Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 6 Cultivation under the Waterfall


The closer you get to the waterfall, the more you feel the grandeur of the waterfall.

Apart from the deafening and shocking loud sound of the waterfall, the slight coolness I felt when I walked into the waterfall alone gave me a special feeling.

I bravely rushed into the area formed by the water mist before the waterfall, and I saw another scene.

The waterfall falling from above is like a water dragon, carrying a strong momentum, hitting down fiercely from the nine heavens and bursting out beautiful water mist on the ground!

This is the waterfall, this is the waterfall!

Feeling the bravery of the waterfall, I couldn't help but break my heart.

However, what did Lando want me to know about this?

"Uh, can't you?"

After thinking for a long time, I looked at the waterfall beside me with dull eyes.

In many novels, there seems to be such a fragment of the protagonist practicing under the waterfall.

But, but...

All of those protagonists have strong bodies. Basically, even if they are beaten and lose half of their lives, they can still recover as usual the next day.

What about me?

Obviously, I am not the protagonist of the novel.

Maybe I do have such perverted physical quality in reality, but in the spiritual world, the influence of all little guys on me will be offset, which means that my physical quality is just the same as that of ordinary high school students, or even worse.


I took a deep breath and looked at the waterfall with fear.

If I enter the bottom of the waterfall, I will be washed to death soon, right?

Don't think that death is not a big deal when I am in the spiritual world. In fact, when I entered the spiritual world, my senior sister has already told me that if I die in the spiritual world, I will definitely die in the real world at the same time. Well, there is no chance for me to become a vegetable!

"Damn! The worst thing is to die!"

After hesitating repeatedly, I still chose to practice under the waterfall.

Of course, I didn't go straight to the bottom of the waterfall, which would be stupid. Although at some point, willpower can indeed exert incredible power, I believe that before my willpower exerts such a powerful power, I may be washed away by the powerful water.

So, when I walked less than three meters below the waterfall, I stopped.

Don't underestimate this three-meter point.

In fact, because the impact of the water flow is very huge, even at three meters away, I still feel a particularly strong pressure.

Let's not talk about how the deafening sound of water makes my ears hurt, but the splashing water has made me miserable.

It's as good as water.

Water is naturally a soft thing.

But when the water falls from a height of hundreds of meters, you will know how terrible the water is.

At least, when the splashes that splashed on the ground hit me, it made me feel as painful as if I had been hit with stones.

Moreover, it is not a problem of two stones. Now there are countless and countless splashes that keep hitting my body!

It hurts! Unspeakable pain, now I feel as if someone is constantly stabbing my whole body with a fine needle. And it's not a slow thorn, but a fierce, stabbing my whole body.

But I didn't take a step back, and I didn't take a step back!

Because I know that if I step back, I may not have the courage to take even a small step forward later.

"Let the pain come more violently! I don't care, I don't care at all!"

Feeling the more and more unforgettable pain, I suddenly shouted.

The waterfall seems to feel my mind, and the impact has become stronger. But I didn't feel any strange pain.

It seems that all the pain was shouted away with the shout just now, and the pain I felt became less.

However, it is just an appearance. After a certain period of time, it was as if the nerve line suddenly broke, and an unspeakable pain hit my whole body in an instant.

That kind of pain seems to be that someone is holding an iron cone and constantly beating your body. Light, heavy, every time is a pain that goes deep into the bone marrow.

When that pain suddenly hit my heart, my breath suddenly became stuffy and almost lost consciousness! Later, I even forgot why I came under the waterfall, and I even forgot that in the real space, the little boy was still waiting for my help!

I'm just standing under the waterfall blankly but firmly, suffering from waves of unbearable and unimaginable pain!

Then, time passed.

I am slowly getting used to the impact of every day, and my body has changed from constantly shaking in the current water to the gentle Mount Tai. Of course, at the same time, I also got one ugly scar after another.

Just when I got used to the impact at three meters, I took a step forward.

One meter is just one meter, but I have received at least five times stronger than before!

There is such a sentence, and I'm used to vomiting.

Now this sentence seems to be true for me.

It hurts and hurts, so I get used to it.

There is no time in the spiritual world, so the sun on my head has always been hanging high in the sky and has never moved even a little position.

