Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 6 Guardian Beast Qualification Test Completed

( Well, it may be a few days earlier, but I wish everyone a happy New Year's Day first~)

Because the third test also needs to enter the virtual space, after the second test, my uncle and I returned to the virtual house again.

Like the first time, after sitting in a chair, I entered the virtual space.

The Third Test, Looking for the Guardian Beast

Looking for guardian beasts? I already have Pikachu, what guardian beast are you looking for?

Looking at the question composed of planets in front of me, I thought strangely.

"The third test has begun, and now it begins to import virtual personality."

Just as I was confused about this topic, a faint voice sounded.

As the sound sounded, an old man with a faint light appeared directly in front of me.

Well, is this?

"This is the virtual personality of Porter, the examiner of this test. Because Porter has something to do and can't participate in the test, he specially made a virtual personality to replace him for invigilation." The uncle explained.

Looking at me with warm eyes for a moment, Potter's virtual personality said, "As we all know, after signing the guardian beast, our mind has a certain connection with the guardian beast, which also allows us to feel the news of the guardian beast and give simple instructions to them through contact. But what should we do when we encounter the enemy blocking the contact between us and the guardian beast?

looked at me lightly, and Potter continued, "At that time, we had to find our guardian beast through our hearts. Please remember that the reason why guardian beasts are called guardian beasts rather than biochemical beasts is that they have feelings for the host, and they can fight to death to protect their hosts. So, how should we respond to this relationship?

"True love! What we can give to the guardian beast is our true feelings. Just like the guardian beast protects us, we also need to be full of feelings for the guardian beast.

"So this test is your hearts."

Real, that's amazing! I didn't expect there to be so many things I don't know! It turns out that our relationship with the guardian beast is so close.

Although I haven't used Pikachu as a prop before, more often, I regard him as my pet. But now it seems that I have to regard him as my brother and become a part of my body!

"You won't believe that old guy, will you?" Just as I felt excited about Potter's words, the uncle's voice came out through the headphones. This test is to examine your understanding of your guardian beast. After all, there will not be two identical leaves in the world. As long as you usually know enough about your guardian beast, you should be able to find your guardian beast.

"But I think he is right." Although I think Uncle's words are right, I just thought Potter's impassioned words just now made sense.

"Well, an old man likes something bad, but he likes a four-wheel drive boy, thinking that as long as he feels it with his heart, he may fall in love with his own things - you don't really believe the words of this person who calls his toilet as his son, will he?"


Call the toilet...son?

No way?

This old man doesn't look like that kind of pervert!

While thinking about whether Potter was a pervert or not, the expressions on Potter's face suddenly disappeared. As the expression changed, a series of mechanical sounds emerged from Porter's mouth.

"Now begin to explain the test rules: First, candidates will appear in a specific scene, in which there will be countless guardian beasts like the examinee's guardian beasts. Please find their own guardian beasts among those guardian beasts within the rated time; second, candidates..."

After saying all five rules that should be paid attention to in the test, Porter's eyes suddenly showed a dazzling light. The light was so bright that it seemed that even the whole space was illuminated.

When the light dissipated, a hill appeared in front of me. There are flowers, grass, trees, birds singing on the mountain, and more importantly, there are hundreds of Pikachus on the mountain!

Some Pikachu are squatting on the tree eating fruit, some Pikachu are playing, and more Pikachu are emitting electricity all over their bodies and taking their own unique rest.

And in the sky above those Pikachu, a huge clock floats high, and the time on the clock is my test time!

The test time is - ten minutes!

Well, it's only ten minutes... Isn't it too difficult for me to find my Pikachu in these Pikachu?

Looking at the mountains and fields of Pikachu, I suddenly wanted to use the method Porter told me at the beginning and call Pikachu with my heart.

Closing my eyes, I began to shout Pikachu in my heart.

"Pikachu, Pikachu, Pikachu..."

I don't know how many words I shouted, I opened my eyes,

"I'm so stupid. What the uncle said is right."

Yes, after calling Pikachu N times in my heart, I can't feel the existence of even a little Pikachu.

