Only me

Chapter 201 The Battle of Ice and Fire

The sea dragon and the doll had a tacit understanding and slapped a palm in the air at the same time. What the three of them saw was a sudden explosion of blue and one red light, and a strange scene appeared. This blue, one red and two groups of light did not offset each other as before, but expanded into a prohibition of thousands of square Wrap the body of the sea dragon and the doll.

I clearly felt that in the double prohibition, a huge mana broke out, in which the sea dragon and the doll were separated and floated at the end of the prohibition.

The golden light flashed in his hand, and the golden staff had appeared in the hands of the sea dragon. At this time, his heart was full of surprise. Indeed, as the doll said before, when the fire attribute chaotic gas and the water attribute chaotic gas merged into a new prohibition, they all had a strange feeling.

The golden staff in his hand seems to have lost its original luster, and the sea dragon can't even feel its indestructible attack power.

Is it true that, as the doll said, in the absolute space formed by the chaotic gas of double attributes, all magic weapons will lose their additional power? Hailong didn't believe it. He really couldn't believe it.

At this moment, the smiling doll had already attacked him.

There was no previous blue light on the fairy sword. Instead, it was the pure blue light. The ten-foot-long blue light was intertwined into a huge light net in mid-air, suddenly covering the sea dragon.

Hailong was not convinced that he had lost on the chessboard before. He snorted coldly, and the golden staff line in his hand turned into thousands of lights and shadows, and suddenly greeted him with the momentum of Qianjuncheng Yuyu. The place where the golden staff pointed was full of the intersection of the blue light net.

In the absolute space composed of the dual-attribute chaotic atmosphere, it is suddenly full of violent atmosphere.

Countless dense mana bursts with red and blue light spots.

When the light disappeared, the sea dragon and the doll had exchanged positions with each other.

There was a smile on both faces. In this first contact, none of them took advantage of it.

With a flash of silver light in his hand, Hailong has summoned the crescent halberd he had just got.

"Doll, you have to be careful. Although my magic weapon has no original power, my magic is not so easy to deal with."

The doll smiled and said, "If you are easy to deal with.

I'm not interested in playing with you yet.

The fairy sword in his hand disappeared out of thin air, and a blue ball of light appeared in his hand.

Hailong held a crescent halberd in his left hand, a golden hoop stick in his right hand, and two long fairy weapons looked so coordinated in his hand. He had come to the doll's defense circle. The crescent halberd in his hand was light, and a red halo suddenly covered the doll.

Looking at the red halo, the doll couldn't help but show a trace of surprise in his eyes. He raised the blue light ball in his hand, and countless blue light shot out of the light ball like tentacles, with water-like ripples, rolling the red halo to the sea dragon.

Hailong did not stop his movements. The crescent halberd in his hand kept drawing one aperture after another, and the red halo rolled towards the doll like a sky.

With water-like ripples, it finally came into contact with the red halo of the sea dragon.

A big accident happened to the doll. The red halo formed by the chaotic gas of the fire attribute was not offset by what he emitted, but suddenly split into countless small red haloes.

came to her body from all directions at the same time.

An excited light flashed in the baby's eyes, which seemed to have aroused his fighting spirit under the strange spell of the sea dragon. He took the blue ball of light in his hands and took it back to him. He shouted softly, and was completely shrouded in a blue halo in an instant. At this time, the large halo had surged Rush into the blue halo.

Hailong is also a little nervous. Although his indefinite disturbance is a restriction of fairy magic and is not aggressive, the basis of the indefinite disturbance is still the chaotic spirit of his fire attribute.

And the baby's water attribute chaotic atmosphere can be said to be his guest star. He is really not sure whether he can succeed in one blow.

He is convinced that as long as the wave can fix the doll, even for a short moment, he can win by surprise.

The idea controls those red rings. When the halberd transforms into the last circle, it disappears into the hands of the sea dragon out of thin air.

