Only me

Chapter 199 The Second Princess of Bibotan

With a trace of sadness in the peacock's eyes, he shook his head and said, "No, I'm your wife. How can I go against the righteousness in your heart?" What's more, he is my uncle after all!" Ding Man smiled, grabbed the shoulders of the eel and the peacock with both hands, laughed wildly and said, "Okay, this is my good brother, good sister.

Let's go back. This time, I won't think so much about it. For the continuation of the mountain of the snowy mountain, I will definitely take charge of the snow mountain again.

Brother Hailong, I believe that we will meet again on the battlefield against the underworld.

Hailong smiled and said, "Okay, as long as the snowy mountain is made by Brother Ding Man, I can guarantee that you will always be our allies."

Ding Man and the three of them didn't say anything more. They stepped on the white clouds and flew away like lightning.

Looking at their disappeared backs, he muttered, "Hailong, do you think Ding Man can take charge of the snowy mountain again? After all, King Dapeng is the originator of the snow mountain!" Hailong smiled and said, "I'm sure I can. I have confidence in Brother Ding Man. He is one of the people I admire the most in the fairyland. He is not only profound, but also very courageous.

Although King Dapeng Ming is the ancestor of Snow Mountain, no one can replace Brother Ding Man's prestige in Snow Mountain.

Moreover, with the cultivation of the two eldest brothers, Ding Man and Eel, as long as they can temporarily abandon the feelings of master and apprentice, they will be able to control the snowy mountain again. Don't you see the decision of Brother Ding Man just now? It seems that we have another firm ally!" Hug the ethereal in his arms, Hailong smiled and said, "How do you feel about your recent progress in your cultivation?" He smiled mysteriously and said, "It's not bad! When we go to attack the White Tiger King, I will show you a fairy method I have developed.

Hailong was stunned and said, "Did you study it yourself? What is that?" Piao Ming said, "I can't tell you yet.

In fact, it's not my own research. It's just a kind of deepening of fairy magic I've learned before. After dealing with the White Tiger King's affairs, you can accompany me to the Sanqing Temple. I want to go there to see the master.

Hailong nodded and said, "You should go and have a look, and you can also see Sister Xuan Tianbing by the way."

smiled and said, "Now this generation is in chaos. At that time, let's go to Jupiter Ping and call Sister Mengyun to go with her. How lonely she is alone on Jupiter Ping!" Hailong kissed hard on the ethereal cheek and said, "You still know my heart best. Go and practice. I'm going to speed up. Now, I really can't wait to take you to Jupiter Ping."

Bibotan, one of the most beautiful squares in the fairyland.

This place is also known as Tianchi, because it is surrounded by valleys, and the whole Bibo Pool seems to be in mid-air.

Surrounded by towering green mountains, a pool of clear water sleeps quietly in the embrace of the mountains, without a trace of waves. On the water, there is a three-foot fog, like a dream, in which the tranquility can only be fully felt by being immersive.

With a bang, the water cracked a gap, and a small figure floated out and landed on a big stone next to the Bibo Pool. "Wow, the air outside is so comfortable!" It was a woman with eyebrows like a spring mountain, her eyes like a cold pool, and a long water-green skirt set off her graceful body, as if to draw the finishing touch for this beautiful scenery.

The blue light flashed, and a long sword fell into the beautiful woman's hand. The lotus moved gently under her feet, and the long sword in her hand rose all over the sky, and she danced like that.

The sword was swallowed, but there was no murder, just like a dance, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

In the circulation of the body, the area covered by the sword light gradually expanded, but her footsteps were always on the rock, and her figure was like an illusion in the package of the sword light, bringing a more beautiful scenery to the Bibo Pool.

The water cracked again, and a girl dressed as a maid jumped up in a hurry, as if she wanted to fall on the rock, but she suddenly found the large blue sword. She had no time to change her momentum and couldn't help exclaiming.

The blue light flashed and suddenly converged. A ball of green light held her at the maid's feet and sent her to the rock on the shore.

The maid patted herself on the chest and gasped, "Second princess, you scared me to death. Your Bibo sword is really getting more and more powerful.

