My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 20 The Controller of the Dark Moon City

"Although I am not a core disciple, there is always some gossip. Do you know why the fire demon family appears? It's not a reward for the fire demon, but... a group of masters besieged a fire demon. Then, he drank his blood and finally became the blood of the fire demon! Moreover, in the fire town, there is a magic array set up by the fire demon to avoid the gods who chased him, and ordinary people can't even enter. Now, do you still want to try it?"

Crant sighed and could see it from his current expression without Lin Peng's answer. In his eyes, he was more interested.

is more like encountering some challenge, and I want to try my strength.

"I have to admire you for having such courage. Well, of course, because of such courage, you will always exceed your strength faster than others! However, I still want to remind you. Now... those seem to be a little wrong!"

Korante laughed and said lightly.

Of course, Lin Peng also knows who they are. Of course, the three guys stationed in this dark moon city were the three guys they took in that year.

Dicken, Vannie, Kesya!

Speaking of which, except for the Fannie the other, it seems that Deacon and Xer are real soldiers. On the contrary, Fannie seems to have some dog-headed military division!

In particular, it is not very smart. But he always pretends to be smart and wise! Sometimes, Lin Peng even thinks that this guy is just an arrogant demon!

After slightly biting his head and saying goodbye to Corant, he flew rapidly in the direction of Dark Moon City. Corant shook his head helplessly. Now he is already a master of the demon emperor!

However, it seems that the footsteps of the master can never keep up. Master, you should have the power of magic...

In the Dark Moon City, in the lord's mansion. As a duke, he can already call his mansion a palace. However, in the eyes of ordinary lords, this palace is just an ordinary mansion.

Moreover, it is a very long mansion.

Today, Van Nisner took Dicken and Kea to the underground cellar of the palace. It is said that Fanny has something important to announce.

As a result, I have come to the bottom three floors, but I still didn't say anything. In the quiet wine cellar, Deacon frowned.

turned his eyes to his side and continued to follow Keya. After hesitating for a moment, he still frowned and asked, "Fanny, you should be able to say what you want to see now, right?"

Fanny, who led the way in front of him, was stunned for a moment and then stopped. Slowly turned his head, and under the light of a flame in his hand, he looked a little thin and shrugged slightly: "What do you think of Lin Peng?"

Xya did not hesitate at all and said directly, "Yes, a very good guy. Now, in the Red Devil's territory, it seems to have been transformed into his. Especially Skar, he often reports to us, doesn't he?

After saying that, he grabbed his head and laughed.

After thinking for a moment, Deacon also nodded his head, as if he agreed with Keya's idea. However, Van Nisma groaned coldly: "He is just a person who is slightly stronger than us, but because he got those potions, he suddenly increased his strength relatively quickly. Moreover, with the care of the Duke! But... I'm still a little unconvinced. After all, we are really masters of the Red Devil Territory. Moreover, he is still the real general of the Red Devils' territory. Now, do you really want to turn to a guy who doesn't know his origin?

Lin Peng, who had been hiding in the dark, twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth. Unexpectedly, he said that his strength only grew by medicine. Unexpectedly, he said that he was a little white face and grew up with Shia!

Go... Why don't you say that you are my dog?

Lin Peng was still quite angry when he heard such news. There was an impulse to rush out and slap this guy to death. After taking a deep breath, I still want to listen to it.

Look at what the other two will say!

Deacon and Keya looked at each other and suddenly looked at Fannie the favor seriously. In particular, Keya suddenly stepped forward, with a murderous look in his cold eyes: "I thought, what's going on with you recently? It turned out that there was a strange heart. Ha ha... Even if Lin Peng is like this, so what? As long as it can help us, pull Jerry off the horse. Even if I am allowed to be his dog, I will! I think you want to swallow the artifact here alone, right?

"Lord Lin Peng asked me to look for an artifact in order to revitalize the dark family. And really, we are just a subordinate race of the dark clan. What the hell do you want to do now?

Diken also took a step forward without showing weakness, and the momentum also increased in an instant.

