Only me

Chapter 26 Breaking the cocoon and coming out

Daoming Zhenren and Hongzhi stood up from the ground one after another. Daoming wiped the tears on his face and saluted Hongzhi, "Brother, please give it to you here."

After saying that, he also turned into a streamer and went away.

In front of the pool, only Hongzhi, who was a little dazed, was left.

Suddenly, the sound of crying sounded like earth, which scared Hongzhi. He turned his head and saw that it was a group of monkeys crying in grief.

In the cold spirit stone, the sea dragon fell to the ground. He clearly saw everything before. Although he could not hear the sound outside, the deep gaze of the six-eared macaque left indelible traces in his heart.

Grind his teeth, Hailong said to himself, "Senior, you wait for me.

I will definitely become an immortal as soon as possible and go to the fairyland to see you.

As soon as the voice fell, an extremely powerful surging force came from all directions in an instant. The anti-sky mirror on the sea dragon's chest was bright, and his whole body was instantly shrouded in silver light. Before he could understand what was going on, he fainted in the huge and scorching energy and fell into the stone pit on

The three cultivations in the body fluctuate violently. Unconsciously, the sea dragon with profound fortune has begun the process of energy fusion.

It turned out that when the six-eared macaque left the ascension, he used all his cultivation to inject the fairy spirit emanating from the colorful auspicious clouds into the cold spirit stone as much as possible, so as to complete the sea dragon.

Although most of the huge fairy spirit is absorbed by the cold spirit stone, the remaining ones are not something that Hailong can bear at once. What he needs is a process of absorption and transformation.

The meridians in the sea dragon's body have been strengthened twice, and they have already become extremely strong. Although the three mixed energies in the body are madly opposed, they can't rush out of the covering of his meridians. The small iron bar and the anti-sky mirror emit energy at the same time. The anti-sky mirror protects the inner Enter it into the body of the sea dragon.

In the natural state, the sea dragon entered a deep sleep.

It's been a long time since I slept.

... Hongzhi moved his body a few times and felt the soft Buddha power in his body. He couldn't help showing a knowing smile and muttered, "Finally, it's about to enter the realm of great perfection. As long as he passes this level, he will practice in the direction of the Buddha's disaster. I really want to see the Buddha Force.

Master, if you know that I have made so much progress, you will be very happy.

Elder Six Ears was right. The Lianyun Mountains was full of aura, and coupled with the gourd monkey wine he gave, even I was surprised by the speed of Buddha's progress.

What a pity! It would be better if there were some delicious food here.

Big brother! You have been practicing for so long, when will you wake up? Xiaojiling and I have been a little impatient to wait.

As if to verify what he said, a figure floated to Hongzhi's side and said, "Yes! Hailong hasn't woken up yet. I'm so anxious.

Brother Hongzhi, let's split the stone from the outside.

Your Bodhi bowl is so powerful that you should be able to do it.

It turned out to be a big monkey covered with silver-gray hair.

Hongzhi smiled and said, "Little clever, it's not as simple as you think.

This ten-thousand-year-old cold spirit stone is extremely hard, and since the six-eared senior let the eldest brother practice in it, naturally has his reason, and we still let nature take its course.

It's been so many years. Let's wait.

The little clever scratched his monkey's head dissatisfiedly and said, "Yes! It's been so many years, and you have helped me refine the bones behind my head, but the sea dragon hasn't woken up yet. It's really urgent.

When he comes out, I will definitely hit him with peaches.

With that, he angrily compared the middle finger to the ten thousand-year-old cold spirit stone.

Hongzhi said seriously, "Little clever, you should remember that practice is a difficult process. At the beginning, your ancestor, the six-eared predecessor, was also a fairy body after ten thousand years of cultivation. If you are too anxious, I'm afraid everything will be abandoned."

The little clever spit out his tongue and said, "Don't pretend to be you.

Don't talk to me so seriously. If you do this again, I won't give you monkey wine.

Hongzhi was shocked and hurriedly smiled and said, "No, no, my monkey ancestor! The fruit here has already made me fade out of the bird. If I don't have any more wine to drink, I will go crazy.

