My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 168 Divine Bone

"It seems that this... can only use the power of that person!" Phoenix was helpless. After shaking his head, he looked at the man behind Lin Peng. It seems so sad!

In such a place, unless the power of the body of the shining god is really used. Otherwise, it's really difficult to walk! Even if I get there, my brother may die!

"I'll explain first that I'm just trying to find the truth!" Phoenix said coldly with an unquestionable tone. He threw a look of guilt at the body of the glorious god.

This time, even if you are stupid, you can know. The guy standing behind Lin Peng is definitely a fighter among the masters. Is it possible that he is the real master of causing the light pillar to disappear?

"Who is he? How can there be such a powerful power?" The lion couldn't help asking directly and cast a doubtful look at the Phoenix.

Everyone looked at Xi Ya Linpeng and Phoenix. Almost, I want to find out the real answer! Behind Lin Peng, the man still stood like that.

Lin Peng pointed to the back and said, "If you ask him, I don't know who this guy is!" Where did it come from?" When I finished this sentence, I was still laughing straight in my heart!

The body of the shining god, and in such a shining city, it is obviously quite useful! Moreover, he can even act by himself!

With such a bodyguard, Lin Peng is really full of courage now.

After directly splitting out a split, Shia's mouth suddenly became an O-shaped: "You... your bodyguard... is eating your split!"

Lin Peng's split is directly behind him. And the body of this glorious god seems to be behind him. After the two phases were superimposed, the body of the shining god directly sucked away this split!

That's good, it's really absorbed directly!

As soon as the split appeared, it directly turned into a flame. Immediately, he rushed up to the body of the shining god! The whole body of the shining god began to burn with flames!

Phoenix narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the other side: "Don't discuss this unnecessary thing. You'd better think about it and rush over directly. Let's wait!"

Everyone looked at the other end of the street. Obviously, they still chose to rush directly to the lake. Now, it's really time to be in a hurry!

Lin Peng directly made the body of this glorious god with flames spread a pair of wings and flew directly to the other end of the street.

Lin Peng shook his hand and pointed to the front: "Haha...aren't you keep up?"


It can be clearly seen from the edge of the palace that the whole other side seems to have been sunk directly. Moreover, the crack that appears is just like a real blade!

In the lake, the water surface is not very clear.

It looks a little golden, and... from afar, it's really endless. It's too big. I really don't know if such a big lake is a real lake!

"Are we... going straight in like this?" Jinlong gently touched the water on the lake and turned his head to look at the phoenix. If the bodyguard behind Lin Peng didn't seem to be immune to all the magic arrays here, they would really be unlikely to run over!

At least, on the other side now, it seems that bursts of explosions can be clearly heard. Maybe it's a group of people led by the birds of paradise!

I heard that the other side of the glorious god was buried in the lake. However, there are many gods among them! For example, real gods such as gods of nature.

Lin Peng turned his head and looked at the bodyguard behind him. After frowning slightly, he immediately took a few steps forward. Gently lifted the water from the palm of his hand!

The reality smelled it, and immediately put out its tongue and said gently: "No, this water is a little strange! Why...a little salty?"

This water is really a little salty. On the contrary, it's like seawater rather than lake water! Phoenix's head also went down and touched the lake a little.

Immediately, he looked up at Lin Peng: "The water is salty. Is there a problem?" Lin Peng almost fell directly into the lake. Can't this prove any problem?

And a group of people next to him all looked at Lin Peng with a blank face. I don't understand what's going on!" It's terrible to be uneducated!" After muttering gently, Lin Peng didn't bother to say anything.

"Small fire, go!" The body of the glorious god has also been directly named by Lin Peng. After pointing to the lake, the flames all over the fire burned again!

Directly, after turning into a pair of wings on his back, he flew high. Lin Peng, of course, will catch up immediately! After gently rotating on the lake, the two turned their heads and looked at the Phoenix!

"Really, do you want to go down?" Lin Peng pointed to the lake under him. The more he looked at it, the more he felt wrong. It seems that the water here is not natural at all!

