You need to save some money. Well, transnational telephones are very expensive, that's all for now. See you in a month!"

After saying these words like a cannon, what echoed in my ear was the beeping hanging sound.

This... You haven't heard your son's voice for a month, don't you want to hear it?

In a word, it seems that I have to stay at home alone for at least a month.

I was thinking about whether to go to the bank immediately to get back my living expenses this month, but a series of pleasant bells interrupted my thoughts.

"He Luo, come to the detective agency soon. We have a task." As soon as I picked up the phone, my uncle's voice sounded in my ear. For fear that I wouldn't agree, after saying that, the uncle added another sentence. If you don't come, don't blame me for doing something you can't accept."


Listening to the busy sound from the microphone, I smashed the microphone back to the phone heavily.

I really shouldn't have joined the DTC Detective Agency before - how can a president threaten his members at any time!

Having said that, after being angry, I took a taxi and rushed to the DTC detective agency.

I can't help it. I'm really afraid that this bad uncle will do something that I can't accept...

"Say, what are you going to let me do this time?" After coming to the DTC detective agency, I sat in front of my uncle and said rudely to him, "First of all, if I don't like this task, no matter how you threaten me, I won't take it."

After a pause, I added another sentence.

"Ye�. If you threaten me again, I will go to my senior sister."

Hmm, I can't deal with you. I don't believe that my senior sister can't deal with you either!

"Don't worry, you will like this mission." After pouring a glass of water for me, the uncle said, "The Human Bureau has ordered that an unregistered spacecraft passed through the atmosphere and flew in our direction last night. They want us to investigate."

"Alien?" When I heard this word, I couldn't help but be moved.

When I was very young, I was full of curiosity about aliens. Now I have the opportunity to see aliens. To be honest, I am really moved...

"Yes, aliens. The Humane Bureau hopes that we can invite the people in the spaceship out. The uncle looked at me with a smile. How about it? Are you interested?"

"It's certain to be interested." After thinking about it, I asked puzzledly, "But shouldn't this kind of thing about aliens be in the responsibility of the Human Bureau? When are we responsible for this kind of thing?"

"Hey, it's not because that thing fell there." Speaking of this, the uncle smiled. You think the guys of the Human Bureau want to give us the task. It's not because the spacecraft landed in a place they can't control, so they have no choice.

"That place?" I asked puzzledly, "Where?"

"Hm..." Rubbing his hair in distress, the uncle said, "This is a long story. In short, the place where the spacecraft landed is a special place. You just need to know that the place is specially monitored by our detective agency system."

"So, are you going to accept this mission?" With his hands on the table, the uncle looked at me and asked.

"Well, first of all, why don't you let Su Yun or Helen take over this task?" After thinking about it, I raised my doubts.

"They have other tasks, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you to go." After a pause, the uncle asked, "Do you want to accept this mission?"

"I accept it."

Forget it, I still have a badge anyway. Although it is not proficient enough, there should be no problem with self-guarante.

"In that case, I wish you all the best." After saying that, the uncle threw a file to me. Well, this is the power of attorney for this mission. Well, do you have your badge with you?"

"Nonsense, otherwise I will agree to accept the task." After the white-eyed uncle, I suddenly thought of a question, "But the spaceship arrived last night. Will it be a little late if we look for it again today?"

"No, that's where the spacecraft landed. Theoretically, it will stay there for 48 hours."

"That's it..." I nodded to the uncle, and I suddenly stared into his eyes. By the way, did you get the prize drawn by my mother? Without waiting for the uncle to speak, I continued, "Let me think about it. You guys should be specially arranged for my mother to win the prize in order for me to accept this task, right?"

Just kidding, I don't know my mother's luck yet. I bought lottery tickets for almost five or six years, but the maximum bonus is 100 yuan.

You make me believe that my mother can win such a grand prize as traveling around the world for 30 days - it's difficult!

"Haha, we really have a tacit understanding. You know what I think." The uncle said shamelessly, "But you don't have to thank me. I also hope that my members will be careless when accepting the task."