Hailong raised a dazzling red light all over his body and shouted, "Determined."

With his shouts, the doll's body suddenly tightened, and the previously disappeared red halo appeared at the same time, and the body was completely wrapped.

Hailong was overjoyed and had almost no stopping. The golden staff in his hand had burst out of dazzling golden light. He just wanted to win and did not want to hurt the doll. Therefore, he did not use his strongest six consecutive strikes, but only used skilled Thunderbolt three hits.

Countless golden lights were bundled into powerful golden lights under the control of the mind, and suddenly bombarded the doll from the front.

Just when the sea dragon thought that it was about to win, a blue light floated out of the doll's trapped body, and the blue light instantly spread into a layer of defensive prohibition. At the same time, the chaotic atmosphere of the surging water attributes like the pouring of the Tianhe River suddenly set off endless waves, and unexpectedly swallowed the three waves sent out .

If the opponent has someone else, with the indestructible and unbreakable characteristics of the golden staff, Hailong can naturally take the initiative with hard shaking.

However, his opponent is a doll whose cultivation is similar to his, and his mana is equal to each other, so it is naturally not that simple.

Because of the use of Thunderbolt three dozen, the sea dragon did not hesitate at all. At this time, it was too late to close the situation at all. He could only watch the blue light in front of him completely devoured his body and the magic power transformed by the golden staff.

Blu-ray upper body, Hailong's first feeling is that he fell into a quagmire. Under the package of blue light, all actions have become much slower. Although the power of three dozen Thunderbolt consumes a lot of blue light mana, the doll seems to do it deliberately. The large amount of blue light is transformed by the mana of his whole The sea dragon in his hand suddenly fell into a state of embarrassment. Not only did he need to withstand the erosion of the chaotic gas of the water attribute, but at the same time, his skills could not be unfolded, and he could only watch the doll trapped by the uncertainty wind escape from it.

Both and two loud bangs, the sea dragon and the doll broke out of each other's restrictions at the same time. The doll looked at the sea dragon with some breath and said, "Is that what you relied on just now? No wonder you have to have a crescent halberd.

Hailong looked at the doll with some loss.

Judging from the consumption of mana, he is obviously smaller than the doll. He has gained the upper hand in the battle just now, but he can't be happy. The epheasure that he finally learned was broken when he first officially used it.

The helpless sense of loss invaded the human body, nodded and said, "That's right, the fairy magic just now is a kind of restrictive spell that I'm good at, but unfortunately, it still doesn't really trap you."

The doll smiled and said, "Looking at you, you seem to be very dissatisfied with your spells! Is there something wrong with your brain? Have you forgotten that we have the characteristics of chaotic gas? Almost all of the prohibitions are invalid for us.

Your spell is already very good. It can trap my body. Unfortunately, my yuanshen is completely composed of the chaotic gas of water attributes, even if you can restrain the body.

The yuan god can also launch an attack.

You just won, and I consume far more mana than you.

If you cooperate with your yuanshen to attack with all your strength at the moment of fixing me, I will definitely not be able to resist it.

However, next time you do this to me again, I'm afraid it won't have such a good effect. I won't let your aura come on your body easily.

After listening to the doll's words, Hailong scolded himself for being confused.

How can I forget the characteristics of chaotic gas?

However, he did not regret that he had not done his best just now.

Because it was his own motogami that the doll resisted his attack just now. Once the sea dragon launched a full attack, the doll's motogami is likely to be greatly damaged without physical cooperation.

It will even affect her consciousness.

With a slight smile, the sea dragon shook his body and suddenly conjured into his own split. Since his fire attribute chaotic atmosphere reached its peak, he found that although his split can't be used continuously, it can be summoned again after an hour, which has almost reached the limit of the split. "Don't worry, I After that, I won't use that restrictive fairy magic against you anymore. Let's fight with magic power.

