Only me

Chapter 179 Chang'e's Confusion

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled and said, "Sea dragons don't have to be polite. Since you are willing to be the first to challenge, please pedal up the ladder.

Manjushri Bodhisattva, please go with him to supervise his challenge.

As she spoke, she handed the purple ribbon in her hand to the sea dragon.

The immortals below are talking about it. Some say that the sea gentian knows well, and some say that he is stupid.

But these noises seemed to be excluded, and it could not affect the mood of the sea dragon at all. He respectfully took the purple ribbon and looked up. The sea dragon couldn't help but make a sound, because a line of small golden characters appeared at the bottom of the purple ribbon, which said that it was the Saturn Star King Guanghan Palace Chang'e

Chang'e turned out to be Chang'e.

Hailong's heart was full of surprise. For the seven stars, all he knew was Ding Man, Eel and Mengyun. He never thought that the last one would be Chang'e.

Hailong is full of curiosity about this woman who can fascinate the Immortal Emperor and make the Queen Mother and Jiutian Cold Concubine Xuan Tianbing lose her love.

Wenzhu Bodhisattva sat down and let out a low roar, with clouds and fog on his feet, soaring up, and directly immersed in the clouds.

Hailong took a deep breath. You have to face it by yourself. Chang'e, let me see what kind of woman you can give up your husband for the sake of immortality.

In the chaotic air package, the sea dragon stepped up the ladder, and its body rose and fell like a star ball. At the same time, the immortals also began to compete for the other three Buddha beads.

The fairy spirit was lingering, and the sea dragon broke out of the clouds and floated in mid-air. He looked up.

Finally seeing Qixingping, Hailong couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Those are seven light clouds, showing seven colors of gold, silver, white, blue, blue, red and yellow respectively.

is arranged from top to bottom, like a ladder.

Each light cloud is kilometers away from the upper light cloud, covering an area of 10,000 square meters.

In the lining of the clouds, there seems to be a piece of land on each light cloud, and it can't be seen from below.

This is Qixingping, which symbolizes the powerful place of immortals.

The voice of Wenzhu Bodhisattva sounded in Hailong's ear, "Take the purple ribbon in your hand. That's the authority of your challenge. If you lose it, the challenge will fail.

Please go to Saturn Ping.

Take a deep breath.

Hailong has absolute confidence in his own strength. The last reason why he came here is that he needs to heal his wounds on the way.

With the help of Dinghuozhu, Chaosqi has cured 90% of his internal injury. Hailong believes that it is on the seven-star flat.

No one can stop himself from moving forward.

He flew up, and in a blink of an eye, he had already pedaled on the yellow light cloud.

Here, it is indeed a flat ground. The first thing Hailong saw was a dense forest. Those trees were actually precious sandalwood trees in the fairyland.

The forest is in a circle, surrounded by an open space of about 1,000 square meters in the center of Saturn's flat.

Wenzhu Bodhisattva is floating above the open space and waiting for him.

Floating on the open space, Hailong raised the purple ribbon in his hand and said, "Bodhisattva, where is the earthy star?" I have been waiting for a long time.

This fairy friend looks very eye-catching!" The soft voice sounded, and the soft voice came into his ears, and Hailong clearly felt the heat in his heart.

Subconsciously look sideways.

The body shook uncontrollably.

After the fairy sandalwood tree, a young woman in white curled out gracefully. The snow-white long skirt was spotless, and there was no decoration on her body. A black blue silk floated down. In the fairy spirit, a few strands of hair floated up, with a faint smile at the corners of her mouth. What she brought to

The strangest thing is her water-like eyes, which are deep. Only by staring can it be seen that the heart of the sea dragon is completely attracted by the clarity in the eyes, as if to explore the mystery, and walk towards the girl step by step.

The girl in white smiled and said softly, "Xianyou, you haven't told me yet. What's your name?" Hailong subconsciously said, "My name is Hailong."

There was a trace of shock in the girl's eyes, "Sea dragon? Are you the sea dragon that caused havoc in the fairy palace? Haven't you been punished to the hell and suffered? The surprise in the girl's eyes made her eyes not as clear as before. The sea dragon's whole body shook, and her mind recovered in an instant. Her eyes were shrouded in a layer of red light, and she said in a low voice, "Can't I go back to the 18th floor of hell?" Presumably, you are the Chang'e Empress who seduced the Immortal Emperor and made him fall.