Hurry up and go back with the maidservant. The Dragon King has been angry just now.

The second princess pouted and said, "No, I don't want to go back. The pool is stuffy. There is no fresh air outside.

I really don't understand what my father thinks. He doesn't even let us out of the pool, and there are no poisonous snakes and beasts in the fairyland. What's there to worry about?

Xiaolong, go back and tell your father that I'll go back after playing for a while. It won't be too long.

Xiaolong said urgently, "Second princess, don't embarrass me. If I can't take you back, I'm afraid the Dragon King will punish me."

The second princess said impatiently, "Then don't go back. It will be better to play with me here. Don't you think the air outside is very comfortable? My brother-in-law looked at me lustful all day long. As soon as I saw his face, I was so angry. Fortunately, my sister was so kind to him that she dared to have a crooked heart.

If my father hadn't been covering the top of the valley with magic power, I would have run out long ago.

Xiaolong looked around and begged, "Second princess, just go back with me.

It's not the worst. I'll play chess with you when I go back.

The second princess's eyes lit up and said, "What you said is true. You can't go back on your word."

Her chess has always been very poor, far worse than this Xiaolong, but her chess quality is even worse. As long as she loses, she will immediately burst into tears. Xiaolong can only try her best to lose to make her happy.

You should know that in the case of great differences in chess skills, it is very painful to lose chess deliberately.

Xiaolong smiled helplessly and said, "How dare I deceive you? Let's go back quickly."

As soon as she said this, she suddenly felt that the light around her had changed. She subconsciously looked up and couldn't help exclaiming. She saw a golden cloud rushing out of the thick fairy cloud in the sky and falling above the Bibo Pool like a meteorite.

"Second princess, go quickly. There seems to be outsiders."

The second princess looked up at the rapidly falling golden cloud, with a curious light in her eyes. "Don't worry, let's see who it is first."

Xiaolong knew that he could not stop the second princess, so he had to stand beside her, summoned out his fairy sword, and looked at the golden clouds that had flown over the Bibo Pool with vigilance.

As if he had encountered some kind of barrier, Jin Yun stopped in the sky.

Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that it was forbidden by the Dragon King.

At this moment, the golden cloud suddenly turned red, and the cloud suddenly shrank. The next moment, it had passed through the prohibition.

Stuck in the pool.

Xiaolong's heart was so tight that he stood in front of the second princess and said, "Second princess, be careful."

"Ah! Master, what a beautiful recipe! No wonder you say it's beautiful here.

The day after tomorrow is exciting.

She has been the suzerain of Lianyunzong for many years and has led the right path in the human world for many years. She has long developed a high dignity. It was not until she saw Hailong that the childlike innocence in her heart was released again.

Now it's like a child with his father, and his mind is completely relaxed.

Hailong didn't have time to pay attention to anything else. When he controlled the chaotic gas of the fire attribute to break through the forbidden shackles, his mind immediately found the existence of the second princess and Xiaolong, staring at the past like a substantial look, just facing the second princess with a curious face.

Under the gaze of the sea dragon, the two princess did not flinch at all.

It's just a strange look in his eyes.

In addition to the familiar faces in Bibotan, the second princess saw other men in the fairyland for the first time, Hailong, with a tall figure.

Her long blood-red hair and the domineering spirit emanating from her body were immediately deeply imprinted in her mind, and her heartstrings seemed to tremble.

She said curiously, "Who are you?" Hailong smiled and said, "In Hailong, is the girl from Bibotan?" Seeing that Hailong seemed to have no malice, Xiaolong suddenly became a little bolder. He pointed to the fairy sword in his hand and said, "This is our second princess. Bibotan does not welcome foreign guests. Leave quickly."

The second princess scolded, "Xiaolong, it's not unreasonable. He is a guest from afar, Hailong, you came to my father, didn't you?"

Hailong nodded and said, "If it's convenient, please ask the princess to introduce it on your behalf."