The doll looked at the two sea dragons talking to him at the same time in surprise and said excitedly, "Don't fight, don't fight, I surrender. I consume more mana than you, and I will lose if I continue to fight. You are so strange! It seems to be like an entity, not a phantom transformed by magic.

Hailong smiled and said, "Of course, I'm the most authentic split of Lingtai Fangcun Mountain.

Although he can only transform into a split, he has all my mana.

So, even without the help of the magic weapon, it is not difficult to win you.

How about

? I'm convinced this time."

The doll pouted and said, "If you don't accept it, do you want me to be convinced like this? Think about the beauty.

If you have the ability, you can teach me this split skill, and then we will fight again. We don't know who will kill the deer at that time.

Hailong smiled and said, "Do you want to learn my spells? I'm not irritive. If you learn it, won't you provoke me even more? The doll stuck out his tongue at the sea dragon and said, "Stingy, drink cold water.

If you don't teach, you won't teach. Can't I learn by myself? Humph!" Looking at the childish and delicate face, Hailong felt a trace of strangeness in his heart and said secretly: This yin body is really extraordinary. Since I learned the chaotic atmosphere of fire attributes, it is rare that today's mood is so easy to get out of control.

"Doll, since we don't fight, let's withdraw the absolute space of the cloud.

It seems that you are right. In the absolute space formed by our double-attribute chaotic gas, no fairy weapon can exert its original power.

Taking advantage of this, you can directly balance the gap with me in magic weapons.

Don't look dissatisfied. I'm not really a stingy person. I'll teach you the split art later.

Your pouting looks like a creature in the human world.

What do you know about breasts? The doll was stunned for a moment and said, "How do I know what it is?" Although we were also in the human world, Bibotan had always been closed at that time and never had contact with the outside world.

Hailong smiled and said, "I haven't eaten pork before. I'll see pigs running.

The way you pouted, you naturally look like a little pig.

How about learning how many pigs to cry? Ouch!". Using the flowing cloud style to avoid the doll's attack and looking at her red face because of anger, Hailong had an inexplicable pleasure in her heart.

Don't do it. Don't say you look like a pig.

Doll, you can learn my split skill, but you need to do me a little favor. How about that? The doll snorted angrily and turned his head aside, "Who wants to help you, I just don't learn it."

Hailong smiled and said, "Don't fight, you just say a word. With the split, although it will not double the strength, it is possible to increase by 30%. At our current cultivation, it is very difficult to make further progress, and the split is the most suitable spell for you now.

It's not very difficult for me to ask you to help.

You also heard it just now that we are going to the trouble of the water holy beast White Tiger Five this time. Although I am confident that I can defeat the White Tiger King, he is a water holy beast after all. I don't know what special spell he has. Even if I win, it is not easy to keep him. Once he escapes, I want It's difficult, and there must be many deep-cultivation water attribute fairy beasts around the White Tiger King. Once we can't hit it, it is very likely that we will be surrounded.

The doll turned his head to look at Hailong, made a face at him, and said, "Don't say so much useless. What on earth do you want to do?" Hailong smiled and said, "It's very simple. Help me trap the White Tiger King and don't give him any chance to escape.

It turned out that I wanted to ask the Four Seas Dragon King to help with this. Although their cultivation is insufficient, after all, they are also water-attributed fairy beasts. They will not be affected by the water-attribute mana of the White Tiger King himself. As long as they can limit it for a moment, it is enough.

But you are obviously more suitable than the Four Seas Dragon King.

If you cooperate with me with the chaotic atmosphere of water attributes, with the characteristics of our mana, it is impossible for the White Tiger King to escape from the absolute space we have laid together.

At that time, I had enough time to kill it.

The doll stared at the sea dragon. After a long time, she shook her head gently and said, "No, I can't promise you.

I'm sorry, I promised the Buddha that I would never kill anyone.

So, I can't help you.

After all, you are going to kill the other party.