"Damn!" After a middle finger to my uncle in my heart, I quickly left the detective agency.


According to the calculation of the Human Bureau, the place where the spacecraft landed should be in the West Asian Forest in the north of Ivan City.

Because I have always been not very interested in tourism, I don't know what interesting places are in Ivan. If the location of this mission is somewhere else, I certainly don't know.

But I am very clear about this West Asian forest.

To be precise, the people in Ivan City are very clear about the West Asian Forest! Just like Beijing people all know the Great Wall, this West Asian forest is also a strange existence for 10,000 of us.

The first impression of West Asian forests is big.

Ivan City covers an area and is also one of the top ten cities in the country, but the West Asian forest occupies at least one-tenth of the area of Ivan City, and its huge size is not difficult to know. Anyway, with rough statistics, it occupies at least 500 kilometers...

The second impression is that there are treasures everywhere!

Yes, the West Asian Forest is an unscrupulous treasure. I don't know if it is because of the huge West Asian forest that there are many herbs, flowers and trees that are almost extinct in the forest. There are countless precious and rare medicinal herbs mentioned in the classics. Basically, as long as you are willing to look for them carefully, you can get valuable medicinal herbs in a short period of time.

The third impression appeared ten years ago, which is mystery.

Because there are many precious medicinal herbs in the West Asian forest, ten years ago, the Western Asian forest was the most popular place in Ivan City. Every day, a large group of people go there to find medicinal herbs and want to make a fortune by looking for medicinal herbs. But one day ten years ago, heavily armed soldiers suddenly appeared around the West Asian forest in Ivan. Within a short period of time, every entrance to the West Asian forest was blocked and no longer allowed people to enter.

You should know that the West Asian forest occupies 500 kilometers. To surround such a huge place, the country must spend a lot of money. But the state did so and blocked the forest for no reason. And this one is for ten years.

Because of this, the West Asian forest is covered with a mysterious veil.

But now it seems that this West Asian forest should be related to aliens.

"Hm, I'm from the DTC Detective Agency. This is my pass."

About 15 minutes after handing over the West Asian Forest Pass to the soldiers with live ammunition, I successfully entered this place that had been blocked for ten years.

Far from the sentry post behind me, I ran happily in the wide forest.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

As I shouted, I sprayed happily between the endless woods in front of me.

This is really a wonderful place!

The lush leaves arbitrarily divide the sunlight from the sky, leaving a piece of silver on the ground. In addition, because the woods here are very dense, the whole forest looks a little dim. From afar, the road ahead scattered by the sun fragments seems to have turned into a shining galaxy, which looks very beautiful.

The straight trunk goes straight to the sky, looking so strong and majestic. Under the trunk, there are flowers, embellishing the green earth into beautiful patterns.

The breeze gently brushed the treetops, and the sound of rustling was accompanied by the sound of birds. The woods was strangely full of silence and noise. Smell the fragrance of flowers and plants in the air and feel the comfortable breath all over my body, and my heart is filled with happiness.

If you can come here for such a time, even if you can't see aliens, it's a worthwhile trip!

Just as I was moved by the beauty of the West Asian forest, a familiar figure broke into my vision.

Er, isn't the one who is walking into the forest from the other direction?

It's strange, why did Feng Xiaoling also come?

Just when I saw Feng Xiaoling, she seemed to see me and hesitated for a moment, and she finally came towards me.

"Why are you here?" Looking at Feng Xiaoling who walked in front of me, I asked in surprise, "Shouldn't this kind of small thing to investigate aliens be sent down?"

Today, Feng Xiaoling is wearing a black fitness suit and looks particularly lively and cute. Unfortunately, her words are not very cute...

"You care about my little white face. I'd like to come here. Do you have any objection? Looking at me white, Feng Xiaoling said to me, "Look at your stupid face. You must not know the landing place of the spacecraft, right?"

After a pause, Feng Xiaoling said to me in a low voice, "Well, do you want to cooperate with me? I have the exact address of that alien."

"Then thank you."

Actually, I don't care about aliens now - I can't tell the truth.

