Only me

Chapter 221 The Return of the King

Tianqin said indifferently, "Hongzhi, are you so sure that you can win the rest of the battle? Although no one on our side can compete with you, you can only participate in one game.

The Buddha said, "In this case, let's finish six games now. You and we will win three games each. I will no longer fight and decide the winner with the last two games.

If the two sides are even five to five, then add another game. At that time, the person who has taken action in front of you can take action again. How about that? As soon as he appeared, he immediately became the leader of the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas. Whether the immortal world is a person in the Buddhist world, he has blind trust in the Buddha. They are convinced that under the leadership of the Buddha, the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas will definitely survive this disaster.

Tianqin feels very strange. The suggestions put forward by the Buddha are only good for the underworld, and there are no disadvantages. Fortunately, I really don't understand why the Buddha Buddha wants to do this. With the cultivation of the Buddha, he can naturally win a game, but the actions of other great masters in the two worlds of immortals and Buddha are In this case, why not agree?" OK, just as you say.

The Buddha smiled and said, "In the seventh battle, we will fight from the primitive Tianzun."

Tianqin smiled coldly and said, "We will fight from the moonstone of the underworld."

After saying this, she and the Buddha flew away at the same time. In the shining light, the moonstone and the primitive Tianzun appeared on both sides of the golden and black border respectively.

Tianqin slowly closed her eyes. She Yan had nothing to worry about in the previous battle. Yueshi, whether it was cultivation and wisdom, was the first in the underworld, and he could occupy at least 70% of the victory in the primitive Tianzun.

She thought about whether the Buddha had any special purpose.

Primitive Tianzun was very puzzled, because when he heard the voice of the Buddha when he went to war, the advice of the Buddha was very strange. There was no need to fight deliberately, mainly to protect his own safety, and no need to pursue victory.

Although he didn't understand why the Buddha did this, he completely followed the instructions of the Buddha.

The battle ended quickly, and the cultivation of the primitive Tianzun was weaker than the moonstone of the underworld.

In addition, he mainly focuses on self-insurance.

When he was at a disadvantage, the Buddha had announced that he would give up the game.

The eighth battle also ended very quickly. The Pluto King, who ranked fourth among the twelve kings of the underworld, defeated the fairyland Lingbao Daojun in three contacts.

Under the sharp turn of the situation, the underworld has won five games and is completely invincible.

The momentum of hundreds of thousands of troops in the underworld is like surging waves, as if the six worlds are already under their rule.

A strange feeling suddenly rose in Tianqin's heart. She asked herself, is it really right to lead the underworld to unify the six worlds? If the sea dragon is really not dead, when he comes back.

How can I explain it to him? Tianqin said in a low voice, "Wait a minute and see who the other party is fighting."

Although the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas have been in a very unfavorable situation, they have not shown a trace of decadence. Everyone is convinced that the Buddha will bring them the final victory.

A deep light appeared in the eyes of the Buddha Buddha, and he said indifferently, "The ninth battle, little clever, go to war."

People who know little cleverness in the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas suddenly burst out.

Of course, they knew what the little cleverness was, and no one expected that the Buddha would order the little clever to fight.

The little clever flew from behind to the Buddha and said in surprise, "Hongzhi, you are crazy.

How could I win?"

When he saw that Hongzhi was the Buddha, he was already excited to rush out.

But in the war between the two sides, he could only resist the excitement in his heart. At this time, why was he not surprised to hear that Hongzhi asked him to fight? With his cultivation.

I'm afraid I can't even rank in the top 100 in the fairyland, and it's impossible to win at all.

The Buddha smiled and said, "There is nothing impossible in the world. Little clever, just try your best to do it.

Go ahead."

"*, I haven't seen you for so many years. If you see me, you will let me die. Good boy, you will die. If I'm afraid, I won't be smart."

With that, his body flashed and rushed out.

The Monkey King didn't hold the little clever. He turned his head and looked at the Buddha and said, "Why did you let him appear? If we lose again in this game..." The Buddha stopped the Monkey King from saying it again and said with a smile, "I have my own intention. You will know later."