All three of them are masters of the demon emperor, especially Fanny, because of Lin Peng's potion. What's more, there is a faint degree that he is about to break through and become a demon emperor-level master.

So, relative to the strength of the two demons. He is stronger, especially in such an underground wine cellar. It can be said that the assassin is equivalent to doubling his strength in such a geographical environment!

Fannie shrugged his shoulders and began to laugh. Gradually, he laughed directly. Two dark figures suddenly appeared behind him.

Stand directly in front of Van Nisma. These two figures are all demon emperor-level masters. Moreover, he is dressed in a dark cloak and a cloak.

It looks like a ghost in the dark!

"How dare you collude with outsiders?" Keya's temper was relatively big, and he suddenly drank it out. On the temple, the blue veins pop up directly.

It seems that he is really angry!

"You two idiots really want to be his dog! Ha ha, to be honest, I'm not talking about you. In this dark moon city, in fact, it has been completely changed by me for a long time! Moreover, even the hiding place of this artifact has been mastered by me! It's under here, that is, the deepest part of the so-called palace. Of course, it's time for you to give your lives to open this door!"

After saying that, Fannie suddenly burst into laughter. On his body, the two demon emperor-level masters suddenly rushed out and tried to kill Dicken and Keya in an instant.

The speed is so fast that Keya and Deacon can't react. Originally, the two of them were not good at speed. Moreover, the other party is a demon emperor-level master!

A dagger with a faint dark breath has even appeared between the foreheads of the two. As long as you move forward a little bit, you can pierce their skin.

However, no matter how hard the two demon emperor-level masters are, there is no way to exert any strength. The wrist seems to be directly locked by an extremely powerful force.

Suddenly, a powerful breath appeared that made the two demon emperor-level masters sweat. Immediately, a heat wave swept in!

Suddenly, the two demon emperor-level masters didn't know what was going on. Suddenly it burned, and suddenly, the whole body turned into a pile of flying ash!

Fannie's laughter stopped abruptly and looked at the man in front of him who was slightly shorter than himself, but looked so tall.

Lin Peng slowly turned around and smiled at Dicken and Keya: "You, with your loyalty, I feel real strength. Hahaha... Unexpectedly, as a demon, I still have a good popularity!"

I stepped forward and slapped them on the shoulder, revealing a look that I trust you. Suddenly, Deacon and Keya also reacted.

Both of them saluted Lin Peng and whispered, "Your Excellency, this is our business, and we should do it! It's just... Maybe Fanny is also fascinated by these people!"

Unexpectedly, he pleaded for his former companions, which made Lin Peng look at him again. The corners of his mouth raised slightly and turned around. After carefully looking at it, the stunned Van Nisham came!

Fannie swallowed a mouthful of water and suddenly shouted, "You can't kill me. You know, the whole dark moon city outside has been controlled by me. Maybe, if I don't go out, there is a danger of slaughtering the city!"

That tone is like threatening Lin Peng. It's just that there is a cold sweat on my forehead. Like, salvaged from the water.

Lin Peng sighed gently, shook his head helplessly, and smiled, "It won't be controlled by you. The current Dark Moon City should be controlled by me!"

Two sounds appeared outside the wine cellar. After a boom, a wall directly turned into flying ash. Gradually, two figures came out.

First, he took a look at Lin Peng, and immediately looked at Fannie. He smiled and said, "Lin Peng, this boy is bold enough! Just a top-level demon emperor, he actually wants to control the whole Dark Moon City. This time, you really came to the right time! Unexpectedly, many people from that organization were caught by us again!"

"Oh? Is it possible that the person of that organization really wants this dark sword? Lin Peng asked strangely. As the existence of that organization, it should not be interested in the artifacts of the dark clan!

The two people came, of course, Li De and Nine-tailed Fox. Li De shook his head and said depressedly, "It's just a few small fish, a bronze warrior's demon, with a few small fish to catch something!" As a result, we solved it all. However, I found out the specific location of the artifact!"

PS: Today and tomorrow may be the same chapter. Recently, I'm going on a business trip soon, so the time is tight!