The second princess turned her eyes to the three girls behind Hailong, and her heart trembled again. She always thought that her appearance was already the best in the fairyland, but after seeing the three beautiful women with completely different temperaments, Ethereal, Shadow and the day after tomorrow, she couldn't help comparing herself. She found that the three girls were like a The coldness of the shadow and the nature of the day after tomorrow, the three different expressions were so attractive. She understood that the three women's posture was not under her. She nodded subconsciously and said, "Then come with me."


, with a wave of his right hand, the water surface of Bibotan suddenly broke a gap.

Xiaolong said anxiously, "Second Princess, the Dragon King has ordered that no outsiders should be allowed to enter our Bibo Pool at will. How can you..." The second princess said dissatisfiedly, "Are you listening to me or am I listening to you? They are not bad people at first sight. There must be something to do when they come to their father. How can we neglect it? A few people, please."

With a flash of blue light, she took the lead in jumping into the Bibo Pool, and a ball of green light rose around her body, wrapping her delicate body, and the pool could not be stained at all.

Hailong smiled slightly and waved his big sleeves. The light red fire attribute chaotic atmosphere suddenly wrapped him and the three girls, floated down, and followed the second princess to dive into the pool.

Xiaolong stamped her feet helplessly and had to swim with her. She suddenly felt a little uneasy. Is this outsider really not malicious? The second princess was as delicate as a dragon in the Bibo Pool, and the diving speed was very fast. The Bibo Pool was much deeper than the sea dragon imagined. With the continuous diving, the light around her suddenly dimmed. Even under the light of the chaotic atmosphere of the fire attribute, the three ethereal girls could only see a distance of more than ten meters nearby

The pool is clear, and occasionally a few swimming fish pass by. They don't seem to be afraid of people. Most of the swimming fish actually surround the second princess, as if they are very attached to her and dive with her.

After all, in other people's side, Hailong's mind unfolded and explored the movements around him. The pool was surprisingly calm, and there was no fluctuation that could attract his attention.

Suddenly, he clearly felt the prohibition below, and his eyes flashed red. He just wanted to break through with chaos, but found that the prohibition was opened in the blue light emitted by the second princess's hands.

The next moment, they have come to the depths of the Bibo Pool.

As soon as the ban was passed, the pressure generated by the pool suddenly disappeared. This is an underwater world that is completely different from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, because within the ban, there is no water, just like the waterless space where the Dinghai Needle is stored. The surroundings are empty and there is no scenery, and the bottom of the pool is The smooth sand forms a circle of ripples.

The second princess smiled, put her hands on her chest, and muttered a few spells. The blue light suddenly shone all over her body. At this moment, Hailong clearly felt that the cultivation of the second princess of Bibotan was not weak. Although it was not as ethereal as them, it was also close to the level of the fairy palace There seems to be something hidden in it.

The space in front of me suddenly fluctuated like water lines, and the empty scene in front of me suddenly changed. It was a palace. Although it was not as magnificent as the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, it was full of beauty.

The second princess turned around, smiled and said, "Welcome to Bibotan Dragon Palace, guests, please."

Under her leadership, Hailong and the four of them walked forward. As soon as they reached the door of the Dragon Palace, they were immediately stopped by two guards.

The two guards looked very strange. Their heads were fish-shaped, and their two small eyes were dripping on both sides. They pointed at the long gun in their hands and looked at the four sea dragons with a bad look.

The second princess shouted, "Ben Polly, laugh, Polly, haven't you seen the guests coming? Why don't you get out of the way quickly?"

Benpol blinked his eyes with a smile, and the fins behind his neck swayed slightly without any intention of giving way. His voice was sharp and strange, "Second princess, these are outsiders. How can you take them back to the Dragon Palace?" Xiao Boer Benben echoed, "That's right! They are outsiders. The Dragon King has ordered that outsiders can't enter our Bibotan Dragon Palace.

The second princess snorted and said, "You two know that you are wordy. Why don't you get out of the way quickly? Otherwise, you will be punished for playing ten games of chess with me."

Benpol's body trembled at the same time, as if he had heard something terrible. Benpol smiled and ran to Xiaopol, "Second, what should I do?" Xiao Boer scratched his head and said, "Although the Dragon King will blame, the second princess will definitely interrode for us, but if we play ten games of chess, I'm afraid we might as well die."

