My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 26 Legion of Death

When all the demons were surprised by the powerful magic array of the fire town, Kula sneered: "Do you think it may be what they did?"

The tall and thin man of the blood angel smiled coldly and said, "Do you think they are so capable? Unless you have obtained the power of God's realm. Otherwise, there is no fluctuation at all. If you can do this, I will cut off my head and give it to them!"

The two of them are very clear and have a relative understanding of how strong Huozhen has. However, it is impossible to have such a magic array.

At the same time, the other side of all the crowd. A short and fat man asked the gloomy man next to him, "It seems that this is the power of God's domain, right?"

This shady man is not tall. However, it looks very thin. A pair of eyes, like appearing from the ice cellar.

Moreover, the eye bags under the eyes are extremely deep. It's like, I haven't slept at all since I was born!

The fat man looks similar to an ordinary man, and even more honest. However, if I really knew the identity of the two, I wouldn't think so.

These two people are masters in the organization. They are the third and fourth respectively! That is to say, he is the most core figure.

And, they have all reached the divine level. Perhaps, other people will say that there are also many gods present. However, these two people are definitely strong in the divine level!

Yes, it has reached a high level of divine cultivation!

Even if it is placed in all gods, it is a different existence! At the moment when the road appeared, everyone at this time also began to be ready to move.

Among them, people from the Shadow Empire are the most excited. It's like getting the artifact soon.

Before everyone moved, four elders in the fire town suddenly appeared in the road. They all looked relieved, and the elder said with a smile, "Guys, since you are all here to take risks, then please!"

I stretched out my hand and bent down and made a gesture of invitation. Really, there is a gentleman like the friendship of a landlord.

Almost all the masters of some forces are disdainful. We all know that this fire town can't have such a powerful power! However, they are also walking on this road one after another!

In the distance, among the high peaks. It is as hot as a flame mountain, with the heat of evaporating the sweat on the human body. However, Lin Peng didn't feel it at all.

Also, it looks particularly comfortable.

staring quietly below, like a road to hell, Lin Peng smiled coldly: "This time, there are many masters!"

Around him, Lao Long Capus nodded his head slightly, as if he had agreed with this view. At least, there are many masters above their own strength.

At this time, Lin Peng came here with Laolong Capus, Nine-tailed Fox and Shia. It's just three people, plus the fastest way to escape, that is, four people.

However, in this situation, it is enough that there are not many people. Those masters alone, even those on their own side, may not be able to deal with it!

What's more, the nine-tailed fox is the lowest god master of peak strength. But those real masters haven't come out yet! In case those masters come out, they are not the most powerful on their own side!

So, Lin Peng is just going to follow these people now. Instead, you can go straight there by yourself.

In the road, there are already many masters walking in the direction of the forbidden land. In the quiet road, it also became very lively at this time.

Lin Peng shook his hand and shouted, "Let's go, let's follow the woods!"

A few throngs were extremely fast, and they rushed towards the maple forest on both sides of the road. Those masters didn't really notice.

Maybe it's a day. Maybe it's a day and a night! Anyway, the more you walk into this road, the darker you will feel.

is even more, with a cold breath. I couldn't help trembling directly. What's more, with a lot of palpitations.

Because I always feel that the blowing wind carries a chill coming out of hell. Moreover, this maple forest is no longer that kind of red in this area.

And, with gray colors. For example, this maple leaf is originally this color.

And, even this land with some red. At this time, it also became gray! Looking into the forest from afar, you can see many cemetery-like tombstones.

Just now, when a master wanted to wipe a tombstone, a faint fire appeared and burned him directly. All the masters trembled in their hearts.

Even a god-level master has never encountered such a flame. Obviously, a flame that doesn't seem to have any heat can be burned into ashes.

However, after thinking about it, I was relieved. After all, it has begun to get close to the forbidden area. If it's really easy to enter, it won't be forbidden.

But the real place where you can enter at will!

moved forward slowly for only a quarter of an hour. At this time, the four elders of Huozhen retreated back. It seems that I know what is going to happen soon.

However, at this time, waves of ghost wind blew. In the whirling sound, there was a ghost-like sound.

Especially the master walking in front of you, you can hear it clearly.

And once the ghost wind blows, there is still a faint howling sound. The tip pierced his ear, as if he had punched him directly in his heart.

The sound of dongdong appeared, and all the masters did not dare to move. My heart was furry, one by one, and I couldn't take my eyes off the distance.

I saw that countless clouds began to gather slowly. A series of roars are more like a battlefield. No... The region at this time is a battlefield.

Many masters began to whisper. One by one, divided into groups of camps. The last four elders smiled coldly.

The four people looked at each other with a strange smile. They have broken here in those years, and they also know that this is the place where the dead army really appeared!

is also here, so that they can't take a step forward at all. Finally, there was a master with the same strength as a middle god. With just one move, they all got down.

If that guy hadn't let himself go, maybe the four of them would have gone now.

The dense clouds gathered, and a trace of fire also shone slightly on the cemetery in the maple forest. A little bit, like the stars in the sky.

Unfortunately, this is not the time for stars. There are no stars in the sky here. Even if there is no shining light.


A roar appeared, and the gathered clouds suddenly seemed to have been bounced away. The camp of countless soldiers was revealed.

Pieces of black pressure made people's hearts suddenly shake.

Black armor with some luster, one by one, with daggers and round shields in their hands. If you don't look carefully, you will think it is an extremely disciplined and powerful army.

However, if you look carefully, you can find it clearly. Unexpectedly, they are all death corps! None of them are living demons.

Some faces even have a lot of white bones. Even meat, not at all. Some knights sit on bone horses. The bone size of the bone horse is also extremely huge.

It's like some kind of war machine. There are bursts of dark light coming from the underworld!

At this time, all the masters took a step back. From the breath alone, you can clearly feel these death armies.

Even the lowest strength is the strength of bronze warriors. Moreover, the camps are clearly divided. There is a camp for bronze warriors, a camp for silver warriors, and a camp for gold warriors.

It seems that such a battle... can't be fought at all?

Almost all people think so. Some even want to retreat directly to the back. The other party has 30,000 to 40,000 people!

And they are all dead legions.

And on his side, although his strength is certain, he may be a little stronger than them. However, after all, the number of people is still a little small. It's the top, that is, 20,000 people.

In the forest, Lin Peng's eyes at this time are also a little bad! Among them, there was some hesitation. I don't know whether to dodge directly or rush in directly.

"The Death Legion can be so powerful. Could it be those soldiers during the ancient war of gods and demons? Old Dragon Caps also looked shocked before.

However, after thinking about it carefully, I think this is the most reasonable! Of course, Lin Peng also thinks so, otherwise, how can so many demon-level masters appear at once!

You know, even if Gailien cultivates a demon-level undead creature, it is rare to be promoted!