My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 24 The Accidental Rolland

For Claddle and Jess, Lin Peng is not empty at all. Even Roland was never afraid. Moreover, with his current strength, they can't shake it.

Hehe smiled, ignoring Cradle's murderous eyes and said to himself, "Why, do you still fight? If you don't fight, I'll really leave!"

Such an arrogant voice almost exploded directly. However, they don't know that many people are paying attention to it in the distance.

In the direction of the city of the sky, an old man looks like a 40-year-old man. However, the hair is really gray. Floating directly in the air, there was a young man standing next to him. If Lin Peng can find it, he can definitely know that it is Sigula.

"Grandpa Van der, what do you think of this guy?" Sigula narrowed her eyes and wanted to see through Lin Peng directly. In terms of strength alone, this Lin Peng is similar to himself.

The old man has a large beard, all of which are white. After a little stroke, he smiled faintly: "I don't know about the refinery, but with the talent and strength of this battle alone, you are not his opponent!"

Sigula was stunned and began to frown. He turned to the old man known as Fande, who seemed to be a little unconvinced. Of course, he is now nearly 30 years old. However, Lin Peng's age alone is better than him. And from the perspective of those previous refining techniques, it is absolutely similar to myself! come your strength is higher than yourself? It's impossible. Even if he is 289, he is still confident in his strength.

Unless those extremely special royal forces may be comparable to themselves, but this guy does not seem to be a big family.

"Don't be unconvinced. If you really fight this boy, you will definitely not be his opponent. Moreover, if he gets serious, he may be able to defeat you within a hundred moves!"

The old man smiled, but Sigula was really shocked. He is very clear about Fande's strength, an absolute top-level demon emperor.

Even if he is a master like Kura, it is absolutely impossible to beat him. Therefore, Sigura absolutely believes that Van der will not lie to himself.

shook his head and suddenly felt that he couldn't understand Lin Peng. At most, in his early twenties, but it seems that this guy has been overwhelmed in terms of refining or strength.

After smiling helplessly, he looked at the field again. At this time, the battle really began.

Obviously, Cradl will never let Lin Peng out of here.

Lin Peng was carrying a huge sword and seemed to be a little impatient. He snorted coldly and cut Jess with a sword despite these demons who began to surround him.

In this, Jess's strength is definitely the most rubbish. A junior demon king also came to ambush me. It's really looking for death! After Lin Peng snorted coldly in his heart, he shouted, "Dead!"

Immediately, a huge flame suddenly burst out on the huge sword. The huge flame, like a small red moon, burst out a strong light.

Jess suddenly closed his eyes and wanted to retreat backwards. However, since Lin Peng roared like this, it can be seen that it is also a matter of death.

So, the fireball on the giant sword suddenly exploded when it was about to meet Jess. The huge flow of fire suddenly flooded Jess's body.

Credder was stunned for a moment and snorted coldly: "Waste!" He raised the long knife and chopped towards Lin Peng. The other two demon king-level masters behind him also followed.

Their magic flame is still very powerful.

After all, he is already a master of the Great Demon King. If it can break through, even in the whole dark empire, it can be delicious.

After all, the Demon Emperor is the most powerful combat power so far. And the devil's words seem to be quite good. Basically, lords or nobles will pay a lot of money to recruit.

Of course, Lin Peng also knew that Cradle might have begun to be fierce at this time. Today, if you still fight like this, this Cradle will not let go of himself even if he doesn't die.

Unlike Jess, even Kura may not value demons like him.

However, Claddle's words may really be valued by the second general. After all, this guy is quite talented.

When the heart moved, the surrounding fire elements seemed to be mobilized in an instant. At the same time, a burning force also rose.

In the distance, Sigura's eyes suddenly lit up: "Flame, I didn't expect that this guy was a fire attribute. No wonder he is the fastest every time he melts materials!"

Even if we do it together, it seems that Lin Peng is the fastest to melt those materials. Therefore, it is quite impossible to say that Sigura does not doubt it.

Fan De nodded slightly. A demon with fire attributes did not expect to learn the refining machine. It can be seen that it should be the time of refining, and I don't know that I am a fire attribute.

