Only me

Chapter 56 Entering Southern Xinjiang

Hongzhi was at a curd and said, "Why didn't I think of it? Well, we were all angry just now. We were really confused.

Hailong snorted and said, "If you think of everything, you are my eldest brother.

Now think of another way."

"Don't think about it, I have a way."

The ethereal voice sounded, and everyone looked at her, only to see a layer of luster on her beautiful face, which was obviously exhausted.

smiled and said ethereally, "Don't worry, everyone. Let's ask these villagers first, and then find the person behind the scenes."

At this time, an old villager came to the crowd. Although he still had a look of fear on his face, he kept approaching the crowd.

Hongzhi greeted him and said pleasantly, "This father-in-law, don't be afraid. We are all good people. We are worshipped by the State of Zhao and Song.

This time, I'm here to destroy these monsters for you.

The old man became bold and staggered to the crowd with the help of Hongzhi. With a plop, he knelt to the ground with tears on his face and said gratefully, "Thank you for saving our village. It's terrible! It's so horrible."

Hailong helped the old man up and said, "Unin-law, don't be excited. What's going on? Tell us carefully. Maybe we can help you get rid of the roots of these monsters."

The old man nodded and said, "I'm Ma Xing, the village head of this village. Our village is called Majia Village, which is the largest village nearby.

We don't know what's going on.

It was fine this morning. Our villagers worked as usual. At noon, everyone was tired. After coming back for lunch, they were ready to rest and then work in the afternoon.

However, at this time, a man who was shrouded in black seemed to be a man. He came to us for a walk. We were always hospitable and kindly asked him if he needed help, but he ignored it.

I'm just talking to myself. There are so many people, enough to feed my babies.

Now that I think about it, I'm afraid those monsters were summoned by him.

Just now, in the evening, we suddenly heard a thunderous roar. Everyone was tired for a day, and every family was ready to cook dinner. Hearing this abnormal sound, we couldn't help but come out to have a look.

As a result, something terrible happened. Those monsters that we had never seen before rushed into the village. They came from the direction where they had just escaped. The fence outside the village had no effect on them at all.

Regardless of women and children, they kill people at first sight and eat people. Our strong houses are like paper in front of them. Even if they hide in the house, they have no effect.

I took a look just now and found that at least nearly half of the villagers were eaten by them.

If you immortals hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid our village and our village would be over.

Speaking of this, Ma Xing burst into tears.

Hailong took a deep breath, his eyes flashed coldly, and turned his head to look at the ethereal.

said calmly, "Let's go to find the messenger. I have a magic weapon called smelling the fragrance, which can be tracked according to the smell."

With a wave of his hand, a small gray ball appeared in her palm. She murmured a few sentences. The light flashed, and the little ball actually fell to the ground and became like a mouse. Under the ethereal urge, it quickly turned around the village and looked for the previous monster. The way the beast escaped rushed out.

Piao Mi said to Ma Xing, "Village head, please comfort the villagers first and let everyone repair their homes.

As for the monster, leave it to us.

Don't worry, with us, we will never let those demons come to your village again.

After saying that, she floated up and chased her fragrance.

Hailong and others did not dare to neglect. Hongzhi and Zhishui took the Huang Han brothers and sisters respectively and quickly followed.

Smell the fragrance moving forward at a very fast speed, staring at its movement calmly, and feeling the discovery of the smell of the fragrance at any time.

After a while, they were far away from the village.

Smell the fragrance and still keep going forward, but Hailong faintly feels that something is wrong.

He flew to the side of Piaomi, took her hand and said, "Wife, wait a minute."

He was in a wistrate, controlled the smell of incense and stopped, and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong? Have you found anything?" Hailong shook his head and said, "I feel strange because I didn't find it.

Are you sure that you have always felt the smell of monsters? Piaow nodded firmly and said, "It can't be wrong. I have really felt the smell of monsters all the time."