"By the way, why did you suddenly treat me so well that you thought of cooperating with me?" Looking at the girl around me, I asked strangely. Didn't you feel bad when you saw me before?"

"Stupid, stupid!" Feng Xiaoling blushed and said sharply to me, "I'm just soft-hearted for a moment and can't bear to see your idiot run around in the woods. You guy, don't think I'm good to you now. I'm still unhappy to see you now, quite unhappy!"

Is that so? That's really thank you for your soft heart.

With a slight sigh, I said to Feng Xiaoling, "Well, you're right, so where should we go now?"

"There." Feng Xiaoling pointed to the dense forest in the northeast without thinking and said to me, "That place is the last place of the spacecraft to land."

"How do you know?"

"Hum, do you think our Rose Detective Agency is the same as you? We have detected it through satellite before the Human Resources Bureau blocked the information here." As she spoke, Feng Xiaoling quickly removed a red flame-like badge from her neckline. Let's go there quickly. The people who know that place are not just our detective agency.

Looking at the badge taken by Feng Xiaoling, I don't know what she wants to do. Well, is it okay to use the guardian beast here?

"Of course no problem." Pressing the badge on her forehead, Feng Xiaoling said, "Anyway, the outside world will not know what happened in this forest. If it can be used, it will naturally be used."

"In the name of my Feng Xiaoling, open it!" After shouting in a low voice, a hot light suddenly came out of the badge on Feng Xiaoling's hand.

The badge in Feng Xiaoling's hand is called the Chapter of Guardian Beast, which is a tool provided to us by biochemical beast makers. With this tool, we can put the guardian beast into the badge to ensure that the guardian beast can be used at any time.


With a huge roar, the hot light disappeared. Then a huge white horse with wings on both sides appeared in front of me!

Double*Mapergasus! The mount of the goddess of killing in Greek mythology!

It's actually the S-level Pegasus! The Rose Detective Agency is really powerful, and even such a guardian beast can be found.

Through a period of study in London school, I have been able to distinguish most of the biochemical beasts.

Basically, all biochemical beasts are divided into eight levels: SSS, S, A, B, C, D and E according to their ability strength. Then, according to the skills of biochemical beasts, biochemical beasts are divided into three categories: special systems, ability systems and deformation systems.

Pergasus, a special biochemical beast with S-level ability.

Don't underestimate this S-class Pegasus! Although there are SS and SSS levels above the S level. But there are only three SS-level biochemical beasts known now. As for SSS-level biochemical beasts, they only exist in theory.

At least so far, no SSS-level biochemical beast has been found.

In addition, this is a special biochemical beast, and Pegasus looks more powerful than the general S-level biochemical beast.

To put it simply, this is a guardian beast standing at the peak of its strength.

"What are you in a daze?" Seeing me standing still, Feng Xiaoling said, "Why don't you come up quickly? We have to find the unruly alien before others!"

"Well, but I remember the flames on Pegasus..."

The reason why Pegasus can be classified into a special system is that the flame on its body has the characteristics of never extinguishing. Sit on such a guy... Well, it's really a difficult thing.

As a host, there is naturally no problem to sit on it. But I'm not the host of this guy. If this guy doesn't like me, he sneaks on me...

The consequences are unimaginable!

"Come on, my Pegasus is very docile." Seeing that I refused to go up, Feng Xiaoling added another sentence. It has been able to control the flames on its body and will not cause us any harm.


Forget it, I also have the protection of Pikachu. If you don't go up, won't you be looked down upon by the little girl?

Thinking of this, I quickly walked to Pegasus, turned over and sat on it.

"Hip your seat!"

After telling me, with a brush, Pegasus' wings shook, and we flew quickly to the northeast like a meteor.

Well, there are not many people who abide by the law these days.

On the way, I saw cars flying in the air more than once, Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, BMW...

What the uncle said is really right. The relationship between the detective agency and the Human Resources Bureau is not very good. Otherwise, there would not be so many detective agencies who ignored the orders of the Human Bureau and secretly use alien technology.

