Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 15 Damn--Uncle?

"What's so strange about this? If you don't even notice this, what is the supreme controller of the Satanic family?" Sister Erin said as a matter of course. Although Dad is a fool, he is also the supreme controller of Satan's family.


Senior sister, do you want to defend the uncle, or do you simply want to discredit the uncle?

But then again, it's not bad.

Although Uncle Lucifer looks like an ordinary uncle, if he doesn't have the ability, he must not be able to ascend to his current position.

"Well, it's still wrong. If the uncle really knows that someone is going to rebel, why doesn't he do anything? Although Sister Irene's words sound reasonable, it's still wrong for me to think about it carefully. If Uncle Lucifa really has the ability to be a king, how can he cause this situation?

"It's not because he's a fool!" Hearing my question, Sister Erin said angrily. After knowing these things, the stupid father actually said that those guys were far less powerful than himself, so he ignored these things.


It is really incredible that people like Uncle Lucifa can ascend the throne of God.

However, when I heard Sister Irene say this, I also understand why her attitude towards her uncle is so bad now. If the uncle agreed with the senior sister at that time and responded in time, I don't think such a thing would have happened now.

"Well, it's not right. Since Sister Irene also knows these things, why don't you insist on letting your uncle deal with those rebels? Looking at the senior sister strangely, I asked puzzledly. If you strongly demand it, the uncle should listen to you, right?

Although Uncle Lucifah is not a qualified king, this guy is definitely a father who really cares for his daughter.


Thinking of the uncle's face and asking me to marry his daughter, I shook my head.

Uncle Lucifa is simply a doting father of his daughter.

I believe that as long as Sister Irene insists on letting Uncle Lucifa deal with those rebels, the uncle will definitely agree in the end.

"At that time, although I felt that Dad's attitude was too casual, I didn't pay attention to this matter when I thought that we had the powerful power that those rebels did not have." After squeaking for a moment, Sister Irene whispered with a red face. In fact, if those guys didn't know where they got the medicine, we wouldn't have been arrested.

At this point, the senior sister's red face suddenly became serious. But where on earth did those guys get that kind of medicine?


When I heard Sister Irene's muttering to herself, I remembered what my uncle told me before I came.

So, the potions that can limit the strength of the survivors really exist!

"But didn't Uncle Lucifa know about the rebellion of those guys for a long time? Although you don't stop them, you should also take precautions, right?"

"We have long known that those guys would drug us, but we didn't expect that the potion would really work for us." Speaking of this, Sister Erin's face rose with two blushes. Therefore, although we knew that what we drank would be poison, we still drank it.


How should I evaluate these two fathers and daughters?

"But we really didn't expect that the medicine would work for us." Speaking of this, the blush on Sister Irene's face quickly turned into a trace of heaviness. I don't know where those guys got the potions, and they can limit our strength to one-tenth.

"Well, don't you know anything about that medicine?"

When I heard Sister Irene's words, an idea suddenly came to my mind. However, because it was just my own conjecture, I didn't say it immediately. Instead, I looked at my senior with great interest and said the doubts in my heart.

Drugs that can limit the power of the survivors...

Although I heard the uncle mention this medicine before I came, I didn't expect that Irene's ability could be limited to one-tenth.

However, those people should attach great importance to this medicine, and isn't this enough to alert the uncles?

"Theoretically, the people of our family should be immune to all the drugs on earth." Facing my doubtful eyes, Sister Erin explained. So although we knew that the rebels attached great importance to the medicine they didn't know where to get it from, we still didn't take any measures. That's why we drank the bottle of water mixed with medicine as if nothing had happened.

I am immune to all drugs on earth.

So, that medicine really has the shadow of aliens!

At the thought of this, my heart couldn't help but become heavier. And Sister Erin also seemed to feel my mood at this time and lowered her head silently.

