My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 7 Lin Peng's alienation

"hehe... It seems that you still admit it!" Lin Peng spit out a mouthful of blood, but when he spoke, his internal organs were really shaken. Unexpectedly, there was some faint pain, and at the same time, there were some changes in the eyes of Lundy.

This guy reacts really fast. Unexpectedly, at the moment when he was about to collapse, he gagged his mouth with such a punch.

Helped by little Lori Angelina, she slowly walked two steps and sat down slowly: "Actually, I've been a little confused since the first time I heard you two. Unexpectedly, he doesn't like each other so much. Why do they rush to a place together to rescue? Moreover, they still live in the same place!"

When I first heard them talking, it was just a little strange. Now that I think about it, it's really smooth. After the two women left, Lin Peng was in the pit, but he heard Angelina talk about many things about this dark moon city.

From it, the more I heard it, the more surprised and admired the Duke. At this time, when I thought of it, there was a feeling of sudden penetration. Therefore, I blurted out in a hurry just now.

Now, not only by looking at the faces of the two beautiful women, you can know that they should have guessed nine out. At this time, Lin Peng can really see the real faces of these two beautiful women.

One is cold and amazing, and the other... Unexpectedly, he has a charming and strange face. The Duke frowned tightly in his faint willow eyebrows. Like the eyes of dancers in the night sky, dancing quietly flashing. Visable wisdom!

The pointed melon seed face makes people want to take care of it immediately, and the fair skin makes people have a long distance. At this time, standing in front of you seems to be untouchable. It seems that she has always been so lonely.

And Princess Irene, with her exquisite facial features, is just a small frown, which has a unique flavor. On the small mouth, there seems to be infinite **. I really don't know what kind of person can taste her red lips.

After taking a deep breath, I suppressed the unknown flame in my heart: "To be honest, if I am the Grand Duke, I have at least three ways for people you don't like to leave the Dark Moon City!"

"And you... Although she didn't like Princess Irene very much, she didn't really take action. So... It seems that you... It's just pretending!"

It may be the tragedy of childhood or years of independence. I don't know when Lin Peng paid special attention to his feelings. I can always vaguely feel some hostility, or a hazy thing.

But this time, it is really felt. Over the years, people's hearts have become colder and colder, which also makes him more**.

Duke Sia and Princess Irene looked at each other and felt a little panicked. Even a boy who only met once can see it, so... What about the others?

At the same time, Lundy was even more shocked to hear. Only a few short words directly broke the situation between the Duke and the Princess for three years. Looking at this absolutely strong young man in shock, it seems that he is so handsome now.

"There are at least three ways, so you can talk about those three ways! If you can't say it, hum..." Irene seemed to be unconvinced and snorted coldly. However, Lin Peng barely suppressed the lethality under his face after the corners of his mouth.

"First, you can be kicked out of this duke's palace. After the princess is left in this palace, spread rumors outside! This city is the Duke. Besides, the Duke can hear her kindness in the nearby city. So... Do you believe in the Duke or you? Others will think that you must have provoked the Duke. So... If you don't say anything else, you may not be able to stand those ordinary rumors!"

Irene looked at Lin Peng, who was full of confidence, and her hateful teeth were itching. To be honest, if this is true, it would be really a ghost to live in this city under all kinds of difficulties.

"What if Irene continues to stay?" Xiya Liu frowned, and her eyes flashed with a little light. She looked at Lin Peng coldly and asked.

"If you still choose to stay, then... It has to be proved that such a person is not ordinaryly thick-skinned. So... I'm going to trap her with a stumbling! You are the one who controls this city. It should be relatively easy! Take this Warcraft*, and you can directly say that it is her reason. Among the many lies and some convenient means, I believe you can still do such a thing. In this way, there is a reason to expel her. So... As a duke, I don't need to say anything more about such a trivial matter!"

The more Lin Peng said, the more confident he was. He smiled and let Irene almost come down and slap him directly. However, after thinking about it, I was about to sweat coldly. These methods, not to mention others, are indeed simple, but really practical.