Hailong nod and said, "This is a contradiction.

Have you noticed that after we left the village, we walked at least ten kilometers away. Although we didn't see too many people along the way, there were two small-scale villages.

If those monsters follow this route to the village of the head of Mahang Village, then why can those two small villages be spared? It is completely unreasonable to show the ferocity of the monsters. I'm absolutely wrong.

His pale face changed greatly and he said, "No, I'm afraid there's something wrong with Ma Xing. Let's go back quickly."

After saying that, push the mana to the limit and quickly return to the original road.

Ten kilometers is just fleeting for practitioners like Hailong and others. When they returned to the big village, they couldn't help but be stunned.

The village has become a dead silence, the breeze is blowing, gloomy, like a hell on earth.

There is no living person in the whole village. The villagers who survived before have already fallen into a pool of blood. Compared with those villagers killed by monsters, the only lucky thing is that they can keep a complete body.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Zhishui was furious. With her position in the world of cultivation, when did she suffer such humiliation and shouted, "Bastard, come out for me.

Have the ability to fight face-to-face with me.

The whole body is full of momentum, and the blue and blue light is constantly fluctuating.

He sighed and said, "It's all my fault that I have too much confidence in smelling fragrance.

If we had been divided into two ways just now and left two people here, it would not have become like this.

Hailong pinched the ethereal little hand and comforted, "It's useless to say anything now. Don't think too much.

Let's see what kind of injuries these villagers have suffered first, and then look for that bastard.

He nodded sadly, and everyone went to explore the bodies around them separately. The result was the same. These villagers were all killed by sharp blades cutting their throats.

Hailong frowned and said, "I really don't understand why the guy hiding in the dark hates these villagers so much? What's the use of killing these ordinary civilians? Even if it is evil, it will not kill so many civilians unless it has a special purpose.

There must be something wrong with this matter.

As he spoke, he stood in place, urged the divine power in his body to release the divine consciousness, and felt the fluctuation of life around him. With the cultivation of the sea dragon that does not fall into the middle stage, in an instant, everything within a radius of ten miles is in the feeling. The power of God is much more sensitive than the man Even if it is ethereal, it may not be comparable to him.

When he used Lingjue, Piao Mio and others opened their eyes one after another and searched for them in the way of heavenly vision.

After a long time, Hailong opened his eyes and smiled and said, "Okay, you don't have to look for it anymore.

I know where that guy is."

Hongzhi said happily, "Brother, you found him.

Where is it?" Hailong said, "I didn't find him.

But I already know where he is.

Just now, I made a spiritual inspection and found that there were almost no clues within ten miles around.

Hongzhi was at a curd and said, "There is no clue? Then you still say you know where he is.

Hailong smiled proudly and said, "I didn't know until there was no clue!" Think about it, we came back so quickly that the guy didn't have time to clean up the scene after he killed someone.

With our cultivation, at such a close distance, no matter which direction he runs, I'm afraid he will be caught up in the end.

So, I judged that he didn't leave and was still in this village.

Just now, Ling never found any clues, so he strengthened my idea.

At this point, Hailong suddenly let go of his voice and shouted to the dead body of the villagers, "Don't hide anymore. Come out.

Otherwise, I will refine all the test questions here with the true fire of samadhi. At that time, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to escape.

As he spoke, the sea dragon meditated on the Dharma, and a dark red real fire lit up. The flame appeared, and the air seemed to be constantly twisted as if it was burning. The hottest energy made the weak little clever and the Huang Han brother and sister couldn't help retreating aside.

The cold light flashed in Hailong's eyes, paying close attention to the dead bodies of the villagers in front of him.

Although he is not sure, he believes that there is at least one chance to judge correctly.

For a long time, there was no movement in the dead body. Zhishui was about to say something, but it was stopped by the ethereal.

A trace of strange light lit up in the eyes of the sea dragon. With a wave of his hand, he immediately released a flame and wanted to fly away from the body.

