Only me

Chapter 192 East China Sea Dragon Palace

The thunder sounded, and the lightning before the thunder lit up the huge wave like a huge kiss of a beast. Before the waves arrived, the hull should have tilted with the waves. Just as the fishing boat was about to be swallowed up by the waves, the dawn of hope lit up the whole fishing boat, which was a red light, like a copper wall and Red light, the fishing boat was picked up by the light and flew lightly to the tip of the wave.

A dazzling red light rose to the sky and suddenly shot into the whirlpool-like cloud in the air. Everything around it seemed to have stopped at this moment. The waves within thousands of miles were pressed like a mirror. In the light flashed, everything returned to calm. With the disappearance of the red light, the black in the sky The clouds unexpectedly disappeared, and it was replaced by a silent night sky, with stars in the sky, and the bright moon hanging high, reflecting the calm sea.

The sound of the water sounded, and the fishing boat was sent far away by the invisible force, like an arrow in the direction of the shore.

A low voice sounded in every fisherman's ear, "In such weather, why fish? There will not always be luck. Cherish your own lives.

People, you don't have to fight with heaven.

The fishermen knelt down on the deck with tears in their eyes and looked at the red light rising in the air in the distance. They all thought it was the dragon king and kept worshipping.

Driven by that inexplicable force, the fishing boat quickly went to the shore. In a blink of an eye, they could no longer see the red light, but the deep voice was kept in their hearts for a lifetime.

"Who is so bold that he dares to change the celestial phenomena within the scope of the Dragon Palace, but I don't know, is this a violation of the rules of heaven?" The sea suddenly separated to both sides.

The whole body is lingering, and the face is bound with a reckless knot, which looks extremely fierce.

Hold a machete and stand on the wave.

glared at the red light in the air.

The red light fluttered down, and the sea of golden armor was stunned in his heart. An invisible pressure came from the red light, which almost made him breathless. He was secretly surprised when the practitioners in the world became so powerful.

The red light gradually faded, revealing the figure inside. His tall and magnificent figure was like a god and Buddha, and a faint light flashed on his red robe. On the surface, it seemed to be just an ordinary human being, but his body was like transparent.

What scares Jinjiahai most is his eyes, and there is no emotion in his deep eyes.

"Who are you? Didn't you hear what I just said?" The golden armored sea shouted fiercely.

The shrimp soldiers and crabs will step on the waves and surround the man in red in the middle.

The man in red said indifferently: "What about Tiantiao? Since you are from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, seeing that some fishermen are in trouble, not only do you not save each other, but also have to fall into the well?" The Golden Armor Sea General laughed and said, "I didn't expect that the current practitioners don't even care about Tiantiao anymore.

Aren't you afraid that God will condemn you when the disaster comes? The man in red snorted coldly and said, "Tian Tiao is set by the fairy palace. Even if the fairy emperor stands in front of me, he will never use Tiantiao to restrain me.

Take me to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea to meet Ao Guang, the Dragon King. I have something to find him.

Listening to what the other party said, Jinjiahai couldn't help but stagnate and shouted angrily, "Do you think the Dragon King can be seen by anyone? I am the dragon palace. As the son of the dragon king, I am in charge of the law enforcement of the dragon palace. Today, if you dare to come to the East China Sea to make trouble, follow me back to the Dragon Palace to take the crime first.

With a golden light all over his body, with a big knife in his hand, the shrimp soldiers and crabs around him rushed to the man in red.

The man in red's face was still indifferent. With a wave of his hand, a huge red mask enveloped all the people in the Dragon Palace, including the dragon palace, in an instant. In the light flashed, the shrimp soldiers and crabs fell into the sea one after another.

The man in red said indifferently, "Is it the dragon? If you want to take me, I will give your brother a fair chance. This is the East China Sea, which should be the most suitable place for you to use your magic. As long as you can let a drop of water touch me, I will immediately kill it.

The red light disappeared, and nothing seemed to have happened on the sea except for the group of shrimp soldiers and crabs who fell into the sea.

I only felt a chill all over my body and said in a low voice, "You are a fairy. With the absolute space you just used, you must not be an unknown person in the fairyland.

sign up for the name."

The man in red smiled indifferently and said, "Why, don't you want to capture me now? I just want to discuss something with Ao Guang, and there is no malice to the Dragon Palace.

As for my name, only Ao Guang deserves to ask, you? It's still a little short."

