Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 3 The Gholy of the Seven Personality

Will you be surprised when you hear a second voice in a room that only belongs to you?

Of course!

So when I heard the sound coming from behind me, my whole heart seemed to be pulled tightly and suddenly tightened!

You should know that the place I am in now is not as simple as my own room. The place I am in is in my own spiritual world! I heard a strange voice in my room, which may have been a thief. So, I heard a strange voice in my own spiritual world - what is this?

The soul was robbed?

This absurd idea flashed in my mind, and I quickly turned my head to look at the place where the sound was made.

Then, I was stunned.

I was completely stunned!

"Well, although I always think I'm good-looking, you don't look like this, do you?" Behind me, a black-haired teenager of about 1.5 meters showed a shy smile. Well, as a handsome man, I have this kind of trouble.

"You, you, you..." My fingers trembled and pointed at the brunette teenager, and I couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Well, I didn't expect my body to be so disappointing. Didn't you just see me? Is there any need to become like this?" After showing his white teeth, the black-haired teenager made a confession to me. It's not an honor to meet you for the first time.

"You, how can you look exactly like me?" I ignored the kind smile on this gluttony face, and I pointed to his face exactly like me and shouted.

Yes, this self-proclaimed gluttonous guy in front of me has the same face as me!

It's surprising to meet a second person in a room that only belongs to you, and when this person looks like yourself, it's not just a surprise.

"Is it exactly the same?" A depressed smile appeared on the gluttonous face. I'm not that unlucky, am I? It will be exactly the same as you."

What do you mean? Is it a shame to look like me?

Hearing the gluttony's words, an evil fire suddenly rose from my heart.

To be able to look like me is the blessing of your ancestors who burned incense all their lives!

Although I thought so, I still carefully looked at the glutton in front of me.

Under the short dark hair is the wide and plump forehead and soft eyebrows. The round eyes, the straight and handsome nose, the rosy and beautiful diamond mouth is slightly upturned with a smile, coupled with white and delicate skin, it looks like a gentle, weak and absolutely harmless baby.

Well, there are really some differences. This guy in front of me is very evil!

Just looking at this guy, I suddenly felt a sense of kindness in my heart. Suddenly, I felt that the guy in front of me was my good friend and my lifelong confidant. In the dark, there seems to be a voice telling me that the guy in front of me can never do anything wrong to me.

This is a person who can't help but let go of their guard!

Such a person is really a rare liar and wizard in a hundred years!

"Who the hell are you? Why are you in my spiritual world?

"Me?" With a smile, Tao Li said, "Didn't I say that? I'm Tao Li. As for why I'm here..." After lengthen the tone, a moment later, Tao said, "This is my home. Where can I be if I'm not here?"

"Impossible!" After listening to the gluttony's words, I rejected it without thinking about it. This can never be your home! Because..."

"Because this is your spiritual world, right?" He took the words with a smile and stared at me tightly. This is indeed your spiritual world, but why can't it be my home?

"The world is mine. Of course, it can't be your home." As soon as the Taoyi finished speaking, I immediately said, "Don't talk nonsense anymore. You'd better make it clear to me quickly. Who are you?" I don't have time to talk to you. I still have to..."

"Find the sword that can give you strength, right?" Once again, he took over my words with a smile and said to me. But do you know what that sword looks like? Do you know where to find the sword?

"You, who the hell are you?" The secret in my heart was told again and again. Even if I had an inexplicable trust in the glutton in front of me, I couldn't help retreating a few steps until I retreated to the edge of the cliff and stopped.

"Well, I've said it many times. My name is Tao Li." After scratching his head in embarrassment, a smile climbed onto the gluttonous face. Oh, maybe I didn't make it clear, so let me introduce myself again.

"My name is Taoyi, and it's also you." After a pause, he smiled and said, "Well, to be precise, it is one of the personal incarnations of your heart."

"You, you are the embodiment of my personality?"

reasonally, I should not believe it when I suddenly hear such a ridiculous statement. But for some reason, when I heard Taoyi's explanation, my heart was relieved, as if only such an answer was the most correct answer.

Is the glutton in front of me really one of my personality splits?

"Oh, you believe me now." As if to see through my idea, as soon as this idea came to my mind, Taoyi pointed to my heart and said to me, "What my heart tells me is not a lie."

Looking at the proud smile on Taoyi's face, my heart suddenly rose to anger. Shit! It's amazing. You are just one of my desires. Why do you smile like this to me?

"Well, since you are one of my personality avatars, please help me find that sword quickly." Thinking of this, I immediately said to Tao Yi. Also, you have to tell me what this place is and why it is completely different from the place my senior sister told me!"

"I refuse."

"What did you say?" I couldn't believe looking at the smiling gluttony in front of me, as if I had just heard Martian. Did you just say no to me?

Is there any mistake? You are just a personification in my heart. What right do you have to say the word "no" to me?

"Although I am your personality, it doesn't mean that you can dictate to me." With a smile on his face, Taoyi said word by word, "You should have heard of it. When you practice something to a certain extent, there will be a heart demon rising from the bottom of your heart. Only those who break the heart demon can go further in martial arts."

