My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 49 Devour

Although, the light is very weak at the junction of this channel. However, with Lin Peng's flame sword, you can see all the runes clearly.

After carefully staring at the runes, Angelina suddenly stopped Lin Peng, who wanted to shake his head and continue to feel the heat.

"This is the rune of the ancient taboo pool of gathering. If you use talent here at will, you may really lose all your talent power!" Angelina frowned and said in shock.

Of course, this also shocked Lin Peng. Immediately cut off those sensors and looked at the middle channel. There was a speechless drop on the corners of his mouth.

I didn't expect that this night demon was so lucky that he could find such a good place. If all talents are suppressed, then the pure soul power must be maximized!

This time, I really let the night demon escape!

Even Lola and Angelina think so. However, after shaking his head helplessly, Lin Peng suddenly thought of the snake king. It seems that it is also the real state of soul.

If the snake king appears here. So... Does that mean that you can definitely beat the Daredevil? After all, pure power is the body and soul.

And the night demon is a soul body. It seems that the troll's physical strength can't hit him at all. The soul power of the snake king should be able to beat him!

Thinking of this, Lin Peng suddenly felt better! He waved his hand and laughed, "Let's go, let's chase it directly. I don't believe that he can still jump up as a soul body!"

Several people were stunned and looked at Lin Peng strangely. However, since the boss spoke, of course he followed the boss. Immediately, several people walked towards the middle passage.

Although the torch is lit, it is still a little gray. Along the way, there is an extremely strange feeling. It seems to be surrounded by something.

makes people feel uncomfortable, and the runes on the walls emit a faint luster. It seems that what kind of resonance it is causing.

The channels seem to be spiral-shaped. Walking makes people feel like they have fallen into something.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Peng's eyes suddenly opened wide and looked in one direction: "Hey... I didn't expect that the night demon was really bold. How far you didn't escape!"

With that, he ran towards an extremely short passage. The people behind all followed their footsteps and rushed to a place. Several people's speed was extremely fast, and in an instant, they passed through another channel.

In less than a moment, the eyes suddenly lit up, and a hall appeared in front of him. It looks like a banquet hall for a dance party.

The whole hall, counting those wall-like screens, is at least as big as a football field. Moreover, the walls are full of glazed colors.

One by one, runes like tadpoles slowly showed the trembling color. At the center point, the center point of a magic array, there is a faint soul like a shadow standing at this time.

floated faintly, showing a strange smile. It's the extremely powerful night demon!

"Hey, I didn't expect you to really dare to catch up! Hey... Boy, chasing in today is your biggest wrong choice. Today, die here!"

As soon as the voice fell, the virtual shadow suddenly became dark. That kind of black began to spread slowly. He surrounded Lin Peng directly.

Strangely, the darkness, even if it touches those runes, doesn't seem to react at all. Angelina frowned and whispered, "This is the original power of his soul. Even the runes of the pool of gathering can't limit the original power of such a soul!"

Lin Peng still had that expression and nodded slowly. Looking at Lola's somewhat panicked eyes on one side, he smiled slightly. Let the darkness surround itself directly!

"Hahaha... I can feel your pure soul now. Hahaha... I didn't expect to have such a pure soul. It was simply made by the Creator himself! Unbelievable, incredible!" Daredevil muttered softly, as if he were saying a great thing.

Even if it is a troll, it looks at Lin Peng at this time. After frowning slightly, he recovered into that small body and suddenly shook. Suddenly, a red force also appeared.

However, after the appearance of the red power, although the original power has also been absorbed and gradually decreased. However, those runes also began to float.

It seems that it is a real living thing floating. In the whole hall, there is a sound like Sanskrit, but it is also a fairy sound.

With such power, the power of Daredevil has become more powerful. The darkness that originated from the soul spread in an instant and surrounded Lin Peng's whole body.

reveals other people's bodies and seems to have no interest in them at all. The troll suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and looked helplessly at Lin Peng surrounded by darkness.

However, Angelina did not look panic at this time. When Lin Peng decided to come in, she knew that Lin Peng had an absolute way to destroy the night demon.

Otherwise, he would not risk his life to do such a thing.

At least, on the whole, Lin Peng is an extremely cautious person. At the same time, he is also a person who attaches more importance to life.

At this time, Lin Peng appeared in his own space. On the ground, the snake king raised his head excitedly and stared at Lin Peng as if he was going to eat him directly.

"If you let me out, I didn't expect that there would be such an excellent tonic! Haha... This time, if there is such a tonic, my strength will recover quickly!"

However, looking at Lin Peng's eyes, the Snake King was stunned. Of course, he also knew that Lin Peng could not let him out. At the same time, if there is no contract or something like that, it is impossible to let him out.

Even so, the Snake King had to make a choice.

Lin Peng still looked at him like that, as if everything was under control. The Snake King has really gone through a long ideological struggle.

In an instant, the Snake King immediately shouted, "I agree, be your pet immediately!" In an instant, a green light appeared in front of Lin Peng.

It's like Guy Lane showed the soul as a soul contract at that time. After Lin Peng smiled strangely, his body directly absorbed the green flower-like soul fire.

The Snake King also had no choice. It didn't expect that as soon as the soul approached here, the space seemed to have a sense of appetite. It seems that the soul is about to be swallowed up.

If this space is allowed to devour that soul again, maybe I will really be imprisoned in this space for the rest of my life. And after getting along with each other these days, this boy doesn't seem to be that kind of bad guy.

After a slight smile, the hall outside suddenly changed. In the whole darkness, a green light suddenly flashed. Like poison gas, it is slowly swallowing up in the dark.

And the night demon, who had just escaped the disaster, was even more surprised that the soul trembled. Just now, it was an extremely strange force that seemed to lock itself in at once and wanted to eat it directly.

After pushing Lin Peng away a little bit, now there is such a force. The night demon hated it and didn't understand what had happened.

Just as he was about to curse, a huge snake head suddenly appeared from Lin Peng's body.

is also faintly blurred, but he is green. And I don't have any color at all. The fire of the soul suddenly wanted to be extinguished and screamed: "Demon Lord! Demon-level soul!"

As soon as the voice fell, after the snake's head appeared directly, it devoured the night demon. It seems that he licked his huge mouth unsatisfiedly, and then slowly became smaller.

At this time, those dark ones also disappeared without a trace!