It turned out that in order to remember the six-eared macaques, the little clever picked all kinds of fruits from all over Moyunfeng. After fermentation, he brewed a kind of wine by himself. Although the effect is far less than that of the six-eared macaques, the taste is similar.

Even the real person of Daoming will occasionally come to hit two gourds.

Hongzhi has now evolved into an alcoholic. If he doesn't drink for a day, his whole body will be uncomfortable, and he can't even lift his energy to practice.

The little cleverly said proudly, "If you want to drink, just be polite to me.

Otherwise, hey hey.

By the way, Brother Hongzhi, do you feel that the aura emanating from this cold spirit stone is not as sufficient as before. Is it that the sea dragon is absorbing it? When he comes out, I don't know what level he can reach.

Hongzhi nod his head and said, "It should be.

I think he has practiced for so long. After coming out of it, his cultivation will improve at least three or four realms. With your current level, it's better not to provoke him. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's you who will be beaten by the peach.

Oh, no, let your monkey brothers hide away. I'm afraid the sea dragon is coming out.

The look of joy quietly appeared on his face, and Hongzhi clearly saw that the ten-thousand-year-old cold spirit stone began to emit a circle of faint golden halo, and the whole stone seemed to tremble. This unprecedented situation has foreshadowed a lot to them.

The little clever was also overjoyed, blowing a high whistle, and all the monkeys suddenly retreated far away.

Hongzhi and the little clever looked at each other. With a wave of his hand, the Buddha's crystal rosary flew out and suspended on the ten-thousand-year-old cold spirit stone. His hands were suitable. Hongzhi Baoxiang solemnly recited: "Buddha's words are boundless.

is immutable.

Bodhisattva has no residence to give to each other.

The merit obtained is also like an void.

is immutable.

It's boundless.

There is nothing bigger than emptiness in the world.

The great of all nature is no greater than Buddha's nature.

The Dharma is boundless and universal to all sentient beings.

The ten fingers of his hands trembled, and one seal after another was punched into the rosary. In a solemn atmosphere, Hongzhi urged the huge Buddha power of the Vajra Curse to completely wrap the ten-thousand-year-old cold spirit stone.

Compared with the last time, he is much more proficient in the use of the Diamond Curse. With sufficient mana support, he can already play the basic effect of this magic power.

The fluctuation of the ten-thousand-year-old cold spirit stone is getting bigger and bigger, driving a circle of ripples in the cold pool next to it. Suddenly, the fluctuation instantly reached the extreme, boom--.

In the loud noise, the top of the ten-thousand-year-old cold spirit stone suddenly exploded, and a figure wrapped in golden light rushed up like a cannonball.

Heavy hit the King Kong spell made of Buddha's crystal rosary.

The King Kong spell is extremely elastic and extends with the impact of the figure.

Hongzhi felt that his pressure had increased greatly, and the Buddha's power in his body was a little uncontrollable and rushed desperately into the Buddha's crystal rosary.

With a slight smile, Hongzhi said, "Buddha said it is a sutra.

Elder Xu Bodhi.

and the bhikkhus.



You Po Yi.

All the heavenly people in the world, Asura.

I heard what the Buddha said.

Everyone is overjoyed.

Trust and follow.

With a flash of yellow light, the King Kong mantra disappeared, and the Buddha crystal rosary returned to Hongzhi's hands.

And the golden figure rushed up and straight into the nine days without barrier.

The little clever nervously and excitedly grabbed Hongzhi's sleeve and said, "Brother Hongzhi, that, is that Hailong?" Hongzhi shook his head, looked at the little clever as if he had been splashed with cold water, and smiled, "That's not the big brother he used to be.

He has completely changed.

has become more powerful than I thought.

Just now, I sealed the ten-thousand-year-old cold spirit stone with the King Kong spell for fear that its explosion would destroy the surrounding environment, and the eldest brother seemed to have thought of this problem for a long time and broke it from the top.

You see, the ten-thousand-year-old cold spirit stone has no trace of aura.

As he spoke, he looked up. A little golden light in the air gradually zoomed in, the light and shadow flashed, and a man fell lightly in front of him and the little clever.

This man's whole body**, black hair and beard have been dragged to the ground, his whole body is shining with a faint golden light, holding a long stick with black light, and a protective goggle flashes silver at his chest.

