My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 18 Dark Emperor

After seeing those zombies, Lin Peng raised the corners of his mouth, as if he had encountered countless soul flames. In an instant, with a wave of both hands, the flames began to slowly gather towards themselves like drifting green clouds.

In the face of such a situation, Ray was directly shocked. When did Lin Peng become a undead mage? In his eyesight, only the undead mage can really control these soul fires.

Slowly, the small soul fire gathered into a soul flame of a few meters or so. In an instant, he was absorbed by Lin Peng. This time, Ray entered a state of dementia.

When did Lin Peng become such a powerful undead mage? It seems that I have never heard of it. And with the devouring of the soul flame, those zombies suddenly seem to have lost their value. Suddenly, it turned into a pile of flying ash. It seems that all their power has been drained all of a sudden.

Immediately, Lin Peng looked at Lei with a smile: "Well, this move is awesome! Haha, in the future, I will be absolutely awesome when dealing with the undead mage!"

"Well? Aren't you the means of the undead mage? Ray has a cramp at the corners of his mouth, as if I don't know you.

"Of course not, this is my new research method. Hey, let's go! Today's harvest is good!" Lin Peng's mouth cracked and walked back to the imperial capital with a big smile.

Suddenly, Ray was a little speechless.

How to call yourself out is for such a shabby means. It seems that it is still the magic of the undead mage! Shake his head and follow Lin Peng to run from the new imperial capital...


One thing the emperor has been talking about these days is the evil of the undead mage. It is said that a village was directly slaughtered. Moreover, after turning those villagers into zombies, they even extracted those soul flames for their own use. It can be said that it has been a long time since the necromancer did evil.

And Lin Peng just laughed at the news. There is no need to delve into it at all. It must be that Serabil negotiated with the dark official after he escaped back.

Sitting in the carriage in the palace, Lin Peng was actually a little guilty. After all, it was my first time to enter the palace. Moreover, facing the current Dark Emperor, Karon. Yes, Irene's father.

Even if the carriage entered the palace, there was no obstruction. It was not until the door of an extremely huge palace that it stopped.

Irene smiled and showed her charm: "Dear staff officer, you can go in!" With that, he even owed his body.

Lin Peng smiled awkwardly and got out of the carriage. This palace alone shows the strength of its dark empire. It's just that it seems a little dilapidated. Like the current dark empire, it has become the worst of the three empires.

Even the Shadow Empire is much more powerful than the Dark Empire.

In the palace, the crutches were finally taken to a study-like room by Irene. The top is very high, carved with reliefs.

seems to be depicting a battle scene. Rows of huge bookcases are more than five meters high. And behind the desk, there is a serious man sitting.

From the back, it doesn't look very tall or strong. Unexpectedly, there is the smell of some scholars. Lin Peng was stunned and really didn't expect that the current Dark Emperor would be like this.

However, the inadvertently leaked momentum made Lin Peng a little surprised.

Powerful, absolutely powerful. However, compared with killing demons, it seems to be a little worse. At that time, although the momentum of killing demons was competed, most of them were fought by Medusa at that time.

And now, those momentums leaked at will actually make themselves seem to be facing a real emperor. It is completely different from the murderous momentum of killing demons.

Of course, Lin Peng will not be infected by such momentum and kneel directly to the ground. Even Jerry had been trying to suppress Lin Peng down at that time, but failed. At that time, he was just a demon king.

At this moment, Irene seemed to have felt that Lin Peng was very impatient with such momentum. He took a pleasant step forward and suddenly grabbed the middle-aged man's arm: "Father, Lin Peng is a good friend. Don't treat him like this?"

That kind of coquettish laziness made Lin Peng look happy.

In my heart, I thought about what kind of scene it would be if Shia became like this and pestered her. The middle-aged Karon was dressed in a black emperor's ordinary robe, and his blue eyes made people sink into it like a real pool of secluded water.

Slap Irene's head with a smile, and immediately stared at Lin Peng.

The two really looked at each other like this, and no one wanted anyone to be allowed. A pair of black eyes with deep meaning. A pair of blue cold pools, but a little kind.


