Only me

Chapter 97 Weak Space

Xiao San's new book Ice and Fire Magic Kitchen has begun to be updated. I hope you can collect more. Thank you. Address: Bl_id=70705---------------A huge wind blade came out from the hands of the elder of the sky night, and bombarded heavily on the extremely mysterious ice cover of the sea dragon. The powerful and sharp attack shocked the sea dragon's whole body, and his body was forced back one meter, and a circle of ripples on the blue shield.

There were a large number of people on the other side, and his cultivation was not under his own. Hailong did not dare to neglect at all and shouted, "Qianjun Cheng Yuyu."

Thousands of golden lights suddenly shone, smashed several unknown attacks, and suddenly clicked at the three elders in front of him.

However, the dry smell shouted again, and the time stopped again. Not only did Hailong's attack fail, but he and Tianqin also suffered different attacks from at least seven elders at the same time.

The two fairy weapons, the extremely mysterious ice mask and the anti-sky mirror, played a strong defensive force. Although the bodies of Hailong and Tianqin were bombarded ten meters away, the two were unharmed.

Kongye and Yongfeng were connected with each other, with them as the center, and a huge tornado blew towards the sea dragon.

As soon as Hailong and Tianqin were about to take action, their bodies were still again, and they could only resist the attack of the tornado with the power of the bodyguard.

Although the body was not hurt, there was a whirlwind in the minds of the two people under the raging of the tornado. Tianqin showed extraordinary cultivation, and the blood fog burst out, pulling the sea dragon out of the tornado.

The sense of powerlessness rises from the hearts of Hailong and Tianqin at the same time. How to fight this kind of battle? As long as there is a dead time, they can't attack the other party at all. They can only let the other party attack. In this way, no matter how strong their cultivation is, their magic power cannot be comparable to that of the other party's ten elder-level mutants.

In desperation, Hailong summoned the Yanyi Shield and blocked it in front of himself and Tianqin. With the dual defense of the Yanyi Shield and the extremely mysterious ice mask, although the body was surging with qi and blood, they were not hurt for the time being.

Since Xuan Tianbing helped him reshape his body with extremely Xuan Hanyu, the tenacity of Hailong's own body will no longer be damaged by such a blow.

In the case of continuous trauma, the anger in Tianqin's heart rose, the blood-eating evil intention rose, and the blood fog rose all over her body. She has completely turned into the appearance of the evil ancestor.

The huge blood fog floated out, and in the strong evil atmosphere, the elders who suddenly attacked were slightly stagnant. Taking this opportunity, Tianqin Jiao shouted and played with ten fingers, and Jiuxianqin emitted dozens of colorful lights with more powerful power.

When the dry smell realized that it was not good, it was too late to control it with time. After all, Tianqin's evil power was too strong, far beyond his ability. This full attack suddenly changed all the elders at the same time. Once they were shot by the colorful light blade with the spirit of immortality, they would inevitably be hit hard.

The sea dragon is not good. He doesn't want to have an untieable hatred with the mutants.

But at this time, the change suddenly happened. The original yellow light in the eyes of the sky suddenly turned red, and the whole space was completely distorted. It was a guiding ability. The slight distortion of the space led all the attacks made by Tianqin away from the original trajectory and scattered, all of which hit the sky, without causing any injury. Harm.

And Kongye himself was not uncomfortable. He spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his expression seemed to be much more intimid.

The dead smell, medical practice, Yongfeng and bright light floated up at the same time, each sending out a white ball of light. The ball of light condensed together in mid-air, and the light mass instantly enlarged, covering the sea dragon and Tianqin like a huge cover.

The dead smell, medical practice, Yongfeng and bright light sprayed blood at the same time, and there were twisted fluctuations around the body, but this distortion is not the ability of the empty night, but the phenomenon when their own ability is released to the limit. It seems that this light mask has exceeded the range of their ability.

The mask covered hundreds of square meters, and there were seven other elder attacks around, making Hailong and Tianqin have no escape at all.

Hailong only felt that his eyes lit up, his body moved slowly, and he could no longer float in the air with his mana and fall to the ground.