"Do you know what personification is? That means that the bad mood in your heart will gradually turn into an independent personality. Speaking of this, a strong smile rose on the gluttony's face. This means that I am your demon. The heart demon will not obey the orders of the body. So now, do you still want to ask me the location of that sword?

Heart demon!

When I heard Taoyi's words, instead of showing a curious request, I nodded heavily.

So you are my demon! I wonder why this is different from what the senior sister said. So it's like this!

"Master He Luo, please be careful when you find the sword."

"Be careful?"

"Yes, because around that sword, there will be your heart demons guarding it. If you want that sword, you must defeat the demon.

Senior's words were still echoing in my ears, and I watched the glutton's expression gradually become firm.

If I defeat this guy, I will have power! I can help the little boy!

"Yes, that's how it should be." Seeing the perseverance rising on my face, Taoxi nodded with a smile: "This kind of ontology can satisfy me!"

"Do you know where that sword is?" Staring closely at the glutton in front of me, I asked in an iceberg-cold tone.

"Of course, I know where the sword is." Smiling evilly, Taoxi looked at me and said, "The question is, can you defeat me?"

"Of course!"

"Is it?" With an undeniable smile, the gluttony suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, and the blinking sword rushed to me. Between the lightning, his right hand grasped my shoulder tightly, and before I could react, he completed a beautiful over-the-shoulder fall and threw me from the edge of the cliff to the big tree on the other side.


The big tree behind me didn't seem to be able to stand my weight. When it was hit by me, it made a rustling sound, and even many withered leaves sprinkled down one after another.


After falling from the tree to the ground, there was a tsunami in my stomach. The whole stomach turned upside down, and it seemed that the intestines in my stomach were kneaded together.

"Ye, are you sure you can beat me." The gluttony squatted next to me, and his face was full of sarcasm. With all due respect, if your ability is just like this, you can't beat me at all.

"Damn it!" Withsturing the discomfort in my stomach, I quickly got up from the ground and stretched out my right fist to hit Taoyi before he could react.

"No, my dear Mr. Ontology. I told you, but in this case, you can't beat me at all. He easily blocked my hand, and the contempt in Taoyi's eyes was completely revealed. Ah ha, is that the only thing you want to do to help the little boy?"

But, damn it!

Fee that the right fist was held by more and more powerful force, and a strong unwillingness rose in my heart.

If my power has not disappeared, how can it be your turn to be so arrogant now! Damn, damn it!

"Oh, my dear Mr. Ontology is still dissatisfied." He easily pushed me aside and said disdainfully, "You won't tell me that you are still expecting your previous strength, will you?"

"What's wrong? If I restore the strength at that time, you can't be my opponent at all!"

"Oh, although I probably knew what kind of person I am before, now you are even more disgusting to me!" Without hiding the disgust in his eyes, Taoyi said, "I didn't expect that you are still looking forward to those external forces until now. Don't you understand why you entered this place?"

Without giving me any chance to react, Taoxi kicked directly towards me with a fierce kick. In this case, it's better for me to defeat you!"


Although I have lost my previous strength, I still blocked the fierce leg of the gluttony with the experience accumulated in previous battles and kicked it directly to my heart.

But even so, the power of that leg kicked me heavily into the grass behind me.

"Oh? Can you still block my foot?" With a contemptuous smile on his face, he quickly bullied himself. So, can you block my foot?"

Before I could react, a white light flashed in front of me. Then, an unspeakable force kicked me hard, and my whole body was thrown away like a broken kite.

"Puff!" As soon as I landed, I couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of scarlet blood.

"Oh, you're not dead yet, my dear Mr. Ontology." Seeing me stand up tenaciously from the ground again, Taoyi smiled and applauded. Well, it's really my ontology. Although I can't use my own strength at all, my body's defense ability is still good.

"Damn, damn!" Staring fiercely at the glutton in front of me, I spit out a mouthful of blood angrily. I will definitely kill you!"

"Why! What are you for!"

There was another loud noise, and my whole body was trampled under my feet by glutton. A smell of mud that was hard to swallow rushed into my mouth in an instant.

Taoqi looked at me condescendingly, and his eyes were full of cold chills. Why did you say such a thing? Why do you think you have the ability to kill me?

"With that kind of external force that I don't know where to get from? With that kind of power of effort?" He smashed his mouth unsatisfiedly and continued, "I tell you, if you still expect that external force until now, you will never gain real power, and you will never help the little boy!"

Taoyi's words were like a sharp knife, and each sentence pierced my heart fiercely, making me suddenly have unspeakable pain in my heart.

But what can I do? What can I do!

"Don't you understand yet? The only thing that can save you now is your own strength!" Just as I was secretly resenting myself, the gluttonous words sounded beside me.

"I'll give you fifteen minutes." Smiling at my eyes, Taoyuan suddenly jumped from my side to the big tree not far away. If you can't find your real strength within 15 minutes, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"