Although the surface was quiet, there was a huge wave in Hailong's heart, shouting fiercely. Just as soon as he met, he almost fell into Chang'e's unknown ** fairy method.

Seeing that Hailong has returned to normal, Chang'e's face can't help but change slightly. Her ecstasy has reached the highest level, and she often only needs one look to make people easily intoxicated.

I didn't expect that the young man in front of him could be so easily free from it.

He raised his hands gently and threw his long sleeves aside. His beautiful eyes returned to clarity. He smiled and said, "So that's it, but how did the word seduce come? Chang'e is wrong!" Tears loomed in her eyes, and her beautiful face was sad.

Unconsciously, a trace of unbearance rose in Hailong's heart. Just as he wanted to comfort him, he saw a silver light shining in front of his eyes. It was the cold fragrance in the Guanghan Palace wind back to the snow dance swordsmanship.

Because his mind was hoisted, Hailong's reaction was much slower. His body subconsciously deviated and avoided the sharp edge, but he was still caught off guard by the sword in Chang'e's hand and scratched on his right arm.

Although the Tianji divine armor was not formed, the defense power generated by the Tianji beads still formed a layer of invisible defense on the sea dragon. With pain in his arm, the sea dragon suddenly woke up and flew up, dodged the attack of Chang'e.

The sleeve of his left arm was cracked, and a cold air flow went up the meridians, making his whole arm numb.

Chang'e said with some scale: "What tough skin! Why don't you let someone cut it twice?" The resentment on her face reappeared. Her eyes were always staring at the sea dragon, but the fairy sword in her hand did not slow down at all. With the way of saving flowers and dyeing a few frost marks, she transformed into a fairy power like petals towards the sea dragon's whole body.

At the moment of pain in his left arm, Hailong has clearly understood that Chang'e used some kind of fairy method to attack under the condition of affecting her mind. With the same mistake, he will not make the third time, and his mental power is completely included in the spiritual platform.

The body was driven by the primordial spirit, and the divine light in the eyes was abruptly resisting Chang'e's eyes. The golden light flashed in her hand, and the golden staff turned into a shadow of a stick all over the sky.

Chang'e exclaimed, and the resentment on her beautiful face was even more fierce. In terms of mana, how could she compare with the sea dragon? The sound of breaking sounded.

Chang'e's fairy sword turned into powder under the strong attack of the golden staff.

Chang'e reacted very quickly. At the moment when the fairy sword collided with the golden staff, she gave up her fairy weapon.

At the same time, he muttered a few spells and shouted softly, "Heavenly soldiers protect the body."

The golden light flashed, and dozens of golden lights stood in front of her. They were the fairy palace soldiers of the golden armor and golden pine.

Without any hesitation, they have been entangled in the sea dragon.

Block every position he may attack.

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the sea dragon.

The golden hoop circled around the body, forced the heavenly soldiers back, and said in a low voice, "Chang'e, I think you are very much like a creature in the world."

Chang'e smiled. She smiled.

said, "What kind of creature? Is it a cute bird or a touching flower? Her ecstasy has indeed been cultivated to the extreme, and her whole body is full of powerful ** power all the time.

Under the protection of the ternary god, the idea of the sea dragon will naturally not be eroded by it.

The golden staff in his hand was in a row, and the heavenly soldiers who used Chang'e as a meat shield were broken into powder one by one. He snorted and said, "I think you have heard of this kind of creature like you, that is, the fox spirit.

I really don't understand how the Hou Yi god would have taken a fancy to you, a water-based woman.

Chang'e's face finally changed greatly. Hou Yi completely broke her ecstasy skill. She shouted angrily, and there was another fairy sword in her hand. She spewed out a mouthful of fog in the air, and the shadow of the sword overlapped. It was the unique skill in the wind back snow dance swordsmanship - Huifeng

Hailong had seen Meng Yun's cultivation. In the face of Chang'e, he had a murderous chance in his heart. The Heavenly God's armor appeared in an instant, and the golden staff in his hand disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by the dragon bundle given by the King of Tibet Bodhisattva.

Hailong smiled, and his whole body was suddenly full of gloomy ghosts. He slowly put down the dragon bundle and let Chang'e's return wind hit his body with all her strength.

A mass of blood broke out in front of the sea dragon, and the celestial god armor assisted by chaotic qi was not what Chang'e could break at all.