After looking at each other for a long time, they finally laughed.

Irene was a little dumbfounded. She looked at Lin Peng and looked back at Caron. Suddenly, she couldn't understand the problems between men.

"That's right, Lin Peng, right! Ha ha, this time, I really want to get rid of you, otherwise, we won't get this dark sword!" After Caron spoke, he found that his voice was very bold. And Lin Peng is a person who likes to be bold. The more bold he is, the more comfortable he is to talk.

"I dare not, hehe, but I came here today mainly for another thing!" After Lin Peng laughed, he became serious!

"Believe, Emperor Karon should also know it! The incident of zombies and undead mages in that valley!" As soon as Lin Peng said it, Caron immediately nodded. Moreover, he frowned and seemed to be very worried.

"Actually, what happened in that valley was completely done by my servant." Lin Peng's words, even Irene, were shocked.

The servant doesn't seem to see any strangers with Lin Peng. It's hard to hide in the dark all the time. Because she didn't participate in the Red Devil Territory, Irene didn't actually know many things. Moreover, even Xi Ya doesn't know Lin Peng's real card.

However, Angelina, everything is very clear.

Caron looked at Lin Peng doubtfully, as if waiting for an explanation. Irene also looked at Lin Peng with a pair of talking eyes, as if to say, when she goes back, she wants you to look good.

Lin Peng didn't care about Irene's talking eyes and said, "Actually, that valley is the stronghold of the Shadow Empire in the Dark Empire. They are from the Brad family. Do you think I should destroy it directly?

In an instant, Caron's eyes turned into a murderous crystal. After nodding his head heavily, he immediately asked, "How many strongholds are there in the Dark Empire?"

It seems that you can directly understand the other meaning of Lin Pengli's words. In this dark empire, there are many news networks of other countries at this time?

Lin Peng smiled and immediately took the location, direction and so on that Guerien and himself talked about yesterday. All the strength and other things inside were muttering to Caron.

Suddenly, I saw that Caron's eyes seemed to be in winter all the time. That cold, so piercing. It seems that there will be a snowstorm at any time.

When Lin Peng walked out of this palace, even the vest was a little soaked. Now, I can feel that the elegant emperor is actually difficult to get along with.

If he hadn't stood on his side, maybe something would have happened, and Lin Peng wouldn't have dared to guess!

"You seem to be very tired!" Erin sat on the other side of the carriage and asked doubtfully. Lin Peng nodded, took a deep breath, and said with a smile, "I asked you to help me find the house. I should have found it!"

Elin immediately began to show off: "This kind of little thing has been done a long time ago. However, why do you find a house to live in if you don't live in the palace? Also, why don't I know so many things?"

Said here, Irene seemed to be very angry. He frowned, as if you didn't say anything. Lin Peng narrowed his eyes and looked at the scenery outside the car: "There are some things, you'd better not know. Ha ha, anyway, I'm friends with you, that's enough. As long as you don't live up to me, of course I won't let you down!"

As soon as this was said, Irene seemed to suddenly think of something, and her face turned red, as if she had encountered something embarrassing. Lin Peng was stunned and felt a little embarrassed when he thought of what he had just said.

He coughed awkwardly: "Well, don't think wrong! Hehe...hehe..."

"Go to hell, you bastard!" Suddenly, Irene, like an angry tiger, suddenly jumped into Lin Peng's arms. Suddenly, a softness fell on Lin Peng's chest.

Both of them were stunned. Lin Peng was a little embarrassed to get up and pushed Irene first. However, because she was too nervous, she pushed it to her chest.

"It feels very good!" Habitually, Lin Peng said such a sentence. Immediately, he still habitually pinched it twice. Of course, they are all in instinctive reactions.

However, at this time, Irene suddenly entered a stupid state. It seems that he leaned softly on Lin Peng's body.

Lin Peng was stunned again. After directly pushing away Irene, he took a deep breath and began to absorb the element of fire and practice.

Irene was angry for a while, and her mouth pouted. After humming, she directly ignored Lin Peng!