Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 10 Su Daji, King Zhou and Fengshen 6

In view of the failure to update on time last night, I updated a chapter of 6,000 words today.

Well, by the way, in order to ensure that you won't miss the update time in the future, change the daily update time to between * o'clock every night...


If the previous god is the title of god, then this time's plan is the real god - seal the true god!

"Uh, did it work?" Although I saw the boss standing in front of me, I couldn't help asking.

Tut, I really didn't expect that the final boss at that time was Boss Su Dajisu in front of me.

"Are you the gods in the West Asian Forest?" Hearing the saying of Fengshen, I suddenly thought of the West Asian forest in Ivan City. Boss, did you successfully provoke the anger of the Western gods and the Eastern gods, and then sealed the gods when the true gods of the two factions fought?

"No..." shook his head and the boss explained, "In fact, the fact, the factions of gods in history are not only the West and East, but also the gods in India, Western Europe and other places. Although there is a lot of gap between gods and gods, I can't successfully provoke so many divine battles."

"Uh, don't you seal the gods in the West Asian forest?"

"No, but that matter is about me. As for what happened at that time, I don't remember. The boss said, "It's too long. My memory is incomplete."


The gods remembered so clearly thousands of years ago, how could they not remember what happened after the gods!

But since the boss doesn't want to say it, I won't ask anymore!

"Well, since you fought side by side to destroy the gods all over the sky, why do you still hate each other now?"

"Hmm!" With a cold hum, Sister Wang said, "At that time, I didn't want to survive at all. It was this guy who turned me into a ghost without my consent. How can I not hate him!"

"But after all, uncle sealed the Buddha for you. Can't this make up for the gap between you?" I asked puzzledly, "Seriously, the uncle is just ordered to act, and it is not his own will to destroy the Shang Dynasty at all!"

"Brother Luo, there are many things you don't know, and I won't tell you clearly for a while." After shaking her head extremely heavily, Sister Wang stared at the boss with hatred and said, "How do you think I should kill you?"

"But according to your majesty's disposal..." Shaking his head, the boss said bitterly.

"Hmm! See you on Yeyue Mountain in three days!" After staring closely at the boss for a while, Sister Wang said coldly, "I don't think you will go?"

"Three days later... right, in a blink of an eye, another year has passed." After repeatedly talking about the time mentioned by Sister Wang, a sudden expression appeared on the boss's face. OK, three days later, I will definitely go in three days.

"Brother Luo, my sister has something else to do, so let's go first. You... just say goodbye to this bastard." After staring at the boss fiercely, Sister Wang's figure disappeared in front of me.

Without a trace of space fluctuations and no energy fluctuations, Sister Wang Yu actually disappeared from me like this?!

Heidi looked at her in horror, but saw that Heidi also looked at the place where Sister Wang disappeared with horror.

Although I have known from the conversation just now that Sister Wang is a pseudo-god, I didn't expect... Sister Wang's level is definitely SS level, even a higher SS level!

"Ha ha, this is just a high-level use method of teleportation. I believe you can do the same thing in the future." The boss came over with a smile and patted me gently on the shoulder. I know you must be full of questions. Come with me and we'll go for a drink.

"Ye." After nodding, I apologized to Heidi beside me, "Heidi, you go back first. I'll be back later."

After looking at the boss with calm eyes, Heidi nodded to me and slowly left.

"So boss, let's go."



"I fought for a thousand years, hated it for a thousand years, and thought about it for a thousand years..." Looking at the bright moon hanging in the sky, the boss poured another sip of wine fiercely. How on earth did I get through this millennium?

At this time, the bright moon sprinkled its glory on the uncle's face. The light on his white face was particularly lonely. Looking at the uncle's lonely figure, I seemed to feel the pain deep in his heart.

"Boss, you are drunk..."

"Drunken? No, I'm a biochemical beast, I'm a god, and I won't get drunk. No matter how much I drink, I won't get drunk. The jar in his hand fell to the ground fiercely, and the boss casually lifted the wine jar at his feet and drank it again.

