My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 18 Blue Devil

No one knows what the Sun Shield looks like. What's more, no one knows the power of the Sun Shield?

However, the god who really knows things knows whether it is the devil or not. Those who really know the power of this sacred weapon are dead. What's more, relying on these legendary sacred artifacts, the Sun God King killed countless gods and demons in one fell swoop.

Real, invincible and in this world.

So, the unknown power moves everyone. Li De took a deep breath and felt that the matter was a little big. He said, "The shield of the Sun God King was born, which shows that the blood of the Sun God King is about to recover. Moreover, it is very likely to become a new generation of sun god king!"

"The last war between gods and demons was born because of the sudden discovery of the spear of the Sun God King. Therefore, later, the god of glory and the master of real inheritance of power appeared! However, it is a pity that he is said to be just an apprentice of the Sun God King. I'm not sure about the specifics!"

Li De shook his head helplessly, as if he was not very clear about these things. The nine-tailed fox suddenly threw away the meat in his hand and stood up and said, "I know very well, that woman told me. That is just one of the splits of the Sun God King. After suddenly awakening his power directly, he wanted to find those sacred weapons to resurrect the Sun God King. As a result... was besieged!"

Ah? Why was it suddenly besieged! Well, the glorious god is just a split of the sun god king!" Lin Peng was stunned, and then he could react!

It seems that the small fire at that time was really a split! So... Is the spear of the little fire also a holy weapon? Instead, what about the artifact?

Immediately, after turning his hand, the short spear also appeared in Lin Peng's palm. He raised his hand and asked depressedly, "Is this thing also a holy weapon?"

The corners of my mouth twitched slightly, and I really couldn't believe it! Really, it seems to be speechless. Anyway, although I have tried.

However, at most, let's deal with those ordinary lower gods! Is this thing really that powerful?

Li De suddenly laughed and said, "Your spear can only be regarded as part of the holy weapon. It can't be regarded as a whole sacred artifact. Don't you realize that it's only half of it?

After reading it carefully, Lin Peng really found that it seemed to be only half. No, it should be said that only one-third is average. The tip of the spear is okay. From the bottom of the spear, there seems to be something missing.

There is a feeling of connection on the base. Moreover, those lines also seem to be directly broken! Lin Peng nodded his head and said, "Let's go to Dark Moon City first. Then...go to the Red Devil Territory!"

"Why?" The nine-tailed fox asked stupidly. Lin Peng sighed again, as if he would always remember those foods when talking to her.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Artifact, the real dark sword, is in the Dark Moon City. Maybe Sia has come to get it! So, we have to get there!"

"That is to say, we have to take the Dark Moon City as our stronghold first!" Li De said with a dark sword that seemed to be an artifact in his hand and said with a smile.

After meditating for a moment, Lin Peng nodded and flew straight up. Move forward quickly in the direction of Dark Moon City!


In the burning city of the Red Devil's territory, in the lord's mansion. A few demons in a quiet and strange study began to talk about something.

Kerry, Gree and Jerry's three father and son, one by one, have gloomy faces. Under the dark candlelight, it looks a little dark. Jerry coughed a little and suddenly seemed to come up with a good idea.

said, "Immediately, really spread the news. Hey, it's best to let Corant know! I would like to see that Lin Peng's group really fights with those masters. Who is more powerful!"

Gree at this time is full of jealousy. His face was even more twisted. He snorted coldly and asked, "Father, I don't understand the originally calm demon world. Why did so many masters suddenly emerge? Even Lin Peng is already a demon-level master! This is too fast!"

Compaed with normal demons, even those so-called geniuses. Lin Peng's growth rate is indeed too fast. What's more, it's powerful and a little distracting!

After all, a character that anyone could kill two years ago. Suddenly, you have to look up. This feeling will never be good!

Whether it's Kerry or Gree, there is only anger. Because they thought of Lin Peng's medicine. What's more, I think that the current situation of being suppressed is all caused by Lin Peng.

