My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 40 Jess's Revenge

Elvey Shop, the most popular store in Dark Moon City at this time. Looking at the endless stream of guests, Brooke almost smiled and couldn't get his mouth together. This time, this trip of business may be the total amount of my business in the past six months.

Standing next to Lin Peng, who squinted and smiled, Brooke nodded with a faint smile. This time, I really want to worship Lin Peng's blessing. Unexpectedly, after the financial officer and the city affairs officer made such a "financial crisis", the biggest beneficiary was still himself.

Joyce stood beside Lin Peng with his back hunched, and his rough national character face was actually respectful. This leader not only changed the rangers' residence after coming back this time, but also... It seems that the official seal has also been stamped.

As long as it is within the jurisdiction of Dark Moon City, it seems that you can always do things with the best treatment. At the same time, it will not be suppressed by those sheriff city defense teams. It seems that... Life is getting better and better!

"Brook, to be honest, your business talent is really not very good!" Lin Peng looked at the overcrowded shop and shook his head slightly. It seems that those little nobles and some civilians are scrambling to buy something. Although there are a few big men of the city defense team standing at the door, those little nobles are not afraid of them. Therefore, the whole shop is always so chaotic.

Brook was a little stunned and looked at Lin Peng a little puzzled.

At this time, several people stood in the aisle on the second floor and looked at the noisy scene below. Although it was not good-looking, at least the business was very good.

Lin Peng put his hands on his chest and smiled: "The business of the whole Dark Moon City seems to have gone to extremes. Either it's too aristocratic, or... It's just too civilian!"

"Ha ha, I have seen the shops of Chris and the Fulham family. They are more popular with nobles. And you... It's too civilian! If it really passes this period, then... The shops of the Vollon family can definitely catch up with you. At least... Your financial resources are not their opponents, right?"

Looking at Brooke with bright eyes, Lin Peng already had a rough idea in his heart. At least, in that family, Brooke doesn't seem to have more resources to obtain. So... He was assigned to such a place to trade.

Brook was stunned for a moment and smiled bitterly. He nodded slightly to show his acknowledging. If this period of time is over, then the Forens family will have more such shops, and... They also have better aristocratic shops.

The profit is definitely several times more than my own.

Lin Peng squeezed his mouth and nod his head, turned around and continued to say, "If it were me, such a situation would not have happened. Hey hey... Whether it is the human world or the territory of the demon clan, they all talk about a matter of face. Even those little nobles, if they give them enough face, they can even see you as their own father! Humph... We... Yes... In this way... That..."

After whispering a few words in Brooke's ear, Brooke seemed to have received a treasure in an instant. Immediately took out a very thin piece of paper, which is a magic item. Without considerable financial resources, it is really unbearable.

While using a fast goose pen, the reporter kept nodding. Looking at Lin Peng, he looks like a real god.

For a long time, when the two finished whispering, Brooke laughed and said, "I didn't expect that Lord Lin Peng had such a talent for business. Eh... Now I really doubt whether you are those succubus, and only that kind of succubus has such a high IQ. Or are you a son of a depressed royal family?

Lin Peng was stunned and shook his head with a wry smile. Looking at this fat guy who was about to catch up with the pig, he underestimated a curse and said, "Well... Commercially, we are now absolutely sure to beat the Fulun family, but... In terms of strength, we can still cooperate well. Dark Moon City lacks a lot of magic items and some alchemy materials, which... You should know!"

Brook just pondered for a moment and nodded immediately: "I can find all these things for you. If you need any help, I will definitely do it within my ability!"

Looking at Brooke with a serious face, Lin Peng smiled and felt very sure. At least... In the future, when there is really a confrontation of strength, you can at least suppress it again.

Recently, Dark Moon City is very quiet, which seems to be a little strange to the quietness of the Chris family. There is no extra action, and there is no trace of sadness. It seems that Daniel is not their successor at all.

Of course, only Lin Peng knows that the undercurrent of Dark Moon City is becoming more and more intense. It seems that... For the sake of the rising tide. Perhaps, a conflict may cause a *.

On the way back to the palace, Lin Peng also kept bowing his head and thinking. After all, what important things do they have that make them not move at all under such circumstances?

