Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 9 Battle in the Forest

"Who are you?" Looking at the guy in front of me with a wary face, I asked sharply.

The man smiled faintly at me when his fingers gently touched his chin. We haven't seen each other for more than a thousand years. Have human beings become so rude now? Don't you know that you have to report your name before asking for someone else's name?

The right fist suddenly hit his left hand, and the man said, "Oh, I suddenly remembered that this should belong to me now. As a master, it seems that I should report my name first. Speaking of this, a blue flame suddenly appeared on the man's head, and a cynical face became extremely serious.

"My name is Dallas Card. Nokaliff. Stark. Mani!"

smiled frivolously, and the man said, "Maybe you don't know my real name very well, so please remember my nickname. My nickname is..."

"Firelord!" Su Yun, who had been silent since the man appeared, suddenly said.

"Oh? I didn't expect that someone would remember my name after such a long time. Looking at Su Yun with a little surprise, the Flame monarch said. My name has not been washed away by the long river of time. What a comforting thing!"

Seeing Su Yun gritting her teeth and thinking of what she once said about wanting to kill aliens, I quietly pulled her behind me. Lord Flame, we have no intention of stealing your herbs. As long as you are willing to let us go, we can return the herbs to you.

Now it has been proved that there is a wake-up of a biochemical beast. If I report this matter to the Human Bureau, I should be able to clear the matter of orchid grass.

" Let you go?" As if he had heard something funny, the flame monarch raised his tone slightly. Have you forgotten the pain you should bear after offending the true God?

"What do you mean?" He lowered his head slightly and handed the sleeping little guy from his arms to Su Yun. I quietly took down the badge containing Pikachu.

"What I mean is obvious..." Pointing to us alone, the Flame Monarch said, "You committed suicide in front of me... Or, killed by me."

"That's a pity. What I chose is - you die!" I suddenly opened the badge, and the moment Pikachu appeared, I began to dress with Pikachu.

The blue light flashed on me, and the unparalleled power filled my body in an instant.

"Pikachu?" Seeing Pikachu thrown in the air by me, a strange light flashed on the face of the Flame Monarch, but soon he laughed. Unfortunately, if it's just a preliminary state, you are not my opponent at all.

Not your opponent?


Under the guidance of my mind, a blue light flashed over my head. With a roar, the thick lightning of the bucket hit the flame monarch fiercely with a bright light.

Look at the huge blow. The Flame Monarch smiled and met the lightning with one hand without any defense.

With a soft sound, the powerful blow just now was like the snow under the scorching sun, which melted away one after another.

How, how can it be!

He danced his arms casually, and the flame monarch said, "Nothing is impossible. Your Pikachu's understanding of power is still in its initial state, and you can only trigger lightning through yourself. Naturally, such a force can't make an impression on me.

Well, I don't believe your nonsense!

With a clear roar, my ten fingers were like flowers blooming, gently flicking, cleverly training the lightning falling from the top of my head into a huge power grid.


I exhaled a breath, and my hands pushed forward, and the lightning giant net flew towards the Flame King with great power. Prickly, prickly... While continuing to absorb the electricity in the air, the giant net quickly flew towards the flame monarch.

When the giant net flew to the flame monarch, it had become a 100-meter-sized giant net!


In the face of this huge blow, the flame monarch just blew a gentle breath and actually blew away the powerful power grid!

How can this be possible!

I suppressed the shock of my heart, and my hands quickly made a mark in the air. With a bang, after I finished the mark, Pikachu flew out of my head.

After grabbing the Pikachu flying out of my head and shouting, Pikachu and I had a new round of colonization!

This clothing is different from the first time. After being combined with me, a new energy came out of Pikachu's body. After circulating in my body, it suddenly penetrated into my body and formed a blue armor!

This time's colonization is the second colonization!

The so-called secondary colonization is a new colonization method that I learned after studying with Potter at the Guardian Beast School. In this way, I will gain more powerful power, but because my body can't withstand such a powerful power, my armor can only last for ten minutes.

Of course, because I understand this method, I can't guarantee whether the ten minutes I infer is correct, but even if it's a minute, I have to use this trick at this time.

When I colonized again, the Flame Monarch did not take the opportunity to attack me, but just stood there with great interest and looked at me with a smile on the corners of his mouth. When my second colonization was completed, he sighed. Kaihua, I didn't expect that thousands of years later, I would see this trick again in human beings..."

"But." After a pause, the Flame Monarch continued, "It's just that you can't defeat me!"

