Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 1 The Opening of the Prologue

"Well, what do you want to do?" Seeing that my uncle was about to jump on, I quickly moved behind Su Yun. By the way, you haven't said it yet. Why did you become like this?

Now the uncle's face is covered with a thick black beard, and his hair is as messy as a chicken coop. Coupled with his rags, there is no difference between the uncle and the beggar now.

Well, to be precise, even the beggar is much better than his current image.

"It's not because of the little devil you brought me." With a heavy sigh, the uncle sat on the sofa. The reason why I became what I am now is all because of him!"

"Wait!" After interrupting my uncle, I walked around him for a few times. Do you think you were all killed by little children?

"Of course, otherwise do you think I will lie to you?" The uncle said dissatisfiedly, "Do you think I, as the head of a society, will deceive my members?"

"Let's forget the fact that you lied to me before." Ignoring the uncle's instantly collapsed face, I said word by word, "Well, let me think about it. Su Yun told me this morning that you had something to ask me. That is to say, you were already in the detective agency at that time, right?

Looking at the uncle, I continued to say, "You don't have to say that you called Su Yun. Su Yun has told me that you told her in the detective agency and asked me to come to you. So, can you tell me why you can't even simply repair your beard with so much time?

That's right, the reason why the uncle looks like this now must be because this guy wants to play sad cards with me! After that, this guy will definitely let me do that with this sad card. I'm not stupid!

I have now recognized this guy's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidney, and I will never be deceived by this low-level trick again!

"Cough, it's really my member. I even thought of this detail." He smiled awkwardly, and the uncle hugged me. Well, let's forget these small details. Let's talk about the little devil now, okay?

"Of course no problem." After nodding and throwing my uncle's hand aside, I sat on the sofa. But I hope that during the conversation, someone will tell me how much he has suffered. Because if I remember correctly, someone has been insting the little boy to play some treasure hunt with him.

Although I don't know what happened to the uncle, it is not difficult to know from what the uncle just said that "it's all caused by the little devil" and the fact that the little kid did not appear. It must be full of stories.

Although the little boy didn't come back with his uncle, to be honest, I'm not worried about the little boy at all.

Anyway, that guy is the great demon king who is going to destroy the earth in the prophecy. Do you think there is any possibility to destroy him on the earth?

As for the treasure hunt, it has to be traced back to a few days ago.

After I successfully solved the important thing, the uncle suddenly left Ivan City with the little boy, saying that he was going to find the baby his father left him. Well, that is, the weapon that the legendary demon king will use.

"A weapon that can destroy the earth, tut, no matter how you think about it, that thing is at least an S-level weapon. If I can get it..."

Thinking of my uncle's nymphomaniac at that time, I couldn't help but have a cold war.

"Say, what happened to you? Why didn't the little boy come back with you?" From my memory, I asked my uncle.

"First of all, I want to declare that the injury on my body is indeed caused by the little devil." Looking at me, the uncle said with a wry smile, "The second is that now the little devil has become the real devil."

"Well, what do you mean? What does it mean to become a real demon king? Taking the initiative to ignore the uncle's previous sentence, I asked puzzledly, "Speaking of which, didn't you go to the place where the little child was born to find weapons? Why did you become like this ghost now?"

"We did go to the place where the little demon king was born, and we did find weapons there." Hearing my words, the uncle's face showed a crying and laughing expression. But the problem is with that weapon!"

After a pause, the uncle spoke under the eager eyes of me and Su Yun. After we found the weapon, the little devil said that he wanted to keep the weapon. I didn't think so much at that time, so I threw the weapon directly to him. Who knows that after touching the weapon, there was a change in the little devil's body.

"Vity?" After looking at Su Yun, we asked with one voice.

"That's right, variation! At the moment of getting the sword, the little devil's body suddenly more than doubled, and his strength increased at a speed beyond ordinary people, but... he lost his mind. Taking out a cigarette from his arms, the uncle said in a low voice, "Speaking of which, the mutation on the little demon king is similar to the mutation of He Luo's sister. Both of them have gained strong power through mutation and lost their personalities."