The true fire of Samadhi is his own fire of Yuanyang. Its power is so powerful that it is far more than that of fire. Wherever the flames pass, the corpses turn into ashes. Just a swipe around, dozens of corpses suddenly turn into flying ash.

Hailong thought, anyway, these bodies have to be disposed of, and the burning can save the infection of germs. It is the most appropriate, but even if he makes a mistake in his judgment, it's okay to burn all the corpses here.

While thinking, he suddenly felt a slight wave of energy. His eyes flashed, and the real fire of samadhi suddenly flourished, burning at the body that emitted energy fluctuations.

"Roar--" The body burst, the clothes on the body were scattered, and a mouthful of white fog-like energy spewed out, unexpectedly blocking the samadhi fire of the sea dragon.

This white fog, not to mention that the sea dragon has never seen it, even the ethereal is the first time to see it. Seeing the enemy appear, Zhidao Zun was the first to rush out, the light in his hand flashed, the disk-shaped prayer wheel flew out, the halo flowed, and the prayer wheel made a shocking whine

Zhishui obviously hated this person very much. He showed no mercy and prayed for the passing of the wheel, and there was a gap on the ground.

shouted ethereally, "Sister, save his life."

The water stop method was introduced repeatedly, and the man in black seemed to want to resist, but under the effect of the huge fairy spirit of the prayer wheel, his whole body was shaken, the blue light flashed, and the man in black suddenly collapsed to the ground.

The prayer wheel trembled slightly above his head. Under the action of this top fairy weapon, even if it was a sea dragon, the end was the same.

Everyone quickly gathered around and looked at the man in black. This is a person with the most ordinary appearance. There is a long scar on his left face, which spread all the way to the lower jaw. He looks a little more ferocious. His face is pale, and his whole body is constantly trembling. Obviously, he is enduring great pain, and White smoke comes out, giving people a strange feeling.

Zhishui said coldly, "Say, who the hell are you? Did you kill all the villagers here, and what's wrong with those monsters? The man in black looked at Zhishui resentfully and clenched his teeth without saying a word.

As soon as Zhishui's finger bounced, a blue light flashed by, and he suddenly pierced the right shoulder of the man in black. Under the severe pain, the man in black trembled even more. He said in a stiff voice, "Wait, the god will punish you."

After saying that, his whole body suddenly stiffened, slowly fell to the ground, motionless, and a wisp of black blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Huang Han squatted down, looked carefully, and said, "This guy chewed his tongue and committed suicide."

Zhishui was furious. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt a strong force coming. He quickly took all of them back in an instant. The air suddenly scorched, and a circle of dark red flames surrounded the body of the man in black in an instant.

As soon as the flame was completed, there was a loud noise. The body of the man in black exploded into powder, and the gray fog quickly drifted around.

The dark red flame suddenly closed, and the gray fog fluctuated violently and was wiped out in an instant, and there was a bad smell of burning in the air.

breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's so close."

Hailong knew that it was Piaomiao who took everyone back just now, and couldn't help wondering, "What's going on? How do you know that the man's test question will explode? Piaomiao said solemnly, "I can now be sure that the appearance of monsters is related to southern Xinjiang.

Just now, this person should be a Qiang people in southern Xinjiang. Like the Miao people, they are good at using martial arts, and I can also see it from the tattoo on his neck.

This Qiang people are extremely brave. Once they meet an enemy that they can't resist, they will use their own body as a medium to release their own poison. As long as they are invaded by this kind of poison, they will turn into pus and die in a moment, which is extremely poisonous.

Although we are not afraid of our cultivation, Huang Han and Huang Sui can't do it.

In the big gray fog just now, there were at least hundreds of millions of insects. Once they go out and raged, I'm afraid that the life around them will be in danger within a hundred miles.

Fortunately, insects are afraid of fire by nature.

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