It seems that I have to guess!

My right finger drew a half arc in the air, and I pointed to a Pikachu squatting in the corner resting.


Just as I pointed to the Pikachu, a white light lit up on its body, and then a flash of lightning struck my head.

This is one of the rules. When I guess wrong, I will be attacked by the guardian beast.

Of course, in order to continue the test, the strength of the attack is controlled at 1%.

However, even if it is 1%, my physical fitness is very good, and I still feel dizzy after being hit by this lightning.

Damn, I don't believe I'm so unlucky!

Turning my finger again, I pointed to a Pikachu who was eating.

seemed to feel my eyes. The Pikachu turned his head and smiled at me.

Guess right?

The ecstasy that had just risen in his heart was soon struck by the lightning falling from the sky.

"Damn it, I don't believe it. Am I really so unlucky?" After fiercely facing the Pikachu around me, several lightnings came and bombarded me all over my head.

Can't you? Am I really so unlucky?

Look at the time, there are still ten seconds left...

Is everything going to end here?

I don't!

Taking a deep breath in disbelief, I closed my eyes slightly, and began to recall the bits and pieces of my relationship with Pikachu. Pikachu playing on my shoulder, Pikachu fighting for me, Pikachu playing coquettish in my arms, Pikachu fighting with me...

Open your eyes and don't deliberately distinguish Pikachu. With the feeling in my heart, I simply pointed to Pikachu, who had been sleeping on the tree.


This time it was not hit by lightning.

Just as I pointed to Pikachu, my mind suddenly shook and returned to the real world.

I guessed it!

"You can do it, He Luo boy!" As soon as I left the chair, the uncle strode to me and slapped me heavily on the shoulder. It's amazing to be able to complete the task within the rated time.

"Is it?" I ignored my uncle's words and walked out of the virtual house by myself.

At the last moment, my mind miraculously felt Pikachu. Now it seems that what Potter said is not necessarily useless!


After the first three rounds of testing, I thought I knew the characteristics of the People's Bureau test very well, but when I arrived at the fourth test site, I knew I was wrong.

How can I imagine the test of the People's Bureau?

The fourth test - dress up for the guardian beast!

Yes, dress up for your guardian beast!

I fork!

I put up with the messy test project before, but what a messy game!

"Please dress up for your guardian beast within 30 minutes, and pass the test after 30 minutes with more than 80 shells of cheers from the audience outside the venue"

Looking at the big words on the big screen of the test site, I suppressed my anger and said to the uncle, "Uncle, is the head of this bureau playing as monkeys? Why do we test one more brain-damaged than the other?"

"Well, as a host, we also have the obligation to take care of our own guardian beasts - well, the Human Bureau probably wants to tell us this through the test." The uncle whose eyes involuntarily floated to the stand and said without looking back.

You old pervert!

I have to explain the test of the fourth game here. The fourth game test was attended by all those who participated in the test, and the test venue was a sports field. The stands of the stadium were densely full of girls. Thirty minutes later, these girls' decibels will determine whether we guardians can pass the test.

After looking at the uncle's back with a middle finger, I asked for a bottle of protective beast special bath liquid from the workers around me.

It is impossible to dress up for Pikachu, but it is also a good choice to take a shower for Pikachu.

After slowly loading a bucket of warm water, I raised the bucket to the front of Pikachu.


Looking at the steaming warm water in front of him, Pikachu tilted his head and looked at me puzzledly.

"I haven't taken a shower for you for a long time. Since I have a chance, let's take a shower for you." I smiled at Pikachu and threw it into the bucket before it reacted.


As soon as he fell into the water, Pikachu waved his little hand at me in protest. But soon, after feeling the warm environment he was in, Pikachu swam happily in the bucket and didn't even look at me.

Seeing Pikachu's jubilation in the water and the gradually turbid warm water, my face suddenly turned red.

Because the guardian beast can't let the world know, I usually put Pikachu in the badge in broad daylight, and just let Pikachu out of the house every night when I sleep and let him go out by himself. Those who feed, bathe, caress for their guardian beasts... I haven't done anything I should do as a master. Think about it, I have never taken good care of Pikachu since I got Pikachu...