As a master of the Flame Demon clan. Unexpectedly, it was really compared with the inheritor of the fire demon. Even if this kind of thing really happens, they can't stand it!

"What should I do now? Are we really not going to participate?" Kerry asked unwillingly. On his own territory, a holy weapon appeared.

Moreover, it is the holy weapon of the Sun God King. Something with a strong ** degree can only be looked at like this. But you have to give it to others!

I have to say that several people are all eager to grab it. However, in the face of those powerful and extremely powerful masters. Demon emperor-level masters, in such an environment, are just bullshit!

What else can you say that can be done?

Jerry suddenly began to laugh. He gently put his hand on the candlelight and let the flame barbecue his palm. With some intoxication, he said, "Of course not. I will send this news back to the clan!" Pray that those real elders will come out! And we just need to sit and collect the sacred weapon like this! Haha... You said, this is a good note!"

"Yes, it's good!"

A sudden voice said with a cold look. Suddenly, Jerry and his son stood up directly. Be vigilant everywhere!

Because, although this sound appeared. However, there is no movement at all. Basically, I don't know where it is.

"Therefore, a fireman is a fireman, and it is never possible to become a fire demon. What's more, it is impossible to become the inheritor of V of God. I don't want to see that the current organization may send gods here! And you fire demon family have only inherited the power of the fire demon until now. Otherwise, it would have been exterminated long ago! Ha ha... Speaking of which... You haven't been back to the ethnic group for a long time!"

With the sound falling, the figure also appeared. In the original big study, a guy riding a bone horse suddenly appeared. The four-meter-high bone horse has a faint blue flame.

It's slowly burning, which makes people really fall into some kind of psychedelic at first glance. On the body of the bone horse is a man with a great body.

However, it's a pity that the man's legs are missing. It's just that I sat on an ass directly on it. I didn't find out where the man's legs were!

There is a long blue sword on the waist. Outside the long scabbard, there are many blue marks like spells.

A handsome face with talking grief. Yes, it's that feeling of grief. It's like, when a beloved dies, he can't be himself.

A long blue hair like demon fire, draped over his shoulders. He twisted his neck faintly and looked at Jerry: "To be honest, I'm really a little disappointed in you! In those years, you had such strength. Unexpectedly, it is still such a strength now. It seems that it has fallen a little bit! Hey... I feel ashamed for you!"

Although the man spoke like this, Jerry was as if he had seen the sacred figure. The whole body began to tremble.

He sat on the huge seat and said with a trill, "Blue...Blue Devil? How could you appear here?"

As soon as the Blue Devil exited, it immediately made Kerry and Gree tremble with surprise. With very frightened eyes, he looked at the tall and heroic man.

The throat seems to be blocked there after being stimulated by something. I can't speak at all!

Blue Devil Oslank, the original Blue Devil's territory was named because of him. At that time, the game when the imperial capital was divided also made Jerry clearly remember the horror of this man.

Even after a hundred years have passed, Jerry still remembers it in his heart. I dare not forget anything at all!

At that time, the prince ascended the throne. I want to hold a sealing ceremony for all the lords and ministers. And it was this guy who defeated all the masters with a sword alone!

Even those old lords, many of them died under his sword. It seems that it has broken through the Demon Emperor. Become a real master of the demon level!

Because the lord of the wind demon territory offended his eldest brother. Therefore, he killed all the masters in the wind demon territory with a single sword. If it hadn't been for the prince's obstruction, there might not have been such a place as the wind demon territory now!

Because of the prince, the identity of the lord was eventually removed. Instead, his generous eldest brother is the lord.

However, I have been to that forbidden place since decades ago. Although, he finally came back alive in the deepest part. However, the whole leg was directly cut off!

From beginning to end, no one knows what the specific situation is going on! Of course, Jerry doesn't know who ruined such a powerful figure!

But at this time, Jerry trembled from the bottom of his heart. My legs have been abolished, and my strength has declined greatly! However, I haven't seen it for decades, and I didn't expect that Oslank gave him a feeling at this time. He is stronger than he back then. More arrogant. The realm that makes people unable to breathe...