Only me

Chapter 213 The Confession of the Original God

Primitive Tianzun sighed, and two lines of tears slipped down both sides of the old face. "Sister Ru, you gave birth to two daughters for me. You have suffered so much for me. What's the point of being slapped by you? If you don't think it's enough, come again. Don't worry, no one will stop you.

I have been looking for you for so many years, and you are finally back today.

It doesn't matter if you kill me, but the child can't live without his mother forever.

Ru sister, stay.

I know you hate me, but the child is innocent. No matter how you are willing to punish me, I will never fight back.

Lingbao Daojun flew to the side of the primitive Tianzun, trembling and excitedly and said, "Second sister, you... you're finally back. Do you know how hard the eldest brother misses you?" Hailong looked at the primitive Tianzun and the man in black in a stare. He didn't understand what they were talking about at all. The old man beside him pulled him aside and said, "Don't care about anything. This is a matter between them.

After so many years, today is the time to solve it.

In a moment, I will naturally tell you the process.

The man in black floated there, slowly taking off the cloak on his head, and at the same time, he also removed the gray veil on his face.

A pale and beautiful face appeared in front of everyone. Although she was a little old, she still couldn't hide her previous magnificent temperament.

The most unique thing is her silver hair, her hair fluttering in the wind, and her eyes look so empty.

Looking at the primitive Tianzun in front of her, she slowly raised her right hand, and the pink light reappeared. At this time, the primitive Tianzun was seriously injured. As long as her palm fell, she could immediately destroy the body of the primitive Tianzun.

Lingbao Daojun said anxiously, "Second sister, don't.

Although the eldest brother rejected you at the beginning, he also had his own difficulties!" The primitive Tianzun stopped Lingbao Daojun, smiled miserably and said, "Second brother, don't say anything.

If it's wrong, it's wrong.

Ru Mei, you can do it.

Big brother owes you, pay it back today.

"Mom..." Xuan Tianxin and Xuan Tianbing sisters, who had been standing all the time, rushed over at the same time. One of them was the Queen Mother, and the other was Jiutian Hanfei.

But at this time, they all hugged Lingru's body tightly like a child.

Lingru's high palm can't fall down.

Looking at the primitive Tianzun, tears loomed in his eyes.

She looked at the original Tianzun's eyes full of coldness, and finally said again, "How did you recognize me?

I think it's well hidden.

Primitive Tianzun smiled bitterly and said, "I really didn't recognize it at first, but then you made a sound twice. Although you are trying to hide it, I'm so familiar with your voice. How can't you recognize it? Moreover, even if your voice changes and your appearance is hidden, your figure is still the same as before.

If I still can't recognize it, I don't deserve to be your eldest brother.

"You don't deserve it."

Lingru's voice suddenly became excited, "Xuanxuan, have you grown up? You didn't want me at the beginning, and I never blamed you.

Emotional things can't be forced, I know.

We had an accident that time. You didn't want me. I didn't blame you at all. I can only blame myself for my own life.

The reason why I don't go back to Sanqingguan is that I don't have the face to continue to live in Sanqingguan, and I don't want you to suffer because of facing me.

Later, I found that I had Tianxin and Tianbing, and gave birth to them. They were my most precious treasure.

But I know that at that time, I didn't have the energy to educate them at all, and my heart was dead.

So, I sent them back.

Here you and the eldest brother, I believe you will take good care of them.

But what about you? For the sake of the fairyland, you actually married Tianxin and Tianbing to the bastard of the fairy emperor.

Look at what they got? I'm in pain, but my daughters have gone my old way.

Xuanxuan, you are so cruel! They are your daughters! I'm here today to ask for justice for my daughters.

Primitive Tianzun sighed, "Yes, it's all my fault. You're right.

No matter what the reason is, I can't even forgive myself.

You can do it."

The cold light in Lingru's eyes suddenly slapped the primitive Tianzun.

Xuan Tianxin and Xuan Tianbing held their mother's arm at the same time. Xuan Tianxin said sadly, "Mom, don't! We can't blame our father for the immortal emperor.