"But unlike Kexin's unawakened power, the power obtained after the mutation of the little devil has increased exponentially! In a short time, his power is already several times that of when he first mutated!" Speaking of this, a trace of fear flashed on the uncle's face. If I hadn't seen something wrong at that time and immediately found a way to seal him up, now he would have had the power to destroy the earth.

"Well, is the power to destroy the earth so exaggerated?" After looking at Su Yun, I asked my uncle in a hoarse voice. You're not kidding us, are you?"

"Well, just kidding, do you think I'll joke with you about such a big thing?" After thinking about it, the uncle continued, "I have reported the matter of the little devil to the People's Bureau, and I guess someone will suppress the little devil soon."

"Repress the little boy?" Hearing this, my face changed and I couldn't help shouting to my uncle, "Oh, my God, you actually told those guys about the little kids. Aren't you afraid that those guys may eliminate the little kids!"

Damn it, uncle, don't you have a good relationship with the little boy? Why are you pushing the little child into the abyss like this?

"Huh? Don't you have a bad relationship with the little devil? Why do you still care about him so much? As if he had found a treasure, the uncle looked at me with a playful face. Didn't you keep shouting for me to send the little devil away so that you can save your mind? Now that you hear that the little boy is going to be suppressed, you should be happy. Why don't you care so much about the little devil instead of being happy?

"Humph, hum... I don't care about that little boy. I'm just dissatisfied with your character!" I stared at my uncle fiercely and said angrily, "The little boy is usually the most clingy to you, but you betrayed him. Don't you feel ashamed!"

"What else can I do?" The uncle roared at me with a straight face, "If the little devil is allowed to continue like that, soon he will have invincible power. At that time, the little devil will not die, but our whole earth will be destroyed!" What do you think I should do? What can I do!"


Yes, what can the uncle do under such circumstances?

Looking at the uncle's embarrassed face, I suddenly couldn't say a word.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you." After looking at me quietly for a moment, the uncle suddenly smiled. After patting me on the shoulder heavily, the uncle said solemnly to me, "Although I did report the little demon king, it has not been irreparable."

blinked at me, and the uncle said, "First of all, I didn't tell those guys the true identity of the little devil. I just told them that I accidentally found a biochemical beast and sealed the biochemical beast."

After a pause, the uncle continued: "With the human bureau's desire for biochemical beasts, I guess they will not poison the little devil for a period of time. They will only seal the little devil more deeply, and then try to find a way to control the little devil. Of course..."

When he said this, the uncle shrugged his shoulders. I believe that except for those pseudo-god gods, the characters who can control the little devil on this earth have not yet appeared. Therefore, we have to hope that those cute guys of the Human Bureau will not be too disappointed.

"It's worthy of being the president. You are still so treacherous!"

"You're welcome." After nodding his head to me, the uncle said seriously, "But it can't go on like this. Although there is suppression by those people, I believe that soon the power of the little devil will be able to break through my seal. At that time, the little devil will no longer be blocked by us. So, it's up to you in the end."

"Me?" Pointing at the tip of my nose incredulously, I said to my uncle amusedly, "Uncle, are you kidding me? How can I solve something that even you can't solve?

"Yes, president, you are not mistaken, are you?" Su Yun also echoed, "If it's someone else, I don't think there's anything, but you said He Luo... You must have made a mistake, right?"

Although I was very dissatisfied with Su Yun's words, I couldn't find any other choice but to nod at this time.

"Don't underestimate He Luo. This matter really has to be solved by He Luo." Shaking his head at Su Yun, the uncle looked at me and said, "Also, you are not a nobody, you are..."

"Yes, Master He Luo will naturally not be a nobody, and only Master He Luo can solve this matter." Before the uncle finished his words, the door of the detective agency was pushed open with a creak. Turning his head and looking, he saw the senior sister slowly coming over.

"Well, sister, what do you mean by this sentence?" Looking at the senior who suddenly appeared, I asked puzzledly, "Do you know about the little boy?"

"Ye, President He has already told me the whole thing." Nodding, the senior looked at me and said, "Master He Luo, do you think there is no reason for me to let the little prince of Satan come to you?"