However, when he walked to his lakeside hut, he immediately had a hunch. It seems that things will happen soon.

This 30 to 40-foot-wide lake emits faint water vapor after being illuminated by the red moon. Lin Peng has a cool feeling, and there is a trace of coolness on his black samurai suit.

The house extends like a suspension bridge in the lake, sitting on Angelina. A pair of small and exquisite jade feet stretched into the water and slowly rippled. After seeing Lin Peng come back, Angelina smiled and became a little serious: "Brother... It seems that Sister Xiya has something important for you!"

"Hm?" Lin Peng was slightly stunned, sobered again in Angelina's innocent eyes, and walked towards the council chamber with a wry smile. Looking at Angelina, who is a little lonely, she seems to have some debts.

At least, I don't have more time to spend with her. And... There is nothing better to make her happy.

However, when he walked into the council chamber, his speed turned into a calm image. Inside, Sia, Irene and Nadas sat with an old man with an angry face.

When he saw Lin Peng coming in, Nadas seemed to stand up directly like a savior: "You finally came back. Hey hey, those bastards in Dark Moon City seem to have made another move!"

Lin Peng found a place to sit down directly, and there was already a cup of tea that looked like tea but not like tea. Looking at the familiar three people and the old-fashioned thin old man, Lin Peng nodded slightly.

His eyes narrowed, and the old man's wrinkled face was in his eyes.

"This is the mayor of Kulau Town, which is affiliated to Dark Moon City. This time, it's for rescue!" Xiya asked the question directly, and even Lin Peng was a little cold in her eyes.

Irene snorted coldly and said, "Yesterday, Sheriff Capa suddenly ran to the town of Klau with a group of people, saying that he was going to catch rangers and thieves or something. And... All of a sudden, almost all the officials in the town of Klau were controlled. Only the mayor Rad ran out, as if... Or did they do it on purpose? This... Obviously, it's like our provocation! Humph..."

After humming heavily, Irene stared at Lin Peng, as if she was about to see through him.

The story is actually very simple, that is, Mayor Rad is a member of Sia, and those officials are absolutely controlled by Sia. But... Now they have inserted a foot directly in such a violent way. So... That is to say, it has begun to challenge Sia from this aspect.

Rad looked at Lin Peng doubtfully and didn't understand why the staff officer was such a young man. I don't understand why such a young man gives himself a sense of danger.

Close your eyes and gently move your fingers with your hands together. After the flame shouted, it beat happily on his fingers. This move alone surprised Rad.

At such an age, you know how to control elements. At least, he is also a talented and powerful master.

After a brief calculation, he said, "I want to know the whole situation in Klau Town. Don't even miss whose officials steal their daughter-in-law. The more detailed the better!" The first sentence of opening my eyes directly made Sia and Irene's white jade-like faces crimson.

This guy seems to have gone too far.

Siya thought so, but when she saw Lin Peng's distracted eyes and pure expression, she seemed to really want to know.

Rad was stunned and turned his head to look at Sia and Irene. After seeing the consent of the two leaders, they slowly talked about everything in the town of Klau. Generally speaking, Kulau Town seems to be a dispensable place, but such a place is the most important place in Dark Moon City.

The minerals there are the richest and most stored veins in the whole Dark Empire. It seems that... Many handicrafts, or the processing of iron weapons, come from the mine in Kulau Town, as well as the large mangroves and marshes there.

Therefore, the importance of Kulau Town is absolutely comparable to that crystal mine. After looking at Rad who seemed to have put down his old face and directly talked about those funny stealths and other things, Lin Peng couldn't help laughing.

It seems that Jess thinks so. You took away my crystal mine, so... I will take away your largest mine. Let you... I don't even have the capital to fight with me!

After hearing those interesting things, Lin Peng came up with a good idea. After a faint smile, he got up and said, "I already understand, hehe... Speaking of which, it's a small thing. Isn't it just framed you? Well, I'll go with you tomorrow! How about it?"

In Rad's somewhat surprised eyes, Sia and Irene looked at each other and nodded slightly. It seems that this is the right thing to do.