Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 4 Birthday Overture 2

Well, there are tickets every day now. When can the collection be increased every day...


I remember that only my father and mother knew about helping Kexin do the swing at that time, right?

At that time, because Kexin really liked swinging so much, he was reluctant to leave the park every time. So, I had a whim and wanted to make a swing for her in her room.

At that time, I was as vigorous as I am now. Thinking of doing it, I quickly drew a sketch to make a swing.

Because I was still young and didn't have much money to buy raw materials, after I found that I didn't have the materials to make the swing, I focused on my parents**.

Well, if my parents' sheets are torn, they can be used as ropes, and the bed board can be used as seats...

However, as the saying goes, good things are hard. When I was about to finish the swing, my parents came back...

As a result, an inhuman child abuse incident occurred in my family that day.

However, because I couldn't make the swing, I begged my parents not to tell Kexin about it, and they agreed. Then why does Kexin still know?

"Anyway, I just know." After a slight smile, my heart beat down the swing. Brother, let's go play with something else.

"Something else?" Looking at the dilapidated place in front of me, I couldn't help saying, "Well, I think we'd better go to another park." There is nothing to play here."

"Who said no..." He quickly ran to a bunch of grass and took a long grass in his hand, but smiled at me and said, "Brother, do you remember the game we played before?"

"Of course I remember." Looking at the grass in Kexin's hand, I don't know what she wants to say. After bending down and pulling out a grass from the ground, I smiled. Anyway, I am absolutely invincible.

"Is that right? Then let's compare." After connecting the grass in my hand with the grass in my hand, I can gently pull it.

Yes, this is the grass pulling game I used to play when I was a child.

Two people went to the grass to compare the toughness of the grass. Although it sounded boring, this game accompanied me and Kexin for a long time.


"Well, it's because I didn't use my invincible spell, otherwise I could definitely break your grass."

Looking at the broken grass in my hand, I said unconvincedly.

"Yes, when you find the wire, you will be invincible."

"Well, how do you know... Bah, do you think your brother is the kind of person who cheats?" After realizing that I had said something I shouldn't have said, I quickly remed it and said, "I won't use that despicable means."

"Is it?" He tilted his head and looked at me for a moment, but his heart suddenly smiled. Forget it, even if what you said is true, brother, let's dig out the things now.

"That thing?"

"Well, I knew... Brother, you must have forgotten that thing, right?" But he looked at me with a bad face. Humph, you said so well at that time that you won't forget anything about your last name. It's only ten years now, and you have forgotten!"

Hey, what does it mean that only ten years have passed! Ten years have been so long, and it's not surprising that I forgot my surname, let alone anything else? - Although I want to say so, considering the consequences of saying this, I chose another sentence.

"Hey, it's wrong for you to say that. How can I remember if you don't say anything! Well, at least you want to give me a hint, right?"

"Okay, but if you don't want to get up, don't blame me."

"Well, don't do that... Well, you said, I should, probably, remember."

"Hmm, try not to remember to have a look." He curled his lips and said, "Do you remember the time box we played before?"

"Time Box?"

It's really an old-fashioned name...

"You don't say you don't remember, do you?" Seeing a puzzled look on my face, I asked dissatisfiedly.

"Haha, how can I not remember? Remember, of course I remember." Busy nodded, and I tried to search for things about the time box in my mind.

Although my body has been transformed by the little guy and my memory has been greatly improved, after all, it has been ten years, and now I really don't remember it.

Wait, ten years? Time?

"Do you still remember it or not!"

"Of course I remember, if I remember correctly, that thing was buried by us under the big tree." With a mysterious smile, I pointed to the big tree not far away.

It's a crooked tree, and all the leaves on the trunk have fallen, leaving only lonely branches. In addition to the dense knife marks on the tree, a blue painted print is particularly clear.

The blue print was printed by me and Kexin, in order to indicate the location where we buried the time box!

I didn't expect that I can remember things for so long.

Time box, this is the way I remember the present when I read comics. At that time, we should be about * years old.

Imagically depicted my imaginary future on the white paper, put the white paper in the box, and made a wish that we would take out the things in ten years to see if we were the same as ourselves ten years ago.

Ha ha, I used to be very romantic.

"You still remember. I thought you really forgot, brother." He looked at me charmingly and said, "Brother, now ten years have come. Let's take out the time box."


Time is really a big killer that can wash away everything. Even if Kexin and I remember that the time box was buried under the tree, it took us nearly half an hour to dig out the previous box.

"This is the time box at that time. I really miss it." Holding the washed time box, Kexin said sweetly to me.

"Yes, I really miss it!"

Looking at the familiar and strange box, I couldn't help sighing.

"Okay, let's stop thinking about the past and see what we left for ourselves at that time." I smiled and took the time box in Kexin's hand. I opened the box.

There were not many things in the box, including a toy pistol, a blue envelope, a pink envelope and two popular greeting cards at that time.

"Well, this is mine, this is yours..." After sorting out the contents of the box, I couldn't wait to open the blue envelope left ten years ago.

What on earth did I say ten years ago?

"Ten years later, hello, I am the greatest He Luo in the world. Tell me, have you ever had a clear conscience? Have you done anything wrong? Anyway, you should remember that you are me, and you can't do anything to damage my reputation... If you really did that, you can kill yourself with the pistol I left behind! Well, and, since you are me, you must become the most powerful person in the world and make your parents happy..."


In the past, did I... have such a stinky fart?

"Haha, my ex-brother is so stinky." After reading the words I left for myself, I burst into tears with laughter.

"Well, let me see what you said to yourself ten years ago." Being teased by Kexin, my face couldn't help blushing.

"No, I don't want to show you." I spit out my tongue and quickly dodged my hand.

"Don't be so stingy. Let me see if it won't happen."

"No!" He made a grimace at me and ran away with a smile.

"Well, I must watch it!" After putting away the envelope, I caught up with Kexin with a smile.

"Haha, I caught it." I grabbed the breathless Kexin and was about to speak, but I was suddenly thrown aside by a huge force.

"Kexin, why..." I couldn't finish my words, because I was stunned by the scene in front of me!


What is that?