The evil force in Tianqin's body suddenly converged and exclaimed, "No, this is an absolute space attack close to the immortals."

In addition, seven elders, including Konglin, retreated to the back of Kuwen, Yixing, Yongfeng and Mingguang at the same time. In addition to Konglin, the other six elders released milky white phoria and constantly injected into the bodies of Kuwen.

The light of the light mask was in full bloom, and a strong sense of powerlessness rose in Hailong's heart. His whole body seemed to be stiff, and there seemed to be ten thousand catties of obstacles between his hands and feet.

Tianqin's situation is a little better than that of Hailong. After all, her mana is much deeper. With the support of the Sanxian level, she flew to the side of Hailong and blocked her body in front of Hailong.

However, even she can't use any spells now, and the evil power in her body can't be improved at all. The great pressure makes her lose her ability to move again. She only feels that her body is constantly weak and endures this strange pain. She said to the sea dragon with difficulty: "This is the absolute of weakness. For space, I, I can't move.

The Yanyi shield in front of the sea dragon emitted a faint radiance, slowing down the weak speed of him and Tianqin. He gasped and asked, "How can I break this space? I can't use my magic power."

Tianqin smiled bitterly and said, "Absolute space cannot be broken. Unless our cultivation can surpass the power of their eleven people and completely tear this space apart, we can only spend it here to see who can support it longer, but we can't win.

I didn't expect these elders to be so powerful.

The four elders who launched this space actually had no less cultivation than the realm of fighting, especially the great elder. Previously, when he used the ability of time to rest, I realized that he already had the ability equivalent to turning into a scattered immortal.

In fact, with the strength of Hailong and Tianqin, if they attack the killer with all their strength as soon as they come up, maybe Kuwen and others really can't stop them, but Yi Nian Zhiren has forced them into a desperate situation.

The empty forest flew behind his father and added his ability to the previously injured empty night body in the form of pure energy. The weak space launched by ten elders with all their strength was like an indestructible barrier, constantly squeezing, making the bodies of Hailong and Tianqin constantly weak.

Against the sky mirror, extremely mysterious ice mask and Yanyi shield, three fairy-level defense magic weapons play the role of fairy weapons, reducing the pressure on the sea dragon and Tianqin to a minimum. The two can still stand reluctantly, but the static mana in the body is reduced by one point.

Hailong calls for his other magic weapons again and again. If he can use a thousand sticks or destroy immortals, maybe this weak space can be broken, but it is equivalent to the absolute space of immortals. Everything in this light mask is controlled by the mutant elders. What Hailong has done is in vain. He doesn't even have the strength to break the elixir now, let alone stimulate the mana.

He felt that these elders did not mean to hurt themselves and Tianqin, but at most banned them after exhausting their mana.

However, in order for Tianqin to restore her appearance and exorcise his evil spirits, he must get the Taiyin fruit! Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and Hailong's godless eyes lit up. Although he could not use magic weapons, it was okay to call others.

The mind moved with the heart and sank into the dragon's arm and the universe ring.

There was a faint smile on his wrinkled face. He clearly felt that the resistance of Hailong and Tianqin was getting weaker and weaker, and everyone on his side could support them for a long time. As long as they could capture the two Hailongs, it was impossible for them to covee Taiyin fruit.

Just as he wanted to work harder, he heard a huge roar. A red light suddenly flashed in the mask, and the whole weak space suddenly turbulent slightly.

said withered, "It's impossible.

No spell can be used in space.

Hailong said faintly, "I'm sorry, elder, this is not a spell.

Lao Hong, three big brothers, it's up to you.

A black fog appeared next to the red light mass. The two black and red light masses lit up at the same time. The huge bodies of the red dragon and the three-headed dragon appeared in the light mask at the same time. Their bodies occupied almost half of the area of the weak space. The dragon raised its four big heads and roared at the same time.

After this period of rest, under the action of the treasure given by Master Hailong, the red dragon and the three-headed dragon mana have recovered a lot.

