Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 3 Su Yun

The uncle seems to have expected what happened in the cabin for a long time. After looking around the house, the uncle suddenly pointed to me and said, "Su Feng, Xiaoling, I have something to talk about with He Luo. You go out first."

"Oh." After staring at Su Feng fiercely, Feng Xiaoling left the room without saying a word.

Seeing Feng Xiaoling leaving, Su Feng opened his mouth and said something else he wanted to say to his uncle. But Uncle He..."

"It's okay. Su Yun has me watching here." He waved his hand casually, and the uncle's tone was unquestionable: "Go out."

"Then please." Looking back at Su Yun lying in **, Su Feng's body trembled slightly in the air, turned into a black smoke and disappeared into the room.

"Well, there is no one now. Let's have a good chat." After Su Feng left, the uncle's face was stiff and said to me extremely seriously.

Seriously, the uncle's face now has such an expression...

"Uncle, did anyone tell you that you really look like a fool when you put on this expression!"

"Bastard! How did you talk to your president, big or small!" The seriousness just appeared on his face disappeared in an instant, and he grinned at me helplessly. The uncle pointed to Su Yun and said. Forget it, you should really want to know about Su Yun now.

After saying that, without waiting for me to reply, the uncle directly moved the stool and sat next to Su Yun.

"What are you doing? Why don't you come here quickly!" He stared at me, and the uncle said impatiently. Do you still want to hear it or not?

I can say anything!

Although it was so slanderous in my heart, I still sat next to my uncle with a chair.

"Actually, Su Yun's child is really pitiful." After quietly looking at Su Yun for a while, the uncle suddenly sighed leisurely and said to me. Do you know why Su Yun appeared in our detective agency?

"You should have investigated my affairs, right?" After I could react, the uncle suddenly changed another topic. Are you interested in how I left the family later?

"Are you going to tell me everything?" Hearing the uncle's words, I couldn't help but be shocked.

It doesn't make sense. In my impression, the uncle clearly belongs to that kind of sultry person. I know the fact that I have known him for so long, but I rarely know anything about him. Generally speaking, he will never talk to me if I don't ask him.

But now this guy wants to confess to me...

Well, did I have hallucinations, or is this guy on drugs?

"What kind of look do you have?" He stared at me dissatisfiedly, and the uncle rubbed his blue-streaked forehead. Occasionally, I also have the impulse to tell stories.

Yes, yes, it's true occasionally.

Although I really want to continue like this, I saw the appearance of the uncle who wanted to kill people in front of me. After thinking about it, I still threw aside the seductive idea in my heart.

It's not good to accidentally arouse the uncle's desire to kill.

"Well, that's right." Seeing that I lowered my head honestly, the uncle nodded with satisfaction, coughed gently, and said something that stunned me. In fact, Su Yun is not a human.

"It's not people in the true sense." Blinking his eyes full of vicissitudes, the uncle said word by word, "Actually, Su Yun is the ultimate killing weapon created by gathering the powerful power of the land of the survivors."


Although I really want to say something to express my inner shock, my mouth squirmed for a moment, but I still couldn't say a word.

This should be really speechless.

"Su Yun is a combat weapon that gathers the blood of all the nobles." He looked at me with understanding, and the uncle continued. Basically, the powerful blood of all the remnants gathered on Su Yun. If Su Yun is willing, she can destroy any city on earth in an instant.

"However, in my knowledge, Su Yun is not very strong." After swallowing my saliva, I said in a hoarse voice, "Su Yun's strength should be much weaker than me."

"That's because she hasn't lost control yet." Looking at me thoughtfully, the uncle looked at Su Yun of **. Fighting weapons without feelings are always the easiest to control. And once the combat weapon has feelings, her danger coefficient will also increase!"

When the uncle said this, a black smoke suddenly appeared in Su Yun's eyes. The smoke lingered in her eyes for a moment and gathered towards the black pattern on her face.

And just as the smoke was about to float on Su Yun's face, the uncle suddenly stretched out his hand to Su Yun, and his broad right hand reached right in front of Su Yun's face, which could block the smoke.


With the contact of the uncle's right hand with the smoke, an unpleasant shrill sound sounded in the air. The sound lasted for about half a minute before it completely dissipated in the air.

