Only me

Chapter 57 Three-headed dragonflies

It was the first time to see such a magical plant sea dragon. He couldn't help walking to a winding tree and grabbed it twice where it had just been rubbed by feathers. The winding tree seemed to be very useful. The whole tree came to the sea dragon. The sea dragon's interest increased greatly and helped it scratch a few more times. The winding tree Its vines gathered around, wrapped around the body of the sea dragon, and threw him high, as if he was extremely excited.

Hailong knew that the winding tree would not hurt himself. Feeling that it emitted the faint harmonious energy, he couldn't help laughing and said, "It's not itchy now.

Put me down, and I'll help your companions catch it.

It seemed that he understood what he said. The winding tree gently put the sea dragon on the ground. The sea dragon's body turned. After a while, he grabbed all the more than a dozen winding trees scratched by feathers.

The winding tree doesn't seem to be his friend anymore.

One threw him up, and the other catches with vines. He played for a long time before putting him down.

He smiled and said, "These entangled trees have regarded you as a real friend. If we encounter any danger in the future, as long as we can escape here, I'm afraid it will be the safest.

You know, although a winding tree has no power, if all the winding trees here are united, it is a very powerful force. Their bark can even resist the heat of the real fire of samadhi.

Hailong shouted, "Friends, let's go.

I'll see you again when I have a chance."

The previously open road became wider, and Hailong and others went on the road easily until they passed through the whole entangled forest without any obstacles.

The sea dragon sighed: "sometimes, plants and animals are indeed more suitable to be friends than people. At least, if you are good to them, they will also reward you."

nodded and said, "Yes! But I didn't expect that you would have feelings for these entanglement trees. In my heart, you are a person who is not easy to show your inner feelings.

Hailong looked back at the winding tree that swayed its branches and leaves to say goodbye to himself and others, and said, "Yes! I don't easily express my emotions in front of outsiders. The so-called people only say three words, and I can't throw away all my heart. Only in this way can I reduce the harm to myself as much as possible.

It's better for me to fail the people of the world than let the people of the world fail me.

I'm a must-have person. As long as you provoke me, you won't have a good end.

After saying this, he glanced at Zhishui intentionally or unintentionally. Zhishui curled his lips disdainfully and pulled Huang Sui to go forward first.

After turning over the hills one by one, the little clever threw his clothes to the sea dragon. In front of him was a seemingly ordinary forest. When he got to the woods, it was definitely a small and clever world. In this terrain environment, absolutely no one could catch up with it.

Suddenly seeing the little clever appearance, Huang Han and his sister couldn't help but be surprised. After listening to Hailong's explanation, they were relieved.

The little clever rushed into the woods in front of him. The sea dragon was afraid that it would make a mistake and hurriedly followed it.

Piaomiao reminded everyone: "After passing through the forest in front of us, we can reach the location of the Yi tribe.

There are many poisonous insects and beasts in this forest. Be careful, dragon, take good care of Huang Han.

Entering this forest, Hailong finally realized the meaning of poor mountains and rivers.

Almost every three or four steps forward, you can see several highly poisonous snakes or poisonous insects. In this primitive forest, beasts are no longer a threat, and only these highly poisonous things are the most deadly.

In the face of this situation, it is also easy to deal with. Hailong, Hongzhi, Piaomio and Zhishui respectively open the ban. No matter what creature is, it will be bounced as soon as it approaches three feet in front of them.

Be careful all the way, and nothing unexpected happened.

Suddenly, a sad roar suddenly came from the front of them. Hearing this sound, Hailong and Hongzhi's faces changed greatly, because the source of the sound seemed to be a little clever.

Without any hesitation, before the ethereal and Zhishui could react, Hailong and Hongzhi had already sped out and went to the place where the sound was made as quickly as possible.

The roar kept ringing. When Hailong and Hongzhi arrived, they were surprised to find that there was a small lake in front of them. The small lake was only a few square kilometers in size and could easily see the end.

The little clever gray figure kept moving in mid-air, and the silver light flashed in his hand, constantly sending down attacks.

And its enemy is a huge water monster.

It is like a giant snake. Although only half of the body is on the water, it is actually seven or eight meters long.

