My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 28 Barr Dies

In such a dark world, time seems to pass very fast. In a blink of an eye, it was already the third day. In the red crystal mine where Lin Peng is located, the stock is still quite large. At the same time, in this deep valley, it is also extremely close to the inner end. So, I didn't find it until now and started digging.

However, it is the same. Such materials are not something that ordinary people can find. Moreover, they have to dig the red crystal mine quickly. After all, they need to find something else. Otherwise, such a material cannot produce excellent weapons.

After digging a lot of red crystal mines at the fastest speed, the three planned to come out. However, as soon as I arrived at the entrance of the cave, I met someone I didn't want to meet.

Bar took nine people and ran to the cave with an excited face.

When I saw Lin Peng and the other three, I was also obviously stunned. The corners of Sigula's mouth cracked and smiled, "Bar, it seems that you don't hope to get the red crystal mine here!"

While talking, the huge sword with black light grabbed it directly in his hand. The bursts of light appeared, reflecting his face and seemed to be darker.

However, Barr doesn't seem to be afraid at all. Instead, he smiled at the nine demons behind him, as if he had encountered something very funny.

"What, young master Sigula, just the three of you want to solve us? Ha ha, that's what you planned last time! It seems that you have a strong antipathy to my grandfather!"

Barr slowly pulled out a soft sword that looked extremely soft from his waist, which looked like a belt. Of course, such a weapon will never exert much strength without corresponding skills!

At least, if Lin Peng is allowed to use this thin sword, he will never exert his real strength!

At this time, Mikene did not move at all, but still held his hand in his chest and looked at it. It seems that he is still smiling when watching a play.

From the perspective of heat, this Maiken is also a powerful master of the great demon king. Of course, without the strength of Sigula and Lin Peng, he is just a high-level demon king.

However, since he is a master of the Shadow Empire, he may be an extremely difficult shadow assassin. Lin Peng has seen the difficult trouble of the shadow assassin. The housekeeper, if he hadn't covered Selbir, could definitely escape.

"Lin Peng, right! Well, but there are many people who want to buy your life! Unexpectedly, you have offended so many people!" While talking, he also licked his lips and seemed to encounter a very interesting thing.

The momentum on both sides suddenly came to the time of life and death. Lin Peng's fireball suspended beside him slowly emitted a scorching light. It is even more airy, making a fluttering sound.

It seems that it will explode at any time.

After Bar shouted and killed violently, the thin sword was like a tricky spiritual snake, stabbing directly under Sigula's armpit. Extremely sharp, and at the same time, it also played the tricky nature of his weapon.

The two demon kings behind Barr also stepped out and seemed to want to directly pester Sigura. The last seven people acted separately.

It's Lin Peng, a little depressed. It turned out to be just a demon king with a big demon to block himself. It seems that he suddenly pinched him as a soft persimmon.

Of course, this makes him very popular, and at the same time, his moves are even more extreme series. In the blink of an eye, a huge flame giant suddenly appeared behind him.

Between the demon king-level master and the big demon, a blow of flames appeared. After a bang, the two died in an instant.

second kill, kill directly without any hesitation.

Not only was Barr stunned, but even Miken almost fell down his chin. Even if he wants to kill those five people, it can't be so fast.

Although the two big demons have been scarred. However, it can be imagined that it should not be far from death.

Bar seemed to find out at once that the situation was extremely unfavorable to them. This cave is extremely spacious. At least, the flame giant behind Lin Peng, with a height of at least ten meters, still did not touch the top.

And the flame giant stared at his eyes and emitted a bright yellow light. At any time, you will catch one to kill in seconds.

At this moment, the remaining eight demons were all panicked, and their uneasy emotions also made their battle more chaotic.

Sigula's huge sword seems to carry a destructive force. The black light, or you can't touch it, will definitely lose a part of your body.

This kind of battle seems to be a little thrilling. Lin Peng frowned slightly. This Barr seems to be an invincible existence among the demon king.

Even if Sigula is stabbed by his thin sword, he will definitely feel uncomfortable for a long time. Because, as long as you are stabbed by the thin sword, it seems that the blood in the blood hole will burst out uncontrollably!

Such a blood talent is really difficult to deal with. If the blood talent of one of their families is like this, it is really difficult to fight against.

No wonder this Sigula wants to kill this guy so much. At least, if it is in a short time, it will never kill this Barr. He took a light body and swordsmanship, with a little attack. If he didn't hurt the other party, he would swim away directly. And Sigura, obviously, is taking the road of hard work.

It seems that the body can also emit that extremely powerful black light. As long as he was swept a little, Lin Peng could not guarantee that he could avoid it or avoid it directly.

Immediately, Lin Peng caught a gap directly. In an instant, the flame giant's heavy fist attacked again. The fist was raised high and smashed like a huge flame hammer.

A demon king-level master died directly in an instant.

This time, Barr directly panicked. After all, if you are caught by this Lin Peng and give yourself this directly, it's okay.

In my heart, I suddenly began to hate Serabil and Sgur. This Lin Peng is much sharper than Sigura. How can you say that as long as the number of people exceeds them, you can always defeat them?

Can such strength be piled up by the number of people alone? If he is just a demon-level master, at least he can hold him back. But now...

Unconsciously, Barr began to think about how to escape.

However, Lin Peng will not do what he wants. His eyes suddenly narrowed, and three scorching rays shot directly. Suddenly, the three big demons also burst their heads and hung up.

And Miken, who had been fighting with these big demons and demon-level masters, was also a little annoyed. Relying on those shadows, he can kill these guys directly at this time.

However, it seems that the head was also taken away by Lin Peng. If this is someone you don't know, you will definitely turn against him. Let's deal with this guy first.

Looking at Mikene's angry look, Lin Peng scratched his head and smiled. At this time, a demon king was directly swept by Sigula's black light.

Moreover, he was quite unlucky and was swept in the head. In an instant, the head seemed to have been moved to some space and disappeared.

And among them, several extremely powerful demons were suddenly demonized. In fact, ordinary demons are really not very good at demonization.

After all, if it is really demonized, it will weaken for a period of time. Moreover, low-level demons are not very strong after demonization.

So, if they can use magic flames, they can only use magic flames at most. And most of the demons, their power lies in demonization.

And a few demons, such as horn demons, demons or other blood demons. It lies in their bloodline, for example, Barr's bloodline is to control the blood.

In an instant, the demonization has become a human, and dinosaurs don't look like dinosaurs. It seems to be like a monster. Lin Peng said goodbye and laughed twice.

Suddenly, the ground began to burn.

Sigura was cold and also a burst of fire. It seems that Lin Peng intends to directly use the trick he saw last time. Before Lin Peng made a move, Sigula's offensive became more fierce. And Maiken also seemed to feel Lin Peng's flames coming from the ground.

After a cold hum, the two also killed all the demons at the fastest speed. The rest is just a bar who is a little stupid.

"Say, who wants to buy my life! It seems, hey hey... Many people want to kill me directly!" Lin Peng put his hands on his chest and sneered.

At this time, Barr also knew that he would definitely die here. He laughed and said, "Since I'm going to die here, why don't we die together?" Hahaha..."

With that, the whole body seemed to be bulging like a balloon, and at the same time, it burst! The whole body melted like a rain of blood. Suddenly, the whole cave was covered with a layer of blood.

Sigura was stunned first and immediately shouted, "No, get out of here quickly!" With that, he pulled his legs and rushed out of the hole!