"Well, is there any other reason why you asked that little boy to come to me?" He scratched his head and asked puzzledly, "But the little boy didn't let me do anything when he was at my house."

"I don't want you to do anything for me to help him. I just want him to stay with you."

"Well, sister, I don't understand you even more." Scratching my head, I said to my senior sister, "Just say it directly. Why can I help the little boy?"

"Master He Luo, do you remember what I told you before that after you gain the power of the princess, your power field around you will mutate."

"There is such a thing. But didn't you say that the force field around me will change only after I use my ability?

I naturally know very well about the force field. I think I was lucky everywhere by that damn force field. Well, and then because of the countless good luck, I had to accept the bad things arranged by my senior sister for me again and again.

Because of this, I am deeply impressed by the matter of the force field. I can assure God that when my senior sister first told me about the aura, she just said that I would change the aura within a few days of accepting the contract, and then as long as I don't use the ability, I can always prevent the aura from changing.

So, what's the matter now that the senior sister suddenly mentions the aura?

"Master He Luo, your aura will indeed change after you use your ability." Smiling at me, the senior sister said, "But the reason why I let the little prince of Satan come to you is mainly to take advantage of your unchanging aura."


I never thought I was a fool, but after listening to such a big call from my senior sister, I really began to doubt my IQ.

I understand every word of your grandfather's sister's words. Why don't I understand these words after they are a sentence?

"Ha ha, Master He Luo, don't worry." A charming smile appeared on his white jade face, and the senior sister explained to me, "This is the case. In this universe, every life will have its own unique aura. That kind of aura is unique and cannot be replicated. And among these auras, there is a special type of aura.

"Special type of aura?"

"That's right." Nodding her head, the senior sister continued: "Generally speaking, everyone's aura does not interfere with each other, and their own aura will only affect themselves. But there will still be some special aura. It seems that some people are born with an attraction and can get the favor of others invisibly. Some people are naturally annoying. No matter what he does, he will not make people happy.

When I said this, my senior sister suddenly smiled. Well, Master He Luo, don't you really want to get the power yourself? In fact, the reason why those powers have power that others have not been able to have is because of their aura. Their aura may affect pressure, time, or the elements of the five elements - because the influence of the aura is different, resulting in the diversity of powers. The little devil also has an aura. His aura contains a powerful tyrannical power, and he can only eliminate the power of that aura through other forces.

"Well, it's like the king's spirit on Sister Wang." If you nodded with enlightenment, I said to my senior sister, "Senior sister, you mean that the aura on me is exactly that kind of special aura. The reason why you brought the little boy to my home is because you hope that I can help the little boy destroy the power in the aura through my own aura?"

"Ye, that's it." After nodding, the senior sister continued, "You must be surprised why the great demon king who predicts that wants to destroy the earth will be a child like the little demon king. In fact, this is not only because the demon king lost the wrong place, but more importantly, the little demon king who appeared in front of us is not the real demon king.

"If you want to become a real demon king, in addition to absorbing a certain degree of power, you must also have the help of external weapons." Speaking of this, the senior sister looked at the uncle and said, "That foreign weapon is the weapon accompanied by the little devil."

"Well, I didn't know that the sword would be a companion." Embarrassingly touching his dark face, the uncle said awkwardly, "I just want to see what the so-called weapon can destroy the earth is. Who knew that the sword would make the little devil like this. If I had known this, I wouldn't have taken the little devil to find the sword.

"What's the use of saying this now?" Looking at the rear gun general beside me contemptuously, I looked at the senior sister with a little doubt and asked, "But senior sister, it's not right for you to say that. According to what you told me before, the little boy should have acquired the wisdom conveyed to him by his father before he was born. There is no reason why he doesn't know about the accompanying things!"

But if the little devil really knows about the companion thing, then he has no reason to ask the uncle to give him the sword!

"The little devil knows about the accompanying sword." After hearing my words, a trace of suspicion flashed in her eyes, but soon, she suddenly realized and said to me, "Oh, I forgot, Master He Luo, you still don't know the situation of the Satan family."

"Uh, the situation of the Satan clan? Does that Satan family refer to the little devil?

