My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 94 Holy Level?

I have tried to be kneeling, but now such a kneeling ceremony is a little unimaginable to Lin Peng. Those old people who are much older than you all look like extremely crazy eyes, as if they have seen their own gods.

Such a picture also reminded Lin Peng of the Taoist priest he once met in that world. Almost a woman in a village had such an expression when she saw the old Taoist.

With a slight swing of the hand, a strong flame suddenly rose from the ground. He dragged a few people and flew directly. At the same time, he coughed his throat: "This... There's no need to do this. I don't believe it here!"

The old people are all stunned and silent. For a moment, I didn't know what to say. Just like Klinks, he has been taught to kneel down since he was a child when he saw adults coming from the demon world.

Since childhood, he has been particularly edified to worship the power of the demon world. In this way, they have become a subconscious. Even the elderly are like this, not to mention those children!

Clinks was the first to react. He laughed, stood up directly, jumped on Lin Peng's thigh and sat down: "I knew, Lord Yanmo, you are the most approachable! Hahaha..."

But the impulse to scare those old people fainted one after another.

In the human world, it always believes that although those demons are powerful, they are all relatively grumpy people. Generally speaking, he is a moody spokesperson.

Now Lin Peng may say so, but no one knows after the next second. What's more, this humanoid demon. No, it's exactly like a human demon, definitely a high-level demon.

The words and deeds of ordinary believers are definitely in his eyes!

So, those old people at this time are very nervous. But they didn't dare to stop them directly, and their wrinkled foreheads were covered with cold sweat like waterfalls.

Lin Peng smiled faintly and patted Clinks on the head: "Kid, you haven't told me yet. How can you go to the demon world? I can't stay here all the time, can I?"

Lin Peng thought that after finding the seven-color flower, he must find a way to return to the demon world. This is the human world, although I am also a human.

But those who care, those demons they are familiar with, are not here. What's more, in case you know that you are from the demon world, even if it is not a demon, a group of masters surround and attack it.

Then I... really, I don't know if I can go back alive!

Those old people can't seem to believe staring at Lin Peng. Immediately, they both laughed at each other. The devil... doesn't seem to be that terrible.

And, if you are their followers, how can you be afraid of them? One by one, they all seem to be relaxed.

Legend has it that demons can bring strong strength and then lead all believers to become the masters of the world. Okin knew that this demon was at least not the kind of tyrannical demon in the rumor.

"Lord Yanmo, is it mainly because you came this time?" Okin hesitated for a moment and asked. The old people behind him also stared at Lin Peng one by one.

If it's because you can't go back, then why come to this village?

Is it possible that you still want to live here directly?

Lin Peng smiled and said, "Well, it's mainly because I want to find seven-color flowers. I put a hidden weapon in the demon world, a sinister guy. As a result, I won the bid, and I was poisoned! So, I have to find the antidote to this poison!"

The old people looked at each other one by one, and until now, they knew that demons would also be poisoned. What's more, it will be threatened by life.

I don't know how long it has been since I met the devil.

At least, when they practiced the power of darkness, even now, they have never seen a demon. Moreover, even if sometimes, if the devil is really attracted, I hear that it has been purified by the church!

"I've heard of seven-color flowers. However, this kind of flower seems to be monopolized by the church! In the Yanlong Mountains north of Ville, it seems that you have heard of this kind of flower. Moreover, it is a species that has not been transplanted by the church. I just don't know when it will bloom!"

Okin just thought for a moment and immediately answered! Lin Peng didn't expect it. He just asked casually. There are really seven-color flowers around here!

After all, from the beginning, he really didn't plan to find out the whereabouts of the seven-colored flowers in this village. With a happy face, Lin Peng asked excitedly, "Where are you? Take me there quickly!"

The old people laughed one after another. Sometimes, this devil really looks like a child. Ogin smiled faintly and pointed to Klinx and said, "Tomorrow, let Klinx take you to the city of Vale!" It seems that there have been a lot of rangers and mercenaries in Vier City recently. Maybe, it's the Yanlong Mountains. What's the matter?"

In the Caesar Empire, the Yanlong Mountains can be said to be a real adventure paradise. The warcraft inside, as well as the very unique herbs and medicinal materials, can be said to be all available.

Even the undead creatures during the demon war period exist! It can be said that the Yanlong Mountains are a guarantee for the economy of Vil City!

With it nearby, the city of Vil can guarantee that kind of population mobility. What's more, it can guarantee a certain economic improvement.

Even on several occasions, the mayor of Vil personally released the news that something had happened in the mountains. In this way, those masters and some alchemists can really drive the economy of Vil.

Lin Peng nodded slightly, and immediately, Klinx took him to his room and rested. Speaking of which, Klinx is really the poorest guy in this village.

At least, there are other people's grandparents. However, Klinx really doesn't even have grandparents. Almost, if it's not for those relief, you may have starved to death!

A very simple cabin, some furniture, even about to fall down. Lin Peng touched Clinks' head with some pity and smiled, "You are really much stronger than when I was a child!"

Klinks was stunned, and of course he understood what Lin Peng was talking about. Indeed, it is really difficult for a person to survive.

However, I really survived. And today, what happened, even in his life, will be clearly remembered by Klinx.

"Ha ha, I'm used to it! By the way, Lord Yanmo, what does the demon world look like! It seems that I always hear from adults that the environment in the demon world is very bad! It seems... like that kind of dark day!"

Klinx frowned and asked carefully. In front of his eyes, it seemed that the scene of the demon world really appeared.

Lin Peng smiled faintly. If it was before, the demon world seemed to be really like that. After all, from the beginning when he appeared in the abyss, Lin Peng judged by this point, not the original world.

Now that I think about it, I nodded and immediately shook my head!

"Hm, it can be said that the previous demon world may be what you said. But now. Well... how to say it? Although it is not as bright as your world. At least, it's not that kind of dark! Ha ha... The strength of the demon world is much stronger than that of you here! Unexpectedly, a knight is just the strength of a high-level demon!"

Lin Peng shook his head with a bitter smile, as if he couldn't figure it out. However, when you come to this world, it seems that in addition to that kind of flame or light element, other elements seem to have been weakened!

In this way, it should be much more difficult to practice. Perhaps this is one of the reasons! Klinks nodded and admitted that the human world was much worse than the demon world!

It seems that every time, it is because of the help of angels to defeat the demons. Moreover, the angels in heaven are also greatly damaged.

The power of the two clans can truly repel the demon clan. It can be seen that they are powerful. After all, a demon soldier from the demon clan has the power of that kind of silver knight!

The knights are divided into five levels: black iron, bronze, silver, gold and purple gold! And on the go up, it seems that you can be awarded the title of a master or a higher holy level.

Of course, such a master is still quite rare! However, such a master, in the hands of the real devils, still seems to be killed in the same way.

"Lord Yanmo, can you defeat the purple-gold master now?" Klinks asked excitedly, and he still worshipped strength!

Of course, Lin Peng doesn't know the grading system of the human world. After asking casually, he said with a smile, "Well, it's equivalent to your holy level!"

In a word, it made Klinx's eyes shine, and even with a divine light of worship.