Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 19 Narrative

Continue the make-up exam today... I hope everything goes well!


Although the senior sister in my impression is sometimes gentle and sometimes strict with me, she can always feel the faint sense of distance between her and me.

But just now, the senior sister gave me the feeling that it was like the eldest sister next door. There was no gap between us.

Well, I just entered the spiritual space for a trial, and I didn't think that this reality had changed so much! But then again, why did the senior sister become like this?

"Cut, it turns out that you really woke up." Just when I was surprised by the change of my senior sister, a childish voice sounded with the sound of pushing the door.

Looking at the sound, I saw a little boy in casual clothes holding an apple that had bitten more than half of it, and walked towards me impatiently. How about ordinary people? Do you feel more comfortable now?

fan, mortal?

Looking at the little boy in front of me, I focused on the senior sister behind the little boy.

Facing my eyes, the senior sister just smiled faintly, but said nothing.

"Hey, mortal, why don't you talk?" Shaking the apple in front of my hand, the little boy said strangely, "Is it because I was so moved that I couldn't speak?"

Speaking of this, the little boy nodded solemnly and said softly, "Well, it seems that he is really moved to be speechless. Oh, there is nothing I can do. Who made me such a great existence?"

I...Damn it! I didn't expect this little boy to be such an asshole! What on earth did I do before...

"I'll beat you!" Looking at the little boy's proud appearance, my mind moved and I wanted to gather the ubiquitous atmosphere around me and beat this guy out.

"Uh..." I just wanted to mobilize the atmosphere around me according to the method learned in the spiritual space, but I was surprised to find that the atmosphere that can be adjusted at will in the spiritual space is beyond my control!

Not only that, I can't even see the rule lines I could see before!

"Senior sister, what's going on?" Frightened by this strange phenomenon, I didn't look at the proud little kid in front of me. I directly looked at the senior sister beside me and asked, "Why can't I use what I learned in the spiritual space here?"

"What have you learned?" Hearing my words, a puzzled look appeared on the senior sister's face. Master He Luo, have you learned anything in the spiritual space?


I didn't expect my senior sister to say such a thing. I was a little dull for a moment.

The senior sister let me enter the spiritual space, isn't it just for me to learn how to control my power by looking for the "heart" sword?

"Master He Luo, have you really learned anything else in the spiritual space?" The senior sister looked at me solemnly and asked word by word, "You have been in the spiritual space for so long, aren't you going to fight against the demons that appear in your heart?"

"Well, I can't say that the heart is not evil." Originally, I wanted to scratch my head, but after seeing my senior sister's harsh eyes, I had to smile and say what happened in the spiritual space. However, I met seven personalities with independent thoughts in the spiritual space. Well, it should be six and a half. In the end, the little boy doesn't look like a person with independent thinking..."

In fact, there are not many things that happen in the spiritual space. It's nothing more than learning and fighting with personality. But when I want to go through this process, my senior sister always interrupts me and lets me say all the details of what happened. And at this time, the little boy beside me will also nod and agree, with a sad expression on my face.

Because of this, when I finished everything, more than an hour had passed.

"Independent personality, plus a tyrannical atmosphere?" After listening to what I said, the senior sister muttered and then looked at me with shining eyes. Master He Luo! Since you finally defeated the little boy transformed by the tyrannical breath, does it mean that you will no longer be affected by the tyrannical breath?

"Well, it seems so." Feeling the sharp breath on my senior sister, I nodded embarrassedly.

"Don't say it's like, I want you to be sure!" Dissatisfied with my vague statement, my senior sister stared at me closely. Master He Luo, I want you to tell me clearly whether your reality is no longer affected by tyranny!"


I was completely defeated by my senior's momentum. I took a deep breath, and then closed my eyes and felt it quietly.

After the appearance of tyrannical breath, whenever I close my eyes to refresh myself, I always feel a little red light around the spiritual platform. Although the red light is very light, it can always make me calm and disorder. But now, the red light on the spiritual platform has disappeared and is replaced by a faint breath. And that refreshing spirit will not affect my mood, but with its help, I quickly reached the clear state of Lingtai!

After feeling the changes in my whole body, I nodded to my senior sister in surprise. Yes, senior sister, the tyrannical breath has disappeared, and now the tyrannical breath can't affect me at all!"

Yes, it's gone!

The influence of tyranny on me has really disappeared!

Although I already knew the result when I defeated the little boy in the spiritual space, when I felt this, I couldn't help but feel a strong excitement in my heart.

"Is that right? That's great." After listening to my affirmative answer, the senior sister's face did not show the happiness I imagined, but also looked at the little boy with a solemn face. Little Prince, what do you think?

"I can't say either." After a glance at me, the little boy suddenly laughed. But it seems that this fool is in a good state, and I don't think it will have much impact.

"Damn it, kid, are you too arrogant!" Hearing the little boy's words, I said an angry, "You can ask me to try again!"

"Really, I've grown up, and it's the first time I've heard someone ask me to call him a fool." He shrugged his shoulders, and the little boy made a grimace at me. Stupid He Luo!"