The hellish flames rose and covered the whole open space in an instant.

Chang'e only felt that her mind was like a giant hammer, and her whole body was shaken violently. Her consciousness was like a giant hammer, and she suddenly fell into a blur.

Hailong was indeed cruel. His purpose was to completely smash Chang'e's consciousness with the six reincarnations of the fire whip, so that she would never be surpassed.

He did this to avenge the nine-day cold concubine and the royal mother and sisters, and also to get justice for his apprentice the day after tomorrow.

In the heart of Hailong, if the most damned person in the fairyland is the fairy emperor, then the second one is definitely Chang'e.

"Amitabha, good, good.

Hailong, show mercy."

Just as Chang'e was about to lose consciousness, a pure Buddha light enveloped her body. In the flashing light, the six reincarnation mana was blocked.

The enlarged cyan lotus appeared under Chang'e, protecting her body and consciousness.

Chang'e's face was pale. Although she avoided breaking the divine consciousness under the protection of Wenzhu Bodhisattva, after all, the divine consciousness was injured and fell on the green lotus and fainted.

When Hailong saw that Wenzhu Bodhisattva took action, he had weakened his magic power. Seeing that Chang'e's body was taken back by Wenzhu Bodhisattva, he frowned and said, "Bodhisattva, this woman has done a lot of evil. Why don't you let me take her life?"

Without her, the fairyland would not have been as confidant as it is now.


Hailong, you have to understand that today is to compete for the position of Xingjun, not to let you revenge. You can rest for a while and wait for the arrival of other challengers.

The so-called mercy and mercy, be careful, be careful."

Hailong sighed in his heart and knew that in front of Wenzhu Bodhisattva, he could not kill Chang'e in any way.

Although it was only a short contact, Hailong had a fear of Chang'e in his heart, not because of how powerful the other party's strength was.

Chang'e's cultivation is much worse than Mengyun, but her ecstasy method is really wonderful, and I'm afraid that only people in the Buddhist world like Wenzhu Bodhisattva will not be confused by it.

While he was thinking about it, the voice of Wenzhu Bodhisattva suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Hailong is a little restless. I also know the harm of this woman to the fairyland, but have you ever thought that the fairy palace can barely maintain a balance with you at this time?

Chang'e is the most important person around the Immortal Emperor. If you kill her today, I'm afraid you will immediately deal with the civil war in the fairyland, and then the lives will be ruined. Is that what you want to see? I am merciful, and the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, so I can only do my best.

"Listening to the message of Wenzhu Bodhisattva, Hailong looked up at him, and couldn't help sweating coldly on his forehead, yes! Wenzhu Bodhisattva is right. If Chang'e dies, she will immediately deal with the fuse of becoming a great confidant in the fairyland. She just wants to destroy it. It's really too inconsideration.

This Wenzhu Bodhisattva is worthy of the symbol of wisdom.

He gave a deep salute respectfully and said, "Disciples have been taught.

"Wenzhu Bodhisattva smiled and blew a breath to the green lotus in his hand, and Chang'e's body disappeared.

"Hailong, you only need to do what you have to do now. I have sent Chang'e away. This woman's sin will be repaid one day."

At this time, two groups of Buddha light rose to Saturn's Ping, which were Guanyin Bodhisattva and Puxian Bodhisattva.

Hailong said in surprise, "Two Bodhisattvas, have you decided the winner so quickly?" Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded and said, "Saturday Star King Hailong, you will accept the challenge as Saturday Star King."

With that, she raised her hand and waved gently. Under the guidance of the Buddha's light, a powerful Buddha spirit suddenly filled with it. The yellow light in front of Hailong's eyes lit up, and the red robe on her body had turned yellow. The robe was wounded with clouds, and there was a circle of yellow shining star Many of them are restrained and more peaceful.

Guanyin Bodhisattva said, "The name of Xingjun is just a symbol.

For the time being, this Saturn is your territory.

Hailong asked doubtfully, "Bodhisattva, since this is the symbol of the Saturn Star King, why didn't you see Chang'e wearing it when you did it before?" Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled and said, "When challenged, the challenged person will temporarily lose the title of Xingjun. The Xingjun robe worn by Xingjun is a good fairy weapon. If you wear it to accept the challenge, I'm afraid there will be injustice.

However, the lower challenger can wear a robe.

This will increase the possibility of success in the challenge.

"So that's it. Thank you for your guidance."