There is a meat crown on the huge head, and the dark body is covered with thick scales. There are three pairs of red eyes on the big head, which looks extremely strange. With the little clever current cultivation, the huge energy brought by the silver stick can't hurt it at all. If it weren't for the small cleverness and flexibility, I'm The meal in the belly.

With the roar of the sea dragon, the small iron bar shook in the wind, and it suddenly turned into a golden stick. The light was shining, and it was a blow to the strange snake.

With a muffled bang, the strange snake was just about to attack the little clever head when it was smashed into the water by the sea dragon.

Hailong shouted to the little clever, "You go down first and wait for me at Hongzhi's place. I'll clean up this guy."

The little clever also knew that he was far from being the opponent of the big snake. He made two flips in the air one after another and fell lightly beside Hongzhi. Blood had oozed from the corners of its mouth. Obviously, he had suffered some losses before.

Hongzhi was afraid of small cleverness and failure, and did not dare to neglect it. He hurriedly used his Buddha power to heal its wounds.

At this time, Piaomiao, Zhishui and Huang Han brothers and sisters had also arrived. Seeing the strange beast in front of them, Piaomiao and Zhishui looked at each other and exclaimed at the same time, "Honghuang strange beasts - Qi Jiao."

Their voices are not only full of surprise, but also with a little fear, which can make the two top practitioners in China feel fear. You can imagine the horror of this strength.

The sea dragon in the air is also very strange. His own stick can be easily destroyed even in the face of the magic weapon approaching the fairy weapon, but the heavy stick just now did not break the head of the strange snake.

Since reaching the realm of not falling, Hailong has always believed that his cultivation has reached a quite advanced level. Although he did not hurt this dragonfly, his confidence has not diminished at all. He shouted, "Chulu Begonia, out of the sheath, cut."

The blue light soared, and the Qiulu Begonia Sword took a ten-foot-long tail flame and cut it heavily on the neck.

With a crisp sound, the autumn dew begonia bounced up. The sea dragon was surprised to find that the scales on the dragon's body were not damaged.

In shock, he retreated like lightning. In the position where he had just stayed, he suddenly scratched a flame. The temperature of the flame seemed to be higher than the real fire of Samadhi. The sea dragon only felt a burning smell on his body, and his hair and eyebrows seemed to be burnt.

Piaomiao told Hongzhi, "You protect the Huang Han brothers and sisters and the little clever, and my sister and I went to help Hailong.

Sister, let's go. Try your best later. Don't hold your hand.

The two women rose into the air and flew to the side of the sea dragon. The two blue and blue lights suddenly flew back and smashed heavily into the water.

The water splashed everywhere, and the whole lake seemed to be boiling.

The sea dragon adjusted its breath, constantly urged the power of the god to enter into the Qianjun stick, and said in a low voice, "This big snake is really strong! It feels much more powerful than the golden python monster I dealt with last time.

Piaomiao summoned the divine night sword and said, "It's too late to explain. Let's destroy it first.

This is the dragonfly, which is only a line away from the dragon. Be careful.

With a bang, the water splashed everywhere, and the big head of the dragonfly rushed out again. A large flame spewed out of his big head with a diameter of more than one meter, and suddenly covered all the space above the small lake.

A layer of silver-white light lit up on the sea dragon's body, which played a defensive role for the soft armor transformed by him with bone beads. This armored sea dragon has a nice name, called Don't Forget Armor, which means to remind himself that he can never forget the ethereal.

Although the flame heat is strong, it suddenly floated away as soon as it rushed to the range of the unforgettable armor, unable to damage the sea dragon body.

Piaomiang used the divine night sword to arrange a layer of barrier in front of him, and Zhishui easily resisted the fierce flame with the prayer wheel.

The loud roar sounded, and the big head of the dragonfly shook, just out of thin air. The huge mouth of the snake opened and rushed to the sea dragon, as if to devour him.

The anger accumulated in Hailong's heart burst out in an instant, and he did not retreat. He roared, "Qianjun Cheng Yuyu."

Qianjun stick transformed thousands of glows, releasing all the power of this move should have, and Hailong's body rushed straight over.

Under the oppression of tens of millions of light, the giants were forced to close together. The golden light was united, and the stick of the sea dragon hit one of the dragons heavily in one of the eyes.

This stick, which gathers all the mana of the sea dragon, bursts out with great power.

