My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 75 Alliance

Five days later, Lin Peng came back with several devil-level officers who seemed to be relatively powerful. When Mingde asked the reason for the loss, he didn't expect that Lin Peng also encountered an extremely powerful magic array.

However, according to his description, there is still a big gap between this magic array and Kerry.

Gele looked at this depressed Lin Peng. When he was about to hurt a few words, Lin Peng became excited again: "However, this time, I am much better than Kerry and others. Unexpectedly, the magic array master came from our imperial capital!"

"Imperial Capital?"

Kerry, Mingde and Gree were all shocked. Lin Peng, every time his luck is not ordinary good, but generally strong.

Why does it always seem to have luck in it every time?

"I don't know what else Lin Peng's staff officer knows. For example, the origin of the magic array master, and so on!" This time, Kerry used a better tone.

The situation of changing his face immediately made Lin Peng smile secretly. This scheme came to mind on the way here. However, this time, I will definitely cheat you.

Lin Peng, who hesitated and seemed to dare not say it, immediately made Mingde suspicious. After all, under such circumstances, it is not a good thing for such a powerful magic array master to appear.

is equivalent to the current nuclear weapons, which is a deterrent at any time. It is even more dangerous than the strong man at the level of the Demon Emperor. In case, in that territory, or directly in the imperial capital of that country.

I can't even imagine what will happen.

Mingde patted Lin Peng on the shoulder and smiled, "If you have anything, just say it. This time, we will admit defeat. If you lose, you will lose. After you return to Huoyao City and move to the rescuers this time, maybe it's time to deal with the City of Punishment directly!"

Lin Peng and others, that's the sentence. After laughing, he turned to be serious: "I am a demon who can control the fire, so I can hide underground to find this! But I almost lost my life!"

Gree and others nodded slightly, as if they had known for a long time.

"The magic array master seems to be a dark earth spirit. Skinny and short, looking like a meat pier. Hey, but I can hear Fario's conversation with him clearly!"

At this point, Lin Peng immediately stopped. And Mingde and the three of them almost rushed to pinch their necks. After coughing, Lin Peng seemed to be imitating: "Fario looked very cautious, that's what he said at that time. Kaka, you said at that time that this time to help us was ordered by the emperor. Therefore, we don't need to provide materials. Moreover, in Huoyao City, I believe that the elder also gave you a lot of materials! Do 100,000 people on Kerry's side really need so many materials? You know... this time, we are also taking a lot of risks. If those lords know that there is such a thing as you, they will first attack us!"

Hearing this, Mingde's eyes were extremely murderous. After saying some details, Lin Peng smiled and left directly with that feeling of victory.

After the meeting, the three gathered together.

Mingde stared at Gree and said lightly, "You should be good at this. Do you think Lin Peng's words just now are a little true!"

Kerry raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Gree, after pondering for a moment, turned to say with a smile, "To be honest, I don't believe those details at all. On the contrary, the elders of Huoyao City are very credible! Ha ha... Brother, don't you always feel that your father is unfair to you? Well, I'll tell you now that it's because you and the elders are too close!"

Kelly, who was still smiling, suddenly changed his face.

"The elders, in general, are not the real fire demons. Especially the elder, who is from the dark elves. Although his wife is from our fire demon family, she is still an outsider. There are already many contradictions with our family. If you have such a good relationship with them, it will be of no use for your future. Unless, you have been living in the imperial capital!"

Mingde also smiled strangely and nodded slightly. That's why Jerry has never liked Kerry. No matter how strong you are, no matter what your mind is.

However, your behavior has made Jerry very faceless. I didn't go to talk to him, but hooked up with those foreign personnel.

Kerry is sweating coldly. Then, the scheme originally made with Lin Peng must have done a lot of damage to Gree in Huoyao City now.

In case the elder suddenly takes control of more power and makes Jerry ugly, he will not have more good fruit.

"Hm, that is to say, this matter is very likely?" Mingde looked at Gree, whose shining eyes made Gree feel a little guilty.

