My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 64 The Beginning of Internal Chaos

Such extra-large news immediately shocked the power of the dark empire. Almost everyone is talking about the current matter.

It is said that several demon emperor-level masters in the Punishment City want to attack the branch of the Dark Sages Guild. However, it all died there.

Of course, this is a variant after being passed on many times. In fact, only the two forces know the real truth.

Of course, the two forces will never say it. After all, no matter which side it is, it is not very glorious. Especially the Dark Sages Guild, and no one has dared to challenge their majesty for thousands of years. But now such a thing has happened.

How can this not make them very angry? But in the same way, after this incident was a big deal, it was not easy to attack the city of punishment. No matter how powerful the force is, it can only be watched.

After this incident, it seems to be more lively in Moonlight Town. There is even a demon from the heart who wants to lift this veil.

Good people are even more concerned about such things. Anyway, now Moonlight Town is full of real masters. Almost, you can directly fight against a territory.

Looking at the information in his hand, Lin Peng shook his head slightly speechlessly: "It seems that if this matter does not calm down, there will be more people coming for this matter in the future!"

Joyce and Portland, standing in front of Lin Peng, nodded feebly, and the two are now responsible for the intelligence organization of Moonlight Town. However, this industry is really not tiring.

These days, it's really to the extent that they directly destroyed the two.

" boss, can you send some people on the intelligence? If it goes on like this, our two brothers will really die of exhaustion!" Portland couldn't help asking directly.

Compared with others, Portland is bolder. At least, Joyce would never dare to say such words. However, now Portland really dares to say it directly.

Lin Peng rubbed his forehead, and he is also very tired now. No one, although it seems to be well-mand. However, if you really want to manage it like a territory.

It seems that it's really not that easy. He smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly: "Portland, you are the one who followed me earlier. Of course, you should also know my own difficulties! Among other things, I'm seriously short of manpower alone!"

Joyce and Portland also laughed after they looked at each other. Indeed, with the current strength of Lin Peng, although he is extremely strong.

However, it is still not enough to calculate. Moreover, it is not serious enough. At least, his high strength is not as strong as ordinary territory.

If the Dark Sages Guild hadn't come to support the scene, it would have been basically just two or three big fish and kittens. After the two went out, Lin Peng stood up slowly as if he were weak.

Walk towards the piano next to it, which still existed in this manor. Speaking of which, the original residents of this town.

is definitely a group of nobles. It seems that every home is quite well decorated. Moreover, there is alcohol hidden in the cellar of every family.

This alone is absolutely not comparable to ordinary territory. Of course, other territories are not so small. Speaking of which, Lin Peng is actually quite good at playing the piano.

After sitting down, he took a deep breath, and then his fingers bounced gently.

Every note always seems to carry a kind of sadness. Or, with an extremely disturbing voice. As soon as Sia wanted to open the door and come in, she stopped.

slowly opened the door and walked in gently. There was no sound, like, I didn't want to disturb Lin Peng's piano performance.

After sitting quietly on another sofa, he watched Lin Peng play the piano. The two seemed to have a tacit understanding and did not say a word to disturb each other.

After playing a song, Shia sighed helplessly: "You seem to have something on your mind! Why...don't you like the current situation? Or do you want to destroy the Punishment City directly?

Lin Peng played again and said, "Actually, I can't figure out something!" Ha ha... I've been able to do it so far. However, compared with those big forces, there are still a lot fewer things. For example, connections and those more complicated relationships!"

"Fario and Caches, I finally let them enter the real demon emperor level! What's the result? Ha ha, in their hearts, it will never be more important than Arthur!"

Shiya was stunned, but she didn't expect that Lin Peng was thinking about this now. However, that's what it really is.

No matter how much you have paid, what can you do? As a result, as long as you touch other people's interests, you will still be beaten to death.

After all, this is the demon world. In addition to strength, it also depends on comprehensive strength. Unless your strength has reached the level of anti-sky. Even the degree to which gods and demons can be killed directly.

Of course, if it really reaches such a point. What is the ordinary demon emperor level? Shia also shook her head with tears and laughter. To be honest, even in Dark Moon City, this is the case!

"I may be leaving soon!" Shia seemed to be reluctant to say something, with an unseverable plot. Of course, she didn't find it at all.

Lin Peng nodded and stopped playing the piano. He suddenly turned around and slowly walked towards Shia. When facing her, she suddenly hugged Shea.

The whole body seems to want to melt Shia directly into his body.

"It's been so long, almost a year and a half! Ha ha... I don't know, what am I in your heart? After Lin Peng hugged Shia directly, he whispered in her ear. This taste fascinates Shia. It seems that the whole body has softened.

Originally, I still wanted to struggle out and slap this guy. But now that I think about it, forget it. Breathing in Lin Peng's ear, he said, "There are too many things on my back. I don't dare to think about these things at all. Ha ha... In fact, I'm just a stupid woman! Why, why do you help me?"

White jade-like hands slowly stretched out and gently hugged Lin Peng's waist. At this moment, the two seem to have directly become one.

The red moon slowly turned into the sunset and penetrated through the floor-to-ceiling window. The figures of the two were pulled very long. If this picture can be saved for a longer time, it may really be a good memory.

It's just a pity. The door slammed straight open again, as if something extremely important was going to happen.

Don't say Sia, even Lin Peng bounces away like a fishy cat. It was Irene and Angelina who came in. The eyes of both of them seemed to have changed a little.

And Lin Peng and the two suddenly became embarrassed.

Especially Sia, her whole face began to turn red. I don't even know where to put my hands! Lin Peng was still more witty. After smiling calmly, he asked, "Why, is there anything wrong with coming in in such a hurry?"

Irene also reacted and hummed, but she didn't say anything directly.

"It is the news of Punishment City. It seems that the cause of Arthur's disappearance has been found. Unexpectedly, he was imprisoned by Ma Sil. Now, it seems that the people in the city are not right!"

"Oh? How could such a thing happen? So, the last incident was also picked up by Ma Sil? Lin Peng immediately thought of the reason why those demon emperor masters came.

Angelina nodded slightly, said it carefully, and immediately looked at Shia. However, at this time, Shia blushed even more.

is the impulse to escape directly.

"Hey... This Ma Sil has started such a thing now. Maybe it's an opportunity for the City of Punishment! Because of this, there may be civil strife. Well,hea, cut off all the food and so on in the Punishment City immediately! I'd like to see what you want to fight with me!"

Lin Peng said hatefully and began to come up with an idea in his heart. The eyeballs also rotate very fast at this moment