The dragonfed man was originally a grumpy person. Under the excitement of the other party's words, he was suddenly furious. He roared and waved his hands with a big knife at the man in red. The golden light suddenly rushed to the man in red with a huge wave. The momentum was far from the waves that were about to devour

The man in red did not move, allowing the waves to hit him. Something strange happened. As soon as the sea entered three feet in front of him, it immediately slid to both sides, unable to move forward, and the knife light sent by the dragonf was completely locked to death in mid-air, and even his body could not move.

"I have heard before that Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, has nine sons, and each of them has a dragon ball. Only by killing the dragon can you get the essence of the dragon ball, and the nine dragon balls can be refined into a nine-colored cloud dragon ball, which is the best of cultivation.

The gathering of the dragon power of Jiulongzi and the income of the yuanshen seem to be of great benefit to the immortals.

If I remember correctly, all you have should be the Silver Dragon Ball.

At this point, a red light flashed in his eyes, and he came to the dragonflies in the blink of an eye and stared into his eyes.

The whole body was shocked. For him, the silver dragon ball is equivalent to his own life. Once the dragon ball is taken, it will be the result of never rising. The fear rises and he said in a low voice, "Do you want my dragon ball?" The man in red shook his head and said, "No, I'm just reminding you not to be impulsive in case of trouble, otherwise, with Dragon Ball **, when you encounter a powerful enemy, can you protect it?" All the pressure suddenly disappeared, and he only felt that his whole body was light, and he was immediately relieved. He said to the man in red, "Take me to see Ao Guang.

You should understand that with my strength, although it will take a little time to find the Dragon Palace.

But it's not difficult.

I only felt that the words of the man in red in front of me had the majesty that he could not refuse. He subconsciously nodded and shook his body, and the dragon-shaped body appeared. The silver dragon body was empty, and the water below had cracked to both sides.

"The dignity of the Dragon Palace cannot be shaken by anyone. I hope you can take care of yourself."

After saying that, he rushed to the sea first.

The man in red smiled indifferently, floated down, and followed the dragonflies to the depths of the sea.

Entering the sea, the dragonflies expanded his speed to the limit, but he was surprised to find that his body was always locked by the thoughts of the man in red, and the sea could not rush into the body of the man in red within three feet. No matter how fast he was, the man in red could always follow ten meters away.

The surroundings are getting darker and darker, and the road is getting familiar.

Suddenly, his body turned over and suddenly sank down, as if it had penetrated a layer of barrier, and the surroundings suddenly lit up.

A huge palace appeared in his sight with the man in red. The palace seemed to be completely repaired with gold and jade. The light was shining, and the sea was clear.

All kinds of undersea creatures are constantly swimming, and the strange scene is breathtaking.

In front of the palace is an open space, and thousands of Dragon Palace wrestlers in silver armor are arranged in a neat formation.

There are ten people standing in front of them, one in the middle, wearing a python robe, with a jade belt around his waist, and a majestic figure. The jujube red face is covered with a layer of frost. Next to him, there is an old man who looks obscene and has a shell on his body. A pair of protruding They are eight golden armored generals. Although their costumes are the same, they have different appearances.

He shook his body and came to the front of the old man in a python robe, and said respectfully, "See your father."

It turned out that when he threatened the man in red, he had already sent a signal for help to the Dragon Palace, deliberately leading the man in red to the Dragon Palace. He believed that although the man in red was very powerful, it was impossible to fight against the whole Dragon Palace.

Otherwise, under the threat of the other party, how could he bring the man in red to the Dragon Palace?

Ao, the dragon king of the East China Sea, sank like water. He waved his hand and retreated to the side.

He looked up and down at the man in red, and his eyes couldn't help but show a trace of essence.

The man in red seemed to have expected everything in front of him. His face did not fluctuate without any fluctuation. He stood in front of Ao Guang and said slightly, "Are you the Dragon King of the East China Sea?" Ao Guang said in a low voice, "Yes, I, Ao Guang, why did you violate the rules of heaven, change the situation in the East China Sea without authorization, and hurt the subordinates of the Dragon Palace? Is there no one in the Dragon Palace?" The man in red smiled, shook his head and said, "Of course not. I have something to discuss with the Dragon King. If I don't use the previous method, how can I see you easily?"

My name is Hailong.

After more than 400 years of cultivation, Hailong finally came out of the customs.

There is not much time left. He knows that he must complete everything in the world as soon as possible and return to the fairyland.