The two no longer hesitated. At the same time, they took the gun aside and said aggrievedly, "Second princess, please."

The second princess proudly waved to the four Hailong and said, "Let's go in."

Hailong was surprised. As soon as he stepped into the gate of the Dragon Palace, he couldn't help asking, "Second princess, looking at the appearance of your two men in the Dragon Palace, they seem to be very afraid of playing chess. Does that mean something terrible?" The second princess's eyes lit up and said, "Of course it's not a terrible thing. Chess is my favorite, but they don't like to play with me. You must, don't you? Let's go, play a few games with me first, and then I'll take you to see my father."

Hailong was stunned for a moment. They came here to trouble the nine-headed son-in-law, but they didn't expect that there was such a kind and lovely princess in Bibotan. I don't know why he couldn't have the idea of refusing.

Turn his head and look at the three ethereal girls and ask for their opinions.

He smiled and said, "We are not in a hurry to do anything anyway, and the princess sincerely invites you to go.

I really didn't know that you can also play chess.

Hailong said proudly, "Of course, before entering Lianyunzong, my chess skills were very superb, and I was invincible all over the village."

The shadow smiled and said, "Is it really that powerful? I remain skeptical.

With your personality, if you are more powerful in some way, you have boasted in front of us, but you have never heard you talk about your chess skills before.

I can't play this chess. Looking at your appearance, it seems that you can do it.

He smiled and said, "Zhaqi is just a kind of entertainment after we practice in the human world. You can see it."

The second princess can't stand it anymore. "Let's go. I haven't had it for some days."

It's not easy to find a person who is willing to be her opponent, but she doesn't want to let it go easily.

With that, he forgot the difference between men and women. He took Hailong's hand and quickly ran to the interior of the Bibotan Dragon Palace.

Hailong was stunned for a moment. Just as he wanted to break free, he found that a soft mana from the second princess's hand actually wrapped his body forward. He didn't need to work hard at all, and he would naturally follow her.

Feeling the natural affinity of the second princess, Hailong couldn't bear to break free from her hand. Under her pull, he ran forward quickly.

At the same time, the yuan god in his body seemed to suddenly feel something. There was a trace of horror in Hailong's eyes. He stared at the back in front of him and couldn't help but be a little hesitant.

There was a trace of envy in his eyes the day after tomorrow. He looked at his hand and said in his heart that the master had never pulled me like this.

As soon as he thought of this, he realized that something was wrong. He couldn't help saying to the secret. How could I think so? Could it be... When I saw the master again, the master's appearance has completely changed and become much more handsome than before. Perhaps for this reason, I am more attached to the master.

shook his head gently and threw away his happy thoughts the day after tomorrow. At this moment, the shadow beside him pulled her and said, "They ran really fast. Let's keep up quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome if we can't find it.

The Bibotan Dragon Palace is quite big.

looked at the shadow and said, "The second princess is really a pure little girl, but the playfulness is too heavy. When she sees us outsiders, she doesn't even have any vigilance."

Ying laughed and said, "This is her lovely Fang! We should be optimistic about Hailong and not let him seduce the little girl again.

Hailong's angry voice sounded in the ethereal and shadow's ears at the same time, "What's the seduce? Don't talk nonsense. I'm a decent man."

Although the voice of the ethereal and shadow's conversation is very low, how can he escape his mind? Hearing the shadow's words, he hurriedly sent an excuse.

The shadow smiled and said, "Are you a gentleman? It's almost the same as a gentleman who steals his heart.

The sea dragon was so angry that he couldn't help but speak.

At this time, under the hurried leadership of the second princess, they bypassed the main hall of the Bibotan Dragon Palace, and then crossed the side hall. After passing through a corridor, they came to a fine house.

"Okay, here we are.

This is where I live.

Xiaolong, go and pour some tea for the guests.

Hailong said in surprise, "Is there tea in the fairyland? It's the first time I've heard of it.

The second princess smiled proudly and said, "Of course there is tea, and only we have it here, on the thorny ridge not far from Bibotan.