Tianqin was surprised to see the little clever going to war. Although she was the emperor of the underworld, she could not stop her men from going to war at this time. The light flashed in her eyes and she shouted, "Xianfeng, go to war."

Qianfeng was stunned for a moment. He was not familiar with Xiaojiling. He didn't expect that Tianqin would let him go to war. At this time, Tianqin's voice sounded in his heart, "Qianfeng, Xiaojiling is one of the best brothers of Hailong. You must not hurt him. If you can

The underworld now has an obvious advantage. Except for the underworld king who knows something about the peak, others do not know the strength of his cultivation. Seeing that Tianqin ordered the peak to fight, they thought that it was the emperor hidden in the last killer. Only the moonstone did not wrinkle slightly, and the eyes looking at Tianqin were full of

The peak flew out. In fact, although his cultivation is not as good as that of the ten underworlds, he has also reached the cultivation of the seventh level of the underworld demon Dafa, which is not comparable to the little cleverness, but he heard Tianqin say that the little cleverness is the brother of the sea dragon, and he suddenly had a

He knows the little clever, but the little clever doesn't know him.

Hongzhi let himself go to war, and the little clever couldn't help but resentment in his heart. Seeing that the peak flew over, he immediately flew up, and the long silver stick in his hand attacked the peaks like a storm.

Lufeng didn't dare to neglect. He summoned his magic sword and immediately fought with the little clever.

The Buddha watched the field fly up and down, and his magic power was horizontal. He couldn't help smiling and said to himself, "Tianqin, I'm not mistaken for you. Anyway, the love for the sea dragon in your heart is always the most important.

Let's wait for our final battle now.

The more the little clever man heard the war, the more shocked he became. The opponent in front of him was obviously not as good as the people sent by the previous underworld. Is there no one in the underworld?

However, the opponent's cultivation is obviously on his own, but although the attack spell he sends seems gorgeous, it does not pose any threat to himself. What's going on? Did Hongzhi help himself in the dark? But it doesn't feel that way? In the little clever doubt, Lu Feng also made up his mind, and countless sword shadows of the magic sword in his hand suddenly cut to the little clever.

The seventh re-cultivation of the underworld demon method has been raised to the limit.

The black light wrapped him and the little clever body, and the fairy spirit emitted by the little clever body was completely forced around the body. The little clever heart was stunned and tried his best to attack the peak with the universe.

There was a smile on Lu Feng's face. In the package of the underworld Dafa, this smile can only be seen by a little clever.

Although it was still dark around, the little clever found that all the pressure around his body had completely disappeared, and the dragon stick in his hand hit the shoulder of the peak.

The voice of the peak sounded in his ears.

"I'm also the brother of Hailong."

The black curtain of light suddenly broke, and the peak retreated with blood, but the little clever still maintained the previous posture. Up to now, he still can't believe that he has won.

Yueshi looked at Tianqin with burning eyes, "Emperor."

Tianqin waved her hand and said, "It's needless to say, I have my own sense of proportion."

Yueshi said without giving up at all, "Then the next battle will be fought by King Pluto.

This is related to the goal of our underworld for many years, and it is also the only wish of the previous emperor.

Tianqin closed her eyes and nodded gently.

But the words of the Buddha opposite made her heart furious.

"The tenth game, the ethereal battle."

Tianqin suddenly opened her eyes, and her furious eyes passed through the open space between the two sides, and projected straight on the Buddha Hongzhi, ethereal.

He actually let the ethereal go to war.

Tianqin was upset, but the Pluto had rushed out at this time.

What should I do? What should I do? If there is any loss, even if Hailong is still alive, he can't explain it to him! Hongzhi.

What the hell are you going to do? The clever victory surprised the great magicists of the fairyland, and Hongzhi's ethere was no doubtful voice in the tenth battle.

Flying out ethereal, she understood that Hongzhi was using Tianqin's love for Hailong! Hailong, where are you? If you were here today, we would not be forced to this point anyway.

