Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 10 Su Daji, King Zhou and Fengshen 2

Well, I suddenly found that this tenth chapter is very long...


Well... Although I have taken over the task, what should I do?

After leaving home, I suddenly felt a little confused when I began to carry out the detective mission independently.

Before, the tasks I received were only according to the requirements on the mission statement, but now I suddenly let me do things alone. I'm really at a loss.

"Given the fact that the man who came into contact with that woman was fascinated by her in the end, I think you should investigate her surroundings first."

After I told my uncle about my doubts, that's what he suggested to me.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it!"

After getting the prompt from my uncle, I began to investigate those men.

"Well, it's weird..."

After investigation, Heidi and I found something very strange.

Those men who are said to be fascinated by women can move freely and are not controlled by the woman in their own hands. And after the observation of Heidi and me, those men seemed to be very sober and did not seem to be confused.

What the hell is going on?

Well, it seems that we have to investigate it carefully.

"Mr. Wang, I found it from your wife..."

"I know you must think I was confused by Miss Wang, but I tell you that my mind is very clear now. I am not confused by her. Everything I do is voluntary, and no one asked me to do it!"

"Mr. Sun, we are your daughter..."

"You needless to say, I already know your intentions. You'd better go back. I'm not confused by Miss Wang at all.

"Mr. Li..."

"It's the happiness of my life to be able to serve Miss Wang. A little money is nothing. As long as I can serve Miss Wang, I will do everything.


"Don't say anything, get out of here immediately."

After several failed communications, Heidi and I put our last hope on Zhou Runfa.

"Mr. Zhou, we are from the DTC Detective Agency."

I dialed Zhou Yuhan's mobile phone number, and I successfully contacted Zhou Runfa.

"At the entrustment of your daughter, we want to investigate the matter between you and the lady around you."

For such a thoughtful person as Zhou Runfa, it needs to be straightforward, and covering it will only make this smart person feel disgusted with us.

"Well, I'll wait for you at 12 noon today at the "See you soon" cafe on Chengdong Avenue." After a moment of silence, Zhou Luan's voice came from the phone.


I made a victory gesture to Helen beside me, and I laughed happily.

Before communicating with others, they often hung up the phone before they said a few words. Now that I have finally made a successful appointment with a person, and it is also one of the more difficult people. How can I be unhappy in my heart?

Looking at the watch, it was already eleven o'clock unconsciously. I hurriedly got into a taxi and set off directly for the "See you soon" cafe.

Because the "See you soon" cafe is a famous cafe in Ivan, and when I get off work at noon, when I entered the cafe, I saw a dense crowd.

Damn it, how can I find Zhou Runfa in such an environment?

"Sir, are you here to find Mr. Zhou Runfa?" Just as I was worried about finding Zhou Leufa, a waiter came to me.

"Yes, yes." Hearing the waiter's words, my eyes couldn't help but light up. Do you know where Mr. Zhou Lunfa is?

"Yes, Mr. Zhou Runfa is over there. I'll take you there."

After seeing me nod, the waiter quickly showed us the way in front of us.

After passing through the crowded crowd, I finally saw Zhou Run's hair at the bottom right of the cafe.

It's worthy of Chow Yun Fat!

When I saw Zhou Runfa, I couldn't help sighing.

I have seen Zhou Runfa on TV before. At that time, I thought he was a great person, but now I have a deeper feeling when I see Zhou Runfa. His eyes are warm, and people will feel like a spring breeze when they are looked at by him. His shoulders are wide, giving people a heavy feeling. His mouth is tightly squeezed, which shows that he is a rigorous person. All this tells you that the person standing in front of you is a person worthy of your trust!

This is a natural detective agency!

"You must have found it from my daughter, right?" As soon as he sat down, Zhou Luanfa said bluntly, "I believe that with your major, you must know the fact that we are not confused."

"Ye�, we want to know..."

With a big hand wave, Zhou Runfa interrupted me. Needless to say, I can tell you clearly that there is no point in your further investigation. Because we all volunteer to be by Miss Wang's side. And I want to state that we are not willing to follow her because of Miss Wang's beauty. We are completely infected by her personality.

Bah, that's what every pig brother says.

Although I was disdainful, I still asked. So, can you tell us why that lady infected you and those people?

