My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 8 Victory Index

The whole area burned flames, but the horn demons and sickle demons seemed to be crazy all of a sudden. Unexpectedly, they were not afraid of the flames that had begun to burn under their feet and rushed towards Lin Peng's dead. In particular, the sickle demon is extremely fast, and he has arrived at the front of Roland in the blink of an eye.

The giant sickle in his hand, like the smile of death, was raised high. At any time, you can wave a tyrannical flame attack.

Rolank sneered and took action in an instant. The whole person disappeared in an instant, and the next time he appeared, he was already beside a sickle demon.

The hand raised the sword and fell, and the huge head rolled down to the ground.

Without a trace of mud and water, he killed one person in an instant and looked at Lin Peng in a blink of an eye. It seems that he is showing off his strength.

Lin Peng still put his hands together. Looking at the eyes Roland had seen, he smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Look, three people will die the next second!"

As soon as the words fell, two sickle demons and a horn demon seemed to have stepped on a mine. With a huge explosion, a huge flame burst from the ground in an instant.

Directly bounced the three demons into the sky, and the exploding flame seemed to have eyes, and unexpectedly caught up with the three demons that had bounced up in an instant.

The sad scream appeared, and the three demons that burned directly disappeared in the air.

Irene and Rock were shocked. Unexpectedly, Lin Peng still had such power. Is it the flame buried in advance, or can it be moved directly?

Ray seemed to have known it for a long time and was not too surprised. Hehe smiled, and his figure slowly disappeared. At this time, he has reached the strength of the great devil.

Lin Peng is quite good for his own people. All the potions that can be sent are sent directly. Now Ray, as long as he can stabilize the power of this big demon, it is very stable to be promoted to the demon king after reaching the peak.

After all, as a family of dark elves, and also a mutant type, their strength and talent are quite good.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately took away the head of a horned devil. Compared with Frank, it is not much different. Frank really used his speed, while Ray used his talent.

The killing speed of the three people is still quite fast. In an instant, it has taken the lives of five people. However, the other party still has at least 50 or 60 big demons and more than 20 demon-level sickle demons.

It can be said that if you fight hard, the winner is still undecided. However, since he has entered Lin Peng's flame field, it is basically Lin Peng's world.

Although, this is not a field. However, it is not much different from those fields. This is the biggest thing he has learned in the abyss.

Even if there is no understanding of the field, it is still agreed that the false field can be issued. Anyway, he seems to be able to control all the flames. Generally speaking, in the area of flames, it is his world.

So, after a sneer, after Roland disappeared again, three more demons were blown up. In an instant, it was swallowed up by flames in the sky.

With such a rhythm, Irene hasn't really used a move, and Lin Peng alone took away six.

And when Frank appeared again, he rushed directly into about five people behind the sickle demon. The black sword in his hand showed a trace of blood in an instant.

The vertical and horizontal sword spirit, coupled with exquisite swordsmanship, unexpectedly took away five people directly within half a minute. Such strength also had to make Lin Peng begin to pay attention to it.


Roland is very strong. Up to now, Ray has been invisible and killing people, and has taken away three big demons' horn demons. Of course, he is just a big demon now.

However, Roland, who entered the encirclement, was more like a wolf rushing into the sheep. That kind of exquisite swordsmanship and several powerful swordsmanship can be said to be the most powerful master Lin Peng has ever seen on the way to kendo.

With a sneer, who killed more than anyone? Lin Peng has a little desire to compete. Here, except for the demon emperor-level master, there is no big demon king.

It seems that the demon emperor-level master can only hold back the black dragon now. Moreover, the scream from time to time made Lin Peng feel more at a loss.

In my eyes, there seemed to be a flame all of a sudden. Coldly, Lin Peng shouted violently: "The ground bursts!" Suddenly, dozens of people behind ran together and exploded with a sky-high flame in an instant.

Like a pillar of fire rising directly from the ground. In an instant, all the demons were annihilated. But this time, it is more than twice as many demons killed by Frank.

The corners of Rolank's mouth were **, and he was a little angry.

Lin Peng is now like a mage. With group attack skills, how can such a mage be compared with himself? However, Lin Peng also seemed to understand what Roland means.

After laughing, some sickle demons in front of him had rushed to him. The sickle demon is born to be a master of using sickle.

Moreover, the white bones grow directly on the arm outside the skin, which looks like a shield. The whole shape is like a war machine.

Lin Peng slowly took out his flame knife, and the red light turned into a burning flame in an instant. In an instant, Lin Peng stepped out heavily.

The whole person, like a flame, rushed to the circle of sickle demons and horn demons rushing ahead. The speed is extremely fast. If you look carefully, you can also meet the flames under Lin Peng's feet.

After entering this circle, the flame knife seemed to burst out in an instant. The huge flame swept out directly, without much fancy, and no extra action.

This sweep alone actually took away four or five demon heads. The place where he was cut suddenly burst into flames, which made the demons' eyes close in an instant.

And at this moment, Lin Peng waved the flame blade again. In an instant, the huge blade of flame, directly raised high and smashed around itself.

It's like a huge axe hitting it directly.

Suddenly, all the demons in the whole circle were shaken away. Lin Peng jumped high again and shouted violently: "The whirlwind flame cut!"

The sound of whining, with the sound of burning air. Suddenly, the blade of the flame rotated directly, and all of a sudden, dozens of demons around him hung up.

Even if Roland erased the demons in the distance, he couldn't help cramping when he saw this scene.

This guy is simply a killing machine. No... it's much more powerful than a killing machine. When those tricks are combined, they actually have such power.

At the same time, I am also thinking about how to resist if I encounter such a trick.

In the sky, the black fog began to disperse. Originally, after being blown up by Heiyan, it was a little thin. However, at this time, it collapsed even more.

In the black fog, the sound of dragons is getting higher and higher. Perhaps, the demon emperor-level master can be eliminated immediately. And on the ground, those sickle demons have almost been solved.

The rest are just some horn demons.

I believe that no matter how many these horn demons there are, they are not opponents of several people. The disparity of strength is too big. Generally speaking, it is basically impossible to hurt several people at once.

So, basically, the overall situation has been decided.

At this time, Xiaolong's high dragon singing, coupled with the direct drift of black fog, suddenly sprinkled blood in the sky. The head of the demon emperor-level master rolled down from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

At the moment when the black fog broke, those horn demons and the remaining sickle demons seemed to have found something. All of a sudden, I woke up.

Seeing the corpses of his fellow race everywhere, they were full of blood. In an instant, they fled around like scattered wolves.

In particular, I was even more frightened to see the black dragon still roaring in the sky.