Ao Guanglong frowned slightly, and the word Hailong was very familiar to him. Moreover, these two words are against him. Isn't Hailong the meaning of the dragon king in the sea? Hailong smiled and said, "Maybe my other title, Dragon King, will be familiar. Hundreds of years ago, I participated in the Star King Challenge in the Fairyland and luckily won the title of Sun Star King."

The golden light flashed, and he had been covered with a cloak symbolizing the sun shining star.

The huge spirit of immortality suddenly filled in front of the Dragon Palace.

Ao Guang was moved, "Sun Yao Xingjun."

He remembered that although he was not in the fairyland, the Dragon Palace was also a great fairy school, and he still knew something about the fairyland.

More than 400 years ago, how could he not know the major events of the seven-star Pingri Yaoxingjun in the fairyland? The status of the Dragon Palace in the fairyland is far from comparable to that of immortal schools such as Wuzhuangguan and Sanqingguan. For the Dragon Palace, the four words Riyao Xingjun alone already have enough weight.

The look on his face suddenly relaxed a lot. Ao Guang arched his hand and said, "It turned out that it was the Riyao Xingjun who came to the Dragon Palace, and Ao Guang missed the distance."

The dragonfrow beside him thought to himself that no wonder this fairy named Hailong even looked down on Tiantiao. It turned out that he was the sun shining star king, and he was not controlled by the fairy palace at all.

Fortunately, I didn't offend too much before, otherwise even if I suffered a big loss, I'm afraid my father couldn't protect me.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but subconsciously step back a few steps, lest the sea dragon notice him.

The old man next to Ao Guang stepped forward and pointed to Hailong in surprise and said, "Aren't you the fisherman who saved me at the beginning?" The old man was transformed into a half-human dragon palace strategist, Gui Badou.

Hailong smiled and said, "Not long after I entered the human world that day, I was injured again, so I didn't talk to Brother Turtle. I'm really sorry."

Gui Badou shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, if you hadn't helped me that day, I'm afraid I would peel off the skin even if I didn't die. Gui Badou is here to thank the immortals for saving me."

With that, he bowed down to Hailong.

That day, under the treatment of a trace of chaotic gas inadvertently attracted by the sea dragon, Gui Badou not only recovered from his injury, but also got a lot of benefits from the chaotic gas. He was sincerely grateful to the sea dragon.

Ao Guang took a look at Gui Badou, smiled and said, "Since they are all old friends, please come to our Dragon Palace.

Jinji, take people away.

Prepare for the Dragon Palace banquet, and I want to treat Riyao Xingjun well.

One of the eight dragons behind Ao Guang answered, and led the dragon palace wrestlers with other dragons to disperse one after another. Under the personal leadership of Ao Guang and Gui Badou, the sea dragon walked into the dragon palace.

Although the outside of the Dragon Palace is a brilliant golden wall, the inside is even more dazzling. After entering the gate of the Dragon Palace, Hailong never saw the decoration of gold and jade. Everything here is composed of corals of different colors and halo, and occasionally bubbles like pearls rise one by one. Don't have a touching atmosphere.

Ao Guang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, took the sea dragon through the Dragon Palace Road and pointed to the place where he discussed with his subordinates.

Ao Guang knew that Hailong came to him as Riyao Xingjun, and what he discussed must be a big deal.

Just quit your men and leave the turtle eight fights as a companion.

The three of them sat down, and Ao Guang smiled and said, "It's an honor for me to visit my Dragon Palace today!" Hailong said, "Don't be polite, Dragon King. I'm here today, and I have something to ask for."

He didn't want to delay too much time, so he simply came straight to the point.

Ao Guang said, "If you have anything to say, Riyao Xingjun, you can say that Ao Guang will definitely do his best to help you.

However, I don't think I can help much with the power of the sun shining.

Moreover, the strength of the Dragon Palace is meager, and I'm afraid it won't have any influence. I hope Riyao Xingjun won't be disappointed.

Although he doesn't know much about the specific situation of the fairyland in the world, he also understands that the fairy palace and the famous people of the fairy world led by Wuzhuangguan have become opposite sides.

I was afraid that Hailong would ask him to join a certain party, so he left room for himself first.

Hailong said in his heart that the Dragon King in the East China Sea was really cunning. Fortunately, he had been prepared for it. He smiled and said, "The help I need is very simple, and the Dragon King must be able to do it.

My request will never get the Dragon Palace involved in the current struggle of the fairyland.