A serious look flashed in my eyes for the first time. The flame monarch's right hand was held out of thin air, and a white fireball appeared in front of me.

"Well, let me see how powerful your armor is."

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the flame monarch suddenly disappeared from my sight. When I saw him again, his hand holding the fireball had hit me hard.

A bright red blood stain crossed the air and sprinkled all over the ground. Like a broken kite, I was hit hard on the ground.

With the blue light rising from my body, Pikachu fainted beside me. Theoretically, the armor that could support ten minutes disappeared like this?

"It's a pity that you still have a long way from real success." The Flame Monarch sighed and shook his head and slowly walked to me.

And at this moment, a dark shadow quickly passed behind me and directly met the Flame Monarch!

Su Yun!

A red flame kept churning around her body, and an extremely powerful force burst out on Su Yun!

After hurriedly glanced at me and threw me the little guy I gave her to me, Su Yun gritted his teeth and said, "Go quickly, I'll block the Flame Monarch!"

He blocked his right arm in front of him, and Su Yun suddenly read a note that I had never heard before.

With the sound of the notes, a sense of destructive oppression suddenly rose from Su Yun. That breath was so powerful and tyrannical that I just felt a little, and the tyrannical mood rose uncontrollably in my heart.

"Roar!" With a shocking roar, the scarlet lips on Su Yun's right arm suddenly stretched out slowly.

First the mouth, then the hands, feet, body...

Slowly, a monster more than ten meters long flew out of Su Yun's hand.

Dragon... Dragon!

It's actually a black dragon! Yes, the huge creatures floating in the air with camel heads, horns, ox ears, turtle eyes, shrimp beards, horse hyenas, snake bodies, fish scales, midges and eagle claws are not the legendary dragons!

After hovering in the air for a moment, the black dragon stared at me fiercely with its scarlet eyes, and then waved its tail and hit the flame king in front of it with a roaring wind.

"Black Dragon?" The Flame King, who had been standing quietly beside him, clapped his hands. That's good. I didn't expect to see the black dragon after I woke up.

"But... This still can't deal with me."

A gorgeous beam of light spewed out of the body of the flame monarch and went straight to the sky! The dark clouds in the sky seem to have been washed away, leaving only a trace of red!

A light blue light suddenly lit up in his pupils, and the flame king stretched out towards the black dragon with a blue flame in his right hand.


With an explosion ringing through the sky, my body was heavily knocked down by the waves caused by the attack of the two people.

When I fell to the ground, I was shocked to see a huge pit at least five meters in diameter on the ground just now!

Above the huge pit, the sluggish black dragon is constantly handing with the flame monarch. Under the black dragon was Su Yun, who fell down with a pale face.


Put Pikachu and the little guy aside, and I rushed to the Flame Monarch again!

"What are you doing? Don't run!" Seeing that I rushed to the Flame Monarch again, Su Yun shouted with a shocked face. You are no match for that guy at all!"

"Run?" I laughed and said categorically, "Let me leave a girl and run away by myself. I can never do such a thing."

only ran a few meters away, and a visible energy light wave suddenly began to spread outward from the place where the black dragon and the flame monarch fought.

Earth, trees, green grass...

Everything turns into soot when it is hit by the energy light wave.

"Drink!" With a roar, I gathered all the strength in my body in front of myself.


Although I barely resisted the light wave, the power was too great. My body was like a broken wind, hit aside by the unparalleled force, and my eyes couldn't help but darken. A strong sense of confusion hit my mind.

You can't faint!

I bit the tip of my tongue hard and said to myself!

After my spiritual power reached the second level, my replication ability has undergone great changes. Before, I could only imitate the performance of those real people, but now I can simulate those virtual heroes.

Well, that is to say, if my ability can be done, then I can copy the ability of those guys, but if my potential is insufficient, I will never use the legendary superman skills.

After the power changed, I tried to copy Superman's abilities several times, and most of them completed the power smoothly. Whether it's a superman flying in the air or a superhero who breathes fire all over his body.

Well, the only thing that doesn't work is Superman like Spider-Man.

Now that Pikachu has obviously lost his combat effectiveness, I can only rely on myself!

I am now--

Your father!

I didn't have time to use the power at all. I gritted my teeth and rushed to the flame monarch in front of me.

In the battle just now, the black dragon has been completely knocked down. Now the Flame Monarch slowly stretched out his hand to Su Yun!

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!