At this time, the fairy cloud above the Saturn Ping broke open, and three figures floated up.

Flying towards the Saturn ping like lightning.

With the lessons of the previous war with Chang'e, Hailong no longer dared to be careless. The purple gas appeared in his eyes, and the Heavenly God's armor began to change.

Combined with Long Xiangyu, Haitun's attack power has also been raised to the limit under the guarantee of defense.

Guanyin Bodhisattva said softly, "I didn't expect that the heavenly pearl would fall into your hands."

Hailong said, "This is a gift from Master Bodhi.

If it's not for this, I'm afraid the younger generation may not be able to participate in today's competition now.

The three figures stepped on Saturn's Ping in an instant. Hailong Dingqing took a look, and his eyes suddenly showed an incredible color. He shouted, "Sister, how can it be you?"

His body trembled slightly because of excitement. At this time, there was only the blue figure among the three people in his eyes. In the package of the blue halo, it was Jiutian Hanfei Xuan Tianbing.

Hailong is not wrong. Although the appearance of Xuan Tianbing and the Queen Mother Xuantian are very similar, they are definitely different in temperament. The Queen Mother is calm and powerful, and there is always a murderous chance between Xuan Tianbing's eyebrows.

In front of the floating body, Xuan Tianbing fell in front of the sea dragon and smiled and said, "Isn't it me? It's surprising, brother.

Actually, I have been back to the fairyland for a long time.

You were in a hurry when you arrived earlier and didn't see me! Are you still angry with me now? She never forgot the angry look of Hailong when he left.

Hailong can feel that the breath of Xuan Tianbing has changed a lot. At this time, she is completely restrained, and her cultivation has been greatly improved.

Turning his head, Hailong said, "Sister, how can I still hate you? You also had your own difficulties at that time.

Now I'm not the sea dragon I used to be.

Xuan Dabing smiled and said, "Yes! You are indeed very different from before. When I heard from my sister that your appearance had changed, I didn't believe it. When I saw you before, I didn't dare to recognize it.

You are much more handsome now than before.

Hailong blushed and said with a wry smile, "Sister, let me laugh."

A low voice sounded.

"Are you two here to catch up or participate in the Xingjun Challenge? Hanfei, if you don't want to do it first, then I'll do it.

The one on the left of Xuan Tianbing is wearing a gray robe.

A fairy with a proud face, this man is not tall, but very fat, short like a big meatball.

According to the order of grabbing Buddha beads.

It should be that Xuan Tianbing challenged Hailong first, and then it was his turn to be with another challenger, but when he saw Xuan Tianbing and Hailong talking about the past, he couldn't help but talk to each other.

But who knows that Xuan Tianbing smiled.

said, "Since the white carp fairy is in a hurry to do it, you can invite me first."

The white carp was dumb and said, "Xuan Tianbing.

Do you really want to give me the position of challenge? To be like the Tao, this means that you give up your status as a Star King Challenger.

Xuan Tianbing smiled and said, "What's so great about Xingjun? I just came to see the ground because I was bored.

My brother is here, so I'm going to give up.

White carp, you should be careful.

Be careful that your fat body is squeezed into oil by my brother!" The white xiang xian was furious, his chubby right hand patted it out, and a gray stream of hair suddenly rolled towards Xuantian ice.

Xuantian snorted coldly.

The light in his eyes flashed, and a covered ice shield suddenly stood in front of him, and the halo flowed, turning the attack of the white carp immortals away.

"Amitabha, you two can't do it.

Otherwise, you will be disqualified from challenging Xingjun.

The voice of Guanyin Bodhisattva calmed down Bai Kun Daxian. He looked at Xuantianbing yinly and said in a low voice, "For the sake of Guanyin Bodhisattva, I don't care about you.

Xuan Tianbing, do you think you are still the nine-day cold concubine with the immortal emperor at the beginning? Humph!" As soon as Xuan Tianbing heard the white carp mention the Immortal Emperor, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

said coldly, "My Xuantianbing is no longer a nine-day cold concubine. If you want to do it, you should hurry up, otherwise, go back to your white mountain."

The white dragonfth fairy snorted coldly, but he did not get angry again because of Xuan Tianbing's words. He looked up and said to Guanyin Bodhisattva, "Since Xuan Tianbing gave up the right to challenge, please allow me to the Saturn Star King."

Guanyin Bodhisattva nod and said, "Great Immortals, please."