Now the red dragon is no longer as transparent as before, and its body is red and emits hot energy.

The three-headed dragonfly has changed more. In addition to his main head, which has returned to its original form, the other two snake heads also emit a metallic luster, and even the horns have grown a lot.

The weak space is effective for any life, and the red dragon and the three-headed dragonfly also feel the crisis.

However, they are different from practitioners such as Hailong and Tianqin.

Even if the mana is limited, they still have instinctive attacks.

Four big mouths opened, three hellfires and a strong sky fire spewed out at the same time, spreading on the milky white mask.

The whole mask shook violently.

The eleven people felt great pressure at the same time, and their faces suddenly turned white, and even the light in their eyes dimmed a lot.

The red dragon and the three-headed dragon are also uncomfortable. Launching an attack in the weak space consumes ten times more than usual. At the same time, they feel their rapid weakness. One dragon and one roar at the same time. Just as they were about to launch a second attack, the mutation occurred.

A puff of smoke appeared in the weak space, the cold light flashed away from the smoke, the sonorous sound sounded, and the three big heads of the three dragonflies were strongly attacked at the same time. Its body shook, and the hellfire did not spew out, and the body seemed to be more dull. Only the The second bombardment was on the light mask.

The four weak elders of the mutant sprayed blood at the same time, and the light of the whole weak space suddenly dimmed a little.

The three dragonflies opened their mouths in anger and bit the smoke.

However, smoke is invisible, how can it be bitten? The cold light lit up like a star. This time, the sea dragon saw it clearly. It was a short blade that I don't know what it controlled. The cold light covered the surface actively under the action of smoke, and the goal was very obvious, that is, the eyes of the three-headed dragon and the red dragon.

Under normal circumstances, although the attack of the cold light is strong, it is impossible to have any effect on such a strong creature as the red dragon and the three-headed dragon.

However, after all, this is in the weak space. The red dragon and the three-headed dragon do not have the fairy weapon protection like the sea dragon and Tianqin. In a short time, they have made them much weaker. They encounter the cold light attack, and the attack is their most vulnerable eyes. The red dragon is better. It is an energy body Down, it's just that the body shook and retreated a few meters by the energy.

And the three-headed dragonfly is not so lucky. It is an entity, which is most affected in the weak space, and the cold light attacks its eyes. In the lightning-like rapid attack, the three-headed dragonfly screamed, and the three heads and three eyes were suddenly penetrated by the cold short blade, and the blood shot out. The huge body of the three-headed dragonfly is twisted crazily, but the more violent it moves, the greater the effect of the weak space.

Seeing that the three-headed dragon was damaged, the sea dragon roared and his heart was furious. Due to the effect of the three-headed dragon and the red dragon, the control of the weak space was weakened a little. In the anger, the potential of the sea dragon was completely stimulated. The sea dragon instantly withdrew the shield, and the accumulated power of the

Strange things happened. When the Qianjun stick reappeared, perhaps it was the weak space that attracted its ability. Without the divine power of the sea dragon, the magic stick was full of golden light, and the space around the stick suddenly twisted.

Hailong moved his heart and reluctantly put the Qianjun stick to the ground and shouted repeatedly: "Big, big, big, big, big..." The golden light suddenly lit up, and a word-like appeared in the upper part of the center of the stick. With the sound of the sea dragon, the body of the stick quickly expanded and enlarged like Optimus Prime.

The weak space had no effect on it at all. The stick body almost broke through the shackles of the weak space in an instant. The white light of the weak space suddenly dimmed a lot. Under the distorted light of the Qianjun stick body, the powerful existence similar to the immortal absolute space was hit hard, including the empty forest. The elder sprayed blood at the same time.

After breaking through the weak space, the distorted light around it unexpectedly pushed back a lot of evil spirits around it.

Hailong's body shook, and his strength recovered quickly. Just as he was about to completely destroy the weak space with a thousand sticks, the smoke that had previously attacked the three dragons and the red dragon appeared again and appeared in front of him.

The cold light flashed, and the dark blue light like a chain broke through the void and went straight to the throat of the sea dragon.