"Well, let's not talk about whose fault this matter is." Seeing that the atmosphere between us suddenly became so uncomfortable, I quickly changed the topic. Sister Erin, since you have been arrested by the rebels at that time, why did you appear here?

"This is a long story." After stretching out for a long time, Sister Irene just told me what happened after that.

It turned out that a few days ago, those rebels suddenly launched a mutiny after drugged the royal family of Uncle Lucifa. Although Uncle Lucifa, who took the medicine, was still fierce, he had many enemies and was finally defeated by the enemies who kept appearing in front of him.

As a result, Sister Irene, who is a member of the royal family, became a prisoner.

Well, this may not be true.

Because in fact, those rebels have a quite good attitude towards Sister Irene - except that their young master wants to marry Sister Irene.

This so-called young master is naturally the son of the two elders of the family that my uncle told me.

"Well, in this case, how did you get out?" Hearing this, I couldn't help asking strangely.

Since they want to force Irene to be his wife, those guys will definitely take good care of them, right?

Although the strength shown by Irene just now is still good, it is impossible to escape from the remnants of Satan who are not limited by their ability.

"Hmm, it's not that guy who likes to pretend to be cool and says that he really loves me. As long as I want to leave, he will never embarrass me." Speaking of this, Sister Irene sneered. Since he said so, if I don't leave, I will be very sorry for him.

"Well, generally speaking, that guy should say something threatening after saying this." Hearing Sister Irene's answer, I asked hesitantly.

It doesn't make sense. I worked hard to get it back, but I released it casually. Is the so-called son of the two elders actually a fool?

"Say, that guy told me in the end that although he could let me go, my stupid father would never let go. He also said that for me, he has been persuading his father to let go of my father. Sister Erin nodded and said lightly.

"Well, since he threatened you with his uncle, why did you escape?" Hearing this, a drop of cold sweat hung on my forehead. You don't care about Uncle Lucifa at all?"

"Like that kind of father, just die!" Sister Irene didn't even think about it and immediately continued.


It's so horrible, it's really horrible. Now girls' thoughts have far exceeded the depth of the sea.

The son of the second elder must not have thought that this beautiful senior sister would have such a poisonous heart.

"Don't you think, er, it's too much just because of Uncle Lucifa's careless mistake and treat him like this?" After careful consideration in my mind for a moment, I whispered to him.

"He Luo, don't make a mistake. It's not that I have no conscience, but that kind of father really deserves to die." Hearing my words, Sister Irene was not angry, but said to me seriously. It's a real damn."

In the true sense of death...

Well, I feel that this is really a delicate sentence.

"Well, what on earth did the uncle do to make you so angry?" Hearing this, I couldn't help asking strangely.

Uncle Lucifa - well, he deserves to die in many cases.

But it can actually make his daughter know the same as me. In this regard, Uncle Lucifer is indeed the devil.

"That guy, that guy actually..." Hearing my words, a few red glows suddenly flew on Sister Irene's face. After lowering her head and vomiting for a while, Sister Irene suddenly raised her head and waved her arms in the air in shame. Ah, ah, ah, it's so annoying! Anyway, that guy deserves to die!"

After saying that, Sister Erin suddenly looked at me with a murderous face, and there was a blazing flame in her beautiful pupils. He Luo, won't you do that like my father in the future, will you?"

"Of course not!"

Seeing the real murderous spirit on Sister Irene's face, how dare I say more nonsense and subconsciously shook my head.

"Eh, I knew you weren't that kind of person." Hearing my answer, senior sister Erin nodded with satisfaction, and her murderous face also returned to its original rosy.

Are you all right?

Seeing Sister Irene's normal face, my tight strings just loosened.

But then again, what on earth did Uncle Lucifa do to make Sister Irene like this!

Although I was very curious about what Uncle Lucifa had done, I still overwhelmed this attractive idea for the sake of my life.

I'm still young, so I don't go to see my grandfather nine days early because of curiosity.