If it weren't for the reflection of these magic weapons, the sudden appearance of this figure would be like a barren mountain savage.

Hongzhi suppressed his turbulent mood and asked in a trembling voice, "Big brother, is that you? Is that you?" The savage's whole body was shocked, and his voice was a little stiff. "Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi, and Xiaoji, it's me, it's me!" I'm the sea-dragon-" The huge waves suddenly sounded, and the surrounding woods trembled.

That's good. It's the sea dragon that broke the stone.

After he absorbed the fairy spirit and went into a deep sleep, I don't know how long it took him to wake up.

After waking up, he found that the three energies in his body had been fused into one and turned into a golden flashing **. A few lines of practice flashed in his mind, which seemed to be a basic practice decision.

Almost completely subconscious, he began to practice according to the law. While practicing, he drank the monkey wine in another stone pit. In the attraction of the monkey wine, the mana power suppressed by the six-eared macaque was finally completely released.

The same practice is repeated every day, and even he can't tell how many times he has been closed and how long each time.

Finally, after drinking all the monkey wine, he had his last retreat.

When he was awake, he was surprised to find that at his spiritual platform, all the golden mana were combined into a golden elixir the size of a chicken egg. At the same time, another cultivation method rose in his mind. This time, it seemed that he had learned a lot in an instant.

He could no longer stand the loneliness in the stone. Hailong urged his little iron bar according to the newly learned method. The whole cold spirit stone seemed to be lit up. The small iron bar flashed with a strong golden light. Under the full force of Hailong's urging, a magic power came from the anti-sky mirror in his chest. Finally, the ten I can't stand such a big impact.

The sea dragon finally broke through the stone and returned to the world.

Hongzhi rushed up, put his arms around Hailong's shoulder, and shouted affectionately, "Brother, I miss you so much!" Hailong was stunned for a moment, suddenly pushed Hongzhi away, and said, "You glass, I don't like men."

Looking at the stunned Hongzhi, Hailong laughed, rushed up and hugged him, and said, "But I really miss you too!" Xiaozhi.

Oh, yes, yes, and you, my little clever.

With that, the little clever man who rushed up with his backhand also hugged him in his arms.

The two monkeys stood still and hugged each other. No one spoke, silently feeling the deep friendship between them.

For a long time, Hongzhi suddenly pushed Hailong away, followed his appearance just now, and said, "You glass, I don't like men."

Hailong and Xiaoji were at a daze at the same time. In an instant, the three of them laughed.

The laughter stopped, and Hailong pointed to Hongzhi and scolded with a smile, "How can you look like a monk now?"

Hongzhi put his hands together and said, "Sin, sin.

The little monk just said nonsense.

Brother, Buddha will definitely forgive me. I did this because I was too excited to see you.

The little cleverly said, "Hailong, ignore him. This guy is just a fake monk. He asks me to drink every day, which annoys me to death."

Hailong looked at the little clever in a daze and muttered, "You, you, how can you talk? Although your appearance has changed a lot, I always recognize your smell.

Little clever, you, why can you speak? He asked twice in a row, and his heart was obviously full of surprise.

The little cleverly said proudly, "What's the big deal with speaking? My anti-bone has been refined. Not only can I speak, but my wisdom is no worse than your human beings."

Hailong suddenly recalled what the six-eared macaque had said to him when he left, and then he suddenly realized and muttered, "It turns out that you have learned the cultivation method of your predecessors.

Refined anti-bone? The six-eared predecessor once said that it took him hundreds of years to refine the anti-bone, so did my practice last for a hundred years?

Why don't I think it's been that long!" Hongzhi smiled and said, "A hundred years? If it's only a hundred years, can you have the current cultivation? Brother, we have been separated for 800 years.

That is to say, you have been practicing for 800 years!" Hailong's whole body was shocked. He looked at Hongzhi incredulously, looked at the little clever nodding repeatedly, and muttered, "Eight hundred years, has it been so long for 800 years?" ( Another chapter of lifting the ban. Welcome to subscribe to the VIP of this book. Today, VIP uploaded six chapters with a total of 25,000 words. My speed is absolutely guaranteed, and I won't let everyone break the file.)nk"