"You...you, you remember that when my body recovers, you see, I won't beat you to death!"

Tiger Luo Pingyang was bullied by dogs... Now I finally feel the sad and indignant psychology when the tiger was bullied by dogs.

"Well, I have regained my strength now, and you also want to defeat me?" After eating the apple, the little boy casually threw the apple into the garbage basket and said to me, "I'm not blowing. Now even if there are a hundred of you, it may not be my opponent. Well, I've talked too much with you idiot, and my cartoon is about to be finished.

At this point, the little boy spit out his tongue at me. Wait for me to see you after I finish watching the cartoon.

After saying that, the little boy disappeared in front of me like the wind.

"Master He Luo, don't watch the little prince say that. In fact, he is very worried about you during your coma." Just then, the senior sister suddenly spoke. Especially when he knew that you entered the spiritual space for him, his eyes turned red.

"Oh, that's it." I nodded indisputably, and I looked at my senior sister doubtfully. Sister, what happened to me? Why can't I suddenly use the power of rules?

"It turns out that Master He Luo, you can already use the power of the rules." An unclear expression appeared on her face, and the senior sister muttered, "What kind of power can it be..."

"Senior sister?" Seeing that the senior sister was distracted, I couldn't help asking. Is there something wrong?"

"Ah, nothing..." Shaking her head, the senior sister looked at me and said, "Master He Luo, you have no problem at all. The reason why you can't use the power of the rules is that you haven't mastered the rules yet."

"Don't master the rules? No..." After listening to my senior sister's words, I quickly said, "When I was in the spiritual world, I had completely mastered that rule."

"Yes, in the spiritual space..." smiled without any doubt, and the senior sister shook her head slightly. But Master He Luo, the spiritual space is different from the real world.

"What's the difference? My personality tells me that what I learn in the spiritual space can be brought to reality!"

"It can indeed be brought to reality." Gently nodded my forehead, and the senior sister said, "But only your combat experience can be brought to reality."

"Well, what the hell is going on?"

"The world is as big as the heart." Such a sentence suddenly came out of her mouth, and the senior sister looked at me with a smile. Master He Luo, do you think this is right?

"Yes." I nodded in a frenze. Just as I was about to ask what this had to do with me, my senior sister spoke.

"Actually, Master He Luo, you don't really master the rules." The senior sister said word by word, "The reason why you think you have mastered the rules is that the rules you master are the rules in your spiritual world!"

"Because the space you are in is the space of your own mind, the fit between the world and you has reached the highest level, and the restrictions on rules have reached the lowest level. So it was at that time that you mastered the rules - the rules in your world. After a pause and giving me time to react, the senior sister spoke again. And because the rules you master belong to your own world, you can't use your power through the rules in the real world.


After listening to my senior sister's words, I thought about it so carefully, as if it was true. Yes, in your own fantasy world, it is not difficult to destroy the world, but even to destroy the universe.

Is it true that I paid attention to that rule because my world is my own spiritual world?

I worked hard for most of the day in it, but I still couldn't learn anything except get the original sword!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help lowering my head in frustration.

"Ha ha, in fact, Master He Luo, you don't have to be lost." Just then, the senior sister spoke. In fact, the rules you have master are still very helpful to you.

"Eh? How to say it?"

When I heard my senior sister's words, I immediately raised my head and my eyes glowed brightly.

"Can my rules still work at some point?"

"It's not like that." Shaking her head with a smile, the senior sister whispered, "The rules you have master are absolutely impossible to work in this world."

"Then you still said it was helpful." Hearing the senior's words, I said dissatisfiedly, "Senior sister, don't tease me if you have nothing to do. It's not interesting at all."

"I'm not teasing you." The senior sister said word by word, "Although the rules you master can't be used in the real world, after all, you have mastered the rules and have a certain understanding of the rules, so..." At this point, the senior sister deliberately lengthen her voice and looked at me with a smile.

"So what?" Seeing the smile on my senior sister's face, I couldn't help blushing. But driven by strong curiosity, I still asked my senior sister.

"So you can see the world through your own understanding of the rules. With the rules of that world to compare, you are much better than other people who start from scratch." With his right finger gently on his chin, the senior sister whispered, "It's like painting. If you draw a villa on white paper out of thin air, you naturally don't know how to draw it before you have seen the villa. However, after you have seen other houses, you will have a general understanding of the structure, so that you can slowly draw the villa through the structure of that house.

"In this way, the rules I mastered are still very useful?" After listening to my senior sister's explanation, I was relieved.

In the final, there is no space for the soul!

"Ye, that's it." He nodded gently and moved his mouth for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, the senior sister still didn't say it. After talking for so long, Master He Luo, you must feel tired. Then you can have a good rest. I'll go out first.

I was not given any chance to react. After saying this, the senior quickly left my room.

"Today's senior sister is really a little strange." Looking at the closed door, such an idea suddenly rose in my heart.

Well, forget it. I still want to sleep...

I didn't feel tired, but after listening to my senior sister's words, I seemed to really feel a trace of sleepiness. After yawning, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.