Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 3 Sister Erin

"Well, have I been dizzy for so long?"

I don't know how long I have been lying down. When I gradually felt it, I found that it was already evening unconsciously.

When I woke up, I did not stand up immediately, but lay quietly in place, listening to the sounds around me, while carefully moving my limbs to regain my already numb senses.

After about half an hour, I carefully sat up from the ground after confirming that there was no danger around me and regained consciousness. Leaning against the trunk behind me, I began to measure where I had fallen.

This should be a mountain. There are many trees on the mountain that I can't name, which are lush and green. At this time, the whole mountain was immersed in the blue fog, and the trees on the mountain were dressed in crimson gorgeous clothes, as if they had condensed the spring color of the whole spring.

It was already night, and the moon poked its head slightly from the clouds and quietly rose to the purple sky. The silent trees looked up at the moon, and the moon looked down at the trees. In an instant, the fireworks in the world were extinguished.

When I saw the moon jump into the clouds and tilt the white moonlight into the forest, I only felt that an unprecedented light spirit quietly rose to the spiritual platform. After the light spirit swam around my spiritual platform for a moment, my withered spiritual platform suddenly returned to its previous state.

"What a strange fate..."

I quietly felt the warmth of the spiritual platform. For a long time, I exhaled a long breath and woke up from that state similar to enlightenment.

is indeed a strange fate. The so-called flowering period is short, and it is not easy to meet the full moon that wants to shine today. Besides, the beautiful scenery of the moonlight seems to be limited to tonight. If I accidentally encounter rainy weather, I can't see anything.

"I am the life of a protagonist!" Thinking of this, I smiled beautifully.

Yes, although the process of coming in is not very good, because of this relationship, I touched the edge of the rules at the most dangerous time, so I landed safely on the ground after breaking the impact of energy waves on myself. Now I have recovered the spiritual platform that has withered because of the forced launch of the rules.

Tut, if only there was such luck a few more times!

After YY in place for a moment, I pulled off the broken clothes on my body and did not throw them aside. After tearing off the strips on the clothes, I tied them back to my waist.

"Hmm, my good spring can't be leaked out."

After doing all this, I looked up at the cyan moon in the sky and left the mountains that surprised me too much.

After walking for more than an hour, I found that I had made a mistake - the place where I fainted was not a mountain, but in the middle of an endless mountain.

When I realized that I was lying in the mountains, I began to find it difficult about where to go.

If I am on the mountain and can leave the peak again, I can find the dense woods and set out for the remnants of the Yellow Emperor under the cover of the woods. But I am now located between the mountains. According to my uncle, Western survivors like to live between the mountains.

If I'm lucky enough to fall into the area of the Oriental Relics, it's wonderful. It's okay to start directly from the mountains. But if I fall in the area of the Western heritage... Well, although I'm not afraid of the Western heritage, it would be too bad if my whereabouts were found because I bumped into the Western heritage.


Just when I was in trouble, a slight walking sound appeared not far in front of me.

Is this really the place where Western survivors live?

This idea flashed in my heart, and I jumped to the side and jumped behind the big stone between the mountain roads. This big stone is right next to the mountain road. There is only one gap behind the big stone, and it is safe to hide here.

"I told you, don't follow me anymore!"

Soon, a voice as clear as the sound of a yellow owl came from the other side of the mountain road.

"Princess, this is the order of King Lucifa. Please don't embarrass us." After a moment of silence, a low voice sounded.

Princess? King?

Hearing this conversation, I curiously stretched out my head from behind the big stone.

I only saw a girl in gorgeous clothes standing on the mountain road. The bright moon tilted down from the air and sprinkled on her graceful back.

In front of the girl is a man with a beard and a black armor.

"Father, hum, is my father's order an order, and my order is not an order?" The princess shouted angrily, "I repeat, you leave immediately!"

"Please forgive me..."


As soon as the man's voice sounded, there was an explosion between the mountain roads. With a strong vibration, the rubble on the top of the mountain fell down one after another.

"I tell you, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being ruthless." After the vibration stopped, the princess's voice sounded. You should know that you are not my opponent now.