Perhaps in a short time, the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas will fight with the underworld. At that time, it should be the best choice for the Dragon Palace to remain in the world, at least not to get involved in the whirlpool.

I came to ask the Dragon King for help this time in exchange for conditions. If the Dragon King really doesn't want to, I will never force it.

Ao Guang was secretly in his heart. Knowing that the shining Xingjun in front of him was not easy to deal with, he hurriedly said, "Xingjun doesn't have to be like this. Even if there is no conditions to exchange, Ao Guang will try his best to help. After all, the Dragon Palace is also a branch of the fairy world Hailong smiled and said, "Actually, it's very simple. I hope to learn the special attack in the Dragon Palace Storm Twelve, that's all."

After listening to Hailong's words, Ao Guang couldn't help but change his face and frowned and said, "Xingjun, maybe you don't know that this disturbance is the secret of my Dragon Palace. Even my nine sons, only two of them can pass it on.

It's not my own treasure, but this disturbance is the only strength of the Dragon Palace. It's really..." Hailong said, if it weren't for the secret of your Dragon Palace, how could I learn it? His face remained unchanged and he said, "Dragon King, please listen to me. I know this matter will definitely make you very embarrassed.

However, the fairy method I have learned is in urgent need of the undetermined storm in the storm.

If the Dragon King is willing to teach, I promise not to teach it.

At the same time, in exchange, I am willing to help the Dragon Palace ascend to the fairyland, and even help you replace the white tiger, the current northern sacred beast, and make you a new holy beast.

Previously, Hailong's request was difficult for Ao Guang to accept, but now the exchange conditions he proposed was enough to surprise Ao Guang.

The most anticipated thing for Ao Guang is to be able to lead his subordinates of the Dragon Palace to gain a foothold in the fairyland. With the assistance of the fairy spirit in the fairyland, the strength of the Dragon Palace will inevitably be greatly improved in a short period of time.

As for becoming a holy beast in the north, that's almost something he can't even think of.

Compared with the two exchange conditions of Hailong, what does the Fengbo twelve-cha calculate? But it is precisely because the exchange conditions are too superior that Ao Guang is more suspicious.

Gui Badou couldn't help saying, "Lord Xingjun, are you telling the truth? There are millions of creatures in the Dragon Palace, even if they have a certain strength, there are tens of thousands of them. It is almost impossible to collectively ascend to the fairyland.

Not to mention that those big schools in the fairyland do not allow it, even ordinary immortals will not allow us to survive in the fairyland.

Except for the four dragon kings, there is not even one who has reached the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian. Even if we are really promoted to the fairyland, I'm afraid we can't survive in the fairyland. After all, with the number of dragon palaces, if it develops in the fairyland, I'm afraid The power of taboo.

Lord Xingjun, are you really sure? Regarding the matter of bringing the Dragon Palace into the fairyland, he did not know how many times he discussed with Ao Guang, and asked the fairy palace many times, but the answer he got was that he only allowed the Dragon King of the four seas to ascend to the fairyland, and the others in the Dragon Palace would never allow it.

Although he also knows that Riyao Xingjun has a very high authority in the fairyland, it is not a joke that the Dragon Palace has ascended into the fairyland as a whole.

Hailong smiled indifferently and said, "Since I can say it, I can definitely do it.

Of course, I can't bring millions of dragon palace creatures into the fairyland, but the tens of thousands you said with certain strength can do it.

You should know that the fairyland is divided into the upper fairyland and the lower fairyland, and it is not difficult to occupy a place in the lower fairyland.

I can tell you that I belong to the famous side of the fairyland.

Of course, the Dragon Palace is not suitable for entering the fairyland now, because now the Dragon Palace will not only be excluded by the two major forces of the fairyland, but also likely to face the disaster brought by the underworld. My promise will be fulfilled after the expulsion of the underworld.

I believe you should be able to calculate which force is stronger in the fairyland now.

I can swear by my life that I will definitely help the Dragon Palace find a survival territory at least in the fairyland.

Ao Guang sighed and said with a wry smile, "Xingjun, I'm afraid it's not as easy as you think.

There is another big reason why the Dragon Palace has not been able to ascend to the fairyland, because we once had a grudge against two people with powerful powers in the fairyland, and both of them have the power that the Dragon Palace can't compete with at all now.

Moreover, they also belong to the fairy palace and your side respectively.

Hailong was stunned and said, "Is there such a thing? So who are these two immortals? Dragon King, please talk about it.