I'm really sorry. I will definitely care more about you in the future.

I rubbed my body for Pikachu, and my guilt for Pikachu flashed in my heart.

"Why, do you feel that you haven't taken care of Pikachu enough before?" The uncle who stood quietly aside for a long time suddenly said to me. Do you think it's wrong for you to seldom take care of Pikachu before?

"Ye." I nodded gently, and I washed Pikachu's foamy body with clean water. Although it's embarrassing to say that, in a sense, I'm really not a qualified master.

"Qualified owner? Of course you are not..." smiled and the uncle said, "However, a master like you may get more love from the guardian beast."

"Ai? What do you mean?

"Do you know that the guardian beast was formed by human beings who made a contract after taming biochemical beasts, so many people are subconsciously full of precautions against guardian beasts. Of course, there are not many such people. More people regard the guardian beast as their pet..." The uncle said funnyly, "It's the first time I've seen someone like you who ignores your guardian beast."

RZ, I'm just a fool!

"Don't be angry, I'm not scolding you." Seeing my wore, the uncle quickly said, "I feel that I am full of trust in my guardian beast like you. I don't have any use of my heart. It's just a good heart to regard the guardian beast as my friend."

"At least, Pikachu likes it very much."

"Well, how do you know that Pikachu will like it?"

"Of course I know, because I can understand the words of the guardian beast."


Damn it, if it's really like this, then Uncle Lun is really awesome!

"Idiot, of course that kind of thing is fake." The uncle knocked on my head and said with hatred. You also believe such a low-level lie... You're not really a fool, are you?"


"It's time!"

An hour is not long. As soon as I put down the hairdryer, the referee's voice sounded.

I put a comfortable-looking Pikachu on my shoulder, and I casually looked at the dress of the players around me.


After seeing the guardian beast of the little girl not far away, I couldn't help laughing.

The little girl's guardian beast is a guardian beast with a lion's head and a leopard body. Originally, such a guardian beast should be majestic and invincible, but...

The little girl actually braided the lion's head hair into small flowers! What's more funny is that she actually put a princess costume on her guardian beast.

Well, it's still a lace princess dress.

Help, help!

Isn't this going to make me laugh to death!

Turning my eyes to the other side, I couldn't help laughing again.

This fat man is so funny!

not far from me, a fat man was slowly coming over with his guardian beast. The fat man's guardian beast is a naive penguin-shaped biochemical beast.

Of course, since it is a penguin-shaped biochemical beast, it naturally means that this biochemical beast is different from penguins.

The fur of this biochemical beast is golden, and its eyes are like the Q version of the eyes in the cartoon. It looks very charming.

The fat man is really talented. He has captured the beautiful eyes of his guardian beast. He didn't do anything else in 30 minutes, all of which was used to make up for penguins.

What impressed me more was that this fat man actually burned the fur on the penguin's eyes into eyelashes. Neat eyelashes and big watery eyes. If you just look at your eyes, you will really think that the person standing in front of you is a beauty.

Look at other people's guardian beasts, all kinds of which are eye makeup for their guardian beasts, some perm their guardian beasts, and clothes for their guardian beasts... In a word, more than 100 trainees present performed differently.

Well, if you have to say the same thing, they are all very cute.

When the little girl's guardian beast appeared on the stage, the girls in the stands couldn't help but express their lovely admiration, and when the little fat guardian beast appeared on the field, the atmosphere on the court became dull for a moment, and the sound of laughter filled the playground.

Hearing the girls' sweet smiles, the little fat man was not embarrassed at all, but bowed and bent down to the girls around him with a flattering face, which was really interesting.

Because I was the last to appear at the test site, my Pikachu was the last to appear. Listening to the warm applause in front of me, I couldn't help becoming a little nervous.

If I can't pass because of this, will Pikachu really leave my side?

"Pika..." seemed to feel the anxiety in my heart. Pikachu standing on my shoulder rubbed my face with his cute little head and made a gesture of cheering at me with his little claws.

