Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 21 Reminder

Well, update less today, and there will be more words tomorrow. Everyone, please collect more...


"Why are you willing to do this for little children?" After lowering my head and meditating for a moment, I raised my head and stared at my uncle closely. Don't tell me that it's because the little boy is cute."

As the president of a detective agency, uncle has a lot to consider. Even if he really likes little kids, it is impossible to bet on our whole detective agency for little kids.

"Sure enough, you can see it." Shrugging his shoulders, the uncle said easily, "In addition to helping the little devil remove the magic pattern, we need to investigate something."

After a pause, the uncle winked at me and said, "However, the main purpose of our trip is to help the little devil. Don't think that you are the only fool in the world. After being with you as a fool for so long, we have unconsciously caught the bad habit of being a fool.

"It's just the two of you idiots." Hearing this, Helen, who was beside her, quit. Heidi and I are here to supervise you to prevent you two idiots from damaging the reputation of the detective agency.

"Yes, yes." Looking at Helen without any doubt, the uncle patted the device on the ground. Let me talk about the following.

"Cough." With a cough, the uncle began to point to the scene on the ground and say seriously. There is a protective cover on the periphery of the land of the bereaved family, which is closed all year round. Only when you see the approval of the People's Bureau or the Detective President's Association will the shield be opened. We didn't get the approval, so we only have to attack this road.

He tapped the canopy on the upper left of the island, and the uncle said word by word, "This place is the weakest place in the shield. If we can get the ion wave gun of the Human Bureau, we can open an opening here."

"President, if I remember correctly, the ion wave gun of the People's Bureau is a taboo weapon." Heidi raised her hand like a primary school student. How can we use it to open the shield?

"I have considered this problem. You don't have to worry." With a wave of his big hand, the uncle then lit the scene on the white paper and said. The remnants have always been arrogant, and they must not have thought that we would rush in like this. Therefore, from breaking the shield to rushing into the land of the survivors, we will have about 10 to 15 minutes to leave before they find us.

"But I hope everyone will pay attention." Speaking of this, the uncle solemnly placed the position of the shield. What I said about the reaction time is based on the fact that few survivors appear in this place. If the survivors come when we first break through the shield, then no matter what happens at that time, I hope you must escape as soon as you can.

"Escape without any hesitation!" The fierce eyes swept over our faces, and the uncle said seriously, "If you can't do it, then you don't have to go to this mission!"

"No problem."

After a moment of silence, Helen took the lead.


Heidi's answer is as concise as ever.

"But this...okay." After a moment of hesitation, I nodded heavily.

"Well, let's continue to talk about what we should do after entering the land of the survivors." With satisfaction, the uncle pointed to the valley surrounded by green trees in the northeast and said, "This place is the place of the remnants of the Yellow Emperor we are going to."

"Uh, but it's far from where we broke through." Seeing the place where the uncle pointed, I couldn't help saying. You see, from the breakthrough place to the place of the Yellow Emperor's heritage, there are at least seven or eight mountains apart.

"That's right. But we have no other choice." Nodding his head, the uncle said helplessly, "The shields in other places have more or less remnants. Even if we successfully enter the shield, we will be surrounded by groups of remnants at the first time."

"No problem? Then let's continue." Seeing that no one spoke, the uncle continued: "We broke through the shield over the Satanian vein of the Western camp, and from there to the place of the Yellow Emperor's family is still across the sky. So we need to go there like this."

After drawing a arc on white paper, the uncle continued, "Except for Satan's lineage, who likes to live in the mountains, there are lush forests around the places where other survivors live, and we can sneak through the woods."

The whole process will take about two to three hours. Well, do you have any questions?" After saying that, the uncle asked us.

"Ye, I want to ask, where has Su Yun gone?"

Since it is Su Yun's hometown, wouldn't it be better to let Su Yun, a well-known person, lead us?

"Su Yun has something to do. He has gone back first."

"Well, I still have the biggest problem." Looking at the look of the uncle, I smiled shyly. What should I do about my study? Also, what should I say to my family?

I was worried about my parents after being in a coma for more than half a month, but now I'm going to such a dangerous place in the Bermuda Triangle... Well, I really don't know if I should talk to my parents.

And it seems that I haven't been to school for a long time...

"I've already thought about these things." I went to my desk and took out a thick folder and looked through it for a moment. The uncle took a blue letterhead in front of me. This is an exchange event for Houston High School in the United States to hold with your school. People who participate in this activity will not only study in Houston for free, but their mid-term results will also be recorded as the best. After a pause, a proud smile appeared on the uncle's face. Congratulations to your classmate He Luo, you have been selected.

"Uncle, you have done a good job of preparation." After taking the blue letter and browsing the things on it, I smiled at my uncle.

"This is natural." After nodding his head, the uncle seemed to think of something and patted me on the shoulder. By the way, He Luo, come over tonight. I have something to ask you.

"What's the matter?"

"Don't worry, it must be a good thing." He mysteriously winked at me, and the uncle suddenly laughed.