"That's right." Speaking of this, the senior sister said to me apologetically, "I'm sorry, Master He Luo, I can't tell you about the Satan family."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't really want to know." After pretending to be generous, I simply said, "Senior sister, I don't want to ask more about other things. Just tell me how I should help the little boy."

In fact, there have been a lot of doubts about little children. For example, since he is the great demon king, why did he contact his senior sister? For example, as the great demon king, why he has never been interested in destroying the earth? For example, what is the position of the little boy's father to throw him to the earth and want him to destroy the earth...

There are too many doubts about the little boy. Although I'm not very smart, I can still see these obvious doubts.

But because I believe in my senior sister, I pretend to know nothing.

"In fact, I hope you can go to a place." Hearing my words, there was an expression of appreciation in the senior's eyes. There is a sword in that place. As long as you can take it out, you can help the little devil.

"It's really good to be a princess's son-in-law." As soon as the senior sister's words fell, the uncle beside him suddenly looked at me strangely and muttered in a low voice.

"What do you mean by this sentence?" I glanced at the uncle and said dissatisfiedly.

Although Uncle's voice is very low, he still can't hide it from my ears. Judging from Su Yun's strange look beside him, the uncle's words just now did not escape Su Yun's ears.

"Nothing, nothing." After a smile, the uncle took a step back and retreated to his senior sister. Miss Qingyi, are you sure you want He Luo to take that step?

"Yes, if it was before, I could still help Master He Luo solve this problem, but now I am haunted by something, and I can't spare my hand to help Master He Luo at all. I have to let Master He Luo advance quickly. Looking at me, the senior sister continued, "Anyway, Master He Luo will still enter that level in the end. I just advanced the time a little."

"Well, interrupt, what the hell are you talking about? Why can't I understand anything?" Because the words of the uncle and the senior sister became confused, I looked at the senior sister and asked curiously.

Although it is not difficult to see what Su Yun's face beside her knew the meaning, her gloomy face also told me a message from the other hand: it's better not to talk to her at this time!

"Master He Luo, what do you think of your current strength?" After smiling at the uncle, the senior sister asked.

"I think my current strength is not bad. Although I can only hold on for a short hour, it is still infinitely close to the A-level top power of S-level!" Although I don't know why my senior sister suddenly asked me this question, I answered honestly.

Use A-level power for an hour, which is the state I reached after several battles. Compared with the previous one, I can only last 30 minutes, which is really a great result. So, as I said, I am very satisfied with my current situation.

"So, would you like to take a little risk to make yourself stronger and more perfect?" After hearing my answer, my senior sister asked me.

"Well, shouldn't we discuss how to help the little child now? Why did it suddenly become the current topic?" Without answering the senior's question immediately, I looked at the three strange seniors in front of me doubtfully and asked puzzledly.

"Idiot, if you want to help the little devil, you need strong power. The place Miss Qingyi wants you to go is the place where you can gain strength. However, it takes firm determination and awareness to gain strength in that place. If you don't have enough awareness, you will die!" The cherry-like red lips slightly raised, and Su Yun looked at us and said, "Really, I can't stand such a simple thing that you can say for so long."

After saying that, Su Yun said to her senior sister, "Miss Qingyi, you can't use a seductive method to deal with this fool. He can't possibly know what you mean at all. In my opinion, you might as well say everything at once. Looking at your current way of speaking, I can't stand it anymore!"

You are the idiot!

After staring at Su Yun fiercely, I said to the senior sister who was blushed by Su Yun's words, "Senior sister, Su Yun is right. If you have anything to say to me directly, just tell me. I'm really not used to you talking like this!"

"Okay." After taking a deep breath, the senior sister asked me seriously, "Master He Luo, are you willing to help the little devil - although this help may make you lose your life?"

"Well, this problem is not necessary at all." After lowering my head and meditating for a moment, I raised my head and smiled and said, "Of course, the answer is that I am willing."

"Hey, you have to think clearly. This is not a joke. If you really agree, you may really die!"

As soon as my words fell, Su Yun immediately called out.

"Don't look at me like that." After seeing the worried look on Su's face, I smiled: "As you said before, I'm a fool!"

Since you are a fool, it's not surprising that you can make a choice, right?