At the beginning, it was because we fell in love with the Immortal Emperor that our father agreed to marry him.

Moreover, at that time, my father had already seen that the Immortal Emperor was too ambitious and tried to stop us.

But we have fallen too deep, so we are desperate to marry him.

Everything today can only be blamed for not having the eyes of knowing people, and we can't blame our father.

Lingru looked at the primitive Tianzun speechless, and all kinds of complex emotions kept flashing in her eyes.

Primitive Tianzun's eyes suddenly calmed down, smiled and said, "Ru Mei, have you grown up? After I rejected you, I was also very sad.

When I regret it, you have already left.

I have only loved one woman in my life, and that is you.

It's just that I was too cowardly to admit my feelings at the beginning. If I had woken up earlier, all the tragedies would not have happened.

Ru Mei, I'm sorry for you.

But I just want to tell you that I love you.

For your departure, my heart has always been full of regret.

I'm really happy to see you again today. That's enough.

Ru Mei, don't leave again. Sanqingguan is always your home.

Here, your eldest brother will take care of you and our daughter. I know you don't want to see me, and you hate me.

Don't worry, I'll go.

Ru Mei, I'm sorry.

"It's not good."

Hailong shouted loudly, rushed to the back of the primitive Tianzun in an instant, and slapped him on his vest, but it was too late.

A bloody arrow spewed out of the mouth of the primitive Tianzun, and the whole person quickly stopped.

Lingru clearly saw in front of him that there was no pain on the original Tianzun's face, but full of satisfaction, and his eyes always looked at him.

"Father...Dear!" Xuan Tianxin and Xuan Tianbing exclaimed at the same time.

Lingbao Daojun and Taishang Laojun both came to Hailong's side. Hailong said solemnly, "Uncle, he smashed the Yuanshen by himself."

Lingbao Daojun and Taishang Laojun were shocked at the same time. Of course, they understood the consequences of shattering the yuan god.

Primitive Tianzun turned his head and looked at the sea dragon, smiled and said, "Son, withdraw your palm. It's too wasteful for you to maintain my life with chaos.

I am single-minded to die. The motogami is broken and hopeless.

If I can redeem all my sins with my life, I can also be satisfied.

Hailong said persistently, "No, uncle, I can definitely save you.

You need to have vitality! Uncle, please wake up."

Lingru flew lightly to the primitive Tianzun and slowly held his hand. The chill on her face disappeared. Instead, it was gentle, and there was no sadness in her eyes.

said softly, "Xuanxuan, you have proved everything to me with your actions. I don't blame you.

Since we are both in so much pain, let's go together.

If you leave, how can I be alone? Uh-huh."

As soon as she said this, Lingbao Daojun had slapped her on the forehead. The soft mana instantly sealed Lingru's mind and stopped her from shattering her yuan god at a critical moment.

The primitive Tianzun looked at Lingru, who fell softly in the arms of Lingbao Daojun, and smiled and said, "Thank you, second brother.

Please take good care of Rumei in the future.

I didn't expect to be forgiven by her before I die. I'm really lucky.

Second brother, I think the gap between us can also disappear.

Brother, you have to go first."

"What are you going to do? Where do you want to go!" A somewhat joking and crisp voice sounded.

The primitive Tianzun, who was almost exhausted of vitality, was stunned for a moment, and his eyes, which had turned gray and white, couldn't help looking in the direction of the sound.

That was a girl wrapped in black. In her hand, she actually held the original fire beast rosefinch.

The next moment, the primitive emperor has lost consciousness.

The doll watched the sea dragon laboriously input the chaotic atmosphere of the fire attribute for the primitive Tianzun, and smiled and said, "Since Tianzun's beloved has forgiven him, I think he will not commit suicide when he comes back to life.

Well, it's time to take action.

Taishang Laojun frowned and said, "Little girl, don't talk nonsense here. With the cultivation of the eldest brother, it is impossible to break the yuan spirit by yourself."

The doll smiled and said, "Are you the Taishang Laojun, who is known as the best alchemy among immortals? How about we make a bet? If I and Hailong save the primitive Tianzun, you can give us some of your best elixir.