"Yes, I won't get drunk, I can't get drunk!"

In a blink of an eye, the boss poured another jar of wine and banged. After smashing the jar in his hand, the boss suddenly picked up the wine on the ground and poured it up.

Oh... why do you have to?

Looking at the boss in front of me, I couldn't help sighing and shaking my head.

After Heidi left, the boss took me to a cave behind the country mountain. This is a cave of more than 50 square meters, with a simple bed in the innermost part of the cave, and then the rest of the space is occupied by the wine jar. Come to think of it, the boss has lived here for a while.

After coming to the cave, the boss didn't give me a chance to ask questions at all. After throwing a jar of wine into my hand, he drank it himself.

It seems that I was cheated. He has no intention of telling me what happened before.


I shook my head with a wry smile. Like my boss, I picked up the wine jar and began to pour myself up.

As the boss said before drinking, there is nothing more to say. The only thing we should do now is drink.

"He Luo, do you know which friend I used to refer to when I said you were like my friend?" The uncle pointed at me drunkenly. You, you are like my best elder!"


If I had heard that I had the same exquisite heart as the legendary one before, then I would be very happy. But after knowing that the important ministers of the Shang Dynasty were all women...


Thinking of this, my face couldn't help wrinkled slightly.

Where do I look like a woman?

"Yes, it looks like here!" The boss pointed at me and laughed. Like her, you are not good at disguising yourself. You put your feelings on your faces. You will always think about good things in your hearts, and you will never betray your friends..."

"But..." As he spoke, the boss actually cried. Like a child who lost his way, big tears fell down one after another. But, such a person who would never betray me was killed by me! Because I know that she will stop my plan, and I know that she will..."

"I don't want to, I really don't want to. She trusted me so much that she told me everything about her mind. She treated me as her own son, but...but..."

"At that time, I had thought about imprisoning her, hoping to live a happy life with her and King Zhou after subverting that country. But I couldn't do it, because my program judged that she could not accept such a thing at that time.

"So, I killed her."

At this time, the boss seemed to be drunk and kept talking.

"I killed her and stabbed her directly into her heart in the splash of blood."

"But why did she look pity at that time? Why did she still say that to me even at her last time?"

"It's still the sentence 'Son, you suffer'!"

"Why! Why..."

"And, do you know why your sister Wang let me live three more days?" Under the cold moonlight, the boss muttered, "That's because three days later, it will be a dead sacrifice..."

"Why was I selected, why me, why is it me..."

Biochemical beasts will not get drunk, and the legendary gods will not get drunk.

But looking at the drunk boss in front of him, I believe he is drunk.

If you don't get drunk, everyone will get drunk!


Three days later, on the night moon mountain!

The cold night wind rustled the treetops, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the ground through the clouds, and also sprinkled on the two quietly confronting people.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Sister Wang looked at the boss resentfully and said coldly.

"No more." The boss smiled bitterly and said, "What else can people like me say? Your Majesty, you'd better do it."

"In this case, there is no need to say more!" Seeing the boss's attitude, a complex look flashed in Wang's eyes, and her body suddenly turned into a meteor.

"Go to hell!"

With strong wind in her palms, Sister Wang hit the boss's abdomen fiercely.


Golden blood spewed out of his mouth, and the boss's body was hit into the air like a broken kite.

"Won't you return?" Seeing that the boss did not have any defense to take over his attack, a trace of confusion flashed in Wang's eyes. But soon, the blankness was replaced by fierceness. OK, let me see if you really don't want to return it!"


Sister Wang hit the boss mercilessly, and the boss finally took the attack with a wry smile.

"Boss, let me out quickly!" Seeing the boss's miserable situation, I couldn't help shouting out. Sister Wang, don't fight again, don't fight again!"

In order to prevent a tragedy, I arrived here before the two arrived and wanted to help them at the most dangerous time. But I didn't expect that the boss who arrived first sealed me with an air mask!

