My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 53 Lower Mawei

Among the Red Devil's territory, the most famous city is the Fire City where the lord now lives. The whole city seems to be built on a volcano. The 30-meter-high wall shines pale red under the red moon. The whole looks like a real active volcano.

The huge gates of nearly ten meters are all made of the rarest mixed metals. The whole look is heavy and has some ancient atmosphere. The magic lamp hanging at the top of the door shines with a faint red light.

From the front, it looks like a wild flame beast lying on the ground, waiting for people to enter his mouth.

As soon as I arrived at the gate, in the dry heat, a tyrannical atmosphere came to my face. However, this atmosphere made Lin Peng a little happy. It seems that the whole body has become extremely relaxed.

Fire City covers an area of tens of thousands of kilometers. It can be said that it is three times the size of Dark Moon City. The whole city has a population of about three million. Those mobile populations are not included. In the dark empire, such a city can be said to be a real big city.

Of course, only a lord like Jerry can truly control this territory.

The Red Devil Territory is also a paradise for fire demons, where there are countless volcanoes. On the other side of the abyss, there are hundreds of volcanoes in the direction of the Red Devil Territory. Among them, at least ten are all active volcanoes.

So, the fire elements here are also particularly strong. After Lin Peng quietly adjusted his breath, he slowly began to relax his body. The fire in the chest seems to automatically inhale the surrounding fire elements.

The body is flowing with heat from time to time. The flame war horse also seemed to like it very much. He stepped lightly and slowly came to the gate.

At this time, a tall and handsome young man stood at the gate, waiting with a group of officials. It seems that Sia is not a very strong duke. But at least, he is also a member of the royal family, and some etiquette is still needed.

The young man looks nearly two meters tall, and his burly figure looks very secure. A handsome face with a smile, and his eyes are extremely beautiful. It seems that every eye has a trace of shine.

Take a step forward and bow slightly to the fire chariot: "Kelly, deputy commander of the Third Army of the Dark Empire, see His Royal Highness the Duke!" With that, the slightly tight military uniform wrinkled and bowed.

Lin Peng squeezed the corners of his mouth, but he didn't expect that this guy was still the deputy commander of a legion. According to the rank system of the Dark Empire, at least, it is also a *. So... At least he is also a master of the demon emperor.

From that burly figure, it can be seen that he is definitely an extremely powerful figure. Moreover, it still has the attribute of fire. After all, almost all the people in the Red Devil's territory are fire-attribute people.

Hia came out of the carriage with such a cold color. Looking at the burly and handsome Kerry in front of him, he hooked the corners of his mouth slightly and said coldly, "Well, lead the way!"

Lin Peng was a little surprised, and Shia didn't give face to this guy. Kerry should be Jerry's eldest son. Jerry has a total of eight sons, but only two of them are promising.

The other six people are just a bunch of losers. Of course, those two promising sons are also first-class talents. It is said that one specializes in warriors. The fighting skills of a fire attribute are extremely strong.

And the other one is the double cultivation of magic and martial arts. It seems to be the level of the Great Devil, and... He was deeply liked by Jerry and passed down.

Shia entered the carriage again and walked into the city with Kerry, who looked a little ugly. When I first entered, there were two small volcanoes like a hillside behind the wall. When you walk thousands of meters, you can see rows of quite neatly planned houses.

As soon as I stepped on the ground, I felt some burning heat from the soles of my feet to my whole body. It seems that the whole body is relaxed. Lin Peng looked at the ground in surprise, and his eyes were slightly glowing.

He didn't expect that the road surface was made of volcanic ore. No wonder there is such a burning sensation. If people with fire attributes fight on this, their attack power will definitely be doubled.

and other attributes should be weakened a lot.

nodded slightly. It seems that if you attack the city, it is basically impossible to attack it without more than three multiples. And... Even if it is attacked, it will suffer heavy losses.

After walking for nearly an hour, I arrived at the city lord's mansion in the center of the city. However... No matter how you look at it, this city lord's mansion seems to be a castle. It is also like a volcano slowly rising directly from the ground.

The volcano is more than 20 meters high, and there is still some red light at the fracture. Fire demons really like flames like fire demons. If you practice in such a place, it is definitely possible to be several times faster.