Taishang Laojun was stunned and frowned, "Little girl, I'm in a bad mood now. Don't joke with me.

If the broken yuan god could be recovered, I would have done it long ago.

The doll smiled and said, "You don't have to say that. Just tell me if you want to bet with me."

Taishang Laojun said proudly, "If you bet, just bet! If you can really save your eldest brother, not to mention my best elixirs, even if you want all my elixirs, I will give them to you.

The doll smiled and said, "This is what you said. You can't go back on your word."

As soon as she said this, she saw Hailong's eager eyes. In order to try her best to stabilize the consciousness of the primitive Tianzun, now Hailong dared not even speak.

The divine consciousness of the primitive Heavenly Lord is broken, which is obviously different from the original Zixia Fairy.

Because he broke out his magic power, his consciousness was extremely fragmented and scattered.

If the divine consciousness is re-integrated, Hailong can do it by itself.

But if you want to restore the divine consciousness without any misalignment, the sea dragon can't reach it.

Now he can only stabilize those broken motojin and consciousness, and forcibly fix them so that they are not more scattered.

But even so, it keeps consuming a lot of his fire attribute chaos.

As long as he relaxes now, the body and primordial spirit of the primitive emperor will disappear immediately.

At this most critical moment, the baby's assistance finally arrived.

She flew behind the sea dragon and pressed his shoulder with one palm.

Pengpai's water attribute chaotic gas instantly merged with the fire attribute chaotic gas in the sea dragon's body. The golden light suddenly expanded, wrapping them with the primitive Tianzun. The peaceful atmosphere filled the surroundings, bringing an extremely comfortable feeling to everyone.

The golden light kept penetrating into the primitive Tianzun's body. With the help of the doll, the sea dragon's mana was greatly relieved, and the speed of recovery suddenly increased several times, and he suddenly felt that it was not so difficult.

Taishang Laojun and Lingbao Daojun are both famous in the fairyland. They know too much about all kinds of fairy magic, but they can't recognize the origin of the sea dragon and the doll's joint use of this mana.

The two couldn't help looking at each other, and a glimmer of hope rose in their hearts.

Lingbao Daojun has always had a grudge against the primitive Tianzun, but the scene just now has completely eliminated this barrier.

Taishang Laojun sighed and said, "It's really a generation of new people replacing old people!" The cultivation of these two children seems to be above us.

Maybe there are really some opportunities for them to join hands.

Lingbao Daojun sighed and said, "I hope so.

Over the years, the eldest brother has spent countless efforts to find the second sister. If he can come back to life, the second sister can finally be full of hardships and sweetness.

Miao Miao and Meng Yun had already flown to the Xuan Tianxin sisters at this time. Miao Miao took Xuan Tianxin's hand and comforted her, "Master, don't worry. Hailong and others will definitely succeed."

Xuan Tianxin seemed to have lost his soul and muttered, "Mother finally came back, but now it's such a result. I..." He said softly, "Master, you must be strong now. When the two old people wake up, you and your uncle will comfort you! Don't worry, Hailong once fused the broken consciousness of Zixia Fairy with the power of one person.

Although the master's motogami is more broken, he and the doll will be able to pull the master back from the death line.

The doll's cultivation is by no means under the sea dragon, and it has the chaotic atmosphere of water attributes. The combination of the two is very amazing.

Xuan Tianxin put his hands together on his chest and prayed silently for his parents.

Xuan Tianbing next to him gradually calmed down under the consolation of Meng Yun, and everyone's eyes were focused on the golden light.

They are all waiting anxiously.

Hailong got the help of the doll, and his mind suddenly settled down.

Concentrate on the inner vision and completely concentrate the thoughts in the primitive Tianzun's body.

The doll has given him all the control.

Hailong found that this golden chaotic gas was so magical that the yuan god, which was originally extremely difficult to control, was easily fixed there at this time.

The sea dragon carefully reassembled those genshen, looked at the fine cracks, and carefully fused them with golden chaos.

