My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 84 The Dark Angel Family

The Dark Angel family, the only royal family in the Dark Empire. It is also one of the most powerful combat forces in the demon world so far. In addition to the bloodline of the flame demon inheritance, perhaps, the inheritance of the dark angel family is really the most powerful.

The first emperor of the legendary Dark Empire eventually became the main god. The existence of eight-winged dark angels! Now, a demon emperor-level master suddenly showed a dark angel with two wings. I have to say that it is quite shocking.

"People from the royal family?" Sia muttered to herself, but she was still not sure. Lin Peng smashed his mouth directly and couldn't stand such pressure.


"Is it Rams?" That's what Lin Peng thinks at this moment.

Ostel was also stunned and seemed to have encountered something impossible. Far away, the dark angel seemed to have been seriously injured, and the feathers on his wings began to slowly feel a little lax.

Immediately, after a burst of black light, it became a little decadent and small, and finally fell down.

"Rams, this fool, did you lift that seal? This fool, this forced release, unless he can break through in an instant, will really end his life!"

Ostel was really angry, pointing to the dark angel and scolding under a crazy idea. However, this makes Lin Peng even more strange.

After all, from the beginning, Punishment City has been defined as the ultimate of the Ranger organization. However, from such a little clue, this ranger organization is really not very unusual.

Looking intently at Ostil, he seemed to have found something ordinary!


Rams slowly waved his wings and landed directly towards the school yard. At this time, it looks as powerful and dark as a real jihadist angel.

Masle has turned into a pile of flying ash, and he can't even find it. Arthur felt a little stunned, as if he was a little stunned from the moment Rams incarnated as a dark angel!

"The city of punishment, the highest combat power in the legend! Even the leader's Yuguang Angel is definitely not an opponent!" Hart muttered, staring at Rams's admiration.

Arthur's wry smile, yes, now the bloodline of the Punishment City is extremely thin. It can be said that even the blood of a blood angel like himself seems to have become more pure.

And Ma Sier, even if he doesn't even have such a bloodline as a blood angel, let alone inheritance!

Although Rams has changed back to the normal human appearance, the wings behind him are still there. Dark black feathers emit a faint dark halo.

The soul-staking power makes the demons behind them tremble slightly. Such a powerful force has been inherited by the dark angel!

When I thought of this, I suddenly became excited. At least, I see the power of the dark angel today. That kind of real high-level power!

"Marsle, this guy is a little tough! Even if you die, will you destroy the city of punishment? It's a pity that I won't do what you want!"

Rams said in a low voice, blinking his eyes and looking towards Arthur. Hart and Lindt looked at each other and all looked at Arthur. As if he had just woken up, Arthur smiled bitterly: "City of Punishment, it's yours! Uncle Rams!"

Even if I am extremely unwilling, there is nothing I can do now. Not to mention other things. After all, my strength is just like this.

A Rams alone may be able to slaughter all the people here!

However, Rams smiled and shook his head. Looking in a direction outside the city, it seems that it can directly penetrate the space.

"I'm not here today for punishment. I just want to be fair. Moreover, I just want to get rid of some unnecessary troubles! Well, now, let's retreat from the City of Punishment! If you want to go to Moonlight Town with me, just follow me!"

Rams shouted loudly at the group of rangers of the small organization behind him. Immediately, the rangers, who seemed to be really excited, waved their weapons one after another.

Really, I want to do a big job.

Arthur looked at these Chinese characters, but originally, they were all a great force in the Punishment City! Now... there is no now! Today, it is a great blessing to let go of the City of Punishment!

Hart and Lint also looked at each other with a wry smile. One by one, it seems to be so helpless. I also understand the importance of strength!

A powerful demon may be able to return to a situation directly. Or, you can directly reverse a situation. I have to say that this is what continues to happen in the demon world.

"The people of your family will always be guardians. Why define yourself as guardians? The current Punishment City doesn't need you to guard at all! Leave! If you want to follow Arthur, just follow him! At least, he is a good master!" The demon emperor who had been protecting Maser seemed to wake up after hearing Rams say this. After taking a deep breath, he took a look at Arthur. Immediately, it floated directly and flew rapidly in one direction. The speed is much faster than the demon emperor-level master!

Rams took a group of people and it was impossible to rush to support Lin Peng. He ordered Serabil to let go of the zombies and take a group of rangers and run directly to the moonlight town.

Of course, the so-called release of those zombies is to let them directly enter the land and continue to "apush" for a long time! Zombies, such a large number of zombies, it's better not to stay around directly.

With Dirk, Rams put away his wings and slowly walked in one direction. At this time, Dirk was extremely quiet and didn't know what he was thinking.

Rams didn't ask much. There are some things that need to be experienced first-hand before you can really understand. Otherwise, you will never be able to understand that kind of in-depth thing in your life.

Just a few steps away, Rams suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of Moonlight Town. In fact, it is not far from the direction of Lin Peng.

And, really, if it's from Luo Linghe, it's a little closer to Moonlight Town. Rams frowned slightly, and immediately patted Dirk's head and said with a smile, "Do you think it's the same group of kids in the Shadow Empire who are being hunted down by Rirac?"

Deck's little head really doesn't seem to turn around. He was slightly stunned for a moment and immediately smiled and said, "It should be! Brother Lin Peng said that it may be the place where the Serabil went. Moreover, from the beginning, it seems that the tasks have been divided! Judging from the current situation, it should be to escape to Lin Peng's side. Thinking of this, Rams smiled again. Just in time, he put them directly and served them directly!

Immediately, he took Dirk directly to hide towards the forest next to him. Suddenly, a stream of light appeared in the sky. First of all, the past is a shadow.

It should be said that after a shadow in the front, the three figures behind are all shadows. Rams raised a beautiful arc at the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Dirk, do you see it!"

After Dirk nod his head a little, he immediately said depressedly, "Uncle, I can't see their real movements. It's like hiding in the fog!"

Dirk is actually a teenager who will face the youth directly. At least, maybe too dependent on Rams. Therefore, in many things, it still seems to be very naive.

Rams touched Dirk's head and smiled: "A bloodline like this is actually the best to crack! Their talent is actually about speed!"

"Speed?" Dirk scratched his head again, which was a little difficult to figure out! The wings on Rams' back suddenly opened. The wings with a dark black halo fluted directly.

All of a sudden, he picked up Dirk and flew to the sky.

"Our dark angel family, in front of any hidden talent, is the existence of a natural enemy!" Rams rushed to the higher sky.

At this time, the red moon seems to have some desire to crawl out!

"Dark Angel family, the dark ability can control some shadow escape talents! Therefore, they can only run away in front of us!"

Rams laughed and immediately chased a few figures in front of him! The speed seems to have directly turned into a meteor.

"Dirk, remember, the speed of our dark angels is definitely superior to that kind of master! Hahaha..." In Rams's arms, Dirk nodded as if he didn't understand.

Looking below, on the already sunny ground, with low laughter...