, she waved her right hand gently and took back the fairy robe on the sea dragon, which symbolized the earthy star king.

Facing the sea dragon, the white dragon was not moved at all because of the sea dragon's armor. He said in a low voice, "The white dragon asks for advice on the immortal method of the earthy star king."

With the wrong hands, a huge fairy hammer suddenly appeared above his head. His right hand was led by a magic formula and shouted loudly. It was like a Thunderbolt in the air, and the fairy hammer hit the sea dragon.

The sea dragon smiled indifferently and did not dodge. The five sharp knives in his right forearm instantly merged with his hand. His body did not move, and he grabbed the hammer head the size of a mill.

A strange scene appeared. Seeing that the strong fairy power of the fairy hammer was about to hit the Shanghai dragon, the blue light irrose on the claws of the sea dragon's right hand, which instantly broke into the fairy power of the fairy hammer under the package of chaotic gas. In the long roar, the fairy hammer had been forcibly grasped by It was scrapped in Hailong's hands.

He punched out with his left hand, and a ball of red light came out with a trace of purple gas, banging straight at the white carp.

The white kun jumped up high and rushed up to the attack of the sea dragon. His body completely contracted in mid-air, and it really hit it like a meat ball. The gray fairy spirit surging out and collided with Luolong's chaotic spirit.

In the loud noise, the chaotic air emitted by the sea dragon disappeared, but the body of the white dragon burned in an instant. In the firelight, he couldn't help howling.

The sea dragon's right hand was hard, and the fairy hammer turned into powder.

The next moment, he came to Bai Kun and said indifferently, "This is a punishment for insulting my sister.

Go ahead."

With a wave of his big hand, the flames on the white catfish were gone, and the charred black body flew away like a meteorite and fell towards the sea of clouds below.

The three Bodhisattvas did not stop the sea dragon. They all saw that the sea dragon was very measured. Although they hurt the body of the white dragon, it did not cause real harm to him.

Guanyin Bodhisattva sighed helplessly, popped up a Buddha light, shrouded the falling white saladder, and helped him get rid of the fire poison from his body.

It was not easy for Hailong to hit that punch earlier.

He saw that the cultivation of the white kun was above the emperor of the fairy palace, so he first broke its magic weapon to reduce the effect of deterrence, and then wrapped the compressed big B two poles of the true fire with chaotic gas. The white kun did not see the flaw in his anger, and was defeated by the sea dragon.

Xuan Tianbing smiled.

He stretched out his thumb to Hailong and said, "Brother, the power of your roast suckling pig is really amazing!" Hailong smiled and said, "Sister, just leave some virtue.

I'll talk to you after I finish the Xingjun challenge.

"Good mana, does the Saturday Xingjun need to rest?"

A delicate voice attracted the attention of Hailongdi, which was another challenger who flew up with Xuan Tianbing.

That's a girl who looks about 20 years old.

She is beautiful and wears a green gown. Although the woman looks gentle on the surface, the sea dragon can clearly feel it.

She is much more dangerous than the previous white carp fairy, especially the looming bloody smell on her body, which makes Hailong's heart awe-inspiring.

"There is no need to rest. I haven't asked for the name of immortal friends yet."

The girl smiled.

said, "I dare not be famous, the little girl is blue.

Tao Xingjun was really a good way last time. He beat my apprentice back and cried to me.

I just had a good time today.

Hailong frowned and said, "Apprentice? Who is your apprentice? Biluo said indifferently, "If you start, you will naturally be like who the master I am.

I can only tell you that my current value is Xiangong Keqing. This time I'm here for the position of the Sunday Star King.

As she spoke, her right hand shook, and a white light appeared.

It is a white bone knife.

The miserable white halo flowed, and she muttered, "My bottomless vein can finally be regarded as a member of the fairyland. From today on, I don't have to hide my head and tail to survive."

Luo Long's eyes flashed and said, "You are the master of Huang Yu Tianzun's weasel."

Biluo smiled slightly and was charming and seductive. "Yes, I am the master of Huang Yudi, and I am also the master of the bottomless cave of the fairy school."

Hailong snorted coldly and said, "The bottomless cave is obviously composed of demons. How can it become a fairy school? Didn't you have been destroyed by the third prince of Nezha at the beginning? Bi Luo's face changed and said, "That's just the jade rat being destroyed.

We always have a bottomless hole.