However, only we know this secret. Even the immortal emperor in the fairy palace can't drink it.

Hailong smiled and said, "Then I'd like to taste it."

The second princess said, "You, don't drink tea first. You have to concentrate on playing chess with me."

Hailong smiled bitterly and said, "It's no problem to play chess, but princess, do you want to let go of your hand first?" Only then did the second princess realize that she had been holding the stranger she had just met, and hurriedly let go of Hailong's hand. Her pretish face suddenly turned red, like a red apple, adding a little cuteness and innocence.

Hailong was awe-inspiring. He found that the princess here had a surprising attraction to himself. He hurriedly restrained his strange mood and smiled and said, "Princess, please."

The point of playing chess is in a small pavilion in front of the house. The chess pieces here have already been arranged. Obviously, the second princess is ready to find someone to play chess at any time.

Hailong is not polite. When he sat down first and looked at the black and white chess pieces, he couldn't help but return to his childhood in the small village of the Western Regions.

At that time, playing chess can be said to be one of his many pleasures.

However, his chess skills have always been not very good, and every time he played with Zhang Hao, he was defeated.

The second princess said, "Don't call me princess either. My father usually calls me a doll, and you can call me that."

Hailong smiled and said, "You really want to be a child who doesn't grow up. It's not wrong for the Dragon King to call you a doll!" The doll said generously, "You are guests from afar, so you have to hold the black first."

Hailong was not polite. He stretched out his middle and index fingers, twisted up a chess piece and put it on the chessboard.

There are 19 chessboards in length, with a total of 361 falling places. At the beginning, both of them played very fast, but when the chess pieces were scattered on the chessboard, the speed of their playing gradually slowed down, and each of them looked solemn, as if they had completely invested in it.

Both Piaomia and the day after tomorrow can play chess, and their chess skills are not bad. At this time, the two women stared at the black and white sons on the chessboard, with a strange look on their faces.

Xiaolong, the maid beside him, looked helpless. Occasionally, she glanced at the chessboard, but did not pay much attention.

Ying is the only one who doesn't know how to play chess. Seeing that everyone pays so much attention to this matter, he couldn't help asking Piao Mi and said, "Sister, how about Hailong's chess?" Piaomiao looked back at her, forced himself not to laugh, and said, "Okay, very good, unrestrained, comparable to the doll princess. I really admire them very much!" Ying smiled and said, "So the sea dragon is so powerful!" I haven't heard him say that he can play chess before. It seems that I underestimated him before.

He sneered and said, "No, no, you didn't underestimate him, but looked up to him.

Didn't you hear that what I was saying just now is the opposite? With the chess skills of the sea dragon and the doll princess, I'm afraid that a person who has just learned how to play chess is much better than them.

No wonder no one wants to play chess with this princess. I'm afraid they will go crazy if they play a game or two at their level.

What I admire more is the perseverance of the day after tomorrow. You see, she can still stick to it now.

As soon as he said this, he just turned around the day after tomorrow, and said to Piaomiao with a strange expression, "Master, the master's chess is too profound. I can't understand it.

There is no formal chess move for him and the second princess.

Piao Mio pulled the day after tomorrow aside, picked up the tea prepared by the maid Xiaolong and took a sip, "Silly girl, do you think your master is very good at everything? His chess skill is far worse than his mana.

If you end up with him, I'm afraid it's not difficult to get rid of all his children.

It's better not to watch it, so that we don't have to go crazy for a while.

After saying that, he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

After listening to the ethereal words, she couldn't help but open her mouth slightly in surprise the day after tomorrow. For a long time, she can be said to be a blind worship of Hailong. She always thinks that as long as it is what her master does, everything is right, and the master is the strongest.

It was not until this time that she understood after listening to the ethereal explanation.

However, the day after tomorrow, she was not disappointed. In her heart, Hailong was more humane and seemed to be not so unattainable.

Time goes by minute by, and there are more and more pieces on the chessboard. With the chaotic spirit of sea dragon fire attribute, it has reached the peak of cultivation. At this time, a layer of fine sweat appeared on the forehead. Obviously, the mentality is extremely nervous.