King Mingying looked at the ethereal of his long hair, and his eyes couldn't help but show a trace of appreciation. The temperament of the immortal is indeed not comparable to that of the underworld. It would be great if he could have such a beauty in his wife and concubine.

Although he thought so in his heart, he had no intention of keeping his hand.

In the face of the upcoming victory, if you can defeat this woman, you will definitely become a hero of the underworld.

Compared with interests, what else is everything else? Thinking of this, he crossed his hands in front of his chest, turned his palms inward, and shouted in a low voice, "The demon turned to the sky."

His underworld demon method is different. After reaching the realm of the eighth life, he can already condense the spirit of the underworld into a complete entity, forming a flame-like bitterness. He calls this unique learning the underworld demon flame.

Looking at the Pluto King in front of her, there is no sadness or joy in her heart. Naturally, her cultivation is not comparable to small cleverness. Although she has not yet entered the realm of great power, after many improvements of Hailong with the chaotic atmosphere of fire attributes, the degree of mana's condensation is enough to surprise anyone.

The blue light flashed in his hand, and there was an extra fairy sword. He danced gracefully, and the moon palace's unique cold moon condensed dance appeared.

The ethereality in the cold moon condensed fragrance dance is like the nine goddesses, and the touching temperament makes Pluto dizzy.

"Cold-Fang-Retain-Light-Soul-Soul-Resixed-Sit" The fairy sword moves with the dance steps, and every time a clear word is spit out in the mouth, the ethereal figure will immediately change. The blue light and shadow will attack from all directions with a trace of coldness to the Pluto

Each sword shadow actually pierced the underworld flame around the Pluto's body. The light shines. Although the Pluto King's cultivation is high, he can't capture the ethereal and true figure. He can only use his mana to open the underworld flame and force himself to withstand the ethereal attack with his deep mana.

The gap in strength is irreparable. Although every sword contains a trace of cold air, it can't break through the defense of Pluto.

It's just a move to attack. He has been relieved. He knows that Piaomia will not be his opponent in any case.

In the face of this beautiful woman with such a touching temperament, he has to leave some affection. Although he wants to win, he is not in a hurry.

"night - condensation - deep - green - brush - flat - sand - "dark - fragrance - floating - moving - moon - yellow - dusk - "wind - wave - no - letter - diamond - branch - weak - "sate - flower - dye - out - a few - frost - mark" "frost - seal - Biography - God - Dream - also - Kong - "Fiao Mian used the six styles in the wind and snow dance swordsmanship in turn, but as soon as her attack touched the black underworld demon flame, the mana she attacked was immediately transformed by the huge spirit of the underworld demon.

can't hurt Pluto at all.

The purpose of Pluto is very simple, which is to exhaust all the ethereal mana before winning easily.

In addition to the place where the Buddha can still maintain calm, everyone held their breath and looked at the two people in the field nervously. The victory or defeat of this battle is crucial. If the fairy world wins, there is still a chance. In the end, it must be the battle between the Buddha Buddha and the underworld, but if the fairy world is defeated, The Buddha will not go back on what he said. Since he said that the oath made by the Buddha represents the whole Buddha world, the significance of this war is too great.

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, we're going to cheat.

"The voice of the Buddha suddenly came to mind in the ethereal ears.

I was slightly stunned, because at this time, the Buddha's voice did not have that trace of peace, just like when I was with the sea dragon in the past.

Sister-in-law, don't show your voice and continue to attack that fool with your wind and snow dance swordsmanship.

He has been fascinated by you.

Oh, I didn't learn anything else in my reincarnation this time, so I learned some cunning from ordinary people.

For the sake of the immortals and Buddhas, we have to do so.

Sister-in-law, pay attention, I will use Buddha's power to attract the mana in your body. You will use your strongest attack immediately after attacking the next sword.

"I don't dare to hesitate at all. Although she felt very funny after listening to Hongzhi's words, she still used the late condensed deep and flat sand style elegantly.

