My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 15 Scared

As the leader of the dark secret guard, he is also a god-level master. You may also know Li De's real strength. For the strength of the nine-tailed fox, just look at the ability that seems to be a field but not a field, you will know! Obviously, if you fight hard with these two guys, you will die!

So, he stared directly at Lin Peng. As long as you can catch this guy, maybe you can really let yourself go!

At the thought of this, the dark secret guard was also fierce at the same time.

The dark magic of the whole body was almost suddenly raised to the commanding height. The force like a strong wind blew a dark whirlwind.

In this way, he began to rotate directly around his body. Before Li De and the nine-tailed fox attacked, the leader of the dark secret guard attacked first.

A pre-emptive, dark force formed like a dark curtain covering the sky, directly covering the whole world. Suddenly in the darkness, Li De had such a battle experience. So, nothing strange has been done. And the nine-tailed fox is still standing quietly like an ordinary person.

Li De snorted coldly and rolled his hands repeatedly. The two crescent moons flew out again. The whole person also disappeared, when the leader of the dark secret guard flew towards the nine-tailed fox.

Attempt to divert attention. Li De suddenly appeared, with a flame-like fist, and hit it directly on the head of the dark secret guard.

The Dark Sword exerted its strength and stabbed upside down in an attempt to avoid this punch. At this time, the two moons also appeared at the same time. Directly, after the dark sword.

Suddenly, a punch has hit the face of the dark secret guard. Suddenly, there was a bang below, and there was a burst of smoke and heat wave.

towards four sides, slowly rising after dispersing. It also covered the body of the dark secret guard leader. At all, I can't see the exact situation inside!

Lin Peng frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly muttered: "It turns out that this is a god-level battle. Accurate calculation can include every step and move of yourself. By the way, that's how the snake king and the fire crow seemed to fight at that time!"

When I was thinking about this, I suddenly became alert. After a burst of cold sweat appeared on his back for no reason. Lin Peng stepped hard and flashed to one side.

Originally, it was a standing position, but a dark light suddenly appeared. Immediately, a figure burst out. Yes, it's the dark secret guard leader with blood on the corners of his mouth.

After not catching it, I was still a little surprised by Lin Peng's reaction ability. What's more, it's strange why you can avoid this blow.

You should know that you are a god. And this boy is at most a bronze warrior! Of course, the leader of the Dark Secret Guard absolutely can't figure out Lin Peng's speed.

has a natural perception of danger. Originally, there was a flame in his chest. It can always give Lin Peng that natural sense of danger.

Now, although the flame is gone. However, that kind of warning body is still quite useful. Moreover, now Lin Peng does not rely on a sense of heat to perceive the enemy.

Instead, it really relies on the sensing of space to predict the appearance of the enemy.

It can be imagined that it is normal for the current dark secret guard leader to suddenly miss Lin Peng! However, it was a little annoying and funny for the dark secret guard leader.

The boy actually took out a one-meter spear in an attempt to hurt himself. There was a faint flame on the spear.

Take a closer look, there is really a little momentum!

In order to avoid being caught by Li De and the nine-tailed fox immediately, after thinking about it at this moment. Regardless of the spear in Lin Peng's hand, his right hand suddenly turned into a huge dark black palm.

Lin Peng smiled strangely and suddenly thought to himself: This guy is really arrogant and looking for death. I'm a master of artifacts!

Although, it is not a master in your eyes. However, this artifact alone is enough for you to drink a pot! At that time, you eavesdropped beside him, but you didn't really listen completely.

The spear stabbed extremely quickly when it was about to touch the dark hand halfway. Suddenly turned into a golden dragon-like light, and suddenly shot through the whole palm!

Even if he shot through the whole palm of his hand, the dark secret guard leader still couldn't believe it. That's it, stunned there!

The nine-tailed fox appeared in time, and after his eyes were cold, the white arm stretched out slightly. He pushed it on the shoulder of the dark secret guard leader.