After a while, Hailong was surprised to find that the golden chaotic gas could not integrate these divine consciousness at all, and could only maintain it without dispersing it.

What's going on? The golden chaotic gas is obviously stronger than its own fire attribute chaotic gas, but why does it have no effect? Hailong kept thinking about it for the first time, and suddenly, a trace of understanding appeared in his heart.

Although the golden chaotic gas is powerful, it cannot melt and integrate the cracks of the broken consciousness. In this regard, it is still inferior to its own fire attribute chaotic gas.

Now it can only maintain the life of the primitive Tianzun, but it can't help him recover.

If you want to help the primitive Heavenly Lord integrate the divine consciousness, then it is only possible to follow the characteristics of the chaotic spirit of the fire attribute.

Thinking of this, Hailong immediately told the doll about his discovery with the method of soul-to-heart communication.

After discussing, the two immediately changed the control of mana.

Under the surprised gaze of everyone, the golden light disappeared, and the mana of the doll and the sea dragon turned back to blue and red.

The doll turned around and floated from the back of the sea dragon to the other side. With both hands, it sucked up the palms of the primitive Tianzun from the front. In contrast to it, in the flow of light, it stimulated a huge mana and continuously imported the chaotic qi of water attributes into the primitive Tianzun's body

The chaotic gas of the water attribute and the chaotic gas of the fire attribute met in the body of the sea dragon, and suddenly the body of the primitive Tianzun trembled.

Fortunately, the mana of these two completely different attributes has long been merged with each other, and the rejection is not very strong, which does not cause adverse reactions.

Hailong glanced at the doll and immediately suddenly contracted the chaotic spirit of his fire attribute, and all the mana entered the broken primordial spirit of the primitive Tianzun.

Because of the understanding of the heart, the doll cooperated very tacitly.

While the sea dragon's mana was restrained, the chaotic gas of the water attribute immediately took over the control of the periphery, firmly imprisoned all the fragments of the ternary god in it, so that it could not move at all, and controlled his own chaotic qi of the water attribute did not enter the interior of the yuan god at all

With the support of the doll, Hailong is very determined.

After telling the doll to protect the periphery in his heart, he integrated his fire attribute chaotic qi into the purest state. He was not in a hurry to save, but first observed the situation in the primitive Tianzun Yuanshen.

After a short observation of his thoughts, Hailong couldn't help but be secretly surprised that the primitive Tianzun was indeed intent on death.

The whole genshen was almost shattered.

Compared with the situation of Zixia Fairy at the beginning, the situation is much more serious. If it hadn't been for his serious injury and his mana had been greatly reduced before he shattered the Yuanshen, I'm afraid no one would have the ability to save him.

But the current situation is obviously not much better. Fortunately, my current mana is not comparable at the beginning. There is nothing impossible with the chaotic atmosphere of the fire attribute to reach the peak state.

Thinking of this, the Hailong exam carefully scattered the chaotic atmosphere of the fire attribute in the Yuanshen, filling the cracks of the fragments of the Yuanshen.

If the degree of fragmentation like the primitive primordial god can't be completely integrated overnight, I'm afraid that even if it saves his life, his mana will be greatly weakened.

Therefore, Hailong is very careful when operating.

While the sea dragon began to move, the doll was not idle.

The sea dragon is responsible for treating the primordial spirit of the primitive Tianzun, and the doll began to use its water attribute chaotic gas to restore the internal organs of the primitive Tianzun.

In the soft moisture of the chaotic atmosphere of the water attribute, the displaced internal organs of the primitive Tianzun are not only sent back to their original position, but also the damaged meridians are constantly restored.

Compared with sea dragons, the doll's creation is much easier. The chaotic atmosphere of water attributes is the best tool to heal wounds.

Slowly woke up from the coma. The first thing Lingru saw was her eldest brother Lingbao Daozun, with a trace of sadness in her eyes. Her voice was not angry at all. "Brother, why did you save me? Let me go with him.

You should understand that that is my best destination.

I'm too tired to live.

Over the years, I have never been happy except to practice.

My heart is withered. Death is not terrible to me, at least it is much better than living in pain.