After saying this, the innocence on her face disappeared, and it was replaced by a little loneliness.

Hailong was stunned for a moment, then nodded and smiled, "There's nothing to be sorry about. Your kindness will only make me admire more."

Float to the doll and gently point a finger on her forehead.

The doll did not dodge. His whole body shook and looked at the sea dragon with some surprise. A deep light appeared in the sea dragon's eyes. "I'm not a stingy person either!" I will find my own way to deal with the White Tiger King.

Withdrawing his hand, Hailong took the lead in releasing the absolute space formed by the chaotic gas of the fire attribute.

There is a trace of haze in the doll's eyes, "Although I can't help you kill people, you don't have to worry about their safety."


, she also lifted the absolute space of her water attribute.

Hailong spread out his hands and said with a smile, "That's enough.

Perhaps, I underestimated myself because of your appearance.

The White Tiger King may not be able to escape from me.

Returning to the golden clouds, everything that happened in the previous absolute space was naturally seen in the eyes of the three ethereal girls. From the surface, they naturally could not see who won, but looking at the smile in the eyes of the doll and the sea dragon, the ethereal and shadow would be wrong in their hearts. It seemed that there would be another

Hailong did not control Jin Yun to continue to move forward and said to the doll, "You inject the water attribute chaotic gas into my body. Maybe, by integrating our dual-attribute chaotic gas, I can send my mind power farther away."

The doll said doubtfully, "Why do you spread your mind farther? Are you looking for someone?" Hailong nodded and smiled, "Of course, I want to find someone to find the White Tiger King. I always want the name of the teacher. I don't want to give the immortal emperor any excuse."

Although the doll did not understand the intention of the sea dragon, it still reached out and pressed it behind his back.

After all, the fire attribute chaotic qi and the water attribute chaotic qi are the opposite two kinds of mana. At the moment when the cool air flows into the body, the sea dragon immediately concentrates all its thoughts and enters its mana into the spiritual platform.

Guide the doll's water attribute chaotic gas into the body with ideas, and feel the characteristics of the water attribute chaotic gas with your heart.

When the cool airflow first entered the body, it made him feel extremely comfortable, but over time, Hailong felt that his whole body was cold.

The tough meridians can't stand it. It seems that they are going to condense. In desperation, they have to urge the mana in the spiritual platform to be re-input into the meridians to protect their bodies.

Neither he nor each other has any malice.

The two opposite mana are soft and constantly rise in the body of the sea dragon with a sense of rejection.

When the sea dragon was in one mind, he suddenly remembered what the doll said before and let nature take its course.

did not resist the feeling of tearing, but accepted it with his heart, opened his heart, and let his own fire attribute chaotic spirit lead the water attribute chaotic spirit to move forward with the original work route.

The feeling of tearing gradually disappeared. Hailong clearly felt that his fire attribute chaotic gas wrapped the water attribute chaotic gas in it, and his own meridians constantly adapted to the stimulation of the water attribute chaotic gas.

The discomfort of the meridians is slowly disappearing.

"Hailong, can you hear my voice?" The doll sounded in the heart of the sea dragon with this surprised voice.

Hailong was stunned for a moment and said secretly: Is this a distraction? The voice of the doll sounded again.

This time I'm full of excitement, "Great, I can hear your voice. This is really the ability of mind!" It turned out that when she first entered the water attribute chaotic gas into the body of the sea dragon, she was also a little nervous. She was afraid that the meridian of the sea dragon could not bear it, so the amount of input was extremely small. When the chaotic gas of the water attribute entered the sea dragon's body, she found that the meridian of the sea .

After all, she and Hailong have known each other for less than a day. Hailong has completely opened up her meridians, which is equivalent to completely giving her control of her body. This trust alone is not what ordinary people can do.