However, the power of the guardian beast is really not covered. With a gentle wave of wings, it instantly surpassed several cars in front of us.

Some cars were rolled aside by the chaotic airflow because of the wings constantly waved by Pegasus.

For a moment, the whole sky was full of curses.

"Well, is it okay for us to do this?" Listening to a curse behind me, I said to Feng Xiaoling, "Shall we slow down?"

"Are you kidding? Those losers can't do anything but scold people. Why should we accommodate them?" Feng Xiaoling also said, "Since they have entered this place, they must have their own consciousness!"

"But..." What else do I want to say? Feng Xiaoling's voice sounded first.

"It's here!"

The little hand patted Pegasus gently, and we quickly fell to the ground.


"Well, is that a spaceship?"

Landing to the ground, what appeared in front of me were fallen trees, broken ground and a large ditch more than ten meters long and more than one meter deep. At the end of the ditch is an oval spaceship the size of a yacht.

I carefully jumped down the deep ditch and looked carefully at the spaceship in front of me.

The streamlined shell exudes a strange luster. Although there is a lot of gravel scattered on the shell, even so, when you first see the spacecraft, you will still feel that it is a clean spaceship.

This should be a female-only spacecraft.

I don't know why this strange idea suddenly came to my mind.

"Hey, the people inside you, come out quickly." Just as I looked at the spacecraft carefully, Feng Xiaoling suddenly jumped onto the spacecraft and jumped up on the spacecraft. Come out, come out!"

"Well, what are you doing?"

"Is't that obvious? I'm calling the guy in here to come out." Feng Xiaoling said without looking back.

"How do you know there are still people in it?" Seeing Feng Xiaoling jumping around on this spaceship, I asked strangely. Also, isn't there something wrong with your name like this?

"My life detector said there was someone inside." Directly ignoring my last question, Feng Xiaoling jumped and threw a mirror-like thing into my hand. Look at it yourself."

"Well, what do you think?"

No matter how I look at it, the thing in my hand is like an ordinary mirror. If it weren't for the faint blue light flowing on the frame, I wouldn't have believed what kind of life detector this thing is.

"Idiot, put the mirror on the spaceship." Feng Xiaoling jumped on the spaceship and looked at me: "You are really stupid. This kind of thing is obviously very simple, and you don't even know how to look at it."

Hey, such a thing is not easy.

I shrugged my shoulders helplessly and put the mirror on the spaceship.

Bang, bang, bang...

"Damn, what is this?"

Just as the mirror was facing the spacecraft, the mirror in my hand suddenly vibrated strongly, and then the vibration quickly spread to my whole body. At that moment, even my heart involuntarily accelerated the beating frequency.

Because of the sudden strong vibration in my heart, I couldn't help throwing the mirror in my hand to the ground.

"This is called resonance." After jumping on the spaceship again, Feng Xiaoling jumped off the spaceship and walked to the mirror. Through the effect of the mirror, you can feel the fluctuation of the mirror towards life in things.

Picking up the mirror on the ground, Feng Xiaoling said, "You should have felt a strong vibration just now, right? That proves that there is a guy with extremely strong vitality in this thing. Well, do you still want to feel the fluctuation? As she spoke, Feng Xiaoling handed me the mirror in her hand.

"No, no." Looking at the mirror in Feng Xiaoling's hand with lingering heart, I quickly shook my head. I believe that there is alien life in this spacecraft.

"Ye, that's good." Nodding her head, Feng Xiaoling suddenly waved her hand to the spaceship, and then Pegasus burst into flames all over her body and hit the spaceship with a huge wind.

"Well, which one of you is?"

"You don't have eyes. Naturally, you are smashing the spaceship." Feng Xiaoling stared at the spaceship tightly. Since the guy in here doesn't want to come out, I have to invite him out.

"Is this okay?" Looking at Pegasus, who hit the spacecraft strongly, I wiped the sweat on my forehead. The order given to us by the Human People's Bureau is to invite the people who fly the spacecraft to the headquarters of the People's Bureau, right? If you smash it like this, even if it is smashed, the aliens inside will be killed, right?"