Lingbao Daozun gently stroked his sister's long silver-white hair.

In those years, how touching her original green silk was! Sister, you are old, and the eldest brother is old.

I know your mood, but you are my only blood relative. How can I watch you die? Over the years, I know that you must have suffered a lot. In fact, Brother Xuanxuan has suffered a lot. His heart has been suffering in self-reproach. Don't blame him anymore.

Lingru smiled bitterly and said, "I said, I only blame my life.

I have never blamed him for anything.

Brother, don't say anything.

Now that he has gone, he is the only man I have ever loved in my life.

Originally, we immortals should not have feelings. Maybe this is God's punishment for me.

I can't live together, I hope to die together.

Don't stop me anymore."

"Whoever says that immortals should not have feelings.

Sister, you are so obsessed.

I don't know when Meng Yun has come to his sister Lingru.

Lingru looked at Meng Yun, sighed and said, "I once saw you when I sneaked into the fairy palace to see Tianxin and Tianbing. My child, your name is Mengyun, right? You really look like me when I was young!" Xuan Tianxin and Xuan Tianbing surrounded him. Xuan Tianxin scolded Meng Yun, "Yun'er, don't be rude to your master."

As if he hadn't heard his master's words, Meng Yun continued to say to Lingru, "Master, in fact, you don't have to do this.

At the beginning, if you could give Primitive Tianzun a chance, maybe you wouldn't have become like this at all.

Why can't immortals have feelings? If there is no emotion, how is it different from a beast? Master, the person you love can't die, so you can't die.

Give yourself a chance, and also give the primitive master a chance.

Lingru was stunned for a moment and looked at Meng Yun and couldn't speak.

In the middle of a sound, there was a trace of brilliance in her eyes, and she sighed, "Son, you don't have to comfort me. I know he has gone.

You're right. I'm too obsessed with my heart.

Unfortunately, the opportunity is gone.

Meng Yun suddenly stepped forward, took Lingru's hand and knelt down: "Master, there is no chance! The primitive master will not die.

My husband, Hailong's water attribute Chaos Qi is best at integrating divine consciousness, and now he is helping the primitive Tianzun master heal his wounds.

However, as you know, the primitive master is single-minded to death, even if his primordial spirit heals? If you really love him, wake him up.

The life expectancy of our immortals is almost unlimited.

Since you have lost the past, why don't you cherish the future? Lingru's whole body was shocked and she lost her voice and said, "Are you telling the truth? He... Does he really have any help?" Xuan Tianxin and Xuan Tianbing's heart flashed to both sides. Lingru's eyes followed the guidance of the crowd, and saw that the original Tianzun, who shattered the yuan god by himself, was sitting there cross-legged, and in front of him and behind him, were one red, one blue and two masses of light wrapped.

The owner of the red light is the immortal who easily restrained himself before.

"The chaotic gas of fire attribute is really the chaotic gas of fire attribute. No wonder he just defeated me so easily.

Xuanxuan, he really won't die.

At this moment, Lingru seemed to be rejuvenated again, and her eyes were full of desire and excitement.

Floating up, the next moment, she had come not far in front of the primitive Tianzun.

She did not rush over because of excitement, but stood there, staring at the primitive Tianzun with a gray face.

Meng Yun grabbed the Xuantianxin sisters and whispered, "It's better not to go there. Now the master needs to think by himself.

Master, uncle, you should believe in the master's love for the primitive master.

Xuan Tianxin and Xuan Tianbing looked at each other, and then looked at Meng Yun. Both of them nodded.

Lingru looked at the primitive Tianzun and muttered, "Xuanxuan, we are all old, aren't we? I never knew that you loved me too.

Meng Yun's child was right. I was also wrong at the beginning. If I could give you another chance, maybe we are not what we are today.

I never wanted you to die. Even if I die by myself, I hope you can live well.

Although I'm here today to ask for justice for my daughters, I also want to see you.

So many years have passed, and I want to see what you have become.

You are old, you are much older than me, and the original heroic posture is gone.