While feeling the endurance of the sea dragon, the doll constantly increases the amount of water attribute chaotic gas input. When the sea dragon fire attribute chaotic gas begins to protect its own meridians, the doll controls the number of input and does not increase. At the beginning, she can still feel that the two chaotic qi repel each other, just because she is afraid of hurt When the sea dragon was ready to take back its water attribute chaotic gas, it found that the fire attribute chaotic gas in the sea dragon's body had changed. The original resistance disappeared without any warning, and the fire attribute chaotic gas melted and devoured.

This situation surprised the doll. She didn't expect that the sea dragon would do this. In order not to cause damage to the cultivation of the sea dragon, the doll hurriedly relaxed her mind. Under the influence of the sea dragon's mind, she completely opened her mind and let the chaotic air of the water attribute flow freely. In an instant, the two completely opposite Chaos weakened each other's resistance at the same time. The doll felt that there seemed to be a barrier between herself and the sea dragon, so she couldn't help going out to try.

Hearing the doll's voice again, Hailong couldn't help but be excited, but he hurriedly calmed down and said to the doll attentively, "Don't be excited, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

You maintain the current chaotic atmosphere of water attributes.

It seems that we have found a way for the two chaotic qi to blend with each other. After they do not repel at all, I will return the mixed double-attribute chaotic qi back to your body. Don't resist. Let's control it with our mind to see if we can improve our cultivation.

Before you enter the order, tell Piaomio and let them protect the law for us. Once we enter the order, we can't afford to be disturbed.

Hailong didn't expect to touch the doorway of the two chaotic gas to melt together so quickly, but he knew very well that the opportunity was fleeting. If he couldn't catch it, it would be much more difficult to grasp it next time, so he ignored the possibility of encountering the crisis of other immortals at any time, and immediately chose to practice

The doll's mana is similar to that of a sea dragon. Although her heart is still like a child, her cultivation experience is only richer than that of a sea dragon. She also thought of the problem that the sea dragon thought of.

While maintaining the natural state of water attribute chaos, he said to the ethereal three girls, "The sea dragon and I will immediately enter the fixed state. You should use your fear of fairy clouds to replace the sea dragon's golden clouds, and immediately go to the fairyland to find a quiet place. In the process of entering the fixed, my sea dragon can'

The reason why I chose the fairyland is that even if I meet immortals in the fairyland, the three ethereal girls should be able to cope with it.

The ethereal is the most calm. Looking at the continuous flow of red and blue airflows on the sea dragon, and then hearing the baby's words, he immediately stimulated his own mana.

The moon palace fairy method condensed into a white cloud, replacing the sea dragon's previous golden cloud. The shadow and the day after tomorrow sent out an absolute space at the same time, wrapping the white clouds. The three women worked together to maintain the balance of the white clouds, slowly passed through the thick fairy clouds and fell down to the fairyland.

The red and blue lights gradually turned into full bloom, when they fell in a fulcubine in the fairyland.

Having to expand the absolute space to a larger range, the sea dragon's body suddenly took off the doll's palm and turned around.

The doll flyer was cross-legged, and the two sat facing each other. In an instant, the chaotic atmosphere in their bodies burst out at the same time, and two red and one blue light masses with a diameter of nearly two meters appeared.

Although the volume of the light mass is not large, it can be clearly felt in ethereal, shadow and acquired.

In those two light masses, there is an extremely powerful compression mana.

Piaomiao said to the side: "If they are like this, I'm afraid that without our protection, they will not be affected by the outside world at all."

Ying nodded, looked at the constantly distorted space around the red, blue and two masses of light of the sea dragon and the doll, and said, "Yes! Their mana is compressed to such a strength, and I'm afraid that anyone will be destroyed soon.

We can use absolute space to cover up their breath.

While talking.

She released a soft green light all over her body, and all the plants 100 meters away from the sea dragon and the doll began to grow crazily. Under the control of the shadow, she kept condensing into the sky. In just a moment, it had condensed into a huge oval cover, surrounding everyone.