So I don't really know how much time I have passed. I only feel that I have spent about a part of the time than the first time before I gradually get used to the current situation.

Then it took twice as long as the second time, and I finally succeeded in coming to the bottom of the waterfall.

The strength under the waterfall is stronger than the previous two, at least dozens of times stronger than the previous two.

Feeling the power falling on my head, my understanding of power gradually became clear.

A kind of unclear and inexplicable understanding quietly sprouted in my heart. Although I haven't immediately realized that power, it's just that this seemingly incomprehensible state has made me understand more clearly what I didn't know before.

By now, I finally know the meaning of Lando's sentence.

I really didn't use my strength when I fought with him.

I took a bend before!

Because I have read a lot of fantasy novels, in many cases, I think that being able to control the power of heaven and earth is the most powerful ability. But now it seems that I was wrong.

No, or, I misunderstood.

My previous understanding is that the so-called power of heaven and earth is actually to complete the connection with heaven and earth through one's own power, and then use the power of heaven and earth. But now, I know I'm wrong.

In fact, using the power of heaven and earth means using your own power.

Yes, it only belongs to your own power of heaven and earth! Well, this power is also known as the power of the small universe!

Because there is a small universe in everyone's heart. When you gain the power of your small universe, you will have endless power. At that time, your power will be completely your own.

What I understood before to quote the power of heaven and earth is actually the use of shallow power. Its principle is to trigger the power of heaven and earth through its own power. But unfortunately, because this power of heaven and earth is triggered, as long as someone breaks your line to the power of heaven and earth, you will have no connection with the power of heaven and earth.

Before, Lan Duo was able to be unharmed under my attack. In fact, because he cut off the connection between me and heaven and earth when my attack hit him. Since the contact was cut off, the power of attack naturally disappeared, so he was able to be unharmed.

Of course, the power of the small universe is infinite. But it doesn't mean that you can fully use the power of the small universe. Therefore, there is a small universe version that quotes the power of heaven and earth.

The so-called small universe version refers to the power of heaven and earth, which actually means that when you can skillfully use the small universe, you can try to communicate with the power of the universe in reality, that is, the power of heaven and earth.

At that time, it will no longer use the power of heaven and earth, but use the power of heaven and earth through your own power, so there will be no drawbacks of using the power of heaven and earth.

After gaining this deep understanding, my subsequent practice suddenly made great progress. First of all, I suddenly understood the law of qi given to me by gluttony. Qi, all the air flowing between heaven and earth. The use of gas is simply the application of wind.

Secondly, I saw this world in another way for the first time.

Both Taoists and Buddhists have a so-called epiphany. Although it is not very clear, now I seem to have reached that mysterious and difficult state under the impact of water pressure.

In my eyes, the world seems to have changed. Instead of what it used to be, it has become a world composed of law lines.

Of course, with my current strength, I naturally can't understand the rule line. But with the help of Taoyi, I do know much about the law of Qi.

In the end, the water pressure of the waterfall was not enough to cause me any trouble, but I still didn't leave the waterfall. Because now I can only stand the water pressure of the waterfall, and I can't reach the level of Randuo who flows the waterfall back at all.

Don't think it's easy to reverse the waterfall.

With enough power, I could only break the flowing water, but it was impossible to hit the whole waterfall back.

So, how on earth can I turn the waterfall back?

With such thoughts, I continued to practice on the waterfall.

After a period of time, when the scars on my body fell off, and then new scars appeared. After the steps of falling off happened more than ten times, I suddenly saw a line!

Yes, although I sat under the waterfall with my eyes closed, at that moment, I saw a line. A silver line from the sky!

Without any hesitation, I punched the falling silver thread.


As the silver line was defeated by me, the waterfall on my head was instantly hit in the air by me!

I finally let the waterfall flow back!

"Good, it seems that you have realized it." Just as the water of the waterfall was about to return, a figure flashed and Lan Duo appeared in front of me.

"That's good. I think we can start a war now." With a smile and nod, I slowly walked out of the waterfall.

Although the water mist under the waterfall could not block the sight of Lan Duo and me, we still tacitly walked not far from the waterfall before we stopped.

"Well, let's get started."