Just when the Flame Monarch was about to meet Su Yun, I miraculously crossed the distance of dozens of meters between us and appeared in front of Su Yun,

Within't thinking, I quickly held Su Yun in my arms and punched the flame monarch in front of me.


With a soft smile, the Flame Monarch gently flicked his finger at me.


I was like a broken kite and was hit into the forest in the distance again.

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you." Looking at Su Yun, who had already been unconscious in his arms, my eyes darkened and I fainted.

"Who are you?"

I don't know how long it took before I woke up. In the confusion, I seemed to hear the awkward cry of the Flame King.

"You shouldn't be here. Why is an existence like you here..."

White light.

A dazzling but warm white light covered the forest in an instant. In the white light, small green seedlings suddenly grew on the originally dark ground. The smell of gunpowder still floating in the air also disappeared, replaced by a pleasant breath.

That represents the breath of life!

I vaguely saw that in front of this powerful breath, the flame monarch seemed to have turned into spring and white snow, gradually melting into the white light without leaving any trace.

After destroying the flame monarch, the white light did not disappear immediately, but spread directly in my direction.

Comfortable and warm!

When I was illuminated by the white light, a warm feeling suddenly appeared in my body. It feels like soaking in a hot spring in the cold winter, so warm and comfortable. The scars on my body heal quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the spirit that had just shrunk became full.

This is... Goddess?

White skin like cream, breathtakingly beautiful face, dazzling and warm white light constantly emitting outward, the noble temperament on her body, coupled with her perfect curves...

Although I keep reminding myself not to look at it. But I couldn't control my eyes and looked at the goddess in front of me, afraid that I had missed something.

"My name is Inalyntis."

After floating quietly in the air for a moment, the goddess suddenly smiled at me and said softly.

After saying this, the light on the goddess suddenly dimmed. Soon, the light on the goddess disappeared. Then... Er, the little guy fell out of the air.

Well, was the girl who changed just now?

"Is that what you really look just now?" Holding the unconscious little guy, I shook my head with a wry smile.

Looking at the little guy, I recall the suffocating smiles I just saw. A strong idea suddenly came to my mind.

I want to see that goddess! I want to see that goddess again!


Looking at the little guy in my hand, I smiled bitterly.

It seems that my wish is still difficult to achieve.


Just as I was thinking, a voice suddenly came from my head.

"Senior sister?"

Looking at the figure standing in the void, I asked weakly.

Now the senior looks very terrible, and her face is full of murderousness. Just looking from afar, I felt the fierce anger on her body in my heart.

After a flash, my senior appeared in front of me.

"I'm sorry, Master He Luo." After holding me up involutedly, the senior sister said expressionlessly.

"It's okay." I shook my head, and my face suddenly turned red. Sister, can you put me down? I'm not used to being held by girls like this. Well, if you want to hug, just hug Su Yun."

"Is that right? But I think Master He Luo enjoys it very much. After smiling at me, the senior walked towards the forest not far away. Su Yun's words, I think it's better for you to ignore her.


"Because she is a stubborn girl." After shaking her head, the senior sister said to me, "Ha ha, I don't think you want to know about this kind of girl, do you?"

"Cough..." I was embarrassed by my senior sister's eyes, so I scratched my head and asked curiously. By the way, sister, have you finished your business?

A trace of hesitation appeared on my face. After looking at the little guy lying in my arms, my senior sister shook her head at me. Thank you, Master He Luo, for your concern. My business has been completed.

After a pause, the senior sister looked at the little guy and said firmly to me, "Don't worry, Master He Luo, from now on, I won't let you encounter such a thing again."

Well, this, in fact, I'm not as weak as you think.

If my second colonization is completed, then I don't think I will be so miserable today.

With the help of my senior sister, I went back to the site of orchid grass to pick a few orchid grass, and then returned to the detective agency.

"But sister, do we really have to care about Su Yun?" Walking on the road and looking at the seniors around me, I asked puzzledly.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. Su Yun is very strong. Winking at me, the senior sister said, "Didn't you notice? In fact, Su Yun had woken up when I arrived."

Ah? Then why is she...

Put her finger on my lips, and the senior sister said, "Because, although Su Yun is a strong girl, she is also a weak girl. I don't think she wants you to see her crying.

After returning to the detective agency and telling my uncle what happened today, I quickly left the detective agency.

I want to get home quickly, and I want to start practicing quickly!

I have to say that what happened today has a great impact on me. I am so shameful and abominable that I am powerless in front of the Flame Monarch! I want to strengthen my training from today. I will never let any girl stand in front of me and fight again!