In an instant, she felt a shock all her body, and all the mana seemed to have disappeared. The spiritual platform was warm and almost subconsciously. The long sword in her hand floated forward with the cold and condenscented fragrance and shouted, "Cangling Arrow."

A scene that made everyone in the underworld, including Tianqin, felt incredible. The sky on one side of the fairy and Buddha suddenly darkened, and the whole sky seemed to crack. An extremely huge red lightning appeared in the air, led by the fairy sword in the ethereal hand. The lightning suddenly covered Pluto's body.

The King of Pluto was terrified. He never thought that Piao Miao could use such a powerful fairy method. The huge pressure contained in the red lightning in the air made his whole body's bones crack, as if there was a possibility of breaking at any time, and the underworld flame burned to the extreme in an instant.

The underworld king ignored the ethereal, and his hands suddenly held up. His three strongest magic swords flew out at the same time with a strong underworld flame and stabbed the red lightning in the air.

Looking at the red lightning, he was as surprised as Pluto. The red lightning was obviously a spiritual arrow, but it was hundreds of times larger than what he could send before.

"Sister-in-law, don't be daring, take action quickly."

Hongzhi's voice sounded again.

The lightning fell with the ethereal fairy sword, and the red light suddenly engulfed the body of Pluto.

A shrill scream sounded.

A black light and shadow rushed out of the range of the red lightning in violent trembling and flew back to the underworld.

Tianqin flew out, and her hands turned into a black vortex to take down the body. Even she couldn't help but be surprised by the huge impact.

She really doesn't understand why Piao Mei can have such a strong power. I'm afraid that the huge red lightning can only be taken over by herself on the side of the underworld.

The calm and kind voice of the Buddha sounded, "Emperor Pluto, you and I have a draw in ten battles. It seems that we still have to play this last game.

The scene of 100,000 years is about to be repeated.

In the end, it's up to me to decide the winner with you.

In the Buddha's light, the Buddha sat in the Buddha's lotus and flew out. After reincarnation, although he got all the memories of the Buddha, Hongzhi's memory did not disappear. Otherwise, there would not have been a scene that secretly helped the ethereal.

At this time, he was happy, and he knew it.

The victory is just around the corner.

After his successful reincarnation, under the condition of the same cultivation as Tianqin, Tianqin must have some scruples because of the relationship with Hailong. After all, this battle is different from the war 100,000 years ago.

The side of the underworld has lost its previous air throwing. Every underworld's eyes are focused on Tianqin. Their eyes are full of earnest expectations. They are eager to unify the six worlds and the underworld to become the master of the six worlds.

This battle is inevitable, just as Hongzhi thought.

The emotions in Tianqin's heart were extremely complicated, and she slowly flew out, and the black armor on her body flashed with a faint light.

Hongzhi's hands are suitable for his chest, and the nine rounds of Buddha light behind him are scattered, forming a ring slowly surrounding.

The sky behind the underworld army suddenly became dark.

It seemed that the half of the fairyland behind them had completely turned into the field of the underworld. The kind smile on Hongzhi's face disappeared, and his eyes were more severe. He said in a low voice, "Tianqin.

Do you really want to make life a loss? Tianqin was stunned for a moment and followed Hongzhi's eyes. Behind the underworld army, a large black cloud appeared without any omen. It was not a real go, but composed of countless dark people and demon monsters.

Three million full three million Ming and demon two worlds allied forces unexpectedly appeared.

A flash of light flashed in Tianqin's eyes. He stared at the moonstone and said coldly, "Who ordered them to come?" Yue Shi sighed and said, "Qin'er, it's no longer up to you to make the matter of today. We don't want to wait for another 100,000 years."

The five demon kings of the demon world appeared not far from the 49 legions in the underworld. Following them were the most powerful monsters in the demon world.

A person's low hoarse voice sounded, "Qin'er, this last battle will be completed by the teacher.

Buddha, after 100,000 years of farewell, you have changed a lot.