The shadow mana is different from anyone else in the fairyland. Her fairy root is a wooden attribute. Coupled with her original special ability, after the mana is enhanced, she can control any plant to be used.

It is most effective for plants to cover up the breath. With the help of ethereal, the momentum emitted by sea dragons and dolls is immediately completely hidden in this absolute space formed by plants.

The blue light flashed in his eyes the day after tomorrow, and the jasper bow appeared on his left hand. He flew to the side warily and made a posture ready to adapt at any time.

At this time, the sea dragon and the doll changed. The hands that were originally placed on the knees were closed at the same time. Then, they suddenly shot forward, one red and one blue, and two photospheres full of compressed mana merged in an instant. The volume of the fused photosphere did not increase, and the compression of mana was obviously

The two-color light of the sea dragon and the doll is wrapped in four palms, and the two-color airflows continue to go in and out of their bodies. In the absolute space composed of double-attribute chaotic gas, the two enter a fixed state at the same time.

At the moment when the four palms were connected, the heart of the sea dragon and the doll communicated again.

"We also need to relax our minds. When can the two chaotic qi no longer resist, help each other, and be the foundation of each other, can it be considered successful."

Hailong reminded the doll.

The doll was still a little worried and said, "I'm afraid it's not that easy.

You see, we have completely relaxed now. When the mana is increased to a certain extent, the sense of rejection is still very strong.

I'm afraid it will go crazy if it goes on like this.

Our cultivation is not easy to get. In this way, isn't it a little too hasty?

Hailong said, "No, we are not in a hurry, but to seize the opportunity. Opportunities will not always occur, but when it appears, we must seize it.

Didn't you ask me why I didn't practice for a long time, but I have today's cultivation? In fact, it's very simple, just because I have seized several opportunities, and my cultivation has made a qualitative leap.

Although it is very difficult to integrate the two opposite mana into each other, don't forget that whether it is your water attribute chaotic gas or my fire attribute chaotic gas, fundamentally, their foundation is chaotic gas.

On the basis of chaos, they are not completely compatible with each other like ordinary water and fire, and it is possible to be compatible with each other.

The worries in your heart are the obstacles that limit their integration. Relax completely.

Believe me and believe in yourself, we will definitely succeed.

Once integrated, the chaotic atmosphere between us can be transformed into each other. In the case of mutual understanding, once we join hands to respond to the enemy, the increase of strength is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Didn't you promise the Buddha to deal with the underworld? We don't know how powerful the underworld is. Only by increasing your own strength and responding to all changes is the best way. Baby, believe me, even if you go crazy, I will accompany you.

The baby's cheerful laughter sounded in the heart of the sea dragon, "Okay, I'll trust you.

This feeling of being connected is really good.

I remember that when I was in the morning human world, I once heard a sentence called the colorful phoenix flying wings, and the heart is very sharp.

We are in the same way now.

While she spoke, Hailong could clearly feel that the repulsion from the doll's water attribute chaotic gas had weakened a lot, although the mind was finally completely open.

Their authenticity does not control their mana, allowing the two chaotic qi to flow naturally according to the original running route. Although the meridians in the body are under great pressure and tearing force, they have completely excluded their pain with their mind.

"Miss, where did you hear this sentence? This seems to describe a couple.

We can only be friends at most now.

Hailong smiled helplessly in his mind.

The doll snorted and said, "What's the matter? Don't they deserve to be your lover? There are a lot of your wives. Why don't you have any mood at all? Hailong said, "If this is said from someone else's mouth, I may still believe it, but you can forgive it.

My yang spirit will not affect your mind, and you are like a child and know what feelings you have.

Yes, my wife has a lot, but I love each of them deeply.

Although he has a good impression on dolls, it is also about fear, just like dolls?? He said that he owed too many accounts, so he was vigilant everywhere.

In addition to being able to feel the kindness of the doll, he can't see through this lovely girl, so he is more vigilant in his heart.