"Yes." After nodding, Feng Xiaoling shouted at the spacecraft, "Hey, the people inside! You should have heard this little white face just now. If you don't come out again, you will be smashed to death by me.

Hey, that's not what I mean at all.

Besides, should you stop Pegasus before saying this? In such an environment, it is impossible for people inside to hear us at all, right?

Just as I watched Pegasus hit the spaceship again and again helplessly, a smile suddenly came from above my head.

"Yo, isn't this Feng Xiaoling, the president of Rose Detective Agency? Why do you have to force our guests to come out if you can't invite us?

Looking up, I only saw a European and American woman with long blonde hair sitting on a Torre motorcycle, slowly landing from the sky.

Generally speaking, European and American women's pores are relatively large, so European and American women look good from a distance, but they don't feel good at a close range. But the woman in front of me is different. Looking at it closely, this woman looks more charming.

With sea-blue eyes, a tall nose and a sexy figure, such a woman is the face of an authentic angel and the figure of a demon.

"Well, I found this thing first. According to the regulations, I have the right to deal with it first. You have no right to interfere with my behavior." Seeing the woman landing on the ground, Feng Xiaoling curled her lips disdainfully and looked back at Pegasus, who was hitting the spacecraft.

"Of course, you can do it yourself." Spread out her hands to Feng Xiaoling, and the blonde beauty came to me. Handsome guy, it must be hard to follow such a president, right? Do you want to change to a detective agency and go to my sister's detective agency?

"Well, she is not my president." Feeling the wild breath of the blonde, I unnaturally took a step back and slightly distanced away from her.

"Ha ha, the handsome boy is still shy. Since you are not from the Rose Detective Agency, which detective agency are you from? The blonde beauty pulled her long hair between her temples and stretched out her hand to me. Hello, I'm Elsa, the vice president of Arthur Detective Agency.

"Hello, I'm He Luo from DTC Detective Agency."

Arthur Detective Agency? This detective agency seems to be the top three detective agencies, right?

No wonder she found it so quickly.

"He Luo? Are you He Luo from DTC Detective Agency? Hearing my name, Elsa's eyes seemed to light up, and she couldn't help holding my hand tightly.

"Yes, he is the legendary little white face." At this time, Feng Xiaoling had let Pegasus stop the continuous impact and came towards us with Pegasus. Well, are you still interested in letting him join your detective agency now?

"Ha ha, if the handsome guy He Luo is willing, then our detective agency will naturally raise its hand to welcome him." After quietly letting go of my hand, Aisha said to Feng Xiaoling, "What, Xiaoling doesn't want to smash the spaceship anymore?"

"Well, who is your sister?" Looking at Elsa dissatisfiedly, Feng Xiaoling said to me, "This thing is too hard for us to break at all. You get your Pikachu out and let's work together to bring this thing back to my detective agency.

After a pause, Feng Xiaoling continued, "Don't worry, I will share what I have researched in my detective agency with your DTC detective agency."

"Uh, this... My Pikachu can't..."

Before she finished speaking, Aisha next to her shouted dissatisfiedly, "Hey, sister Xiaoling, you can't do this. The above order is to ask us to register the lives in this spacecraft to the People's Bureau, but now you have to take the spacecraft away... This is not in line with the constitution, right?

"Well, don't think I don't know what's on your mind. You don't want to take this spaceship away." Feng Xiaoling didn't look at Aisha and stared at me tightly. Get Pikachu out and let's transport it back together.

"Uh..." Scratching my head, I said shyly, "My Pikachu can't be huge yet, let alone flying with objects."

"What! You're kidding me, are you?" Feng Xiaoling said suspiciously, "Didn't you stay at school for a month? How could you not even do the simplest giantization and flight?"

Giant and flying, this is the ability of every biochemical beast above level A.

Theoretically, as long as the biochemical beast is successfully transformed into a guardian beast, it only needs a short training to give the guardian beast above level A to gain the ability to fly and become huge.