"I know you may not believe me, but what I said is true." He is indeed a famous detective. People like me who are good at hiding their thoughts have been seen through by him. As for personality charm, it is something that cannot be explained in words. You haven't seen her, and it doesn't make sense for me to tell you more.

"I'm here today because I want you to help me convey a word to my daughter." Standing up suddenly, Zhou Lew said, "You tell her that I have found my direction, and now her father is very happy. Also, tell her that I'm sorry for her.

After saying that, Zhou Runfa took out 100 yuan from his pocket. It's my treat this time."

"Well, at least please tell us Miss Wang's full name." Seeing that Zhou Runfa was about to leave, I quickly got up and said.

"This..." A trace of hesitation appeared on Zhou Lew's face.

"For your daughter's sake, please tell us." Seeing Zhou Luan's expression, I quickly said.

A hesitant look appeared on his face. After ponding for a moment, Zhou Run said, "Miss Wang's full name is Wang Yu."

"Wang Yu..."

When I was on the road, I said the name more than once.

What charm does she have to fascinate such a person!

"Uncle, what do you think I should do?" Distured by the thousands of thoughts in my mind, I couldn't help turning on the communication device and asked the uncle.

Well, the uncle is indeed an old man. But on top of many things, this old man can still help me a lot. Well, this time is no exception.

"Detect with props." Without thinking about it, the uncle gave me an answer.

"You mean we can use props?" Hearing my uncle's words, I was overjoyed to ask.

Although I got the props, the uncle disapproved of me using props at the beginning. According to him, this thing is an external object after all. If you always rely on props, it will only make my brain stiff in the end.

Bah, there are only two props. Even if I want to rely on them, I have to rely on them!

I took out a silver glasses from my arms, and after pressing the silver button on the edge of the glasses, I put my eyes on.

"Spy No. 1 serves you. How many detection bees do you want to use?"

As soon as I put on my glasses, a mechanical sound came to my mind. Then, a list appeared on the mirror.

This list is very small, with numbers from one to ten on the list, followed by the time of use.

This spectacle is called reconnaissance glasses. After turning on the detection function of the glasses, mechanical bees that are invisible to the naked eye will fly out of the edges of the glasses. Through these bees, I can see what I want to see. It must be said that this is really a good thing for home travel and peeping.

After choosing ten bees to scout, I began He Heidi to set out for Sunset Mountain.

Although Zhou Runfa's investigation failed, her daughter Zhou Yuhan still provided us with some things investigated before Zhou Runfa. And among those investigated things, Wang Yu's living habits are included!

In the investigation, it was clearly pointed out that after entering Ivan City, Wang Xi would watch the scenery on the sunset mountain of Ivan City at 1 p.m. every day. At least, since she entered Ivan City, she has been there for 36 consecutive days to see the scenery.

Well, it should be 37 days now.

According to the position indicated in the investigation report, Heidi and I found Wang Yu, who was standing on the mountain with her arms wide open and blowing in the wind.

"Let's go! My dear bee!"

I secretly hid behind the trees behind Wang Yu's hand and waved my right hand forward, and ten mechanical bees flew silently towards Wang Yu.

"Well, what's going on?" I quickly closed the screen on my glasses, and I looked at Wang Yu, who was looking at the scenery in front of me.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing my appearance, Heidi couldn't help putting down the book in her hand.

"My little bee seems to have been found by that Wang Yu." Speaking of this, I'm a little unsure myself." No matter how I adjust the picture, I can't see her face. What's more terrible is that I clearly adjusted the two bees to shoot Wang Ng, but what I saw was still Wang Ng's side face!"

"Impossible. Those detective bees can't be seen with the naked eye at all, and there is no sound flying in the air. She has no reason to find out."

"Well, what do you think is going on?"

"I can't say this. Well, you'd better ask the president. Although he has been unworthy, after all, he has experienced enough things. If you ask him, you should be able to get an answer.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, nothing, nothing. It's just that you said so many words at once, and I'm not used to it for a while.

"This..." Without saying anything, Heidi handed me the book in her hand.

The Way to Get Along - How to Communicate with People

"Well, so you changed because you read this book?"

"Hmm." After nodding, Heidi read the book again.


I knew it!

I shook my head helplessly, and I began to communicate with my uncle.