We are all old, do you know? Just now, at the moment you shattered your moto god, the painful memory of the past in my mind was also broken.

I don't hate you, and I have no hatred in my heart, because my heart also died with your broken motogami.

Xuanxuan, if you still have a trace of attachment to me, don't give up the chance to survive. Come back, I'll wait for you.

It's time for our family to be reunited.

At this point, tears slipped down Lingru's face. She looked deeply at the primitive Tianzun. Although she knew that the primitive Tianzun might not be able to hear her own words, at this time, she was praying in her heart and constantly praying.

She has made up her mind that if the primitive emperor lives, she will live; if the primitive emperor is not saved, then she will also go with it.

Hailong has fully adjusted its water attribute Chaosqi to its best state.

While he was preparing for his final action, he was suddenly surprised to find that the original broken consciousness of the original Tianzun had regained vitality.

Although the yuan gods are still broken, they have been rejuvenated. It seems that they are constantly merging. Although the integration is not successful, there is no intention to disperse.

How can Hailong let go of such a good opportunity? The red light suddenly changed and became deeper and deeper.

changed from red to crimson, and finally turned black.

At the moment when the chaotic gas of the fire attribute turned black, the sea dragon had moved its mana to the limit, and at the same time, it launched an impact on the cracks of all the broken primordial gods of the primitive Tianzun.

At this time, the doll has healed the rest of the injuries in the primitive Tianzun's body. Feeling the action of the sea dragon, he immediately guarded the position with his own water attribute chaotic spirit, and firmly blocked the primitive Tianzun's primordial spirit, so that it could not move at all.

The scorching airflow forced Lingru to retreat back ten meters, and her eyes always fell on the face of Primitive Tianzun.

I don't know when there was a sudden smile on the old face of the primitive Tianzun.

Lingru's heart trembled. She knew that Primitive Tianzun must have heard her own voice, it must be.

She didn't say anything more, because she was afraid of disturbing Hailong to help the primitive Tianzun heal her wounds, but in the depths of her heart, she kept shouting, Xuanxuan, come back.

The integration is much smoother than expected.

At this time, Hailong realized how powerful the fire attribute chaotic gas in the peak state was, and each gap quickly merged with each other under the action of the black fire attribute chaotic gas.

The primitive Tianzun had recovered a trace of mind at this time, and his perseverance surprised even the sea dragon.

Reintegrate the broken motogami, what a painful thing it is! However, the original Tianzun's idea did not fluctuate at all at this time. It fully cooperated with the action of the sea dragon. Every crack is gradually getting smaller, every gap is constantly closing, and the blue primordial spirit has a bit of luster again.

A minute and a second of time passed, and everyone present couldn't help clenching their hands.

They are waiting nervously, waiting for the last moment to come.

A clear roar came from the mouth of the sea dragon.

The doll floated away and stopped the constraint of his water attribute chaotic spirit on the primitive god consciousness.

She immediately flew behind the sea dragon without stopping for a moment. The scorching heat generated by the chaotic gas of the fire attribute had no effect on her at all. She seemed to be watching something and waiting for something.

At this time, her beautiful face was full of seriousness.

The red light completely wrapped the body of the sea dragon and the primitive Tianzun.

At this moment, the magical clothes on the sea dragon and the primitive Tianzun have disappeared.

Their bodies were dyed black by the chaotic air of fire attributes.

The roar of the sea dragon became louder and louder, and the roar was full of relief.

Suddenly, he suddenly withdrew his hands.

At the same time, the doll's delicate jade hand was also printed on his broad back. The fire attribute chaotic gas instantly merged with the water attribute chaotic gas, and the golden whirlpool once again wrapped the bodies of the three people.

The primordial spirit of the primitive Tianzun has been fully integrated under the action of the chaotic spirit of the fire attribute of the sea dragon. At this time, the peaceful atmosphere of the golden chaotic spirit spread to every corner of his meridians. The peaceful atmosphere calmed the hegemony of the chaotic spirit of the fire attribute, and at the same time

What was not possible to achieve was actually done with the joint hands of Hailong and the doll, the unique inheritor of the chaotic spirit.