I stayed in school for almost a month, but I still can't let the guardian beast complete the hugeization and flight. No wonder Feng Xiaoling doesn't believe it.

"What I said is true." After a bitter smile, I was about to explain the reason to Feng Xiaoling, but suddenly there was a strong earthquake on the ground.


Turning his head to the place where the vibration came, he saw a thick black smoke rising in the deep forest not far away, and huge trees seemed to have been hit by something, falling down in our direction. Birds kept flying out of the forest. After hovering in the air for a moment, the frightened birds fled in all directions.


With a roar between heaven and earth, the ground shook more strongly.

"Bad! That guy woke up!" When she saw the falling trees, Feng Xiaoling's pretty face had turned pale. After hearing the loud roar, her face turned pale.

"Let's go. That guy was very irritable when he first woke up." Walking to us, Aisha, who was also pale, looked regretfully at the spaceship behind her and proposed to us.

"But what about that spaceship?" Looking at the undamaged spacecraft behind her, Feng Xiaoling said reluctantly to Elsa. Otherwise, I will cooperate with you and take it away."

"I'm sorry, I don't have a guardian beast." Shake her head regretfully, and Elsa spread her hand and said, "But you don't have to worry too much. Since the spacecraft can withstand the impact of Pegasus and is unharmed, I don't think that guy can do anything to the spacecraft. After that guy falls asleep again, we can come back to study the spacecraft. Well, goodbye..."

Looking at the increasingly thick smoke in front of us, Elsa arched her hand and quickly jumped on the motorcycle. With the sound of the engine, her figure disappeared in the sky in an instant.

"Let's go, too." Jumping on Pegasus, Feng Xiaoling stretched out her hand to me. It's not good to let that guy see us."

"Oh." Although I don't quite understand what makes Feng Xiaoling so frightened, now it seems that I'd better listen to Feng Xiaoling. Holding Feng Xiaoling's outstretched hand, I jumped to Pegasus.


The wings suddenly rose down, and we rushed high into the sky.


Not long after we flew into the air, the roar of the sky sounded in my ears again. The sound was so loud that my ears had a short sound because of the sound.

At this time, the monster that caused the panic also appeared under my eyes.

"Well, is this monster scary?" Seeing the monster's whole body, I couldn't help asking Feng Xiaoling curiously.

No matter how you look at it, the guy below doesn't look like a strong biochemical beast...

The guy is almost two meters tall, with dark skin and two huge hammers in his thick hands. The thick hair on his head covered his appearance so that I couldn't see his face clearly.

This... I would rather believe that this guy is a human than a monster.

"Don't underestimate him. This guy is Thor, the god of thunder and lightning."

"Tol?" Looking at the guy below, I took a deep breath. Is it a false god?

Pseudo-god, this is the title of human-type biochemical beast.

As mentioned earlier, the monsters in the myth are actually biochemical beasts made by aliens. So, what about the gods that appear in mythical stories?

Of course, it is also a biochemical beast!

It's just that those biochemical beasts are called gods because they have intelligence and are almost the same as human beings.

Of course, after knowing the truth, it is naturally impossible for human beings to call them gods, so the title of pseudo-god was born.

Well, by the way, the minimum strength of every pseudo-god is S level!

But as far as I know, the pseudo-god should have been taken away by aliens a long time ago. On the earth now, there should be no pseudo-god!

"Isn't it said that there are no false gods on earth? Why are there still pseudo-gods?" There was a whirling wind in my ear, so I had to shout to Feng Xiaoling, "And why did the pseudo-god appear in this place?"

As if she didn't hear my words, Feng Xiaoling calmly patted Pegasus' head, and Pegasus flew in the opposite direction of Thor after a long cry.

It flew for about five or six minutes until Thor completely disappeared from our sight before Pegasus landed on the ground.

"Do you know what is the other name of this forest besides West Asia?" After landing on the ground, he pointed to the huge forest in front of him and said word by word in front of my doubtful eyes, "This forest is also known as the cemetery of God."

Seeing the shocking and inexplicable expression on my face, Feng Xiaoling couldn't help smiling. Since it is the cemetery of God, it is not surprising that there are gods here.