The doll princess was not much better than him. Suddenly, she frowned and smiled. The attentive look of the two seemed to have forgotten everything.

"Doll, how can you casually bring strangers to our Bibotan Dragon Palace?"

A strong voice sounded.

The ethereal three women looked back and saw an elderly man with a tall figure, a slightly bent nose, and two protruding men on his forehead walked quickly, with an unhappy look on his face.

Following him are running around and laughing, and running with a smile, and ten tall bodyguards of Bibotan Dragon Palace.

Neither the doll nor the sea dragon heard the strong voice and asked.

Xiaolong, the doll's maid, bowed down in panic and said, "See the Dragon King, the Dragon King forgives your sins. I really can't stop Her Royal Highness!" The Dragon King looked at the ethereal three girls. When he saw the beautiful beauty of the three girls, his eyes suddenly flashed with surprise. His previous anger weakened a little, and even his eyes softened a lot.

After all, the "power" of beautiful women is great.

Piao Mio smiled and said, "You must be the Dragon King of Bibotan. I am Piao Miao. These two are shadows and the day after tomorrow. We came with our husband to see the Dragon King. We couldn't help but invite the doll princess warmly, so we came here."

The Dragon King recalled the three names mentioned by Piaomiao, which seemed to be unfamiliar in his impression. Under the bright and gorgeous appearance, he really dared not look at them, and turned his eyes to the chessboard of the sea dragon and the doll.

When he recognized the trend of the chess road, he couldn't help whispering softly and said to himself, "I didn't expect that there were people whose chess skills were as bad as dolls. They turned out to be chess opponents."

As he spoke, he waved his right palm gently and stroked the chessboard. A pale cyan light was divided into two strands. The Dragon King's purpose was very simple, which was to stop the chess.

After all, it is a big deal for outsiders to come to Bibotan. He doesn't want his peaceful life to be disturbed by others.

The ethereal didn't stop it, and she also pulled the shadow and the day after tomorrow. She really couldn't watch this game of chess.

Although this Bibotan is very beautiful, it is inevitable that it will be a little stuffy if you always stay in this side.

Seeing that the mana from the Dragon King of Bibotan was about to rush to the chessboard, the sea dragon, who had always been focused, suddenly raised his right hand. The light flashed, and the cyan airflow from the dragon king suddenly disappeared. As if nothing had happened, the sea dragon twisted a black chess piece again and thought about where to play.

The face of the Dragon King of Bibotan changed greatly. When Hailong raised his hand lightly, he already felt that it was not good. Although Hailong's mana was not released, it was absolutely something he could deal with.

With such a strong cultivation, once the other party is unfavorable to Bibotan Dragon Palace, he knows that he can never resist it.

The Dragon King did not take action again. He turned his head and said a few words to a guard beside him. The guard nodded and quickly ran away towards the way he came.

There is nothing to worry about. She knows very well how powerful Hailong's cultivation is now. Although the Dragon King in front of her is extraordinary, his cultivation is too far worse.

I'm afraid that even myself is not enough to defeat him.

In fact, it is not the poor cultivation of the dragon king, but after the assistance of the sea dragon during this period, the ethereal, shadow and acquired cultivation have reached a quite high level, and the vision will naturally improve a lot.

"Haha, doll princess, let's see how you can break my trick."

In the cheerful laughter, Hailong accurately placed the black chess pieces in his hand in a position in the corner of the chessboard.

Ethereal and almost laughed. That position was simply a dead position, which did not play any role at all, but to her irony, the doll princess seemed to attach great importance to the move of the sea dragon, frowning and hesitated to play.

The day after tomorrow, he lowered his head, looked carefully at the chessboard, and whispered to Hailong, "Master, it seems that you didn't put Fang!" Her voice was wrapped in magic power and passed into the ears of the sea dragon.

Hailongtou didn't reply and said, "Watching chess is a true gentleman. You can't say it, you can't say it."

If people didn't know that his chess skills were really bad, I'm afraid they would really think he was a master.