Kerry smiled and looked at the corners of Lin Peng, who was a little envious, and said, "Well, this should be the staff officer of the Duke of Sia! Ha ha, I didn't expect that you are also a fire attribute. Ha ha, if you like it, you can live directly!"

After saying that, he blinked his eyes.

Lin Peng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Well, I still like Dark Moon City. This city is really big. Moreover, if there are no acquaintances, you will be uneasy!"

"What's the security? We don't want you yet!" Abel jumped directly from the carriage and snorted coldly.

Kerry frowned, glanced at Abel, and continued to smile: "If you are not familiar, you can slowly become familiar. How can you be unfamiliar with such a volcano?

With that, he had begun to walk to the volcano, like a burning flame. Walking from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain is not a matter of whether you are tired or not. It's the problem of whether it's hot or not. Ordinary people can't stand it long ago.

Even a little master of great demon strength like Nadas couldn't help wiping his sweat. Instead, Lin Peng, Shia, Medusa and Angelina seemed to walk like okay people.

The wall of the gate is not very high, about 10 meters at most. However, it is too hot for the city wall outside. The temperature is at least about 40 degrees. If some water demons live here, they can't find any water elements. At most, there is only a little more water vapor.

Through the kilometer-long square and the garden with fire flowers in the middle, finally arrived at the hall.

When you arrive at the hall, you will find that there seems to be some magic array here. It's not very hot or very cold. There is a warm feeling, and there is a feeling of comfort. The hall is very large, as if it were a hall for meetings.

At the top, like a red dragon bench on the throne, sitting a burly, no... It should be said that a fat man is simply not a human. The beard is extremely long, and the hair is all red.

is about 1.8 meters tall, about the same as ordinary people. However, the whole shoulder is twice as wide as ordinary people. Moreover, waist circumference... Er... There seems to be no waist circumference at all. The whole body seems to be so wide.

Hia looked at the people in the seat, and the man in the seat also looked at Shia. For a long time, laughter appeared like thunder. The whole hall seemed to begin to shake, and the officials standing on both sides began to slowly overflow blood from the corners of their mouths.

"Hahaha... Little Shea, I didn't expect to be so beautiful after not seeing you for many years! Hahaha... Well, that's good. If it's okay, you should go to Uncle Jerry's place to play more!" With that, his big hand suddenly patted the faucet of the red dragon seat, and there was an earthquake sound.

The corners of Lin Peng's mouth for a while, Jerry... I didn't expect that the strength of the Demon Emperor level was so strong. So... Demon Lord, where is the demon god?

shook his head, suddenly woke up, and turned to the man on the seat.

"Uncle Jerry, I dare not stay with you. In case it is cooked, who will be responsible for it?" While talking, there was still a trace of coldness. It seems that the whole hall is starting to cool down.

Lin Peng nodded and was just seen by the young man standing at the head of the left column of officials. His eyes narrowed slightly, and the young man asked with interest, "Sister Shia, who is this?" When I saw my father, I didn't kneel down!"

When Sia just wanted to explain, Jerry released an extremely powerful momentum. The civil servants standing in the ranks of those civil servants seemed to not stand it at once, and several direct air holes bled and fell down.

However, Lin Peng still held it hard. The whole body seems to be numb. I couldn't help trembling. Shia was shocked. Just as he wanted to say something, Jerry released a strong momentum again.

overlapped with the last momentum, and even Shia trembled a little. Needless to say, Lin Peng is about to bleed directly from the seven holes. However, there is already a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth.

The body is slightly bent, as if it had been pressed down by the mountains.

His eyes were extremely firm, and he looked at Jerry coldly: "Duke, I'm the staff officer of the Duke of Sia. However... In the demon world, it seems that a subordinate of a duke doesn't have to salute another duke!"

While talking, blood has slowly flowed from the corners of his mouth. A kind of pride from the heart made Lin Peng refuse to kneel. It seems that the fire in the chest is also the same thought. Unexpectedly, it constantly stimulated a stream of heat and flowed all over his body, making Lin Peng more powerful.

The momentum began to thicken, and it seemed that the air in the whole hall began to thicken. It was so difficult to inhale. Shia's eyes became colder and colder, while Medusa's face was still expressionless.

The most powerful one is Angelina. Although he was half bent at this time, he still persisted. Nadas has been lying on the ground for a long time and almost couldn't breathe.

I'm sorry, I came back late today, and the update is poor. Apologize!