And it is created by some kind of magic. However, he asked the Snake King, but he couldn't come to any conclusions. However, the Snake King also seems to be a little doubtful.

Is this kind of water using water magic or other magic? It is said that among all kinds of magic, it seems that the water system can be created!

Even if it is a shining god, such a fire system is the supreme god. There is also magic that can create water systems, and I heard that it is very powerful!

Phoenix also flew directly. Looking left and right, it was a lake. Moreover, there is also a faint golden light. He gritted his teeth and said, "Let the little fire have a try first!" How about it?"

Lin Peng shrugged his shoulder and pointed to the lake. Suddenly, the small fire rushed in directly. It also turned over, a huge spray!

However, just a minute after drilling down, the whole lake seemed to begin to boil. Bubbles rolled directly towards the lake!

"Well...what's going on?" Lin Peng was stunned. When he wanted to get in touch with Xiaohuo, he seemed to have lost contact. Shocked, he turned his head and looked at Phoenix!

"How do I know?" Phoenix was also shocked, if the body of the glorious god was directly damaged! Then don't say anything like resurrection!

"I'll go down and have a look first. I have space magic to avoid. You guys, wait here for a while!" After Lin Peng finished speaking quickly, he plunged into the lake.

No matter how anxious the people on the shore are, Lin Peng, who has just entered the lake, immediately wanted to moan comfortably. Countless warm heat streams penetrated directly into their bodies.

And... Every time I got in, it seemed that my whole body became extremely powerful! The snake king also appeared directly in the lake at this moment.

As soon as he came out, he didn't say anything, so he directly pulled Lin Peng and drilled down to the bottom of the lake! The speed was extremely fast, and in an instant, I saw something like a crystal mask.

"I guessed right. That body is definitely not the body of the glorious god. Hey... He is just a split of the glorious god! And... it's still the remaining split after the final loss!"

The voice of the Snake King came directly into Lin Peng's mind. At this time, the so-called shining god's split gradually emerged from the water.

Inside the hood, it is swimming towards a shining thing. Lin Peng took a look at the Snake King and said, "What should I do? Shall we follow in?"

After staring at the light mask for a while, the snake king directly entangled Lin Peng and swam straight down. When he was about to touch the mask, the voice of the snake king shouted in Lin Peng's head, "Use the method of absorbing flames, now!"

Lin Peng also reacted very quickly and quickly absorbed all the heat directly into his body. At this time, the light mask seemed to suddenly turn into the power of flames.

Unexpectedly, he penetrated directly into Lin Peng's body. And below, the split finally got that shiny thing! So, I swam towards Lin Peng's position!

Once the cover disappeared, the body of the glorious god unexpectedly became connected with Lin Peng again. And at this time, he was holding something like a javelin in his hand. It emits a faint golden light. Every time it shines, it has an extremely strong warm power!

"Hey... boy, you're lucky this time! Unexpectedly, I could get an artifact! This is definitely the weapon used by this split, hey... With this thing, he will really be strong! Now, at least silver-level soldiers can't defeat it!"

The snake king cracked the corners of his mouth and said enviously.

Lin Peng was also overjoyed, but when the split swam in front of him. The corners of Lin Peng's mouth hooked up again! Because at this time, the other hand of the split actually carried a hand bone.

A piece, which looks like an extremely white hand bone. It's just like real white jade. In this water, it is even more crystal clear!

"God bone?" The Snake King was stunned and immediately became even more happy. Looking at Lin Peng, the envy in his eyes was hard to hide!


God bone, as the name implies, is definitely the skeleton of God. Moreover, the divine bone that can be under the artifact of the shining god is definitely a strong god. Thinking of this, the Snake King was jealous again. Yes, it's really jealousy. Why is this guy so lucky?

"What is the divine bone? Is it the bone of God!" Lin Peng's heart panicked, and unexpectedly, he threw away this white jade-like hand bone directly!