"What if she finds evidence again that it's not her fault?" Duke Sia pressed step by step, as if she didn't give up without asking.

"The rest of the method is easier. The demon clan is a place that pays attention to strength. The whole city is full of your people. Even if she can't even get in, she still seems to be here!"

A simple sentence made the Duke and Princess conside at each other. Originally, it was such a simple thing.

"What if he is still plugged in due to some relationships? It's impossible. Just pull it out for no reason!" After thinking for a moment, Randy said with a pair of thick eyebrows.

It seems that there is really such a thing. At this time, the Duke and Princess once again pulled back their minds and looked at Lin Peng.

He smiled faintly and said to himself, "Do you still want to teach this kind of thing, stupid!" Immediately, after coughing, he said, "It's not easy. It seems that a place like the abyss needs someone to explore it. While you send it out, send your own people to intercept. Is it possible that he can directly protect his men step by step?

Lin Peng's eyes were shocked. At this moment, he found that the hands of the Duke and the princess were tightly pinched together. I don't know, because I'm excited about my idea or something else.

"His strength is very strong. Half of the people in this dark moon city are already his subordinates. Moreover, generally speaking, the whole Dark Moon City also has his right to speak. Moreover, it is also in charge of the economy of the whole Dark Moon City, so... What should I do?"

Irene seemed to gritt her teeth and stared at Lin Peng closely.

Little Lori Angelina looked at Lin Peng in a stunned way and thought to herself: Why haven't you ever found this guy with such wisdom?

"Hmm... In this case, we need to add three together. First of all, create his imaginary enemy. Presumably, if there is only one such person in this dark moon city, it is impossible for him to become so big! Duke, you won't let it go. After all, a dominant family can't be suppressed casually! Then, he can use alienation between his allies. Eh... This alienation plan, that is to say, divides their common interests. Let them defend themselves!" Seeing that he didn't seem to understand the alienation, Lin Peng immediately inserted a sentence as an explanation.

"There is a division between allies, so... Hey hey... It seems that you can take advantage of the virtuality and directly use greater means to encroach on their power step by step! So... It seems that I don't need to say more about the next thing!"

With a long sigh of breath, Lin Peng smiled.

"Randy, take them down and arrange a room for him to recover!" The Duke waved his hand, and Lundy immediately took Lin Peng and Angelina out of the room. At this time, Irene looked at Nadas, and her cold eyes seemed to look at a dead man.

Nadas's back is now full of cold sweat. Now, after hearing the biggest secret of the two boss, then... It won't kill people! Moreover, isn't it Jess, the city officer of Dark Moon City, who asked just now? If that's true... Today is... Whoo...

For a while, Nadas really had the impulse to scold the Dark God. What kind of luck have you had these days? Where have you offended this boss? First, Warcraft was not protected, and at this time, such a situation occurred...

Nadas... Now that I heard about today, then... You should know what I mean!" After Irene suddenly said something charmingly, the momentum burst out again.

With a crack, Nadas was directly pressed on the carpet by such momentum. The fiery red carpet was all wet under him.

"If... You can keep a secret, and swear allegiance to us forever... So... Maybe we can spare your life. Of course, don't show any flaws in the future. Otherwise..."

The Duke spoke, the same cold and made people unable to raise their heads.

However, there is a sense of natural sound in Nadas' ears. He immediately kowtowed desperately and swore his eternal loyalty to the two. Only then can I get out of this room, but when I get to the door, my feet are weak!

In the empty living room, the Duke sighed, shook his head and said, "What do you think? This man can escape from such a Warcraft army. Moreover, there is such a wit. You said..."

"Sister, in my opinion, let's watch it for a while! After all, we still don't know much about him. Ha ha... The two of us didn't even ask our names?

"There is no need to ask now, but give him a little more frightened. On the contrary, it can reveal more flaws!"

"Hehe... The problem is that this boy could fall asleep under the circumstances just now. Do you think it's useful? Saying this, Princess Irene couldn't help laughing.

The rare duke even smiled. Irene was stunned. How long has it been? I don't know when I started, and I never saw my sister's smile again. It seems that it already exists in the memory...