Damn it, I don't know what the boss did in my hand. In the air mask, I can't summon Pikachu! What's more terrible is that I can't even extract the strength in my body!


After hitting a big hole on the ground again, a trace of panic suddenly appeared on the boss's calm face. Your Majesty, let's go!"

"It's finally figured out." Hearing the boss's words, a trace of flush appeared on Sister Wang's face. I must kill you bastard today!"

Ten fingers jumped in the air like a dancer, and colorful energy belts were controlled by Sister Wang and flew to the boss who appeared in pain on her face.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After the thick black smoke dissipated, a large pit more than ten meters wide and could not see the depth appeared in front of me.

"The degree of damage...the most dangerous level...automatic repair function start...secondary personality start...standby program start..."

Just when I was worried about my boss, with a mechanical sound, the boss who had just been beaten to the skin slowly flew out of the big pit. At this time, his whole body was full of cyan flame-like energy, and the original black pupils turned cold white.

"Target, King Zhou. The highest level of danger.

Before the words fell, the boss's body suddenly blurred and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the boss appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Wang Yu.

"Go to hell!" As soon as the boss's figure appeared, Sister Wang immediately turned around and kicked the boss's heart.


The boss was kicked to the ground heavily by Sister Wang. With the falling stones rolling in the air, another human-shaped pit was left on the hard ground.

However, after suffering such a powerful attack, the boss jumped up from the ground with no expression on his face, as if it was another person who had just been strongly attacked.

"You finally figured it out." Wang Yu smiled coldly, surrounded by golden airflow on her green jade fingers, and nodded to the boss.


A light wave about 20 centimeters in diameter hit the boss with great power.

In the face of this powerful attack, the boss unhurriedly stretched out his hands forward, and the blue energy on his body flowed to his hands in an instant.


The powerful blow issued by Sister Wang disappeared in an instant when she met the airflow on the boss's hand!

"Complete power supplement, use the third type."

The cold words stood out again, and the boss's body shook, and a, no, countless bosses appeared beside him!

"Wan Zhan!"

Thousands of bosses raised their hands high and flew cold blue light on the boss's hand one by one.

"Well, do you think you can defeat me like this?" Seeing the boss's huge blow, Sister Wang's face darkened, but she still flew to the highest point quickly.

"King of the world!"

With Sister Wang's cold and emotionless words, a strong pressure appeared on this small pass! Then, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up on Sister Wang's body.

The white light was like a hot sun, so dazzling and hot that I had to close my eyes.


With a deafening explosion, the earth suddenly let out a sad cry and vibrated strongly. As if it were the end of the world, two destructive forces rose in the Night Moon Mountain.

Even if I was in the air mask at this time, the power of terror still made me feel chill from the bottom of my heart.

This is the real power of pseudo-god!


I don't know if it was a second or a lifetime, and the two powerful forces collided.

Whether it is hard land or towering trees, everything that has been touched by force has become a recovery and dissipates in the air.

Before, both of them's attacks selectively avoided me, so I became a safe place in this fiercely fought field. But this time the attack of the two has gone white-hot, which means that they will not stay.

So, a wave of energy with extremely powerful power rushed towards me slowly and quickly!


When I opened my eyes, I happened to see a residual energy wave slowly, resolutely corroding the air mask outside me.

Fortunately, because the air mask was corroded, my strength gradually recovered. Just after I carried energy to protect myself, the air mask was just washed away by the aftershocks of energy.

hong hong hong~

The aftershocks are like the sea, constantly washing the energy around me. One second, two seconds, three seconds... I don't know how long it lasted. Just when I was about to be unable to support it, the aftershock finally dissipated completely.

I felt that the crisis had passed like this. My heart was relieved, and my eyes suddenly darkened, and I fainted like this.