After a pause, Feng Xiaoling continued, "You should have seen the information of the Human Resources Bureau, saying that the pseudo-god has been taken away by aliens."


"Actually, that's wrong." Shaking her head, Feng Xiaoling continued: "Every pseudo-god has the ability to self-evolution. After living on the earth for a long time, they have become stronger. The aliens who return to earth again are no match for them at all.

Speaking of this, Feng Xiaoling suddenly asked me, "Speaking of which, don't you think it's strange? In 1947, people had no powerful power at all. Why on earth did they take down the Kzilbo spacecraft and come into contact with alien life for the first time?"

"You mean that the spacecraft was actually defeated by the false god?"

"That's right." After nodding, Feng Xiaoling continued, "Since even the Kzilbo people have been defeated by the pseudo-god, how can they take away the pseudo-god?"

"But haven't all the last gods in the mythical story disappeared?" I asked puzzledly, "If the Kzilbo people hadn't taken them away, how would they have disappeared?"

"This is also something we don't know." Shaking her head, Feng Xiaoling said, "The only thing we know is that the pseudo-god gods entered a long dormancy in this land thousands of years ago. Therefore, they were not taken away by the visiting Kzilbo people. When the Kzilbo man finally found a dormant place, he found that the current pseudo-god was no longer the previous biochemical beast...

After a pause, Feng Xiaoling said, "Because Thor seems to have an intelligent problem now, he sleeps most of the time every day. In addition, the people of the Human Bureau were worried that the battle to destroy Thor would awaken other sleeping pseudo-god gods, so we ignored Thor and let him survive here all the time.

Well... What a shocking story...

"I hope you can keep it secret about the cemetery of God." After a moment of silence, Feng Xiaoling continued: "In fact, no more than 200 people knew about this in all detective agencies. Most people just know that the People's Bureau and the Detective Agency have joined hands to block the West Asian Forest, but they don't know why. So, for your own safety, you'd better forget these things.

"Since it's such a confidential matter, why should you tell me?"

"That's because you are the princess's son-in-law." After a pause, Feng Xiaoling continued: "The princess's status on earth is supreme. As her son-in-law, you can naturally know about it.

Uh... What an unhappy sentence.

"In that case, won't I be a little white face?"

"Puff." Because of my words, Feng Xiaoling laughed. You are just a little white face."

"Don't think it's easy to make a little white face." Feng Xiaoling walked to me as she spoke. After trying to tiptoe, she gently stroked my face with her hands. Dad didn't succeed if he wanted to have a white face.

I don't know if it's my illusion. Feng Xiaoling, who said these words, was filled with sadness all over her body, which made people see that there was a strong sense of pity in her heart.

I unconsciously opened my hands, and I held Feng Xiaoling, who was about to cry, in my arms.

"What are you doing!" Suddenly hugged by me, Feng Xiaoling's body stiffened, and then struggled strongly in my arms.

"It's okay. I just suddenly want to hug you like this." Gently touching Feng Xiaoling's head, I said softly. Although it seems to you that I may be a little overwhelmed to say so. But I still want to tell you that if you need any help, don't forget me. Although it may not help, I will definitely appear in front of you immediately.

"Hmm, hum... Don't, awkward guy." After listening to my words, Feng Xiaoling stopped struggling and slowly leaned against my chest. Since you have said so, I will reluctantly let you hug me."

"Then thank you." Touching Feng Xiaoling's head with a smile, my heart was calm at this moment.

Anyway, she is still a child...



A gust of wind blew, and a low cry came into my ears.

Feng Xiaoling also seemed to hear the cry. After a violent pinch on my waist, she quickly left my arms.

"Well, who asked you to suddenly hug me." Seeing the bitterness on my face, Feng Xiaoling smiled and said, "You should have heard that voice, right?"

"Ye, it seems to be the cry of a little girl." After nodding my head, I raised my ears and listened attentively to the sound of the wind.

"Over there!" After a while, I ran to the nearby woods.