"Why are you so stupid! Do you think Zhou Lunfa won't tell the woman named Wang Yu about you? I can guarantee that that woman must have known your existence. In this case, you don't need to cover it up. What do you want to ask? Just go up and ask that woman directly, right? After listening to my words, the uncle sighed with hatred. Alas, why did I let such a stupid guy join the detective agency...

Yes, I just need to ask her if she doesn't need it. Wait!

- You should have told me this kind of thing at the beginning, right?

"In this case, why didn't you tell me directly at the beginning, but asked me to investigate those people and let me monitor Wang Yu with props?"

"Haha, because I think your stupid appearance is so cute, so... Haha, don't care, don't care."

Card wipe!

The detective glasses in my hand were folded in half by me.

"What's that sound?" The uncle's nervous voice immediately came from the badge. What did I seem to hear just now? You guys won't do anything strange, will you?"

"No, I didn't do anything strange. I just broke the detective glasses. Well, the sound just now is the sound of my glasses being torn in half. After saying this, I decisively cut off the contact.

Humph, how dare you fool me?

Detection glasses are a good thing! According to Helen, this thing is worth at least 100,000 dollars. That's how I abolished it...

Hey... Uncle must be very distressed now, right?

After relaying the uncle's words to Heidi, Heidi nodded gently after pondering for a long time.

"Be careful."

"No problem." After making a reassuring gesture to Heidi, I strode towards Wang Yu.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Just as I was about to walk behind Wang Yu, an idea suddenly came to my mind.

What if I am confused by Wang Yu like those people?

Thinking that I might become like those guys, I couldn't help but stop moving forward.

"Why, don't you dare to come over?"

Just as I was hesitant about whether to move forward, Wang Yu, who had been facing me, suddenly turned around and smiled at me.

Gongrong and luxurious!

When I saw Wang Yu, these two words suddenly flashed in my mind.

Wang Yu, who used to look in her glasses, saw the side, but now I finally see this woman who has confused many men.

A charming melon seed face is lit with two cold stars of Liao Ruochen, and there is an indescribable noble atmosphere on the crystal face. The rose-colored bright red lips look so beautiful and seductive.

Looking at the woman in front of me, an inexplicable fear suddenly rose in my heart.

Yes, fear!

Although this Wang Yu is beautiful, when you see her for the first time, you will definitely ignore her beauty. Because she exudes an indescribable temperament. Feeling that temperament, I vaguely felt the worship of Wang Yu in my heart.

"Nedless to say, I can tell you clearly that it is meaningless for you to investigate further. Because we all volunteer to be by Miss Wang's side. And I want to make it clear that we are not willing to follow Miss Wang because of her beauty. We are completely infected by her personality.

Just as my heart was shaking, what Zhou Runfa once said echoed in my mind again.

What Zhou Runfa said is really right!

Feeling Wang's increasing influence on me, I quickly started to run my mental strength. When the surging spiritual power flowed through my head, I returned to normal!

This Wang Yu is so terrible! I can guarantee that what I just felt was definitely not because I was bewitched by her. With her temperament, Wang Yu actually gave me the impulse to worship her just because of her temperament!

This temperament is no less than the vibe of the eight in YY novels!

"Ha ha, your name is He Luo, right? You are really similar to my friend." A look of remembrance flashed in her eyes, and Wang Yu showed a beautiful smile to me. Well, you don't have to be nervous. I've scattered my things, and now you won't be affected by me anymore.

It's strange to believe you!

"Hehe, the little guy is quite cautious." Seeing the warning flashing in my eyes, Wang Yu couldn't help smiling. Think about it, which of the people who was deceived by me before is not a successful person, how can a child like you enter my eyes?

"You are the child. I'm 18 years old now!"

Although I said so, I still stopped the spirit of high-speed operation.

Just relying on my temperament can disturb my spirit. If Wang Yu really has the intention to deal with me, whether I can stop it or not is the same thing!

"Who the hell are you?"

After dissipating my mental strength, I found that the temperament on Wang Yu just now had disappeared. Now she looks like an ordinary beauty.

"Me? Didn't you already know? My name is Wang Yu. After a slight smile, Wang Yu looked at me and said word by word, "The unique Wang Yu has been!"

Female emperor!

Looking at the woman in front of me, a word suddenly rose in my heart.

Ha ha, I'm insane or something. How can there really be an emperor in this world... Not to mention the female emperor.

"What on earth did you come to Ivan City for?"

Staring at Wang Yu's watery eyes, I asked word by word.