And when I woke up, I happened to see the boss lying on the ground at least 10 meters more concave than before, and Sister Wang stood coldly beside the boss, with her sexy red lips tightly squeezed, and her grim face full of chill.

"You kill me." Another mouthful of golden blood was spit out, and the boss smiled bitterly at Sister Wang, "I... should have died long ago."


A golden light shot through the boss's ear, leaving a bottomless hole on the ground.

"I didn't let you talk!" Looking at the boss coldly, Sister Wang suddenly asked, "Is that person dead just now?"

"It doesn't matter whether he is dead or not." With a wry smile, the boss closed his eyes. The important thing is that I did it."

"From today on, there will be no more relationship between us."

looked at the boss in complexity. After leaving this sentence coldly, Sister Wang staggered and gradually left.

"Well, what happened just now?" I ran to the boss in confusion and looked at the figure of Sister Wang leaving. I asked curiously.

"Hey..." Looking at Sister Wang's departure, the boss slowly stood up with my support. Damn it..."

After saying this, the boss broke free from my help and slowly walked down the mountain.

Well, what is this?

Looking at the boss's distant figure, I'm really confused.

What happened when I was in a coma!


Three days later, outside the airport in Ivan City.

"What do you want to say?" Standing in front of the airport, the boss turned around and asked me.

Shaking my head, I didn't say anything. Now, what is there to say?

"What do you want to ask?"

Shake your head.

"Bear care!" After a moment of silence, the boss hugged me. After patting me on the back, he walked to the airport step by step.

"Sister Wang, do you think this is good?" In the parking lot of the airport, looking at the haggard woman in front of me, I asked hesitantly, "You and the boss..."

Since Sister Wang Yu let go of the boss at the end, does it mean that they can still be together again?

Shaking her head, Sister Wang smiled sweetly at me. As I said, he and I have finished everything from today. He is him and I am me.

"But the boss is no longer what he used to be."

"The problem is that I'm not who I used to be." She shook her head with a wry smile, and Sister Wang said. You are still young and there are many things you don't know, but I believe you will know one day.

At this point, Sister Wang smiled mysteriously at me. But Brother Luo, as a sister, I want to give you a piece of advice.


"Don't trust others too much and don't be friends with everyone anymore."


Can such words be regarded as advice?

"Ha ha. I talk too much. Well, it's getting late. I'll go first.


"What do you think is love?" When I got home and looked at Kexin, who was wiping the teacup, I asked.


With a clear sound, the teacup in his hand was completely broken.

"What did you just ask me?" While picking up the fragments on the ground in a hurry, he asked with a red face.

"I ask you, what is love?" Looking at Ke's at a loss, I hurried over. Forget it, I'll do it here."

Er, is my question strange? Unexpectedly, the heart that has always been calm has become like this.

"Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

"Well, it's nothing, just ask casually." After throwing the picked pieces into the garbage basket, I clapped my hands and stood up. If you don't know, forget it."

"No, I know." He blushed and lowered his head, but said in a low voice.

"Oh? Then what do you mean by love?

"Love means that wherever you go, you will always remember the person you love. When you walk, you will think about that person. When you eat, you will think about whether that person has eaten or not. When you are sad, you will want to jump into that person's arms and cry. But in order not to worry about that person, you will eventually choose to cry alone... Damn, what are you laughing at!"

Well, I'm really sorry, I laughed when you spoke so seriously. What can I do if it's not enough? Your serious look is so cute!

"Haha, you read too many books." I rubbed her hair with laughter, and I spoiled her little nose. I'm really stupid. You little girl may not even know what love is. How can you know what love is?

"Hate, whoever says I don't know, I just know what love is. I just know what I like. He put my hand aside dissatisfiedly and pouted and said, "You are a big fool who knows nothing!"

"Well, tell me which unlucky guy fell in love with my sister?"

"You...huh!" He made a face to me and quickly ran back to his room.

With a bang, the door was tightly closed by her.

"He Luo, you big fool!"

What's your attitude? How can you say that about your brother!