"In a word, Su Yun's situation is very complicated now." With a wry smile and shrugging his shoulders, the uncle seemed to wave his right hand to block the black fog casually.

But even so, I still clearly saw the small horns on the uncle's right hand.

"What the hell is going on!" Seeing the current situation, how can I still stand it!

After grabbing the uncle's neck, I stared at the uncle's gloomy face and asked fiercely, "Why did Su Yun become like this!" What is the black fog just now?"

That black fog is definitely not a good thing!

When the black fog first came out, my heart couldn't help beating. Then, a strong sense of crisis hit my heart in an instant.

If the uncle hadn't eliminated the black fog in time, I would have subconsciously taken action against Su Yun surrounded by the black fog.

This black fog is completely different from the tyrannical atmosphere I had felt before. This black fog is not as full of destruction and destruction as the atmosphere of tyranny. In this black fog, I can't even feel the slightest energy fluctuation.

But that's it. My mind is still subconsciously full of tension and even fear about this black fog!

What is this black fog? Why did such a dangerous thing appear on Su Yun's body?

"I can understand you." A bitter smile came from the corners of his mouth, and the uncle turned his head to look at Su Yun lying in **. If I knew from the beginning that what our ancestors had been tirelessly pursuing was such a thing, I would definitely stop them.

"Or, my ancestors have actually been pursuing that path."

"You made it clear to me what you did to Su Yun!" Hearing that the uncle was still saying endless words at this time, I was furious.

Sensing my mood, my pupils suddenly turned pure black, and even a cold silver light appeared in the faint pupils.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Feeling my change, the uncle looked at me strangely and asked. What you are using now does not seem to be the power we know! He Luo, are you all right?"

I'm controlled again!

When I heard the uncle's words, my heart suddenly moved, and the power I didn't know quietly returned to my heart, as if I had never used this power.

"I'm fine..." I waved to the concerned uncle and said weakly, "Uncle, you'd better tell me all about Su Yun quickly. I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself because of this."

There is a power in my body that I don't understand, and I just learned about this recently. After reading Uncle Lucifa's law, the deepest power in my body was awakened.

But I'm not very happy about this power. I'm more afraid of this power!

Yes, this power is indeed very powerful, but at the same time, it will also amplify my emotions. If I continue to abuse this power, I will definitely become a paranoid person!

In fact, I should have known that a long time ago, there was a power hidden in the deepest part of my mind. That force slowly but firmly changes my nature. Of course, most of the time I don't know about this situation.

Well, if it hadn't been for my uncle's shouting to wake me up in time, my mood at that time would have been firmly remembered in my heart and gradually changed me.

But speaking, is Su Yun's influence on me so great? Because her situation actually touched the power in my heart.

Yes, I felt that I just regarded Su Yun as an ordinary friend. But when I saw what happened to Su Yun, my mind actually raised emotions that I didn't even know. It is full of anger, dissatisfaction and resentment.

This emotion is very dangerous. Under this emotion, the power actually appeared in my eyes for the first time!

If I hadn't suddenly woken up, the current situation...

Thinking of what might happen, I couldn't help wiping the sweat on my forehead.

Sure enough, this power is still too horrible!

"Are you really all right?" Maybe I saw something from my Tieqing's face. The uncle didn't say anything immediately, but put his hand on the meridians of my right hand with concern.

"I'm really fine." Shaking my head slightly, I asked my uncle. Uncle, what is the black fog that just appeared?

"I don't know about the black fog." After carefully checking my meridians and confirming that I was fine, the uncle shook his head and said. I believe that even the most knowledgeable people in the universe may not know about this black fog.

"Don't doubt that I don't need to deceive you." It seemed that he saw through my mind, and the uncle continued. In fact, the reason why Su Yun became a killing machine is just an accident. However, because of that accident, we can complete the mission left by our ancestors. But even so, we still don't know what happened to Su Yun. According to the ancestors, the killing machine made should be an unintentional and cold killing weapon. It shouldn't be what Su Yun is now..."

Looking back at Su Yun, the uncle suddenly sighed a long breath. Now that you have seen these things, I will tell you everything!"