However, in fact, fire attributes can better control learning.

nodded slightly, as if he appreciated Lin Peng's appearance.

After that hot breath appeared, countless flames suddenly appeared on the whole road. Slowly, the ground began to burn.

The flame burned the ground, which made Cladle a little stunned. Lin Peng snorted coldly and shouted, "Death!" Immediately, a huge pillar of fire suddenly burst out at the feet of a great demon king.

Son of a sudden, this great demon king-level master was tragically bounced up. Before he could react, he was swallowed up by countless flames.

Sigura in the distance narrowed her eyes even more. He has never seen such a trick. Call out the flames directly from the ground, a move that has never been seen before.

Credder's eyelids suddenly beat, and this guy killed two people directly at this moment. That Jess was lying there, burning his body at this time.

Obviously, there is no breath. And this great demon king is obviously more and less auspicious.

Suddenly, my heart became a little weak. However, when he was about to turn around and escape, Lin Peng shouted again: "Bang me!" Immediately, a huge pillar of fire appeared again. As soon as he rose to the sky, Cradle was also bombarded. Obviously, if you don't die, there will be ghosts.

Those hitman-like servants suddenly began to panic. This guy is definitely a master among the masters. Such a fire pillar that appears directly from under the feet, such a move is definitely a must-kill skill!

Lin Peng smiled and drank a few times directly at a moment of deterrence. Another few demon-level masters were directly swallowed up by the flames.

This time, even Sigura in the distance is a little moved. If you face such a trick by yourself, will there be a winning rate? It seems that there is no one, right?

At this time, I couldn't help sweating coldly.

Those servants still dare to fight against Lin Peng. Therefore, they all ran in the direction of the imperial capital. Run quickly. As long as you run to the master's house, you can at least save your life.

And Lin Peng was stunned and immediately became a little angry. At the same time, the flames on the ground began to slowly disappear. All that is left is a piece of black land.

Follow the place of those servants directly.

"You can see that this magic should also have a range. Ha ha, I really didn't expect that there would be such a way to control the flame!" Even Fande couldn't help being surprised.

And watermelon pull is a nod. After looking at each other, the two flew directly in the direction of the city of the sky.

After Lin Peng chased him for about ten minutes, he was even more annoyed. Because this demon is very smart. Unexpectedly, they escaped directly and chased this, so the other side would never catch up.

However, if you chase the other side, you can't catch up with this side. Suddenly, I was a little stunned. What's the situation? Pigs are so smart these days?

Standing on the street in a dumbfounded way, he shook his head and the corners of his mouth**.

I thought that they should all run to the imperial capital, so after a sneer, they still chased in the direction of the imperial capital. The speed is more than twice as fast as before.

At the foot, a flame appeared directly, driving as fast as two wheels. In an instant, they killed two demons. However, several other demons still did not appear.

With his hands in his arms and his chest, Lin Peng actually stood like this. At this time, what stunned Lin Peng was that the sky suddenly rained. Very depressed and entangled.

Actually, it really won't rain in the demon world. Unless it's some kind of water magician. Moreover, at least it is at the level of the demon emperor. However, it really rained.

It's a little chilly, drop by drop on Lin Peng's face. Suddenly, there was a trace of coolness. At the same time, it also reminded him of the red moon.

According to Angelina who came back, it seemed to be Jerry's shield of the Sun God. I don't know what happened. Instead of hitting Fario andska, he rushed straight to the red moon in the sky.

And, it seems that since then, the red moon has really been like the sun. In this way, there will be real ghosts without rain. In fact, it's better to have rain.

At this time, Lin Peng actually had a kind feeling! It rained slowly, and immediately, Lin Peng's whole body was soaked. In the distance, a tall and slim figure with a long sword slowly came. Lin Peng was stunned. Roland, how could he be here?

"You boy, wait here. Do you know what will happen if they enter the imperial capital from the other side? Fortunately, I made it in time, and now I have dealt with it!"

PS: I just came back from hanging up a drop today, and it's only one chapter!