Ao Guang said, "One is the third prince of Nazha in the fairy palace. At the beginning, he had a deep hatred with the Dragon Palace. Although it was later resolved, his hostility to the Dragon Palace was deeply rooted.

And the other one is more powerful, that is, the worshiping brother of Zhenyuan Daxian, who is now fighting against the Holy Buddha Sun Wukong in the Buddhist world.

At the beginning, because he took the Dinghai God Needle in our Dragon Palace as a weapon, he formed a lot of hatred.

Later, Guanyin Bodhisattva also spoke for him. We can only suffer a dumb loss. May I ask, with these two strong men, how can we survive in the fairyland? Hailong smiled and smiled happily, "It turns out that the Dragon King is worried about this. You can rest assured.

The third prince of Zha has a deep friendship with the Holy Buddha. I believe that as long as the Holy Buddha does not make trouble with the Dragon Palace, the third prince will naturally not embarrass you.

And the Holy Buddha is my teacher. From the master's place, I will naturally go to say something for you.

Ao Guang was shocked and said, "What? You are a disciple of the Monkey King.

Looking at Hailong's suddenly discolored face, he immediately realized that he had said something wrong and said awkwardly, "I, I didn't mean that. It's just that the Monkey King took my Dinghai needle at the beginning. I really can't forget that matter."

The cold light flashed in Hailong's eyes and said in a low voice, "Dragon King, I don't want to hear you speak ill of my master again.

A teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life.

Master is the person I respect the most. If you insult him again, I will not hesitate to be the enemy of the whole Dragon Palace.

Ao Guang clearly felt that a murderous opportunity caused the surrounding temperature to drop sharply, and the majesty generated by the sea dragon was beyond his irresistible.

"Dragon King, now you can give me an answer. As for me to let you become a holy beast in the north and replace the current water white tiger, although it can't be said to be completely feasible, I also have a certain certainty. However, when I deal with the water white tiger, I hope you can help the dragon king of the four seas.

With the cultivation of the water white tiger, although I am sure to defeat him, I am not sure to leave all his body and divine consciousness.

Therefore, I need your help from the side to limit his divine escape.

In the future, I will try my best to ask my masters and uncles for help to make you a new holy beast.

Maybe you can't have the strength of the holy beast, but with the reputation of the holy beast, the Dragon Palace must be able to carry forward. This should be what you want to see most.

Hailong is firmly staring at Ao Guang, and it is not difficult to help the Dragon Palace ascend to the fairyland.

The Dragon Palace is originally a branch of the fairyland. Whether it is the lower fairyland or the upper fairyland, it is almost boundless. There is one more dragon palace, which has no impact.

As for the status of the sacred beast that replaces the water white tiger with Aoguang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, the sea dragon is in selfish consideration.

The White Tiger King, whether for himself, the fire unicorn or the whole fairyland, is the object he must deal with. Although Ao Guang holds the whole dragon palace, through the feeling of mana, his cultivation is not very high, only a little higher than the emperor in the fairy palace. Even if he become a holy beast, what can he do? It is still necessary to rely on the strength of your own side to maintain the position of living in the fairyland.


is nominally a holy beast, it is essentially under its own control.

Why not do such a good thing? Moreover, Hailong has considered that it is extremely difficult for him to die with a cultivation like the White Tiger King, and the way to limit his movement by using water is obviously the best.

Just like the absolute space that the immortal emperor used to deal with his four elephants.

Therefore, Hailong finally chose to negotiate with Ao Guang under this condition.

Ao Guang looked at Gui Ba Dou beside him and showed his inquiring eyes. Gui Ba Dou said, "The Dragon King doesn't need to hesitate any longer. This is the best opportunity for the Dragon Palace to ascend to the fairyland. What's more, Xingjun has promised not to spread the Undeterminable disturbance. What else do you have After saying this, Gui Badou looked at Hailong with deep meaning and said, "I hope Xingjun can let the creatures of the Dragon Palace live a stable and happy life. The old turtle is very grateful."

Hailong understood the meaning in the eyes of Gui Badou and knew that he had understood his idea. He nodded and said, "I never take back what I said. Hailong will always be an ally of the Dragon Palace."

Ao Guang kept hovering all kinds of thoughts in his heart. Whether it was the identity of Riyao Xingjun or the saint of the Buddha and apprentice, it was enough to attract him. In the Dragon Palace, his trust in Gui Badou was even higher than that of his sons. He nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, I am willing to pass on