"Little guy." The corners of my mouth rose slightly, and I gently patted the little guy's head. Come on, let's go!"

If I can't pass this time, I must pass the test after three months. Anyway, I won't let others take away my Pikachu!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

"Oh, my God, it's so cute!"

"Kawaii, Kawaii!"

Just as I walked out of the player area with Pikachu, there was a brief silence on the field, and then the deafening shouts of the girls resounded throughout the stadium.

"Pickup?" Pikachu has always been shy. Although he became much bolder after signing the contract with me, he was suddenly surrounded by so many girls, and Pikachu couldn't help jumping from my shoulder into my arms.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Seeing the impact of Pikachu, I couldn't help touching his head with a smile. Little guy, I didn't expect you to be so popular..."

"Pika!" As if enjoying being touched by me, Pikachu closed his eyes and shook his little head in the palm of my hand, with an intoxicated face.

Through the floating cameras arranged around me, the girls in the audience naturally did not miss this scene. Needless to say, the loud shouts resounded over the stadium again.

The fourth test, passed!

The venue for the last game is a huge valley. There are huge screens around the valley. Through the miniature satellites floating over the valley, people sitting on the valley can clearly see what is happening in the valley.

When I was resting, I looked around the surrounding stands. The stands are one or two hundred meters away from the test site. On the stand, the hot-dressed girls are dancing hard, pulling the atmosphere of the test site to the highest again and again.

I, what kind of test did I take? Even the dancing MM came out.

"Now I announce that the fifth test project begins!"

With the order of the test teacher, the surrounding screen suddenly lit up yellow. When the yellow light dissipated, the last test item appeared on the screen.


Am I right?

This... I'm so lucky?

The fifth test, fight together with the guardian beast, and defeat the test teacher to pass the game.

The fifth test is actually a test of the integration of the host and the guardian beast!

If this competition is huge and flying, then naturally there is nothing I can do.

However, this game is more than a battle!

Aha, I don't believe that anyone can be the enemy of me who can colonize in terms of guarding beasts!

No matter who meets me, you are finished! - Just when I think so.

"He Luo, you're done!"

The extremely familiar voice appeared opposite me, and the test teacher of my last test appeared in front of me.

Li Luo!

Li Luo is actually my last test opponent!

Today, Li Luo is dressed in strong clothes and looks energetic. Next to him was a giant snake with a blue glow all over its body, and its slender tongue flashed out of its mouth from time to time, which looked terrible.

"My guardian beast and I have reached the second level, and you can't be my opponent at all." Looking at the surrounding stands, Li Luo smiled at me. I want to completely defeat you in front of Xiaoyun, and I want Xiaoyun to know that I am the best man in the world!"

While talking, a light blue light appeared on his guardian beast. As if it were sensing, while shining on the guardian beast, a light blue light flashed on Li Luo's body.

smiled at me in the blue light and waved to the stone not far away.

A snake-shaped blue light shot out of his hand and seemed to fly slowly towards the stone.

With a roar. The hard stone was thus destroyed by the light.

It is indeed the ability of the second-order upper-level symbiosis!


smiled proudly, and I threw Pikachu on my head casually. Then——


In the shocked eyes of the audience, I was together with Pikachu in the light.

Feeling the surging power of the whole body, my mind moved, and a lightning the size of a giant snake appeared above the stone in an instant. After a roar, there was only a scorching black ground on the ground.


I don't know who shouted first, and the surrounding valley suddenly boiled. The audience in the stands involuntarily stood up and looked at me with scorching eyes.

Well, to be honest, this kind of vision is really scary!

"Creation?" He looked at me in disbelief and shouted loudly. It's impossible. How can there really be such a thing as colonization! Don't lie to me, it must be an illusion! Damn, how did I break your illusion!"

At this point, he rushed towards me angrily.

One finger!

With only one finger, I blocked the figure of Li Luo rushing over, and then my strength spit out gently.