In the loud noise, the blood sprayed wildly on the head of the dragon, and the eyes hit by the sea dragon suddenly burst, and a large amount of blood suddenly stained the lake below.

Stop the water shouted angrily, and the prayer wheel in his hand turned sharply, and the blue light was full. The real halo behind her floated into the prayer wheel. Under the spirit of the fairy spirit, it bombarded the angry head.

With a loud noise, Qi Jiao roared, the rest of his eyes were all broken, and the whole big head was completely stained with blood, but even so, under the bombardment of the prayer wheel, it was still not broken.

Zhishui was slightly stunned, and Qi Tianlun had returned to her hand. Although Qi Jiao was a wild beast, she thought that with the power of Qi Tianlun, she should be able to easily clean it up.

However, although this blow hit the dragonfly, in order to completely destroy it, it can be seen that the dragonfly is strong.

Piaomeo has never done anything. She is best at Leifa. Without Leifa, even her strongest attack is definitely not as good as the prayer wheel of Zhishui.

In this dense forest, if the thunder comes, even if it is successfully killed, I'm afraid it will completely destroy the forest.

I know that the primitive forest can be said to be a taboo for people in southern Xinjiang. If this forest is destroyed, I'm afraid it will be difficult to walk in southern Xinjiang.

So she didn't rush to do it.

Hailongyan saw that Zhishui did not succeed in killing the dragonfly. He was shocked and thought to himself that this wild beast was really powerful, and he could not deal with his own and Piao Mio's cultivation.

When I was about to take action, the mutation occurred.

The whole lake really boiled, and the forest trembled. The big head of the dragonfly roared up to the sky, and a pale red bead spewed out of its big mouth. The sea dragon knew that this should be the inner elixir of the dragon.

Neidan is not only the life of this kind of beast, but also their ultimate attack method, so the sea dragon did not rush up, but was just close to the ethereal and was ready to adapt.

Strangely, the red inner elixir did not launch any attack, but rotated around the injured head of the dragon. Hailong clearly saw that the blood on the head of the dragon was no longer dripping, and the wounds bombarded by his own Qianjun stick and the prayer wheel of Zhishui were healed quickly, and even a blood. The red eyes have grown out of the new, and the sea dragon lost his voice, "This guy heals again, stop it quickly."

While he was speaking, Zhishui has launched a second round of attack, which is still the prayer wheel. However, this time, the target is not the big head of the dragonfly, but the inner elixir suspended around its big head. As long as the inner elixir can be broken, no matter how powerful the dragonfly is, it is impossible to be

The praying wheel flew away with a whining sound, and the flame-like blue light was even hotter. Just as the praying wheel was still a few meters away from the big head of the dragonfly, the dragonfly's head turned around, and its recovered blood-red eyes were full of ferocious colors, but there was no fear or panic.

Boom--, the water splashed, and a huge dark shadow suddenly rushed up and accurately hit the prayer wheel. In the loud noise, the fairy spirit and light of the prayer wheel suddenly converged, drew an arc in the air, and fell back into the hand of the water stop. Under the traction of the air machine, the water stopped the whole body shook A mouthful of blood.

The sea dragon who wanted to rush up suddenly stopped his figure. He was surprised to see that there was an almost the same giant next to the original big head of the dragonfly, and even his body was the same thickness. The only difference was that there was an extra horn on the big head that appeared after this. The length of the horn was very short compared with the dragon It is meter long, but very thick. It occupies almost half of the area above the head of the dragonfly, and there is a faint metallic luster on the horn. Just now, it was this big horn that successfully shot down the fairy weapon prayer wheel.

Although it is said to hit the relatively weak side of the prayer wheel, it is very appalling for the fairy weapon to be repulsed.

She floated forward and rushed forward. In this case, she could no longer allow her to leave her hand. She knew that this was not two dragonfly in front of her, but a double-headed dragonfly. The dragonfly needed 10,000 years to have an ordinary huge snake head, but this two-headed dragonfly had to practice for at least 20,000 years, and the With a huge sharp horn, his cultivation is so strong that it has even surpassed the realm of the Taoist Buddha.

Now even the ethereal can't be sure whether Shenxiao Tianlei can destroy this huge double-headed dragonfly.

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