Moreover, now he is a member of the fairyland. Who would say that we are evil sects? I have fairy roots. Even the demons in the Buddha world will not trouble me because of my identity.

With that, she also looked at the three Bodhisattvas in heaven and earth provocatively.

The three Bodhisattvas were still quietly suspended there as if they had never been seen.

Hailong said coldly, "I didn't expect that the immortal emperor even dares to include demons in order to protect his rights. It's good to see you today.

Let me know how powerful your bottomless dead bone knife is.

The sharp blade of the right hand is taken back, and the golden staff shines in the middle of the front finger.

The huge momentum condenses in an instant. In the face of demons and evils, Hailong will never show mercy.

Biluo floated in front of her figure, waved the dead bone knife in his hand, smiled and said, "Only the dead bone knife used from my hand is the real dead bone knife. Soon, you will understand this truth.

Get ready, I'm going to use my flint skills.

The white light in his hand flowed, and the body of the knife turned red in an instant. Bi Luo Meng's knife and the right knife were cut out at will with the forward of the body.

Hailong once suffered losses in defeating skills, and naturally took precautions. The golden hoop protects itself, does not seek merit, but has no merit, and transforms into a golden light curtain in front of him.

Biluo smiled and said, "Do you think this can stop my fright? This can only deal with Huang Xun.

My dead bone knife is a combination of body and knife, and heart and mind.

It can be strong or soft, and nothing can be broken.

The bone knife in her hand suddenly increased a little. In the surprised gaze of the sea dragon, Biluo disappeared. She really integrated with the knife, and the dead bone knife instantly turned into a wisp of white light that was difficult for the naked eye and rushed into the light curtain she laid.

The red bone knife seemed to have no form at this time, light and powerless. It flew up and down with the chaotic air on the golden staff, but it was always moving forward.

The red light suddenly turned white, and the dead bone knife split in the empty place like lightning. The sea dragon only felt that the whole body was full of knife shadows, and the body moved slowly.

At this moment, he found that he had lost the ability to act and was fixed by the ficcant skill.

The sound of Biluo sounded and became full of murderousness. The bloody smell instantly filled the air. "The corpse-horizon-cross-over-wild-" Countless knife waves involved the body of the sea dragon with a bloody smell, and a blood mist suddenly rose around it. The sea dragon snorted, and the dragon' There was a little blue light, but at this time he couldn't move, and he cut him in the same position one after another.

Obviously, Biluo has the amazing armor-unloading force on his body, and he deliberately chose this kind of attack method.

Xuan Dabing exclaimed. Just as he was about to go to rescue, he found that his body was covered by a soft Buddha's power. Looking up, he saw Guanyin Bodhisattva shaking his head at her, and a peaceful voice sounded in his ear, "Don't worry, the Heavenly God's armor is not so easy ."

The sea dragon roared. In the continuous attack of the other party in the same position, the pain came into the body from the throat. The sea dragon broke out, and the chaotic gas in the body exploded like gunpowder ignition.

The absolute space of Chaos was formed in an instant. He had broken free from the shackles. He waved out the golden staff in his hand with all his strength, and the three dozen Thunderbolts sealed all the surrounding space in an instant.

The white light flashed, and Biluo's voice sounded, "Haven't you found it yet? Your attack like this is ineffective for me.

It's not that simple to sit in the position of the fairy palace guest.

The white light flowed, and the dead bone knife was strangely cut out. The sea dragon found again that the body returned to a stiff state, and the man lost the ability to move.

The powerless fear spread all over the body in an instant. How can the other party resist such an attack? The great pain came from the throat, and the pain seemed to be stronger than before.

The dead bone knife was cut on the same part as before, and Longxiang Tianji Shenjia made bursts of sadness.

Defense is absolute, but the opponent's attack is so strong.

Hailong can clearly feel that even if the mana is compared with himself, it is not much different.

At the time of the crisis, Hailong remembered the primordial spirit in his body. Although his body was limited, his mind was still there.

The reason why he can't hit the flying dead bone knife is that the other party is too slippery. If the other party can be fixed, all problems will be solved.

At this moment, Hailong realized why the Monkey King came to Zhu Bajie to avoid the water curse and asked him to find an opportunity to learn the uncertainment. If there was an unordered disturbance that was not inferior to the broken skill of the dead bone knife, he would not be so passive.

Now, all I can rely on is the power of thought.