Li Luo was directly shot into the valley behind him. After knocking out the crack of the mountains behind him, the guy's body fell to the ground crookedly.

"Well, if it's just a guardian beast fighting, I may not be a fierce opponent, but compared with this kind of absorbing power from the guardian beast, how can you be my opponent!"

Looking at the coma on the ground, I sneered in my heart.

Well, if this guy hadn't reached the second level, he must have fainted now, right?

"Teacher, have I passed the test?" Pointing to Li Luo, who fell into a coma, I asked the tester who was stunned beside me.

"Oh, oh..." After listening to my words, the testers finally came to their senses. After raising my hand high, he announced loudly to the audience in the stands around him, "I announce that this player has passed the fifth test!"

Papa, Papa, Papa...

At first, it was just a scattered applause, but in the end, the applause throughout the valley resounded throughout the mountains.

Listening to the loud applause in my ear and hugging the oncoming uncle, I whispered, "Uncle, am I doing well?"

"Not bad..." After nodding heavily, the uncle suddenly said seriously to me, "But you shouldn't have used colonization just now."


"You should know that colonization is only a theoretical skill, and no one has successfully completed colonization since the birth of the guardian beast. But now you have finished the colonization. Alas, you will be busy enough in the future. Shaking his head, the uncle said to me, "Actually, I wanted to remind you about this before, but I ignored it because there were too many things."

"Well, even if I can colonize, it won't be troublesome, will it?"

"No? Humph, you should know that the immortals in our mythology are biochemical beasts! You have now acquired the ability to colonize, that is to say, you have a way to become an immortal - think, will those who have been studying for colonization come to you? Will those who want to gain more power through biochemical beasts come to you?"

"No, it's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"Hmm, what do you think..."

What else can I say...

"Uncle, help me!"


I finally passed the six tests, and now I have finally successfully obtained the host qualification of the guardian beast.

However, after passing the test, I didn't go home immediately. After passing this test, I found that there were still many things that were not clear. For example, the common sense of guardian beasts, such as the use of guardian beasts, and the care of guardian beasts.

In order to take better care of Pikachu, I need more knowledge!

What's more, now Potter is back, and I happen to have a lot of things to ask him for advice.

Although the uncle didn't agree with Porter's words, I felt that Porter was right. After all, I found Pikachu at the last moment because I listened to his words.

"Have you really decided to stay here?" The uncle came to me with Kexin. What about your study?"

"That kind of thing is naturally left to you. I believe you will be able to find a perfect reason for me to study in Egypt." Smiling at the uncle, I looked at Su Yun. Su Yun, I heard from my uncle that you have passed the qualification test. Congratulations.

"Thank you." After a sweet smile, Su Yun said, "Then the president and I will go first. Take good care of yourself."

"Ye." After nodding heavily, I didn't even go to the time room. There, my new teacher Potter is waiting for me.

Time room, as the name implies, is the room that controls time.

Time passed very quickly in that room, that is to say, when I spent a day in it, only an hour or even shorter in the real world. It is also because of this room that I decided to stay and study.

The only pity is that I was told that I could only study in it for three days.

"Hey, Mr. Potter, why can't I stay for a few more days?"

Time flies. After two months in the time room, that is, three days in reality, I reluctantly left the time room reluctantly.

"Do you think everyone can use the time room? You know, because of the rapid passage of time, people's metabolism in it has reached a terrible level. Although you can't usually feel it, in fact, this time has caused some damage to your body. After hearing my complaint, Potter blew his beard and said, "If you hadn't been in good physical condition, you would have gone in for a day."

"Speaking of which, on what principle was this time house built? Why does the time in it go by so fast, but I can't feel it? Before leaving, I asked the teacher who had been with me for a month.


"Teacher, don't you claim to be all-in-one? You don't even know this principle, do you? In the first few days, you boasted to me more than once that you were... damn it!"

What kind of person is it? If you don't know, you don't know.

"You idiot, how many times have I told you not to ask me questions all the time. You really think I'm 100,000 why!"

Listening to the airy voice behind me, I smiled, and my steps became lighter and lighter.