My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 14 Magic Flame, the real power of the demon clan

Night, late at night.

The two people who fled for a whole day and night were looking at the iron-backed porcupine on the bonfire. Especially Nadas, the sound of saliva came from his throat. I couldn't help reaching out and tearing off one and retreating: "I'm starving to death. Let's eat first!" At that time, you will have the strength to run again!"

Looking at Nadas's eating appearance, Lin Peng finally couldn't help tearing off the other one and retreating to eat. The combat effectiveness of the iron-ridge porcupine can only be regarded as a junior high-level demon. Therefore, under such two high-level demons, if you don't die, you will really go ghosts.

When biting down, the fragrant smell and leaking oil made Lin Peng gnaw faster.

Lin Peng has been a self-made person since he was a child, so generally speaking, it is not difficult to do something. In particular, when roasting pigs, the herbs added to the pig's belly really make Nadas eat more energetic.

Such a big iron-backed porcupine, at least, has a weight of more than a ton. However, Lin Peng was at least like a normal person, just eating a retreat and a little meat. However, Nadas is simply not normal to open the norm.

Most of them went into his stomach.

After eating, Lin Peng kept his eyes closed. After Nadas finished eating, he stood up and said, "Get ready!"


Nadas was stunned for a moment, and the sword around his waist had been pulled out and lay across his chest.

And at this time, a gloomy voice appeared: "I really didn't expect that Lin Peng's staff officer was not only strong, but also able to have such ability. We didn't make any sound. How on earth did we find us?"

"I remember, it was the same last time!" On the other side, with the sound, Lundy also came out.

Four people guarded in four directions. It seems that all the retreats of the two have been blocked and become an encirclement!

Lin Peng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Fowles. In terms of heat, Lundy's heat is the strongest, which is almost red. And this Falls is the weakest. At the same time, a counselor like him should not be a powerful type.

"Then how did you catch up? With my running method, even if I didn't get rid of you, at least, it can't catch up with us so quickly, right? Lin Peng's voice was a little cold, and he didn't know if he could escape from such a siege.

However, at this time, Nadas was even more warlike and not afraid at all.

"Hehe, I'm not good at fighting. Of course, it will take a lot of effort to track it!" Falls smiled and said faintly. It seems that this kind of thing is a trivial matter.

Of course, the original Fowles is not good at this tracking technique at all. However, since you follow the young master here, you must have something you are good at. He also knows that there may be many people who can beat themselves better than wisdom.

So, I learned this tracking technique from the people of the prime minister's mansion before coming here. Moreover, it is not profound. Now it's just a sway.

Lin Peng frowned slightly, and when his eyes glanced at several people, he stared at Falls again.

"However, to be honest, if you had defected to us, such a thing would not have happened. With your wisdom, you should know that the current dark moon city is really counted. My young master, Jess is the real controller! Including the other two alliances this time, it's just our plan!" Fowles slowed down as much as possible and said with a smile.

And Nadas looked at Lin Peng nervously.

If Lin Peng also surrendered, then... I have to say that today's self may really be dead.

Lin Peng was stunned and immediately smiled. Unexpectedly... Go straight to Falls.

"Sounds like a really good idea. Ha ha... Well, I think it's okay!" While talking, it was less than ten meters away from Falls. At this time, Nadas attacked Lundy directly.

With a sound...

Nadas was cut off by Lundi, who had been on guard for a long time. In terms of power alone, high-level demons are definitely not opponents of big demons. At the same time, it can also be said that under such circumstances, Nadas also hates Lundy, a traitor and spy.

After exerting his half-empty foot, he has stepped on the trunk of a giant tree. The sword patted diagonally and landed steadily.

Make a decision so quickly and attack directly. Even Fowles was stunned, not to mention the other two high-level demons. The direct attack that requires them to make a decision may hesitate.

Lin Peng, after secretly screaming, clenched his fist tightly and punched him while Fowles was stunned. This punch carries Lin Peng's anger and full strength. With the strength of Fowles, not to mention that he can block it when he is distracted. It's really lucky that you can't die.

Nadas, who had been stable, moved his mind and reacted very quickly to kill another high-level demon. The sword in his hand was extremely fast, but in an instant, it reached the high-level demon.

When Lin Peng was about to laugh directly, a crimson light flashed directly. Towards Lin Peng, even Falls covered him together.

Although Lin Peng did not turn around, he already knew the strength of this power. The fist was clenched tightly, but when he was in front of Fowles, he still turned around and flashed to the other side.


The huge explosion directly set off bushes and a lot of soil.

After Lin Peng dodged directly, he circled behind a giant tree, so he was not affected. Instead, Falls was directly bombarded and fell to the ground heavily. He vomited blood in a huge pit.

However, even if it is vomiting blood, it can only be regarded as a serious injury at most, but it has never died. So, although this blow was fine, at least Fowles saved his life.

However, the combat effectiveness is obviously gone.

At this time, although Lundy could save Fowles, he could not save another high-level demon. Go with a knife... The head of the high-level demon was shaken high, and the blood was spilled directly, and Nadas' face was full of spray.

"Hey... Now, we are even!" Lin Peng hung an evil smile at the corners of his mouth. Unexpectedly, in an instant, he immediately leveled the gap between the two sides. At the same time, Nadas has come to Lin Peng, with a horizontal knife on his chest, looking at Lundy coldly.

"Hey... Not necessarily. I'm a big devil now, and... Hey, but the big demon who realized the power of the demon clan. Haha... Can you two beat me?"

Looking at the laughing Lundy, Lin Peng became puzzled. And Nadas held his sword tightly: "In the demon clan, as long as you are promoted to the big demon, there will basically be a big gap. Last time we hurt him, but... The injury recovered so quickly, and the chase was so fast. Don't you think... Is it strange?"

When Lin Peng thought about it, it was true. He immediately nodded and looked at Nadas for an explanation.

Lundy smiled strangely: "To be honest, you appeared for no reason, and then you were loyal to Xiya. But... For me, I really doubt whether you are a member of the demon clan. It can be said that you don't even know some common sense!"

Lin Peng pouted and looked contemptuous. I'm not from the demon clan. Have you ever seen that the people in the demon clan have black hair? And... It's like a place in the demon world, it must be a demon.

Listening to Nadas' explanation, Lin Peng finally knows Lundy's strength.

In the demon world, starting from the low-level demon, only those who really reach the big demon can really advance to the demon king. Generally speaking, there are many middle-level demons and high-level demons. However, the real devil is the beginning of the symbol of strength.

Starting from the big devil, generally, from the intermediate big devil, they begin to understand the unique power of the demon world. Magic Flame!

This is really an innate force of the demon clan. It can be said that it is like the magic of human fighting spirit! However, the magic flame of the demon clan is based on more profound power based on fighting spirit and magic.

Such power can be used as fighting spirit; at the same time, it can also be used as magic. So... As long as there is a magic flame... So... It's time to really start using your strength.

Hearing this, Lin Peng was also speechless. Unexpectedly, this guy realized the power of the magic flame at this elementary demon stage. I have to say... It's really lucky, but I don't know if it's talent.