"Since the princess insists on doing so, her subordinates have to invite the king to come in person." In the face of the princess's threat, the man bowed humbly and then turned away.

"Well, what a nasty person." Looking at the man's distant figure, the girl stretched out. I hate this kind of unreasonable person the most.

Hey, are you the unreasonable person?

Hearing the girl's words, I suddenly sweated profusely behind the big stone.

The girl's mind is really comparable to the mystery of the whole universe.

"Well, my father is so bad that he doesn't even want to agree to my little request." I don't know what came to mind. The princess, who was happy because the man had left, suddenly kicked the gravel on the ground.

"Satan bless, please bless He Luo with peace..." After kicking away the gravel on the ground, the girl suddenly knelt devoutly on the ground and prayed gently to the bright moon in the sky.

She doesn't know how shocking her prayer is to me!

He Luo?

When I heard the girl whisper my name, my whole body suddenly tightened and almost rushed directly at the girl.

It was not until I heard the girl praying for me that I put down my guard. But who is this girl? Why does she know my name?

A trace of doubt flashed through my heart, and I poked my head out again.

Just as I poked out my head, the princess seemed to feel something and looked at me.

So, our eyes bumped into each other.

"Sister Irene?"

"He Luo?"


Why did Sister Irene appear here?

Moreover, the man just called her princess...

A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and Sister Irene quickly walked to me. Well, He Luo, not to mention that he robbed the arsenal of the People's Bureau before, but now he dares to forcibly enter the land of our remnants. It's really an amazing treat for three days.

"What are you talking about? I just accidentally rushed into this place. Where did I get into this place?" After calming down, I argued, "As for the arsenal you said, I don't know anything."

"Is it?" Staring at me with a smile, a smile appeared on the corners of Sister Erin's mouth. Since you didn't mean to come here, do you want me to call someone to send you back?

"No, no." Hearing this, I immediately said, "Since they are all here, let me have a look and talk about it again. You can't come here for nothing, can you?"

Speaking of which, why are you here?" Unable to stand the hot eyes of the senior sister, I had to change the topic and say, "And just now, I seemed to hear that uncle call you... princess?"

"What..." As if she had been stepped on her tail, Sister Irene hesitated and said, "Just now, have you seen what happened?"

"Of course."

"In fact, I'm not like that." Hearing my affirmative answer, my senior sister's face turned red and looked like a watery apple. I always look like a lady."

"Yes, that's it. I understand..."

Although I don't know why the senior sister told such an obvious lie, I still nodded and said sincerely, "I know, the senior sister has always been a lady."

"Well, do you think I will believe such a fake?" After staring at me fiercely, a trace of swing suddenly appeared on Sister Irene's face. Forget it, anyway, she didn't look like a lady in front of you at the beginning.

"Senior Irene, what are you going to do?" Looking at Sister Irene's pretty face getting closer and closer, I quickly leaned back. Yes, by the way, you haven't told me why you are here.

"There is no fear." Looking at me with a white mouth, Sister Erin said naturally, "What's so strange here? I'm originally from here. As for why that person called me a princess, it's even more obvious. Naturally, it's because I'm a princess of Satan, a Western heritage.

"That's right, I'm the legendary witch princess." Suddenly, she leaned close to me, and the senior sister exhaled softly in my ear. Well, are you moved by me, the witch?

"Don't joke, senior." Feeling the tenderness squeezed in front of my chest, my face turned red like fire.

"Ha ha, He Luo is still so shy." With a smile, Sister Erin suddenly suggested, "Well, would you like to have a cup of tea with me?"


Although I don't know why Sister Irene suddenly shifted the topic to 108,000 miles away, there was nothing I could do. Now I am a guest, so I finally nodded.

Five minutes later, under the leadership of my senior sister, she and I went to a somewhat strange-shaped cafe.

It's weird because this cafe doesn't have the atmosphere of the cafe I've seen before. On the contrary, this cafe seems to be a little childish...

Looking at the big kitten on the signboard of the cafe and the animation posters posted on the periphery of the cafe, I thought so.

"Welcome back, master."

As soon as I opened the front door of the anime characters, I saw a row of beautiful girls in maid clothes bowing to me.