Suddenly, another beam of light appeared. Directly, he passed through the shoulder of the leader of the dark secret guard. At the same time, it seems that there are still some flames burning.


After a scream, the leader of the dark secret guard retreated repeatedly. The footsteps are a little floating, and even more extreme can't figure it out. And Li De also happened to arrive at this time!

A high jump, the hand rises and the knife falls. The speed was extremely fast, and in an instant, he cut off one hand of the dark secret guard leader and looked at his foot with a knife.

With a bang, the dark secret guard leader directly spit out a mouthful of blood. He fell to the ground and looked at Lin Peng tightly.

It has been fighting for so long, but in reality it is less than a few minutes. Moreover, in the field that wraps the world in this way, it is divine strength. If you don't reach the divine level, unless you seem to be immune to all pressure and fields like Lin Peng.

Originally, the dark secret guard leader was not as powerful as Li De and the nine-tailed fox. He was directly injured by Lin Peng's artifact with soul flame. It is normal to lose at such a fast speed!

"Is this... artifact?" The dark secret guard leader looked surprised and looked at the spear that was still tightly held in Lin Peng's hand, which was about one meter long.

Lin Peng walked slowly towards the leader of the dark secret guard and stopped as soon as he was halfway. He is now also afraid of this guy to fight for the last blow.

After standing still, he squatted down a little and smiled: "To be honest, I still admire you. Unexpectedly, I didn't plan to really fight this battle from the beginning. Ha ha... If it hadn't fallen into my hands, you might have won. However, it's a pity that you still don't know much about me! So..."

Lin Peng stood up and shook his head. A pair, it's not worth it for you. At this time, the devil mask of the dark secret guard also broke open.

A real devil-like face was revealed.

Suddenly, he began to laugh: "Lin Peng, don't be proud of you. Today, although I fell here! However, you will never know the power of the demon world. After all... so many masters are still unknown! Besides, do you really plan to fight with Kula like this?"

Li De frowned when he was about to speak. Lin Peng stopped and sneered, "You really think we don't know what Caron did. Now, I'm a little worried about Karon! I don't know how powerful that organization is. However, it should not be Caron's group. Well, Karon and Kula really thought they could hide it from the world! To be honest, I'm not worth it for you."

The dark secret guard leader seemed to be unable to react at once. A pair of eyes are red! He smiled coldly and shouted angrily, "Then, let's die together!"

Suddenly, the whole body began to expand. It looks like a balloon that is about to explode after being blown up.

Lin Peng immediately hid behind the nine-tailed fox, but Li De walked slowly towards the leader of the dark secret guard. After a faint smile, he gently patted his hand on the forehead of the leader of the dark secret guard.

Just patted it so gently, suddenly. The whole body, like a ball that was about to explode, shrank as if it was discouraged.

In the dark secret guard leader, his mouth is wide open but he can't speak. Li De sneered and said, "I know more about Kura's strength. However, I don't know much about Caron. If Lin Peng doesn't say it today, I really don't know. Well... As for the people of that organization, although it should have nothing to do with you. However, we should have cooperated! Ha ha... Now that I think about it, except for the Moon Demon World, everything here is controlled by you!"

With a slight frown, Li De suddenly stepped on the chest of the dark guard leader. After the clicked voice, Li De said again, "Although I am not as good as that organization. It is not comparable to the strength of Kura and Karon. However, really counting, plus Lin Peng's side, we can try to fight once!"

After saying that, his eyes suddenly opened.

A green flame popped from the chest of the dark secret guard leader, when it burned. Suddenly, the whole body also disappeared.

Inexpectedly, there is no dust directly burned!

Li De turned around and looked at Lin Peng and smiled, "I underestimated you. How did you know the relationship between Karon and Kura?"

Lin Peng smiled and said, "Actually, I'm just scaring him. The little snake and I are just a little suspicious of Caron. However, my acting skills are good! He really thought it was true!"

Li De squeezed the corners of his mouth and became a little speechless...