After thinking for a while, Gree frowned and said, "This time, let's take Lin Peng back, and then test the elder. At least, even if the punishment city on this side occupies two cities, it won't be long. On the other side of Huoyao City, if it is suddenly suppressed by the elders, then we will really lose for a while!"

Mingde nodded slightly, although he was okay to fight. However, if you really want to engage in these conspiracies, he is really not a very powerful person.

After a little conspiracy, the three of them separated and went back to each room.

Of course, Kerry at this time can be described as a walking dead. Kerry, who had always thought that he had done a good job, now found that he had left such a bad impression in the heart of Jerry, his father.

Ha ha, the people who colluded with the fire demon clan, so are they not qualified to take over the territory?

This is really the reason why Jerry doesn't like himself. Lin Peng looked at Kerry's expression and was really puzzled. When Kerry turned bored and saw Lin Peng, who had been waiting at his door, he wanted to vent his anger.

If it weren't for this guy's idea, maybe there would still be a chance to save it.

But... Now, even Huoyao City doesn't know what will happen. At least, that elder Ska is not an easy person to deal with.

Of course, that's what a resentful person like Kerry really thinks. When Lin Peng looked at that kind of hateful look, he didn't know how many cells died and how many turns he turned in his head.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and smiled directly with a bet, "Kelly*, hey hey, if I expected it to be good. Now, you should understand why Duke Jerry likes Gree!"

Kerry was shocked. After his face changed, he immediately made Lin Peng happy. Unexpectedly, I really guessed it right.

Kerry looked around, then directly pulled Lin Peng into the room and whispered, "So, how many points can I get in my father's heart with the original seamless attention now?"

That kind of coldness really surprised Lin Peng. After frowning and thinking for a while, he shook his head, went straight to the chair and sat down: "Actually, this can better make Duke Jerry have your weight in his heart!"


Kerry's face was angry, as if he could immediately tear Lin Peng apart. Is it a joke? Or is it ironic!

Lin Peng stretched out a finger and shook it: "Ha ha, what do you actually say? You can change your mind and say that you actually know about the elder for a long time, so you have always been an undercover agent. Now, give your father some information you have over the years. What do you think would happen in his heart if the situation was true?

Kerry was stunned and immediately frowned like that: "Do you think Skar is such an easy person to leave a handle? Ha ha, my brother is really a hundred times better than me in terms of conspiracy. Now, I don't know what he plans to do!"

However, Kerry still has another plan in his heart. Anyway, once he arrives in Huoyao City, perhaps Lin Peng will not live long.

Otherwise, take advantage of the current situation to squeeze this guy's head. Speaking of which, Lin Peng's brain flexibility is in his heart, but it can be compared with his own brother.

Just the idea, if it is really used well, maybe it will really improve its status at once. So that at that time, it is the key to competing with Gree, and you can also succeed a few years longer.

"The magic array master this time is the best excuse. Hey, in fact, I still have a lot of things to say to your uncle and brother. This time, of course, I want you to get this benefit. But in case, I mean, just in case! This time, I went to Huoyao City, which was absolutely very dangerous. In case there is really a danger, can you help me once?"

Lin Peng said seriously, as if he had been afraid of something. Of course, in Kerry's heart, there must be a fear of Jerry.

Two times, Lin Peng contradicted Jerry, both of which were directly crushed by Jerry's momentum and almost seriously injured.

And, this time, when he came to the Iron-blood Fort, he was directly away from Abel. Mingde directly put Abel under house arrest, saying that war is a man's business.

Depart from the situation, I just want to make a good impression without offending Mingde. Or, it's just that Jerry can see Mingde's face at that time.

Of course, Kerry is absolutely unexpected. What is Lin Peng thinking about? It can be said that such bold ideas and intrigues are really unprecedented.

Such a bureau is set up there, even if it is himself, it is possible to get involved.

"As long as I can get the same treatment as Gree, I will definitely help you. Moreover, if I really take charge of the Red Devil Territory in the future, I will definitely give you the benefits of Dark Moon City. Hey hey..." With a gloomy smile, Kerry even thought of Shia's peerless face. And the cute little Lori beside Lin Peng and the beautiful snake!

Lin Peng smiled. Of course, he didn't know what he was thinking...