The black light actually retreated the wanton momentum formed by the Buddha with great pressure. The light and shadow flashed, and an old man in black appeared beside Tianqin. Every wrinkle on his face was so deep, and the evil spirit emitted from his body was much stronger than that of Tianqin.

"Master, you, are you not dead?" Tianqin exclaimed at a loss.

She is upset. How can this be? The master is obviously dead! The whole army of the underworld was boiling in an instant. "Emperor, emperor, emperor--" The shouts were higher than the waves. Yes, it was the Ming Emperor who suddenly led the three million coalition forces of the underworld and the demon world to appear.

A trace of kindness appeared on Pluto's face, "Qin'er, you have done a good job. Although you still miss the past, I don't blame you."

The Buddha's heart sank, and the appearance of Pluto and the three million coalition forces has forced the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas to the edge of the cliff.

"One hundred thousand years to say goodbye, you are also old.

It seems that you have broken through the tenth realm of the underworld.

ming di smiled and said, "The previous decisive battle doesn't count. Although your secret action surprised me, I don't care about anything. Let's decide to win or lose the battle.

As long as you win, our underworld will never step into the fairyland. If you lose, the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas will be included in the underworld.

If it were the Buddha in the past, I wouldn't say much, but now you and I have to be on guard, so I brought three million allied forces. I don't care about the slaughter of the immortals and Buddhas.

The Buddha sighed, "People are not as good as God.

I didn't expect that you really succeeded.

Since you want to fight, then fight."

Every wrinkle of the nine Buddha wheel is the only one such fusion, and the powerful Buddha power rises again. Although it can't oppress the breath emitted by the Pluto, this is all he can achieve.

Even he is not sure about this battle.

"Xiaozhi, the Buddhist world has made a lot of efforts.

Give this battle to me, who represents the fairyland.

The gentle voice sounded, Tianqin's whole body was shocked, and her beautiful eyes were instantly covered with a layer of water mist. The voice she expected finally came.

She shouted desperately, "Hailong, is that you?" Pluto's face changed greatly, and the cold light flashed in his eyes. The white light instantly enveloped his body, and his hands held the sky.

The huge breath suddenly covered the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas.

The Buddha was shocked.

Because he clearly felt that the mana was boundless, and even he could not compete with it. Moreover, the breath spread in every corner was full of tranquility, as if it had sucked everything dry, giving people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

The Buddha tried his best to raise his magic power to the limit. He knew that if he let this airflow rush in front of him, then.

There must not be many people who can survive in the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas.

An idea suddenly arose in his heart, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "Is this the atmosphere of no attribute chaos?" No, that's not the spirit of chaos without attributes. It's just an empty attribute.

A faint white light rose from behind the Buddha.

It is not the same as the white light released by Pluto. The white light looks clearer, soft like a white cloud, floating lightly.

It seems that there is no power.

When the emperor's overwhelming mana came into contact with this white light, he retreated like lightning as if he was afraid.

The Buddha's whole body was light, and the irresistible power that was about to oppress him finally disappeared, and two different whites were facing each other in the air.

A breeze passed by the Buddha, and a long and happy figure had appeared beside him.

In white clothes and long black hair.

His straight body, wide shoulders, and the calm atmosphere, his appearance.

brings a sense of silence to everyone.

"Sea-Dragon-" Tianqin's inner depressing feelings broke out in an instant. His body turned into a virtual shadow under the urging of the nine-fold underworld magic. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the side of the sea dragon. I don't know why the Pluto did not stop him from treating his brother. He

Yes, this suddenly appeared. The man in white who tried to turn the tide was the sea dragon. Except for the change in the color of his hair and the change of his clothes on his body, he did not change anything. With a faint smile on his face and his right hand, the virtual shadow of Tianqin naturally formed a soft force field. The next moment He was held in his arms by the sea dragon.

Lonely and lonely, she spent countless boring days in the underworld, and the love in her heart finally appeared in front of her. Tianqin was like a wandering lonely boat and finally found her harbor.

I can no longer suppress the feelings in my heart. Previously, I learned to be as strong as iron, leading hundreds of thousands of troops in the underworld to endanger the immortals and the emperor of the underworld in the second world of Buddha. At this time, he actually cried like a child in the arms of the sea dragon.

Hailong gently stroked Tianqin's long hair, and the soft voice kept ringing in her ear, "Cry, vent everything.

Good Qin, this time, you will never leave me again.

The faint white light on his body did not become powerful, but the sea dragon just stood at that time, and the huge breath of the Pluto could not cross the thunder pool.

ming di muttered, "No, this is impossible? What I have is the atmosphere of no attribute chaos, Hailong, aren't you dead? Hailong looked deeply at the Pluto and smiled, "Do you really want me to die? Ming--Spirit--.

Let's show your true appearance.

With that, he stretched out his left hand and gently pressed it in the direction of Pluto.

There was no light, but the Pluto had changed.

In the flash of light, the old age on Pluto's face disappeared, white skin, long shiny hair, eyes like autumn water, and a trace of bitterness appeared at the corners of his mouth. "Can you tell me where I'm wrong?" Seeing the change of Pluto, all the troops in the underworld suddenly made a big comaval. The underworld moonstone shouted in a low voice, "Don't mess up, everyone. This is our new Pluto Emperor, and she is also the only daughter of the old Pluto."

Hailong looked at the underworld with a smile and said indifferently, "It's too noisy here, and the dark is a little depressing."

His magical left hand waved out again. This time, there was still no light, but when the left palm pressed forward, the air suddenly had a strange twist, and the distortion spread quickly. In the blink of an eye, it had come to the five demon kings of the demon world and the powerful monsters under them.

Without making any sound, the underworld wanted to stop it, but he clearly felt a strange fluctuation from the body of the sea dragon, which actually sucked his mind and could not move at all.

The five demon kings just posed for resistance. The next moment, they and the close shadow behind them seemed to have been swept away. The sky in the dark sky on the other side of the underworld was not clean, and the five demon kings and the powerful monsters under their hands disappeared without leaving any trace.

The ghost's figure flew forward, and she had raised her mana to the limit, oppressing the sea dragon from all directions.

However, Hailong still maintained his previous posture and still had a smile on his face. No matter how the ghost urged his mana, he could not invade the invisible defense around his body.

Hailong gently hugged Tianqin, looked at the underworld, smiled and said, "Do you remember that sentence at the beginning? Between the six worlds, in series, the will of heaven is in my heart.

We understand the first two sentences correctly, but when you leave that space, you still don't understand the meaning of the last two sentences. His Majesty Chaos is not so easy to trust a person.

So, what you get is only the chaotic atmosphere of empty attributes, and what I get is the atmosphere of chaos without attributes.

Now you should understand that it is impossible to do anything in the underworld today.

I didn't kill the five demon kings and their men. I had no intention of killing, but sent them back to their own place.

Look who they are? The blue and yellow lights suddenly lit up from behind the immortals and Buddha realms, and countless blue and yellow light spots quickly concentrated. It was the two huge ray of light in front of them. It was the Qinglong King and the Xuanwu King.

Now they are obviously different from before, and their bodies have not changed much, but their eyes are full of peace. Their eyes looking at Hailong are only respectful, and the huge breath on their bodies is no less than that of the reincarnated Buddha of Hongzhi.

Hailong looked at the underworld with a little pity, "Before you came here, you found two holy beasts with the empty chaotic spirit contained in your body. You ordered them not to participate in this matter in the name of the Chaos King.

You do have the smell of Chaos King, so they believe you.

However, the null attribute is different from the no attribute after all.

Even if it is empty, it is tangible, so when I came back, I contacted the two holy beasts and invited them here.

Xingling, do you still think you won't fail? Brother Rosefinch is also strong enough. Why do you have to trap him? Mingling looked at the sea dragon with dull eyes, "No, it's impossible.

I won't fail. I don't believe it. All this must be an illusion.
